Double, Double, Toil & Trouble: a Halloween-inspired trip of “two’s” – an October 2016 TR

oh my goodness! The size of that burger wasn't really apparent until the pic of Steve holding HALF of it!! And I think your entree could have fed my family of 5!!
It's probably a good thing I catch up on your TR while I eat lunch or else I'd be dreaming of food all day :rotfl2:
What a great night. The food looked so good. I'll have to remember that name as we don't have that restaurant in my area.

The last night of vacation is always sad. I'm glad you got the hot tub to yourselves and could remissness about your trip.
We missed the dolphin nursery in Feb. It was closed for the refurb. We really missed it and wondered where the dolphins ended up.

We ate at Hash House about a year ago. We ordered each kid a pancake meal from the kids menu. It was so big. If we go again they will share one!
R came home from the butcher with a GIANT $70 brisket today. All I can say is that thing better turn out heavenly!!
My capris were the Mia Buttlifter capris from Mark's Work Warehouse. Absolutely the BEST denim capris that I've ever owned ::yes::. So far, I haven't been able to find them on the website for this season, but it might just be a shade too early. I can assure you that if they make a return for 2017, I will be buying a pair in every colour that they offer. They fit perfectly and are SO comfy!!

I thought you'd gotten them somewhere in Canada. A Google search of the capris name and it seems that also must be a Canadian thing or they are sold under a different name down here. Oh well. I'll keep the store in mind if I make it up to Canada this summer.
I stumbled across your trip report and loved reading every bit. I anticipated each night returning home from work to see what Gina and Steve were up to next. Thank you!
Looks like a great last day of vacation! It was sweet that Steve insisted you get another pearl - you'll have to share photos of the actual finished necklaces!
1) :rolleyes1:goodvibes :thumbsup2

2) I (obviously read this a few days a go....but life, as you will soon hear about since Sunday is Easter and my presence on the facebook will more than likely reappear, has gotten a little nutty, crazy) meant to post after your post about Discovery Cove. Iwas just at Discovery Cove on Sunday. And my expirence was :cool: and :confused3. It took FOR-EV-ER to check us in.
We stopped for our complimentary photo and I told the photographer that there were 3 households present and his response was "are you doing the dolphin swim later? you can add these to your CD if you buy that, but these aren't free anymore" and I'm pretty sure my face did this: :eek:. I do not like the direction that a Mr. Manby seems to me taking that company sometimes......then.....
We had the gentleman handing wetsuits arguing with me about how a shortie is warmer than a long wetsuit (my very lack of interal blubber on my family, wanted warmth for the 9am dolphin swim time, which they wanted later but weren't allowed to pick) and never-the-less, another kind woman gladly got us the long wet suits they wanted, even after still arguing with the other dude. To say it was a chilly morning, he had a jacket on over his nametag, so even if I wanted to complain, I don't even know what his name was!
And then, at lunch....I apparently completely blew the minds of two different culinary workers by asking for a salad that didn't have cheese on it. The first one let me stand there for 5 plus minutes while she "checked on it" I stood there watching her make more salads. I was there so long, that eventually someone else cmae up and asked if they could help me. She was much more helpful, but still confused as to why I would want a salad without cheese, and that it would be impossible if they weren't currently making them.:confused3 Either way, she got me some cranberries (and no oranges...which is what I wanted) and asked if that would be okay to put on top of the side salad that didn't have cheese on it to begin with. It was awful.

Obviously, we still loved our time there, and it went WAY TOO fast. And the 4 kids loved all of it, but these things left me with a bad taste in my mouth..... :cool:

My main moral to the story is that apparently Discovery Cove no longer gives complimentary photos unless you have paperwork that says they will.

3) Do you have an itinerary yet for your fast approaching trip?!
oh my goodness! The size of that burger wasn't really apparent until the pic of Steve holding HALF of it!! And I think your entree could have fed my family of 5!!
It's probably a good thing I catch up on your TR while I eat lunch or else I'd be dreaming of food all day :rotfl2:

It's funny, because I said the same thing as I was taking pictures....the photos just weren't doing the size of that bad boy justice. That's when I had him cut it and hold it. It just gives a whole different perspective on its massiveness!! Easy to understand why he wasn't interested in any of my left-overs.

What a great night. The food looked so good. I'll have to remember that name as we don't have that restaurant in my area.

