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I only made it about 30 minutes into Soul. Its pretty bad. Coco was great, Onward was meh. This was bad. I'm heading to the Fort tomorrow so ill let management know so the next movie should be better.
I only made it about 30 minutes into Soul. Its pretty bad. Coco was great, Onward was meh. This was bad. I'm heading to the Fort tomorrow so ill let management know so the next movie should be better.
Can I ask what made you think it was bad?

Not trying to change an opinion or anything I am just genuinely curious on saying its bad. I totally can see someone not connecting with it. I just personally don't see what's bad. It wasn't my favorite Pixar film by any means either.
Can I ask what made you think it was bad?

Not trying to change an opinion or anything I am just genuinely curious on saying its bad. I totally can see someone not connecting with it. I just personally don't see what's bad. It wasn't my favorite Pixar film by any means either.

If nothing else, the writing, score, and animation pretty much automatically makes it at least a good movie, even if you don’t connect with the story. I can’t see how it would be “bad” even with film being subjective. A movie like WW84 where there’s plenty of bad elements littered throughout can barely even be considered a “bad” movie. I didn’t like Ratatouille at all, but that doesn’t mean I thought it was a bad movie.
If nothing else, the writing, score, and animation pretty much automatically makes it at least a good movie, even if you don’t connect with the story. I can’t see how it would be “bad” even with film being subjective. A movie like WW84 where there’s plenty of bad elements littered throughout can barely even be considered a “bad” movie. I didn’t like Ratatouille at all, but that doesn’t mean I thought it was a bad movie.

o_O Ratatouille is my favorite Pixar movie!

The thing is, you're right, but when someone says a movie is "bad" it is understood to be that person's opinion of it. There are some objective measures of quality, but they don't really matter whe one doesn't like the movie. People do it the other way too - I've had it explained to me many times why recent Star Wars movies are objectively bad - and yet, I still like them.
If nothing else, the writing, score, and animation pretty much automatically makes it at least a good movie, even if you don’t connect with the story. I can’t see how it would be “bad” even with film being subjective. A movie like WW84 where there’s plenty of bad elements littered throughout can barely even be considered a “bad” movie. I didn’t like Ratatouille at all, but that doesn’t mean I thought it was a bad movie.
Yeah when I think bad, I think bad animation, bad music, bad quality. Totally understand not connecting to a movie though.
Yeah when I think bad, I think bad animation, bad music, bad quality. Totally understand not connecting to a movie though.

I'm watching this NYE with the fam, so I'm trying not to spoil myself too much, but I had to comment here...

Bad is a completely acceptable adjective when a movie is either so boring it puts one to sleep, or it causes one to turn off the movie 30 minutes in, or it makes you want to pull out your phone and surf.

Movies, by definition, are not good just based on their parts...it is the total viewing experience that defines the worth of the movie. If that experience leads one to want to actively leave it, it's a bad movie (no matter how good any one part is). No getting around it.

Boring movies can, and should be, labeled as bad movies if one feels that way. Nothing wrong with that opinion.

I've had many movies I could put in that category. Some I finished, and a select few I could not even bring myself to turn back on even after just 15 minutes of awfulness (Nacho Libre - looking at you)...
I'm watching this NYE with the fam, so I'm trying not to spoil myself too much, but I had to comment here...

Bad is a completely acceptable adjective when a movie is either so boring it puts one to sleep, or it causes one to turn off the movie 30 minutes in, or it makes you want to pull out your phone and surf.

Movies, by definition, are not good just based on their parts...it is the total viewing experience that defines the worth of the movie. If that experience leads one to want to actively leave it, it's a bad movie (no matter how good any one part is). No getting around it.

Boring movies can, and should be, labeled as bad movies if one feels that way. Nothing wrong with that opinion.

I've had many movies I could put in that category. Some I finished, and a select few I could not even bring myself to turn back on even after just 15 minutes of awfulness (Nacho Libre - looking at you)...

Exactly. I mean, I would call the venerated calssic 2001: a Space Odyssey bad (unless you need a cure for insomnia), and yet it is loved, and I certainly would not say that it was poorly made - it excels on every technical level except for being compelling to me. I mean, I could get into the nuance, but I also might jsut say "it's bad." For me it is. It could apply to any number of popular or well-regarded movies that I don't like, and also to a ton of legit schlock that I do like.
Idk. When I think bad, I think of something that has little to no redeemable qualities. Soul, even if the story was boring, it brings you some of, if not the most impressive animation we’ve ever seen on screen. I hated Good Dinosaur, but I absolutely remember thinking “This animation is incredible” when I saw it in theaters.
Idk. When I think bad, I think of something that has little to no redeemable qualities. Soul, even if the story was boring, it brings you some of, if not the most impressive animation we’ve ever seen on screen. I hated Good Dinosaur, but I absolutely remember thinking “This animation is incredible” when I saw it in theaters.
Idk. When I think bad, I think of something that has little to no redeemable qualities. Soul, even if the story was boring, it brings you some of, if not the most impressive animation we’ve ever seen on screen. I hated Good Dinosaur, but I absolutely remember thinking “This animation is incredible” when I saw it in theaters.

