Episode MMXIV: We Don't Say Goodbye, We Say Kwahirini (updated 2/28)

Your trip to see your family sounds wonderful! December sounds like a great time to visit and I bet Seaworld will be amazing. Are all the Seaworlds pretty similar as far as attractions and park layout. I really have NO idea!

Congrats on purchasing your flight and happy planning! :thumbsup2
Wow, what an incredible character interaction with Snow!!! :goodvibes

So happy to hear that you'll get to see your family soon!!! I completely understand having family far away - though I have other family members close by, my youngest sister lives in England and she just went back after about 3 weeks back in the states... :sad1: So I'll have to start planning another Disney trip to combat the sadness I guess. ;)

Looking forward to reading more!!!
I've been behind and I just caught up!!!

Where to start.... :faint:

I'm sorry but i have to go out of order of your posts because I AM SO EXCITED. You can't even begin to imagine how much I smiled when I read you'd be flying into Austin. Can we meet? Even just for coffee or something? I'd totally drive out to the airport to hang out with you for a bit. Really. If the timing worked I'd even give you a ride to San Antonio! Wow. I just....

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Anyway - on to the princess visit. I cried. In a good way. This is what you and I have in common - we love visiting with princesses! Your report actually makes me very eager for a solo (or maybe girlfriend???) trip because I loved the interaction with the princesses but now that I look back I kept deferring to my kids who were not...you know....TALKING to the princesses much.

So - anyway - hurry on down here to Texas! You actually would not BELIEVE how cool it is here today. We are having the weirdest summer. It feels totally like fall. Hopefully December will be nice! (And the riverwalk in December is my favorite thing in the world...)

Hurry hurry hurry down and let me know if I can drive somewhere to meet you in person! :)
I know I'm joining this trip report a little late but didn't want to post until I was all caught up with it. I love this TR. Solo trips are always intriguing to me because I totally think I could do one some day when my DD is older and leaves the nest. I had a little solo time at HS back in January when my DM and DD went back to CSR to rest. It was a lot of fun! I rode Rockin Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Star Tours, watched Muppetvision, and even did a little shopping! It never felt weird at all. I even found myself talking to more people than I would have had DM and DD been with me because I would have been focusing on them :)
Ooh, your first time on TSMM! I do think it's a lot of fun. And I think one of the things that makes it so popular is that it's really a lot of fun for all ages. Disney did a great job with it!

New Fantasyland is so beautiful! I'm sorry you didn't get to the baseball game, I'm sure that would've been cool, but spending a day in MK certainly isn't bad either ;)

Oh my goodness, what an amazing interaction you got with the princesses. I have to admit that when you talked about what Snow White said about Doc healing you, I got a little tear in my eye! What a sweet moment!

I hope you have a great time in Texas! I bet Sea World will be awesome to see, I also loved the pics in Rob's TR. And hopefully you can get another Disney trip in!!
Hooray for your trip to see your family! Great price on the flights, and December sounds like a really good idea. Great use of the Olaf gif btw. :thumbsup2
Wow! What a heart touching time you had with the princesses at Fairytale Hall!!

Cool, I new trip to plan! Sea World at Christmas is great! I hope you enjoy your family time and don't melt too much.

We got JJ a cooling vest and he really likes it. It's helped a lot.

It was wonderful!!

Yeah, my family still doesn't understand why I'm actually "making plans" for this trip. They're so silly!

A cooling vest sounds kind of awesome!

Hope you have a great time! December in Texas is really an awesome time to go and I say that as someone who lived in Houston for three years. One Christmas, it was so nice with the perfect temperature that we fired up our grill in the backyard and did a cook out. On Christmas!

Anyway, San Antonio is a lovely city and I'm sure you'll have lots of fun!

It's definitely a nice place to visit. Occasionally. Haha. But it will be lots of fun for sure!!! And I haven't seen the majority of my family since October 2012.

Aw, Snow White was my daughter's first favorite princess so she will always hold a special place in my heart - even moreso now. I *may* have teared up a bit reading your update.

Happy for you that you made plans to see your family that you are happy with. And flights for the same price as parking are always good ;)

I love the river walk area of San Antonio - and good call fitting in a trip to Sea World - especially at Christmas time.

It's funny because I love the classic Princesses, but this trip I was all about the new stuff. And it wound up being the original one who had the biggest impact!

