"Double Dip Delight" Alternate Western 09/27/08

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I swear there was no peppermint schnaaps in my cocoa (nor any other alcohol) but I still totally missread what your new moniker would be. Sorry for that. Glad to see you were able to get what you wanted:thumbsup2

*chuckle* You were thinking of Princess Bride... Fezzig? I knew what you meant, don't worry about it.

I'm looking out the windows at light snow. Not much accumulation, but it is beautiful.

I know we have a few from the Kansas City area out there. Did you guys get the ice storms earlier this week? My brother lives there, and I haven't heard back to know if they got hit or not.

Stay safe and warm everyone!! :grouphug:

Kansas City here. We got up 1/2" of ice. We stayed in on Monday and Tuesday. Folks are still cleaning up and now we are being told we could get 4 to 8" of snow tonight. I cannot wait for this winter to be over. Got to get to the post office. Back later on. Lois
So last night we all snuggled up and watched the latest family film we've ordered from Netflix: Stand By Me (an 80s film--what were the chances:rotfl: ). It went over very well with the kids. We had suspected that Marika (who has otherwise been completely oblivious to boys thus far) might have had a crush on Wil Wheaton (who plays Wesly Crusher) when we were all on a Star Trek The Next Generation kick last spring. Sure enough, she has been going on and on about what a great actor he is in Stand By Me and now that we have watched the special features and Rob Reiner talks about having cast kids who were very much like their roles she is oging on about how she could just tell he really, really is smart, etc.:lmao: OMG it is so hard to keep a straight face. As our friends in Michigan would say "With nerds collide we just can't help it we create more nerds.":rotfl2: Not that it is a bad thing to have a kids who is drawn to the smart misfit:laughing: I'll take that over one drawn to the rebel any day:cool1:

BTW--this movie has more special features than any film from that era we have seen. It is fun seeing them go back to talk about making it, etc. There is even a pretty good director's commetary by Rob Reiner added about 20 years after its release.
I hadn't seen the film in YEARS and I do have to say it is eerie for someone of my generation who was so shocked when he died watching River Phoenix's character just fade out at the end.
Wil's now a poker commentator and player, by the way. He has an interesting way of looking at things, too.

But it isn't like I read his blog frequently or anything.... *eye twinkle*

Wil's now a poker commentator and player, by the way. He has an interesting way of looking at things, too.

But it isn't like I read his blog frequently or anything.... *eye twinkle*


:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Okay I had no idea what had become of him:rotfl2: :rotfl2: I need to get you and Marika together:lmao: NOT taht she would want to know anything about him NOW. Yeegdas he's her parents' age which would be so GROSS!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Okay I had no idea what had become of him:rotfl2: :rotfl2: I need to get you and Marika together:lmao:

Well, his blog is not safe for kiddoes... just a head's up there.

He's definitely an adult now. With kiddoes of his very own, too.

:rotfl: My postcount is too low to give you the URL!!!! Hilarious!!!

NO worries **newbie**;) I won't be pointing Marika toward ANY blogs any sooner than I have to:rotfl: Luckily she is happier with actual paper books to read anyway (a bit easier for me to keep track of:rotfl: ) It is odd enough having Rio involved in an online game these days (and he only plays it in the living room and generally when Dave is playing it as well--but he is better than Dave:lmao: )
Erica--good to see you. How is the writing going?

It's going great! I finished my NaNoWriMo novel (going to start editing next month), and I'm feverishly trying to finish my most recent TR before the holidays begin. Other than that? I'm taking some time off ;)

We were hoping to get to the Osborne Spectacle of Lights this weekend, but last night we discovered at 5pm that MGM closes at 8 :confused3, and tonight it's supposed to rain :guilty:
We might still try, but so far it's looking like next week instead. Sigh.
It's going great! I finished my NaNoWriMo novel (going to start editing next month), and I'm feverishly trying to finish my most recent TR before the holidays begin. Other than that? I'm taking some time off ;)

We were hoping to get to the Osborne Spectacle of Lights this weekend, but last night we discovered at 5pm that MGM closes at 8 :confused3, and tonight it's supposed to rain :guilty:
We might still try, but so far it's looking like next week instead. Sigh.

Glad to hear it is going well:thumbsup2 I do love the Osborne Lights. I hope you get a chance to see them some time this year.
i was reading the cruise forum and they had a great idea of getting your fav. CM's to autograph your pillow cases or whatever instead of or as well as characters. i think i'm going to try that i know alex would love it.
The 2003 edition of the DCL special is on right now on Travel Channel.

Yes, I have it TiVo'd, but heyyyyy... :blush:

i was reading the cruise forum and they had a great idea of getting your fav. CM's to autograph your pillow cases or whatever instead of or as well as characters. i think i'm going to try that i know alex would love it.

