Disney Withdrawal Survival Guide: An Oct 2013 PTR - Soundtrack Included- NEW 08/27

Soundtrack: Beauty & the Beast at the Studios

Anyone else got bit by the Disney photography bug? Who are your favorite Disney photographers? How do you get used to a new camera? Or do you prefer to be the star of the picture instead of the one behind the camera?

Thanks for reading! Bye bye pixiedust:

I'm a little behind...but yes! I understand the Disney Photography bug...I've had to leave my camera behind the last few trips due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder, but I sure miss it!

Anyone else got bit by the Disney photography bug? Who are your favorite Disney photographers? How do you get used to a new camera? Or do you prefer to be the star of the picture instead of the one behind the camera?

Thanks for reading! Bye bye pixiedust:
Just realized I missed a whole post. I was glad to read your thoughts on the Beauty & the Beast show... I would have been pretty disappointed about no yellow ball gown! (That's an understatement...)

So yes I definitely have been bitten by the Disney photography bug. I love Tom Bricker on Flickr! Also:

[URL="www.flickr.com/photos/bertsnyers/"]Snyers Bert

(Thanks for the plug to my PTR! :flower3: )

I just upgraded my camera... it's taking me a little bit to get used to but just because on my old one I knew where all the buttons were without looking. I definitely prefer to be on the back side of the camera, hate hate hate having my picture taken!
holy cow I had lots of catching up to do,sorry I was MIA but I was in Disney YAYYYYY just got back late last night.
I'm a little behind...but yes! I understand the Disney Photography bug...I've had to leave my camera behind the last few trips due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder, but I sure miss it!

Ouch that sounds painful. Hope your shoulder gets better.

Just realized I missed a whole post. I was glad to read your thoughts on the Beauty & the Beast show... I would have been pretty disappointed about no yellow ball gown! (That's an understatement...)

So yes I definitely have been bitten by the Disney photography bug. I love Tom Bricker on Flickr! Also:

[URL="www.flickr.com/photos/bertsnyers/"]Snyers Bert

(Thanks for the plug to my PTR! :flower3: )

I just upgraded my camera... it's taking me a little bit to get used to but just because on my old one I knew where all the buttons were without looking. I definitely prefer to be on the back side of the camera, hate hate hate having my picture taken!

Is this the camera upgrade you mentioned a while back? I haven't had as much time to read other Ptrs lately ( Jess had surgery last week so it's been a bit hectic) so I don't know if you mentioned it or not.

I checked out those people on flickr. They are great. Thanks :)

holy cow I had lots of catching up to do,sorry I was MIA but I was in Disney YAYYYYY just got back late last night.

I guess I'll forgive you for being behind, you kinda had a good excuse :P
WELCOME BACK! :) Hope you had fun. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Is this the camera upgrade you mentioned a while back? I haven't had as much time to read other Ptrs lately ( Jess had surgery last week so it's been a bit hectic) so I don't know if you mentioned it or not.
Yes the very same, I mentioned it as a possibility and went ahead with it. It's the Canon 60D (but I don't actually think I updated that I got it now that I think of it)
Hope Jess is feeling ok!!
Hello Humans!

It's been way too long. June was a very hectic month in the Orange Juice household. I'm sure that you guys where on the edge of your seat waiting for a new update that just wasn't coming...:scratchin. Thanks for your patience. Although I haven't been on the Dis recently, I haven't forgotten about Disney World. What better way to bring you guys up to date on our Disney shenanigans than a hero training montage so here we go!

Soundtrack: I'll Make a Man Out of You

June 2013

Beach side sunset and campire

Monster's University (Great movie!, Little Mike is adorable)

Visited a Teppen Edo Wannabe

My brother graduated high school YAY

Tried to recreate our La Cava Del Tequila experience

(Do you see a hidden mickey?)

What is this?

Could it be?

It's impossible!

Sacre Bleu it is!

It's Bread Pudding with banana foster sauce!!!! ( I have the best wife EVER!)

We also decided that we needed to learn to love wine...We started with a Shiraz and it didn't go too well.

Our next attempt was accompanied by lobster which makes everything better.

It's a bug's life at the cottage

Honey! I shrunk the kids...

Found this cruel gif online, took a screen shot.. who would cut a little girl's helium balloon???

Also, I accomplished one of my life goals...I pretty much worship AJ from Disney Food blog so I was super pumped to see my Pina Colava picture on her blog.