I'm very excited!!!!

Oh wow, that is a ridiculously good price. I think it costs me that just to drive to the airport. Well, maybe not, but it feels like it.

YAY SeaWorld!!!!!! If San Antonio does even close to Orlando for Christmas, it'll be a fabulous time!

I was stunned at the price! My dad didn't believe me when I told him about it. LOL.

I know... I'm really excited for Sea World!!!

Yay for Texas! My DBF has a cousin there and we keep saying we would like to go one day. Want to find that place with the 3lb cinnamon roll!! nomnomnom!

I completely understand your hesitations though! Atleast you were able to compromise and get SUCH a great flight deal! (The more you save now, the more you have for the next Disney trip! Muahahah!)

I like the way you think ;) And this was definitely the best compromise!!

3-pound cinnamon roll?! That sounds delicious! Hehe.

Your trip to see your family sounds wonderful! December sounds like a great time to visit and I bet Seaworld will be amazing. Are all the Seaworlds pretty similar as far as attractions and park layout. I really have NO idea!

Congrats on purchasing your flight and happy planning! :thumbsup2

Thanks!!! Based on their websites, I would say that they're all similar. Looks like the main difference is that the San Antonio one isn't open daily year-round... which has to be based on SA being less of a tourist destination than Orlando, because the weather can't possibly be the reason.

Wow, what an incredible character interaction with Snow!!! :goodvibes

So happy to hear that you'll get to see your family soon!!! I completely understand having family far away - though I have other family members close by, my youngest sister lives in England and she just went back after about 3 weeks back in the states... :sad1: So I'll have to start planning another Disney trip to combat the sadness I guess. ;)

Looking forward to reading more!!!

Snow was sooo wonderful!! It makes me happy to keep thinking about it!

It is SO hard!!! ((hugs)) My brother lived in England for a while too... but that was after he had already been gone from home for quite a while. You definitely need a Disney trip!

I've been behind and I just caught up!!!

Where to start.... :faint:

I'm sorry but i have to go out of order of your posts because I AM SO EXCITED. You can't even begin to imagine how much I smiled when I read you'd be flying into Austin. Can we meet? Even just for coffee or something? I'd totally drive out to the airport to hang out with you for a bit. Really. If the timing worked I'd even give you a ride to San Antonio! Wow. I just....

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Anyway - on to the princess visit. I cried. In a good way. This is what you and I have in common - we love visiting with princesses! Your report actually makes me very eager for a solo (or maybe girlfriend???) trip because I loved the interaction with the princesses but now that I look back I kept deferring to my kids who were not...you know....TALKING to the princesses much.

So - anyway - hurry on down here to Texas! You actually would not BELIEVE how cool it is here today. We are having the weirdest summer. It feels totally like fall. Hopefully December will be nice! (And the riverwalk in December is my favorite thing in the world...)

Hurry hurry hurry down and let me know if I can drive somewhere to meet you in person! :)

We will figure something out for sure! :goodvibes

I know the weather has been a little weird there lately. The first time I went to the Riverwalk was in December but we didn't stay too long. I went last time, too, but I anticipate it being really cool in December! Can't wait to take pictures!

If you get the opportunity to do the solo trip... DO IT!!!! It's a completely different experience and I love it!!!

I know I'm joining this trip report a little late but didn't want to post until I was all caught up with it. I love this TR. Solo trips are always intriguing to me because I totally think I could do one some day when my DD is older and leaves the nest. I had a little solo time at HS back in January when my DM and DD went back to CSR to rest. It was a lot of fun! I rode Rockin Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Star Tours, watched Muppetvision, and even did a little shopping! It never felt weird at all. I even found myself talking to more people than I would have had DM and DD been with me because I would have been focusing on them :)

Welcome to the party!!!!

I love going by myself!! My non-Disney-obsessed friends all think it's so weird... they always ask me why I couldn't find someone to go with me. Ummm.... I didn't ask! Haha.

Glad you had fun with your solo time!!!

Ooh, your first time on TSMM! I do think it's a lot of fun. And I think one of the things that makes it so popular is that it's really a lot of fun for all ages. Disney did a great job with it!

