Does anyone else go alcohol-free in WDW?


DIS Veteran
Oct 11, 2014
I haven't been since 2017 but when planning for a return trip I have noticed more quick service alcoholic drinks on offer. I am not against alcohol and drink on other vacations but never in WDW.

I am curious about other people's (non-judgemental) views on drinking alcohol in WDW? What do you do and why?
I don't drink a ton at WDW but mostly because of the prices. When I do drink, it's usually something specialty at Trader Sam's or something. At home I'm more likely to get a glass of wine or something with dinner but it's hard for me to justify the cost of alcohol at a Disney park unless I want something really specific.
My upcoming trip (less than 2 weeks!) will be the first time I'm going to wdw without children. It's also the first time I've been when there's been alcoholic drinks in places other than table service. So, I'm gonna have a few drinks while there. Planning on drinking around the *world*... That's each park not all of Epcot. Lol
To each their own.
we've gone twice in the last 3 years. I've only had a handful of drinks each time, drinking maybe at 1-2 meals during the trip. I find it relaxes me, but sucks some energy out of me. With the kids, in disney, I find I need as much energy as possible.
I don't get stumbling drunk (that's expensive) but I did drink round the world on my honeymoon, i tapped out in morocco (we start in mexico).
But Epcot makes it easy to drink. I might have a drink at table service restaurants in the other parks, but it's not like I'm searching it out on the go in AK or HS.
About 30% of adults don't drink alcohol, so I would guess there are many who don't drink at Disneyworld. I've spent lots of time with recovering alcoholics and teetotalers alike (i.e., people who don't drink). I've never seen anyone judged for not drinking, I mean who would know if you are or not unless you happen to have a drink in your hand right then? :confused3

I'm pretty sure we had 0-1 alcoholic beverages for our trips in 2003 and 2009.
Our last trip to Universal in April, I had sparkling wine at the dessert party (DH did not) and we both had wine with our fancy steak dinner one night.

ETA: I didn't add my why. We aren't big drinkers in general, maybe once or twice a month. In 2003, alcohol would have been a budget buster. In 2009, we went with my in-laws who don't drink and we didn't want to offend them since we don't drink much anyhow, it was no sacrifice.
In general, as I said, we don't just always have a beer or wine with dinner. We don't go out every weekend. At a theme park, when dealing with heat and children and heavy food and expensive prices and lots of walking, it just isn't that "fun" to drink for us.
The past few trips, if we had a "nice" dinner (eg Jiko or something like that) then maybe we had some wine
But if we are in the parks, we didn't. We are there to enjoy the rides and atmosphere. We personally don't need a drink or few to do that ☺

Except at CRT when hubby proposed 😍
Exceptions... 😁

Food and wine festival this year will also be an exception. Out first time so gonna enjoy it (but no stumbling drunk! That's not fun)
And Oga's 🤔 gotta enjoy the experience right?!
We have a glass or two of wine at sit down dinners.
I don't buy booze with counter service lunch.
Mimosa with breakfast if we do a sit down.
Will get Prosecco in Italy, sake in Japan, Kir Royale in France (not all at same time), etc.
Usually hit a lounge for an afternoon drink if not in Epcot.
Always have a bottle of wine in room.

So, um, no, we don't go alcohol free. :)
I don't drink a lot because of the prices, but mainly because of the atmosphere. It's not a fun environment to get drunk in, no matter how many basic people in matching t-shirts seem to be doing it at Epcot.

When we went to Universal, and specifically Halloween Horror Nights, on the other hand, we were drinking regularly. Not only were the prices better, but it's a more natural fit and makes the event more fun.
We drink - and usually have at least one night without kids to get 'silly'. We have TiW, so get discounts on alcohol in lounges and TS restaurants. I do not get stumbly, sick or stupid though, don't feel that's appropriate.
The last time I went I didn't drink anything and it was kind of nice not having to stop with my family every 5 minutes for alcohol. My boyfriend is a recovering alcoholic (just got to 6 months) so I forgo it and I honestly don't miss it. Water is expensive enough for me lol.
I don't get stumbling drunk (that's expensive) but I did drink round the world on my honeymoon, i tapped out in morocco (we start in mexico).
But Epcot makes it easy to drink. I might have a drink at table service restaurants in the other parks, but it's not like I'm searching it out on the go in AK or HS.

I love that your only reason you don't get fall-down drunk is that its too expensive! LOL LOL LOL
It's called a vacation for a reason! :rotfl2:

Now that the DDP comes with an adult beverage for every meal, and my husband doesn't drink.... and we have 2 teenagers who are considered adults.... To say that I will be drinking is an understatement!! :drinking1:drinking1🍹🍾🍸:drinking:🥂

So I re-read this and totally made myself sound like a drunk!! LOL

It's honestly too hot to drink that much! I do like one or two while I sit by the pool watching my family swim. And maybe two at sit downs. And definitely a margarita while in Epcot. Ooh, and I want that boozie slushy from France too....

Ok, maybe I didn't misrepresent myself... LOL
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When we vacationed with young children we were alcohol free vacationers. Frankly, I had never noticed the alcohol option. My husband had and he knew exactly where.

Once we were on our own I discovered a 'whole new world'. In the past 3-5 years the in-park alcohol options have really taken off. Now, we see young parents with beers and strollers as early as 10 AM, which being an old biddy of 63y kinda 'hits' me but my 30-something kids tell me to 'get over it'. They do agree that young children should not be sitting at bars - and yet they are - all the time. I really think WDW should have walk-up seating areas for adults with young.

Get that 3yo off a seat at the bar so I can get a drink - LOL!!
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