The last night of vacation is always sad. I'm glad you got the hot tub to yourselves and could remissness about your trip.

While I had thought that the only two Hash House A Go Go locations were in Las Vegas (the original) and Orlando, it turns out there are several more! Here is where you can find them:

What a perfect day for you both. The portions were huge, you definitely could have shared :goodvibes

I need to start ordering from the kids menu there ::yes::. I'd even guess that those portions might be too large for me to finish!!

We missed the dolphin nursery in Feb. It was closed for the refurb. We really missed it and wondered where the dolphins ended up.

We ate at Hash House about a year ago. We ordered each kid a pancake meal from the kids menu. It was so big. If we go again they will share one!

I have seen that pancake, and OMG! It is larger than half of the kids that order it :rotfl:. It looked mighty good, though. Bet the kids lapped it up (or what they could eat of it, anyway :rotfl2:).

R came home from the butcher with a GIANT $70 brisket today. All I can say is that thing better turn out heavenly!!

I hope your Easter feast turned out as great as you had hoped! But I blame you for my brisket craving this weekend ;). I tried to fulfill it with a meal or two of pulled pork over the course of the weekend, but good as it just wasn't the same.

I thought you'd gotten them somewhere in Canada. A Google search of the capris name and it seems that also must be a Canadian thing or they are sold under a different name down here. Oh well. I'll keep the store in mind if I make it up to Canada this summer.

I checked the Canadian Mark's website, and they're not showing up there yet either (they have the same brand jeans, just not the capris). I sure hope they haven't discontinued them. They are truly the best summer bottoms I've owned in a long, long time.

I stumbled across your trip report and loved reading every bit. I anticipated each night returning home from work to see what Gina and Steve were up to next. Thank you!

Aww, thank you so much! :goodvibes What a kind thing to say. I can't thank all you guys enough for reading along, commenting, and just making these reports so much fun to write. Without you all....well.....I'd have turned off my laptop a long time ago!!

Looks like a great last day of vacation! It was sweet that Steve insisted you get another pearl - you'll have to share photos of the actual finished necklaces!

Not the best picture but this will give you an idea:


Some of my favourite SeaWorld souvenirs!

1) :rolleyes1:goodvibes :thumbsup2

2) I (obviously read this a few days a go....but life, as you will soon hear about since Sunday is Easter and my presence on the facebook will more than likely reappear, has gotten a little nutty, crazy) meant to post after your post about Discovery Cove. Iwas just at Discovery Cove on Sunday. And my expirence was :cool: and :confused3. It took FOR-EV-ER to check us in.
We stopped for our complimentary photo and I told the photographer that there were 3 households present and his response was "are you doing the dolphin swim later? you can add these to your CD if you buy that, but these aren't free anymore" and I'm pretty sure my face did this: :eek:. I do not like the direction that a Mr. Manby seems to me taking that company sometimes......then.....
We had the gentleman handing wetsuits arguing with me about how a shortie is warmer than a long wetsuit (my very lack of interal blubber on my family, wanted warmth for the 9am dolphin swim time, which they wanted later but weren't allowed to pick) and never-the-less, another kind woman gladly got us the long wet suits they wanted, even after still arguing with the other dude. To say it was a chilly morning, he had a jacket on over his nametag, so even if I wanted to complain, I don't even know what his name was!
And then, at lunch....I apparently completely blew the minds of two different culinary workers by asking for a salad that didn't have cheese on it. The first one let me stand there for 5 plus minutes while she "checked on it" I stood there watching her make more salads. I was there so long, that eventually someone else cmae up and asked if they could help me. She was much more helpful, but still confused as to why I would want a salad without cheese, and that it would be impossible if they weren't currently making them.:confused3 Either way, she got me some cranberries (and no oranges...which is what I wanted) and asked if that would be okay to put on top of the side salad that didn't have cheese on it to begin with. It was awful.

Obviously, we still loved our time there, and it went WAY TOO fast. And the 4 kids loved all of it, but these things left me with a bad taste in my mouth..... :cool:

My main moral to the story is that apparently Discovery Cove no longer gives complimentary photos unless you have paperwork that says they will.

3) Do you have an itinerary yet for your fast approaching trip?!