New Fantasyland is so beautiful! I'm sorry you didn't get to the baseball game, I'm sure that would've been cool, but spending a day in MK certainly isn't bad either ;)

Oh my goodness, what an amazing interaction you got with the princesses. I have to admit that when you talked about what Snow White said about Doc healing you, I got a little tear in my eye! What a sweet moment!

I hope you have a great time in Texas! I bet Sea World will be awesome to see, I also loved the pics in Rob's TR. And hopefully you can get another Disney trip in!!

I think you're right about the reason why TSMM is so popular!

I definitely made the right decision skipping the game! It would have been fun to go to my first Spring Training game because I'm such a fan, but everything considered staying in MK was the best choice!

It was a very sweet moment and the kind of thing that keeps me going back! To be able to make people feel that happy has got to be the most amazing feeling in the world.

Very excited for my trip! The "being there" part anyway. I could do without the "getting there". Haha. Very excited for Sea World most of all! Aside from just being with my family, of course!

Hooray for your trip to see your family! Great price on the flights, and December sounds like a really good idea. Great use of the Olaf gif btw. :thumbsup2

Thanks!!!! If I can't find one, I plan on having a shirt made that has Olaf on it and the "some people are worth melting for" line next to him to wear while I'm there!
Day Four, Part Three

Wow. I am officially a slacker. I'm very behind in reading everyone's reports and in updating my own. Partly that's because I don't want this trip (which has been over for five plus months already) to end again. And partly because I've actually been DOING stuff! That never happens!!!

And, I'm happy to report, Rapunzel's lantern lighting and Doc's expert touch seem to have done the trick!!! I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday and the MRI results haven't changed, all my enzyme levels that had been thrown out of whack with the previous medication are back to normal and my new medication is NOT causing any problems!

And... because of all THAT... I am DONE with the steroid infusions!!!!! No more monthly stabbings!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2:

One of my friends got me a cake at work that actually said "Woohoo! No More Stabbings!" Apparently, the decorator lady at the grocery store was a little taken aback. :rotfl2:

Now... who wants more Magic Kingdom????

After my incredible M&G with Punzy and Snow I was hungry!!! And I knew exactly what I wanted. But first, a little picture:


I adore Cinderella. Her love of animals, her gentleness, her attitude in the face of adversity. I tried fitting in an M&G, but since I had already met her previously it wasn't a top priority.

However, I do follow a friend of Cindy's on Instagram. She posted a picture the other day of her manicure and it was this pretty blue color that matched Cinderella's dress perfectly. Naturally, I now own this same color of nail polish. I am a marketer's dream, my friends!

And now, without further ado.... breakfast!

This was so yummy!!!! I couldn't eat it all, because that waffle is ginormous! But I was a very good girl and ate all the fruit!

And some of Cinderella's friends came and hung out with me while I was eating:


And, this just turned into the shortest update ever because I was just invited to go hang out with friends and I have to be there at 10am. What is this craziness??? Hahaha.

Happy weekend!! And Happy NFL Hall of Fame Weekend!!!!
I know I have already "liked" the status of Facebook, but congrats again on no more stabbings!


you did a great job getting the Cinderella statute at an angle so it looks like she is wearing the crown!

That waffle looks really good - we wanted to get one of those last trip but apparently the stop selling them t 4 or 5pm which we didn't realize
You guys ROCK!!! pixiedust: I was seriously starting to question myself! Haha. I am encouraged by a poll that was done earlier today and over half the people who voted said that the magic is still alive and well. Having a bad time was simply not an option for me, so unless I actually got sick (which I *was* worried about) I just knew this trip would be magical.

So yeah, I would agree that part of the responsibility lies within us... and I also agree that is true with everything. When I love something, I love it all the way. And before I left I posted on Facebook that I hoped everyone had something in their lives that made them as giddy and excited as my trip was making me. Life is HARD sometimes. Finding the stuff that makes us happy is so important.


I am just now getting into your TR and starting with day one. So, some of my comments might be different than the current topics here. I just had to post to say I 100 percent agree with your statement that everyone needs to find something that makes them giddy in life.

Like you, WDW is that place for me. Unfortunately, I only get to go every four years or so. I guess we have that in common too. I was there in Feb too. I was there Feb 9 -16. I have yet to start a trip report but think I might go ahead and do so as a way to relive the trip and as a form of stress relief!! Tee here
So glad to hear you're all done with the stabbings Sue. Although I would have liked have been there when they got the cake.