Haven't seen either, but I've read enough about WW84 to know it's not good and many say bad. If you would only consider it a "bad" movie then how you view a movie isn't the same because it seems that's not a word you'd use to give your opinion on a movie. That's totally fine, but it doesn't make anyone else's opinion of saying a movie is bad wrong. We all view movies differently, some look at the entire thing and can appreciate the art even if the plot is bad, which it seems is where you fall, and others who just want to be entertained, like me, don't care how great the cinematography is, if the movie's bad it's bad. Like several of the 80's movies I watched this year because I'd never seen them and felt I should, looking at you Annie and Scrooged as the most recent offenders.

But it's still someone's opinion, so while we can disagree on them, no one's opinion is wrong. What we think of a movie, how we interpret a book, our thoughts on Figment, none can be wrong even if everyone loved the movie and someone didn't, even if it wasn't what the author intended you to think when writing, or that someone doesn't get the purple thing at Epcot.
Yeah when I think bad, I think bad animation, bad music, bad quality. Totally understand not connecting to a movie though.
Oh to me that's absolutely the worst. What you list as bad I can get through if the story is entertaining and pulling me in.
I just rewatched an old animation from the 70s on Netflix. The animation is not good. They hadn't figured out yet how to animate mouths well, so a lot of the time people talk off screen and someone else is on screen reacting. The music is okay, but it's the story, fun characters, sense of humour that keeps me watching. There was the nostalgia factor as we watched it a lot when I grew up.

Lazy scriptwriting, using tropes, those make a movie bad. Not saying that's the case for Soul, but if the core of the movie is bad or okay, good animation or good music is not going to save it for me, most of the time. I had it with Ratched and with Hollywood on Netflix, both shows are made beautifully, have a good cast, look amazing, but in the script there are too many flaws, or uninteresting characters, plotlines, that make me label it as 'good'.

I think one thing that makes Soul hard for people is that not everyone has a passion or something he spends time in the zone for. I think that's why a lot of critics love it. Critics are creative people who probably have some sort idea of zone. For them it's a lot easier to relate to Joe than 'average' people.
For me that's why I do not like that they didn't go back to the teaching plotline at the end, because it could have probably pulled in more 'average' people, showing that there is joy in what you already have. And I do not like that they set up this relationship with his mother, but do not come back to it.

And what was with that character Daveed Diggs voice, how many scenes with him were cut, do you think? I have a feeling his part was heavily reduced.
Oh to me that's absolutely the worst. What you list as bad I can get through if the story is entertaining and pulling me in.
I just rewatched an old animation from the 70s on Netflix. The animation is not good. They hadn't figured out yet how to animate mouths well, so a lot of the time people talk off screen and someone else is on screen reacting. The music is okay, but it's the story, fun characters, sense of humour that keeps me watching. There was the nostalgia factor as we watched it a lot when I grew up.

Lazy scriptwriting, using tropes, those make a movie bad. Not saying that's the case for Soul, but if the core of the movie is bad or okay, good animation or good music is not going to save it for me, most of the time. I had it with Ratched and with Hollywood on Netflix, both shows are made beautifully, have a good cast, look amazing, but in the script there are too many flaws, or uninteresting characters, plotlines, that make me label it as 'good'.

I think one thing that makes Soul hard for people is that not everyone has a passion or something he spends time in the zone for. I think that's why a lot of critics love it. Critics are creative people who probably have some sort idea of zone. For them it's a lot easier to relate to Joe than 'average' people.
For me that's why I do not like that they didn't go back to the teaching plotline at the end, because it could have probably pulled in more 'average' people, showing that there is joy in what you already have. And I do not like that they set up this relationship with his mother, but do not come back to it.

And what was with that character Daveed Diggs voice, how many scenes with him were cut, do you think? I have a feeling his part was heavily reduced.

Interesting as I feel I am someone who doesn't have that intense passion for something, to the point I made it my career or anything ...

And what I got out of the movie was having that intense passion for one thing is not the point of life, why "bring in the zone" is so close to "being a lost soul" ... And what he learned was it is all the little things in life that make life worth living - it isn't just jazz or just teaching or anything. It is simply experiencing life - and all the little average things that go along with it

So as an "average person" that connected with me more than if the ending was "oh, he found out teaching was really his spark all along" - no, that isn't the point. You don't need to find something to do that makes life worth life - just living life is worth it

At least that is how it took it
Interesting as I feel I am someone who doesn't have that intense passion for something, to the point I made it my career or anything ...