Oh and remember the price increase earlier this month? Well we got our tickets the day before! Bouyah! Annual Pass coming right up!

Now that we are up to date we can get back to our regular scheduled programming. I'll be back soon with details from our itinerary. There's been lot's of changes over the month of June so I can't wait to share.

What have you guys been up to?
Welcome back!!

Sounds like a lot of fun and excitement and that's always the best excuse for being away from the Dis. :thumbsup2

And your pic was on the food blog!? How awesome!!

And an AP too?? AAAH! Awesome!!
Yay :cheer2: you're back! :thumbsup2

I've been having a pretty busy summer so far too, and thus haven't been around on the DIS much, but I also haven't really been on the computer much, so there is that...:laughing:

That bread pudding with banana foster looks awesome! :worship: Where did you find the recipe? We also may need to re-create this...:scratchin

Also, AP's?! :scared1: When did this happen!? :scared1: I don't know how I missed that, but its cause for celebration!

:dance3: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay: :banana:

Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
Dude I totally saw your pic on the DFB but I didn't know it was yours! Yay! :yay: The Pina Colava is my favorite WDW drink and I didn't know you could get it at so many different places! I'd only ever seen it at Ohana!

Home made bread pudding! YUM!!

And yeah...we aren't big wine drinkers either. I can only drink white or blush, red gives me terrible migraines. But my brother and my sister can drink it like it's their job...go figure :confused3 I'm so unworldly when it comes to alcohol :rotfl2:

Oh yeah! And Monsters University was great!! We loved it!!
Welcome back!!

Sounds like a lot of fun and excitement and that's always the best excuse for being away from the Dis. :thumbsup2

And your pic was on the food blog!? How awesome!!

And an AP too?? AAAH! Awesome!!

We're trying to make the most out of our summer and since we actually have sun lately I haven't been on the computer too too much.

I was super excited when I saw my picture. Is that geeky? :cool1:

And we got the APs because I finish Medical School in May 2014 and have two months before starting the next part of training so I'm sure we'll be going back at that time. Plus now we get AP rates for hotels and Tables in Wonderland discount on food. Win:win :)

Yay :cheer2: you're back! :thumbsup2

I've been having a pretty busy summer so far too, and thus haven't been around on the DIS much, but I also haven't really been on the computer much, so there is that...:laughing:

That bread pudding with banana foster looks awesome! :worship: Where did you find the recipe? We also may need to re-create this...:scratchin

Also, AP's?! :scared1: When did this happen!? :scared1: I don't know how I missed that, but its cause for celebration!

:dance3: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay: :banana:

Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::

What have you been up to since graduation/getting married? still in Halifax?

I think Jess found the bread pudding recipe on All Ears Recipe page. They have lots of great recipes from Disney Restaurants.

APs are a new development. We where going to wait but with the price increase it made sense to get it early. It's still just a voucher so the year doesn't start until we bring it to the ticket counter in WDW. I did celebrate when it came in the mail :dance3:

Dude I totally saw your pic on the DFB but I didn't know it was yours! Yay! :yay: The Pina Colava is my favorite WDW drink and I didn't know you could get it at so many different places! I'd only ever seen it at Ohana!

Home made bread pudding! YUM!!

And yeah...we aren't big wine drinkers either. I can only drink white or blush, red gives me terrible migraines. But my brother and my sister can drink it like it's their job...go figure :confused3 I'm so unworldly when it comes to alcohol :rotfl2:

Oh yeah! And Monsters University was great!! We loved it!!

I am in LOVE with the Pina Colava. I think it'll be my first purchase when I get to WDW in October. Sipping that near the pool = paradise. It seems to look different depending on where you get it but I think the drink is the same mix everywhere.

So far we've found a few easy wines that we don't mind but I can't say I really enjoy it yet. We'll keep trying though :cheer2: We are determined to make the most of our Food and Wine time.

Go Oozma Kappa!
Wow, that bread pudding looks delicious. I've wanted to attempt to make Ohana's bread pudding, but I have never flambed anything and am a bit intimidated.

Congrats on your pic making it onto the DFB. :thumbsup2

Woo hoo on getting an annual pass! :cool1:
Wow, that bread pudding looks delicious. I've wanted to attempt to make Ohana's bread pudding, but I have never flambed anything and am a bit intimidated.