My goodness that waffle is popular.

And what a nice segue from Cinderella to her lovely animal friends. :goodvibes
Yay! No more stabbings! :yay::yay::yay:

Great pic on the fountain! I love seeing it. I'm planning an extensive photo shoot on my trip! lol

Mmmm!! waffle looks so good! Have been planning on getting the sweet and spicy chicken but may need to get both now! :scratchin
Many, many congrats on not having to do the steroid infusions anymore. I am so glad for you to be DONE with that. Yay no more stabbings!!

I had to laugh at the fact you bought the blue nail polish. I, too, am a marketer's dream. :laughing:
I saw your fantastic news on Facebook, but YAY again for no more stabbings!!! I loved the cake. I can just imagine what was going through the baker's mind...

Breakfast looks so good. I have to try one of those some time, but only if there's someone who will share with me. They look so big!

^^ That is awesome!
Congrats on being done with the shots.

Nice pic of Cindy. Who is her friend you follow. Just curious if it's my friend.

That waffle looks so good. If I wasn't allergic to tree nuts I'd try it!
Oh, Sue, I'm SO happy to hear about that!!! :goodvibes Wow, what a cake that must have been! :thumbsup2

Oh my goodness, that waffle extravaganza looks AMAZING! Totally up my alley... the baffling part is that I've never had one! :confused3 Must correct that on my next trip! ;)
Congrats on the no more stabbings!! Haha I love that your friend got you a cake with that!

And that nutella waffle sandwich is so good - I had it for lunch one day in MK ;)
I know I have already "liked" the status of Facebook, but congrats again on no more stabbings!


you did a great job getting the Cinderella statute at an angle so it looks like she is wearing the crown!

That waffle looks really good - we wanted to get one of those last trip but apparently the stop selling them t 4 or 5pm which we didn't realize

Thanks!! And thank you soooo much for the button!!!! :)

I was very happy with the way Cindy's picture turned out!

The waffle was yummy. Boo to them stopping early, though.

I am just now getting into your TR and starting with day one. So, some of my comments might be different than the current topics here. I just had to post to say I 100 percent agree with your statement that everyone needs to find something that makes them giddy in life.

Like you, WDW is that place for me. Unfortunately, I only get to go every four years or so. I guess we have that in common too. I was there in Feb too. I was there Feb 9 -16. I have yet to start a trip report but think I might go ahead and do so as a way to relive the trip and as a form of stress relief!! Tee here

Welcome to the party!!!! My trips tend to stretch out every four or five years as well. In some ways, I think it makes me enjoy it more!!!

Definitely do a trip report! It's so much fun!!

So glad to hear you're all done with the stabbings Sue. Although I would have liked have been there when they got the cake.

My goodness that waffle is popular.

And what a nice segue from Cinderella to her lovely animal friends. :goodvibes

Thanks a bunch! And I know... I would have loved to have seen her expression! Hahahah.

Gotta sneak in the animal pics when I can... they just make me smile!

Yay! No more stabbings! :yay::yay::yay:

Great pic on the fountain! I love seeing it. I'm planning an extensive photo shoot on my trip! lol

Mmmm!! waffle looks so good! Have been planning on getting the sweet and spicy chicken but may need to get both now! :scratchin

Thank you!!!!!! I have never felt so relieved in my life!

I actually had a list of things I wanted to take pictures of!! It was fun!!

Sweet and spicy chicken waffle sounds incredible!! I like a little kick!!

Many, many congrats on not having to do the steroid infusions anymore. I am so glad for you to be DONE with that. Yay no more stabbings!!

I had to laugh at the fact you bought the blue nail polish. I, too, am a marketer's dream. :laughing:

Thank you much!!!

Glad it's not just me!

I saw your fantastic news on Facebook, but YAY again for no more stabbings!!! I loved the cake. I can just imagine what was going through the baker's mind...

Breakfast looks so good. I have to try one of those some time, but only if there's someone who will share with me. They look so big!

^^ That is awesome!

Thank you!!!! The cake made a happy day simply perfect! My coworkers are the absolute best!!

I did not finish the whole thing... I hate wasting food, and large food portions are a pet peeve of mine. I know people like to think they're getting their money's worth, but being wasteful is bothersome.