Oh man, I am so sorry your DC visit wasn't the smooth and dreamy experience that it SHOULD have been :(. I am glad that everyone enjoyed themselves despite the challenges, but the fact that there were so many issues and disappointments is truly unacceptable. It makes me sad to think the quality of the experience might be declining :guilty:. I had heard that they discontinued the complimentary family photos.....which just smacks of 'cheapness' to me.....but the other issues are truly unacceptable.

As for our itinerary, there's nothing much set in stone. We plan to visit Fort Wilderness on Sunday night (April 30th) for dinner at Trails End and a wagon ride. Monday, May 1st is our anniversary, and we have reservations at Capones. Other than that, its pretty much all Universal and time at our resort. While I had been hoping to be able to add in a special "different" day (SeaWorld, a water park, a day at Epcot for Flower & Garden) our budget took a huge hit this Easter weekend when our little Dash somehow broke one of his canine teeth half off :sad1:. Good Friday was spent tracking down an emergency vet clinic who could see him (he was in SO much discomfort) which ran us $320 by the time we were finished, and he has emergency surgery on Tuesday to remove the rest of the tooth (estimated to be another $700-900 :scared:). While neither of us thought twice about his care and the associated costs ..... we love that little bum and would do anything to help alleviate his pain .... it certainly nixed any chance of adding anything else to the current plans. Especially when I'm still waiting for customs and immigration to issue my employment authorization card. I need an income!!!

Any chance we'll get the opportunity to say hello somewhere, sometime over that week?
Poor Dash! What good pet parents you are to recgonize his pain, and to not even bat an eye at costs to help him (my parents have two beagles that, based on money on surgeries alone, are together probabaly worth about 40 grand).

As far as scheduling, my schedules (i really hate that its plural) come out on the 21/22 for the first week of may. And i honestly dont know what they will look like, i should be finishing up all my training the week of the 24 at Disney (yup, thats where i am now, at least only part time). Still have Tues/Wed off the regular job. Hopefully we can find some time!
Poor Dash! What good pet parents you are to recgonize his pain, and to not even bat an eye at costs to help him (my parents have two beagles that, based on money on surgeries alone, are together probabaly worth about 40 grand).

As far as scheduling, my schedules (i really hate that its plural) come out on the 21/22 for the first week of may. And i honestly dont know what they will look like, i should be finishing up all my training the week of the 24 at Disney (yup, thats where i am now, at least only part time). Still have Tues/Wed off the regular job. Hopefully we can find some time!

He's one of our babies. We couldn't.....we wouldn't......see little Dash suffer any more than we could watch Jake endure unnecessary pain. I am blessed and grateful that Steve loves that little ball of fluff as much as I do, and he was the first to gather him up on Friday and start driving us from clinic to clinic until we found a vet who could treat him on the holiday. We are just SO unbelievably grateful that the vet was able to pull some strings and get him in for surgery this week rather than waiting until a more local animal hospital could take care of the tooth. I am appalled that there is a wait list here until June. June!! At least Dash should hopefully be all healed up by the time we leave for Orlando. We are also incredibly blessed that he injured himself while we were home, and not while we were on vacation. While we know that little kitten's moods and mannerisms like the back of our hands, the Pet Nanny would likely not have been so intuitive. And let's be honest, that wee baby has needed his momma while he's been feeling so rough. There's very little difference between animals and children in that regard.

So, there's much to be grateful for. As for the cost, it's only money (albeit a lot of it :rolleyes1). Worth every penny to have him happy and healthy again.

We are SUPER flexible when it comes to getting together, so I have complete confidence that we can work around whatever your schedule(s) happen to look like. I will PM you my cell number (its changed since we moved) and that way you can reach us whenever and wherever :thumbsup2. I can't wait to hear all about your new second career! I can hardly keep up to all you youngin's ;).
I love your necklaces! Especially that little manatee - so cute! What nice souvenirs of your trip - a little piece of Orlando you can wear every day. :)
What a relaxing final day of vacation! It's always nice to have a go with the flow day after such a long, busy (albeit fun busy!) two weeks. I love to hear about your Sea World adventures since I haven't been able to get my family on board for a visit there yet :(

I'm so happy that Dash is feeling better with the meds until his surgery. Our fur babies are like our children and I completely understand your urgency to try and take his pain away regardless of the cost/holiday! I'm glad you were able to find somewhere to get him in before June!

