Does anyone know what the discount is with the American Express code for 2/14/02?


Earning My Ears
Mar 22, 2001
I'm not asking for the code, I'm asking if anyone knows what the percentage of discount is.
I did not know that there WAS a code from American Express. :confused: Is this mentioned somewhere that I missed?
I got Port Orleans Riverside today for $121. 00 for March 13 - 19. The values were not available. Hope this helps.
Well, I found the code - listed here on the DISCount Codes Page -

Here are the details: CHF
- for American Express cardholders only
- must be paid by American Express credit card
- for travel between 02/14 –03/29/02 and 03/31/02 – 08/24/02
- book by 03/31/02
- For "room only" reservations

I know that it does not give the discount amount...sorry...:(
I know it is 25% on the value resorts. I don't know about the others.
It is only available on value & moderates. I also got the $121 rate. We are staying @ CBR 3/8 - 3/16.
I booked CHF for our last minute trip - 2/25-3/01 at CS.
Must use AMEX, you will also get White Glove Treatment.

Welcome to the DIS EKevinD! :)

And have a great time on your last minute trip! I wish that I was going...



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