Congrats on being done with the shots.

Nice pic of Cindy. Who is her friend you follow. Just curious if it's my friend.

That waffle looks so good. If I wasn't allergic to tree nuts I'd try it!

Thank you!!!!!

Cindy's instagram friend is amber_michelle_chambers. She's seasonal, but posts some pretty fun pics!!

Yuck @ allergies!

Oh, Sue, I'm SO happy to hear about that!!! :goodvibes Wow, what a cake that must have been! :thumbsup2

Oh my goodness, that waffle extravaganza looks AMAZING! Totally up my alley... the baffling part is that I've never had one! :confused3 Must correct that on my next trip! ;)

Thank you, thank you!!!!

Yes, please correct this at once. Haha. They are very yummy!!!

Congrats on the no more stabbings!! Haha I love that your friend got you a cake with that!

And that nutella waffle sandwich is so good - I had it for lunch one day in MK ;)

Thanks so much!!!

Sounds like a perfect lunch!!!!
Oh hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I have not abandoned my trip report, I promise!!! I've just been busy, busy, busy!

We had a small realignment of things at work, and even though I've always loved my current job, it is now even better! I've been working a lot of hours and you know things are good when a 12-hour day is FUN.

Plus, the cooler summer has been an absolute Godsend for me.

I've been doing things.
With people.

It's sooo weird.


I apologize to those who have already seen most of this!

My last update was ended rather abruptly, because as I was typing it out, a friend texted to see if I wanted to go to ChalkFest. And hello! That was wicked fun! A section of a street in downtown Buffalo was closed off and people could buy a portion of the street to make chalk drawings! The theme was Dr Seuss, but you could do whatever you wanted. They also had a huge open area that you could draw in for free. Almost everything was washed away that day because it rained. I wound up quoting Mary Poppins (well, Bert actually) on Facebook but I don't think anyone got it.

They had a professional chalk artist there who created this. In CHALK.



This was my contribution:


On a related note, I just bought tickets to see American Authors on November 3rd and I am SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see... I spent two days at the fair and had a great time!! I have amazing childhood memories of the fair, and I go at least once every year. This year was so much fun I had to go back for more.

On my first day, I managed to feed:
Myself ;)
Monarch butterflies
A donkey
and... wait for it....

A Bengal tiger!!!!

So ridiculously cool!!!

I spent an obnoxious of time in the animal barns, making lots of new friends!

Ummm... what else?

I saw Frozen on the big board at the ballpark! That was SO cool, because everyone sang along to the songs!

Also saw "Guardians of the Galaxy" and fell in love with Groot.

I got emotional watching the baseball AND the football Hall of Fame inductions. The football one was a pretty intense thing for us here in good old Western New York!

Went out for dinner several times.

I took the ALS ice bucket challenge, and obviously threw a little bit of Disney into it! Here I am, after dumping ice water over my head!


I originally thought this was a silly idea, but after reading/watching so many videos from people affected by this horrific disease I totally got it. Of course, I've read other reports where people weren't participating for various reason and that's okay too. But it totally got to me. Partly because it was a year ago right now that I was in the hospital myself. Hard to believe! But wow... what an awful illness. And I know more about it now, and it's raised a ton of money, and most importantly (from my perspective at least) it's showing support for those who are dealing with it.

Anyway... last night I went to see Daughtry and my hometown Buffalo boys, the Goo Goo Dolls in concert! That was pretty spectacular. My throat hurts and my ears are ringing! Buffalo loves the Goos. And it's very, very clear that the Goos love Buffalo. In fact, John Rzeznik made it pretty clear last night.

Tonight, I'm going to dinner AGAIN and to the last Bisons baseball game of the season with a bunch of work peeps.

And tomorrow is my fantasy football draft! (And, apologies to anyone who likes the New England Patriots (or more specifically, Tom Brady)... my team name wins! Revis and Butthead. *giggle*)


I think I need a nap ;)

I'm probably going to catch up on everyone else's reports before I make another update to mine, because I know I've missed a lot!!!!

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!
Wow! I've seen it all on Facebook sure, but when you put it all down in one post like that it's clear to see you're having a heck of a summer. Awesome!
I loved the pictures of the chalk drawings, some seriously amazing stuff.

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