Excel Worksheet for Tracking Points?


Jul 30, 2000
Hi....I know this question has been asked before, but since the 'search' function is disabled, I thought you might all tolerate it.....I remember seeing a reference to an Excel worksheet that somebody created to track their DVC points. Can someone tell me how I could get a copy?

Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. These servers must be running real slow as it took almost 5 minutes for the reply screen to appear.

I don't have a Excel worksheet for you. BUT, a member of these boards has written a proprietary program especialy for us, and it is free of charge. The website is:


Just download it, save it, install it, and then put in all of your contract information. It works for both planning and tracking all of your points, including multiple contracts. Good luck and have fun !!
When our family first joined DVC in 1995, I found an Excel Spreadsheet on the internet that made it extremely easy to not only keep track of the points used from year to year, but also experiment with the numbers to see how may points it would take for the perfect vacation. I have been using the spreadsheet ever since.

I've tried all the other "programs" that various people have put together with the fancy pictures and great graphics. Yet, I kept coming back to the Excel spreadsheet.

Unfortunately, I've lost the website I pulled it from. The person who developed the spreadsheet was Bill Abrams. I would prefer not to give his name and instead give you a web address, but I don't have it.

If anyone knows where I can contact Bill, please let me know. I'd love to see if he has an updated version of the spreadsheet.
Thanks for the replies....I did download the point manager, and it seems like it will work well. I'd be interested in seeing the Excel spreadsheet too if anybody has a copy of that.
Maybe someone can help me......I downloaded the newest feature of the DVC Manager. You can now move the columns around which is great. I click SAVE but it still reverts back to the original columns. Is it suppose to? Thanks!

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