Congrats on your pic making it onto the DFB. :thumbsup2

Woo hoo on getting an annual pass! :cool1:

It tasted as good as it looks! It helped with the Ohana craving while we wait. We didn't really succeed in making it flambe either. It was more like a caramel sauce then anything flamable but it was tasty which is what matters I guess.

Thanks :)
Soundtrack: Magical Express


101 days till we get back home.

To celebrate this wonderful occasion let's travel 101 days into the future.

October 19, 2013
0400 AST

We join our hero's in the early morning as the sound of Illuminations rings from Orange Juice's cell phone. What is that you ask? Why, it's her alarm clock letting everyone know it is now ok to get out of bed and get ready for their trip to Orlando Florida. It goes without saying that no one slept a wink the previous night because excitement was at an all time high.

Bags are already at the door (haven been packed days in advanced) and ticket's are patiently waiting on the kitchen table to be counted multiple times. As Jess double and tripple checks everything, OJ heads to the Canadian famous Tim Hortons for their routine pre-travel meal of coffee and bagels. These are enjoyed despite the rumbling tummies of our excited heroes.

Soon after our two protagonists turn off all lights and electronics, leave a heaping pile of food for the brave cat (Named: Pamplemousse (translates to grapefruit)) who will be protecting the apartment during their absence (with supervision from friends and family). After one final goodbye our heroes leave their domicile to go await for their carriage (taxi). Thankfully they only live a short 10 minute drive from the airport. Within no time they are checked in and through security. The small local airport is quite convenient and stress free.

Once on board the place, they quickly fall asleep only to awake when the wheels touch down in Newark, NJ (Wishful thinking?). During their 3 hour layover they run over to Earl of Sandwhich and die of happyness... THE END!

Just kidding!

They get through security/customs without a hitch and hop onto the second and final leg our their trip to wonderland. This time, unable to sleep, they get lost in a great movie or podcast and time flied by. The plane lands at Orlando International airport around 2:30pm and our heroes push through the crowd to be the first off the plane :-)confused3 Maybe future me will be very rude, we never know). They run down to the Magical Express and soon they are on there way to paradise.

Oh my! We are home!!!

First stop! Art of Animation.

Our heroes are booked into a Little Mermaid Room at AOA. They take their time checking in and they may or may not have enjoyed a adult beverage near the pool...however, they cannot spend the whole day lounging around the resort! They can't be late for their very important date...

With the Swan and Dolphin.


For the Food and Wine classic. Where they eat to their heart's content and continue to practice drinking wine.

After the Food an Wine Classic, our heroes are in a dancing mood so they mosey down to Jellyrolls for some good solid piano music and maybe more practice alcohol drinking...

After which they may continue the party at Downtown Disney or they may head back to their home at Art of Animation for a good night's sleep to get ready for their first park day.

As they close their eyes, the time machine's engine kicks back in and we return to present time.

July 10, 2013

We made a few changes to our itinerary. A few weeks ago our travel agent called and said that flight changes from United meant that we would miss our connection in Newark. This was disappointing because the new flight would mean that we would land late in the afternoon on the 20th. Ever the opportunist, I asked if it would be possible to change our flight to the day prior (for no extra cost) since she had to make some changes anyway. She made a quick call to United and voila we where booked for Oct 19th. We leave NB at 6:20 and land at 2:30 in Orlando. This gives us a good 3 hours in Newark so we don't need to worry about missing our connection. The other bonus is that now we get to go to the Food and Wine classic on Saturday night.

The Food and Wine classic is an even hosted by the Swan and Dolphin resort showcasing the chefs from their restaurants.

Needless to say, we are looking forward to this event.
Our tickets came in the mail today too so that is a great bonus.

So that's what we have in mind for day 1/travel day. I guess my question for today is have you ever gone out for adult/nigh time entertainment either on the boardwalk or at Downtown Disney or at different lounges around WDW and if so what are your favourite spots?

Thanks again for reading and commenting.
I know I'm responding late, it's been a crazy countdown week, but Congrats on getting your pic on The Disney Food Blog!!! :cheer2:I follow that blog too and AJ has the best job in the world! Mmmmmm...Disney Food...

Anyway, since my arrival time in WDW is usually in the afternoon because we drive, my evening ritual is usually to stop at Downtown Disney. It gives me my Disney fix without wasting a ticket day at the park. I love Earl of Sandwich too and that new Rainforest Cafe lounge looks like an interesting place for a beverage.:thumbsup2
Great update! Getting an extra day is such a bonus, are you staying at AOA that night as well?