We sort of did that on the repo cruise. DCL gave each cabin a really nice hardcover book about transatlantic cruises and DCL. We treated it like a year book and had all the CMs we really liked autograph it. As the weeks wore on I saw more and more people doing the same--we were certainly not the only ones with the idea. It is nice--better than characters in many ways:thumbsup2 . I am regretting that we did not have GUESTS that made that cruise for us sign it as well.

On another note, I have been on a thread on the community board about wether people let their kids watch R rated movies. I had explained that mine have seen some because I often disagree with the ratings board (there are PG movies I will not let them see as well). So low and behold someone mentions Stand By Me as being R:rotfl2: I didn't look at the rating at all (since I had seen it and knew what it entailed) but I never even thought of it being an R movie (Dave did remind me that this was before PG-13 came out).
On another note, I have been on a thread on the community board about wether people let their kids watch R rated movies. I had explained that mine have seen some because I often disagree with the ratings board (there are PG movies I will not let them see as well). So low and behold someone mentions Stand By Me as being R:rotfl2: I didn't look at the rating at all (since I had seen it and knew what it entailed) but I never even thought of it being an R movie (Dave did remind me that this was before PG-13 came out).

Yeah, the dead body and the cursing, along with the scene with the leeches, immediately come to mind for me.

DH laughed at me yesterday for watching Ocean's 13 and immediately afterwards not remembering any content kiddo (who is THREE) couldn't see... Ooooops.....

Yeah, the dead body and the cursing, along with the scene with the leeches, immediately come to mind for me.

DH laughed at me yesterday for watching Ocean's 13 and immediately afterwards not remembering any content kiddo (who is THREE) couldn't see... Ooooops.....


ahh but all of that PALES in comparison to me to the twisted enjoynemnt of the good guys as the bad guy is set to a slow, torturous wait for nitro glycerin to fall on his head in Zorro (recent PG), the violence in Transformers (PG-13), etc. Not to say tha tI would recomend the film for your kiddo (she's little), but even WHILE watching it just yesterday it never crossed my mind that it might be rated R. It just struck me as funny that here this "family" film we were all enjoying together was R and I was too dense to have even noticed.
OKay all you midwesterners. All that snow you are getting today should be here by tonorrow morning:rolleyes: So please post how it is going and give us New Englanders a heads up. You are all snowed in with no where to go anyway so you might as well DIS, right?:rotfl: But seriously, everybody stay safe and warm okay?
OKay all you midwesterners. All that snow you are getting today should be here by tonorrow morning:rolleyes: So please post how it is going and give us New Englanders a heads up. You are all snowed in with no where to go anyway so you might as well DIS, right?:rotfl: But seriously, everybody stay safe and warm okay?

Here in Denver, we got maybe 3 inches, and the main roads are already clear.

Well, the rain stayed away last night, but it looks like today is going to be pretty nasty. We got to the Osborne lights, yay! It was, as always, very bright and colorful and fun. Lionel and I were covered in "snow" suds by the time we finished our candied mixed nuts. My one regret is that they were out of chestnuts :sad2:
Oh, and I forgot my camera. AGAIN. :upsidedow

Hope you guys stay safe in the snow!
Found us on pg two. I am sure just like me, everyone is busy with the holiday. We are going to visit family this year. Hope this little bump fines every well and very happy. Lois
Thanks for bumping us Lois;)

Well, thus far the storm is biggish but not nearly as bad as the hype led me to believe (okay I may be jaded having lived up at 9000 ft in Colorado growing up:rotfl: ). We got about 10 inches from 5:00 am to 11:00 when the snow let up into just flurries (would have wrecked havoc on a weekeday or unexpected, but on a Sunday with plenty of warning was no biggie). Then we got about an hour of freezing rain around 2:00 which put a heavy crust of ice over all the snow we hadn't managed to shovel by that point. We are getting some flurries again now and are told it may snow more overnight.
We kept busy pulling EVERYTHING but the bed out of Rio's room and putting it all back together really neatly and clean (I never do spring cleaning in spring because it is too nice out and I don't want to be cooped up indoors:lmao: ). So, now everything in his closet fits, all the game pieces are back in the correct boxes, etc. Now if we can just get to the playroom before Christmas. . . (Marika's clothes stay in there so that makes anotehr closet to go through). I hope everyone else in the storm's path also found safe things to do today and that the rest of you are having a great weekend as well.
Hi friends! Sorry I've been gone for SO long. Seems like the weeks have flown and I realized...hey...I haven't checked in the DISboard in a long time!

We did a quick Disney World trip the 6th-9th and had a blast. Our 4yo LOVES the Tower of Terror and we rode it 8 times. Met the nicest CM named Joy & she took us up to the front twice as well as showed us the control room & all the cameras that watch every single ride on ToT. She said there was often lots of "funny business" in the dark part of the ride before the drops. Joy really made our day! Check out our fearless 4 year old: (we're the goobers in matching Bears jerseys)


He's the bravest little kid I know! Hands up, the entire ride, every time. He loves the feeling of his stomach in his chest! :)

Hope everyone is doing well & enjoying the holiday prep. :santa:
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