I look forward to the start of your December TR. We usually only travel in the fall so I'm interested to see your tricks and pointers for a Christmas Holiday trip! Did you see the announcement for the new Christmas offerings at the WWoHP? I'm such a Harry Potter nerd and I am SO EXCITED to see it all decked out for Christmas this year!
He's one of our babies. We couldn't.....we wouldn't......see little Dash suffer any more than we could watch Jake endure unnecessary pain. I am blessed and grateful that Steve loves that little ball of fluff as much as I do, and he was the first to gather him up on Friday and start driving us from clinic to clinic until we found a vet who could treat him on the holiday. We are just SO unbelievably grateful that the vet was able to pull some strings and get him in for surgery this week rather than waiting until a more local animal hospital could take care of the tooth. I am appalled that there is a wait list here until June. June!! At least Dash should hopefully be all healed up by the time we leave for Orlando. We are also incredibly blessed that he injured himself while we were home, and not while we were on vacation. While we know that little kitten's moods and mannerisms like the back of our hands, the Pet Nanny would likely not have been so intuitive. And let's be honest, that wee baby has needed his momma while he's been feeling so rough. There's very little difference between animals and children in that regard.

So, there's much to be grateful for. As for the cost, it's only money (albeit a lot of it :rolleyes1). Worth every penny to have him happy and healthy again.

We are SUPER flexible when it comes to getting together, so I have complete confidence that we can work around whatever your schedule(s) happen to look like. I will PM you my cell number (its changed since we moved) and that way you can reach us whenever and wherever :thumbsup2. I can't wait to hear all about your new second career! I can hardly keep up to all you youngin's ;).

Youngins.....i really do think you forget you really arent much of an age difference from me...or maybe you really dont know my real age (not that i know yours either...) but people very regularly, vastly underestimate my age (which....i guess is good)....(keep in mind that May marks 11 years since moving to orlando, and no, i did not move here as a teen....or preteen. I came as an adult.... )

My life the last 24 hours and the next has had me saying to myself very regularly "i am too old for this." And "why am i so tired? oh, right. 2 hours sleep."

I worked 2pm-1030pm on Sunday. Today (monday) i worked 230am-11am. Im going back in at 1030pm for over night watch until 7am tomorrow. To which, i then need to be at Blizzard Beach at 8am for park orientation. And be done at noon to then meet Morgan and her mom at the Magic Kingdom Cast parking lot to pick morgan up from her for the day (and to add isult to injury, morgan has been super sick since Thursday....).

I guess I can sleep when Im dead, huh?

.....or maybe i need to go lie down now....
I love your necklaces! Especially that little manatee - so cute! What nice souvenirs of your trip - a little piece of Orlando you can wear every day. :)

I love them, too :goodvibes. I'm rarely one to collect many "things", but these do represent some mighty special memories for me.

What a relaxing final day of vacation! It's always nice to have a go with the flow day after such a long, busy (albeit fun busy!) two weeks. I love to hear about your Sea World adventures since I haven't been able to get my family on board for a visit there yet :(

I'm so happy that Dash is feeling better with the meds until his surgery. Our fur babies are like our children and I completely understand your urgency to try and take his pain away regardless of the cost/holiday! I'm glad you were able to find somewhere to get him in before June!

I look forward to the start of your December TR. We usually only travel in the fall so I'm interested to see your tricks and pointers for a Christmas Holiday trip! Did you see the announcement for the new Christmas offerings at the WWoHP? I'm such a Harry Potter nerd and I am SO EXCITED to see it all decked out for Christmas this year!

I was SO excited to learn about the new Christmas events which are planned for the WWoHP!!! I so wish we could squeeze in one last mini-trip before our AP's expire, but alas......I'm afraid its just not in the cards this year. Universal is poised to give Disney quite a run for their money where the holidays are concerned, I think.....they just keep getting better and better in SO many ways.

If you can swing it, try and go to the Grinchmas breakfast on your December trip: its an absolute HOOT, and the one-on-one time with the Grinch and the Whos is so awesome. I think that was my favourite thing about Christmas at Universal.

Thank you for your good thoughts for little Dash......its been a tough weekend for our little fella. It means a lot when friends nod with understanding, rather than look at you like your crazy and say "But he's just a cat".

