Does a different UY require making a separate reservation?

Okay thanks, I get it. So many nuances!! I think we can make this work though. I planned for different visits, but I can see with a little massaging we can use this other UY to supplement for an occasional longer stay if we want by transferring. Just a matter of understanding the restrictions.
Though, one transferred, points can be banked.

Regarding that...

So if I wanted, is this allowed: Would I be able to transfer my BRV contract 2020 UY points into my other membership, bank them, and also transfer all of my BRV contract 2021 UY points into the other membership as well? Effectively ending up doubling the transferred points in that membership able to be used for a booking during the 2021 UY?
Regarding that...

So if I wanted, is this allowed: Would I be able to transfer my BRV contract 2020 UY points into my other membership, bank them, and also transfer all of my BRV contract 2021 UY points into the other membership as well? Effectively ending up doubling the transferred points in that membership able to be used for a booking during the 2021 UY?

Yes. Every UYs you can transfer points and once transferred, they can be bsnked,

So, banking one year and not the other would give you both sets to use with the other UYs points at 7 months,

Just be sure that the points when you transfer are good for the trips you want to make since they don’t change UY.

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