I'm interested in the S&D Food and Wine and am anxious to see pics and read about how it was in your TR!

We haven't done too much drinking around DTD or the Boardwalk, although the Dis Unplugged has done a series of podcasts about drinking around different areas at Disney and I listened to the Boardwalk one a few weeks ago...I think they've done DTD all ready, but I'm not 100% positive. They seemed to think that Big River Grille was a good place to catch a drink. They only really did the Boardwalk area though and didn't do the resorts on the other side like Beach, Yacht & S&D, which I think would be good places to catch a drink.

When we've gone to DTD in the evenings it's always been crowded and hasn't really appealed to me as a place to stroll around with a drink...but we're usually done in the Marketplace with only a quick walk through West Side, so maybe we'll have to explore that a little more next time.

I like the idea of a monorail resort crawl. We've done drinks at the Tambu Lounge at the Poly and I enjoyed that.
I know I'm responding late, it's been a crazy countdown week, but Congrats on getting your pic on The Disney Food Blog!!! :cheer2:I follow that blog too and AJ has the best job in the world! Mmmmmm...Disney Food...

Anyway, since my arrival time in WDW is usually in the afternoon because we drive, my evening ritual is usually to stop at Downtown Disney. It gives me my Disney fix without wasting a ticket day at the park. I love Earl of Sandwich too and that new Rainforest Cafe lounge looks like an interesting place for a beverage.:thumbsup2

I definitely am jealous of AJ, If I could make a living from Disney food I would be in paradise.

I've seen pictures of the Rainforest cafe lounge, it looks very nice.

I saw pictures of your food supply on Instagram. Are you pretty much packed and ready to go?

Great update! Getting an extra day is such a bonus, are you staying at AOA that night as well?

I'm interested in the S&D Food and Wine and am anxious to see pics and read about how it was in your TR!

We haven't done too much drinking around DTD or the Boardwalk, although the Dis Unplugged has done a series of podcasts about drinking around different areas at Disney and I listened to the Boardwalk one a few weeks ago...I think they've done DTD all ready, but I'm not 100% positive. They seemed to think that Big River Grille was a good place to catch a drink. They only really did the Boardwalk area though and didn't do the resorts on the other side like Beach, Yacht & S&D, which I think would be good places to catch a drink.

When we've gone to DTD in the evenings it's always been crowded and hasn't really appealed to me as a place to stroll around with a drink...but we're usually done in the Marketplace with only a quick walk through West Side, so maybe we'll have to explore that a little more next time.

I like the idea of a monorail resort crawl. We've done drinks at the Tambu Lounge at the Poly and I enjoyed that.

I think we'll be staying at AOA for that night as well. I haven't booked yet because I am waiting to see if there will be an AP discount for those dates.

If I don't do a full TR I will do a dining review including S&D Food and Wine classic so you'll get all the gossip there :)

Having just walked through the crescent lake area to get to DHS in the evening I know it's a gorgeous area at night but I never really payed attention to how busy the lounges/restaurants are. I'll have to check out those podcast you mention. I'm not convinced that we'll head to DTD afterwards, I find it so hard to get to and from, it seems the busses make a million stops. I guess we'll play it by ear. Especially since it'll be a Saturday night so it might be extra busy.

I do agree that a monorail crawl sounds more appealing.
I definitely am jealous of AJ, If I could make a living from Disney food I would be in paradise.

I've seen pictures of the Rainforest cafe lounge, it looks very nice.

I saw pictures of your food supply on Instagram. Are you pretty much packed and ready to go?

Just packed our clothes so we only have food and last minute stuff to go!
That's great you could change your flight and arrive a day earlier! Yay for the F&W classic at the Swan and Dolphin! Darn flight changes making you have to spend more time in Disney ;)
Glad to know that we have a celebrity on the boards here! Congrats on your pina colava photo launching you into infamy!! Great photo by the way! :thumbsup2

I loved the journey 101 days into the future, it certainly felt surreal to me! ;) How awesome that you get an extra day at WDW due to flight changes.

That was funny about your attempt to love wine. Perhaps you're just a pina colava type person! :cool1:
That sounds like a pretty awesome travel/arrival day! Great that you got s day added on the front AND get there early too! Art of animation! Awww I love it there!
We have never done the adult lounging experience thing. We thought about Jellyrolls a few times but never made it over. I can't wait to see how you like it!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards


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