Youngins.....i really do think you forget you really arent much of an age difference from me...or maybe you really dont know my real age (not that i know yours either...) but people very regularly, vastly underestimate my age (which....i guess is good)....(keep in mind that May marks 11 years since moving to orlando, and no, i did not move here as a teen....or preteen. I came as an adult.... )

My life the last 24 hours and the next has had me saying to myself very regularly "i am too old for this." And "why am i so tired? oh, right. 2 hours sleep."

I worked 2pm-1030pm on Sunday. Today (monday) i worked 230am-11am. Im going back in at 1030pm for over night watch until 7am tomorrow. To which, i then need to be at Blizzard Beach at 8am for park orientation. And be done at noon to then meet Morgan and her mom at the Magic Kingdom Cast parking lot to pick morgan up from her for the day (and to add isult to injury, morgan has been super sick since Thursday....).

I guess I can sleep when Im dead, huh?

.....or maybe i need to go lie down now....

Good grief young lady!!! :scared: That's quite a schedule you've undertaken. That's proof of your youth right there: I'm afraid I wouldn't last a week in your shoes. I hope you get a day here and there to sleep until noon. Seriously [insert stern mother tone here], make sure you don't burn the candle from both ends too often or too long. And be sure you're at least eating well as you keep up that hectic work pace. Some of my favourite animal friends need you!!

I think you might be giving me more credit than I deserve in the age department as well. I am a very youthful 43, turning 44 late this year. I like to think its just a number, though, and refuse to let it dictate my actions or behaviour. From a "state of mind" perspective, I'm only 25 :teeth:.
Hey all, my apologies for dropping the ball on more updates over the course of the weekend. As it has been mentioned above, one of the kittens had a bit of an injury on Good Friday and between that and Easter (and last night's hockey game......GO LEAFS GO! :cheer2:), I haven't been sitting at the laptop very much. I hope to get another installment prepared and posted by later tonight, and if not, then tomorrow for sure. With just our final day to report on.....and our next trip just 11 days's time to get moving and get this report wrapped up.

I hope you all had a blessed long weekend. The weather was superb here, probably the nicest Easter weekend we've enjoyed in many years. It was tough spending our first major holiday away from Jake, but we managed to find some fun at Greenfield Village amidst the veterinary chaos and small bouts homesickness. I'm sure those inevitable separations will become easier over time.

In the meantime, the final details of our trip are coming together. Airport transportation is booked (we're being whisked from our front door to DTW and back by Motor City Limousine [in a sedan, not a limo] worked out to be equally as cost effective as parking at the airport, and allows us to keep our vehicle safely in the garage here at the house) and our Diamond Lane pre-arrival form has been submitted to the Vistana (though there's no longer a spot to request a specific room I have also sent an email to the concierge to see if we can request a top floor villa close to the pool). It's crazy to think its all coming up so soon!
In the meantime, the final details of our trip are coming together. Airport transportation is booked (we're being whisked from our front door to DTW and back by Motor City Limousine [in a sedan, not a limo] worked out to be equally as cost effective as parking at the airport, and allows us to keep our vehicle safely in the garage here at the house) and our Diamond Lane pre-arrival form has been submitted to the Vistana (though there's no longer a spot to request a specific room I have also sent an email to the concierge to see if we can request a top floor villa close to the pool). It's crazy to think its all coming up so soon!
You guys have had a very eventful 1/2 year! Three trips in 6-7 months, 2 new fur babies, plus moving to a new COUNTRY!? I gotta give it to you, I'd have a head of grey hair by now. I hope you guys have a wonderful spring vaca!!
In the meantime, the final details of our trip are coming together. Airport transportation is booked (we're being whisked from our front door to DTW and back by Motor City Limousine [in a sedan, not a limo] worked out to be equally as cost effective as parking at the airport, and allows us to keep our vehicle safely in the garage here at the house) and our Diamond Lane pre-arrival form has been submitted to the Vistana (though there's no longer a spot to request a specific room I have also sent an email to the concierge to see if we can request a top floor villa close to the pool). It's crazy to think its all coming up so soon!

I'm jealous of all of your adventures. Right now if I get home before 7:00 PM, that's an adventure in our house!

I hope Dash's surgery went well today.
IMG_3949.JPG IMG_3982.JPG Ah we were at Greenfield Village on Saturday. I was wondering if I might run into you. We tried to make it like a Disney vacation and wear matching shirts. Boy that confused people. They kept asking about them and if we were part of a group.


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