And what I got out of the movie was having that intense passion for one thing is not the point of life, why "bring in the zone" is so close to "being a lost soul" ... And what he learned was it is all the little things in life that make life worth living - it isn't just jazz or just teaching or anything. It is simply experiencing life - and all the little average things that go along with it

So as an "average person" that connected with me more than if the ending was "oh, he found out teaching was really his spark all along" - no, that isn't the point. You don't need to find something to do that makes life worth life - just living life is worth it

At least that is how it took it

I think you got it. Teaching would not have been his "spark" per Gerry - it may heve been his "purpose" but that was defined as seperate. Joe's spark likely was music, and it inspired him to the things he did in life, including teaching.
I'm watching this NYE with the fam, so I'm trying not to spoil myself too much, but I had to comment here...

Bad is a completely acceptable adjective when a movie is either so boring it puts one to sleep, or it causes one to turn off the movie 30 minutes in, or it makes you want to pull out your phone and surf.

Movies, by definition, are not good just based on their parts...it is the total viewing experience that defines the worth of the movie. If that experience leads one to want to actively leave it, it's a bad movie (no matter how good any one part is). No getting around it.

Boring movies can, and should be, labeled as bad movies if one feels that way. Nothing wrong with that opinion.

I've had many movies I could put in that category. Some I finished, and a select few I could not even bring myself to turn back on even after just 15 minutes of awfulness (Nacho Libre - looking at you)...

but then how do you separate something that you don't like from something that you truly think is poorly made/of bad quality ... would you call both "bad"?

I mean, there is some classicaly music I find boring but I wouldn't say is bad because I know there is a lot of talent that went into making it ... simiarly with rap music. Some I think is good, some I think is just bad, but some I just don't like but I get why others might like it. So I wouldn't call that "bad" just because I don't like it
but then how do you separate something that you don't like from something that you truly think is poorly made/of bad quality ... would you call both "bad"?

I mean, there is some classicaly music I find boring but I wouldn't say is bad because I know there is a lot of talent that went into making it ... simiarly with rap music. Some I think is good, some I think is just bad, but some I just don't like but I get why others might like it. So I wouldn't call that "bad" just because I don't like it

I think the word "bad" is shorthand. It's just an opinion. I might call lots of things bad that are technically good because I don't like them. It's not intended to be a detailed critique.
I wouldn't call Soul a bad movie. But the purpose of watching a movie like Soul is generally entertainment. When my wife was asleep, my 3 kids wandered from the room, and I'm only half-watching, it doesn't matter that the animation was beautiful and the idea of the story was interesting and the score was nice... for my family, it failed as entertainment.

Now... small sample size obviously, but when my kids said it was bad I didn't try and tell them that was the wrong word to use. I just nodded. I don't agree, but I think it's a label that a lot of people are going to apply to Soul. Not all of them obviously, I get that some people really connected with the characters. But when viewers abandon a movie partway through, it's easy to say, in their opinion, that it's bad. Nothing wrong with that.

For me, it just wasn't entertaining. Getting to the end felt more like a victory than anything else. And that's not what I want from my movies. So I'd say it definitely failed for me, but I'm not going to say it was bad because it clearly had a lot of good attributes. Just the whole package didn't work together for me.
It's just a matter of semantics. I agree with others that its not a badly made movie so I won't call it bad but it failed to engage or entertain me. On that scale I can understand why some would say it's bad. It seems like it's very much a movie that you need to be able to connect to and relate with to really enjoy. I got through it myself but wasn't able to just sit and watch it. Just kept it playing and watched it while working around the living room/kitchen area where I could see the tv still. It's a well made movie but probably bottom of the Pixar list for me (haven't seen Good Dinosaur though).
I wouldn't call Soul a bad movie. But the purpose of watching a movie like Soul is generally entertainment. When my wife was asleep, my 3 kids wandered from the room, and I'm only half-watching, it doesn't matter that the animation was beautiful and the idea of the story was interesting and the score was nice... for my family, it failed as entertainment.

Now... small sample size obviously, but when my kids said it was bad I didn't try and tell them that was the wrong word to use. I just nodded. I don't agree, but I think it's a label that a lot of people are going to apply to Soul. Not all of them obviously, I get that some people really connected with the characters. But when viewers abandon a movie partway through, it's easy to say, in their opinion, that it's bad. Nothing wrong with that.

For me, it just wasn't entertaining. Getting to the end felt more like a victory than anything else. And that's not what I want from my movies. So I'd say it definitely failed for me, but I'm not going to say it was bad because it clearly had a lot of good attributes. Just the whole package didn't work together for me.

Yeah, it should all be assumed to be an opinion. I might say that a certain movie or character "sucks" and then someone will clap back with "that's just your opinion." Well, I mean, yeah, that should be understood. I shouldn't have to preface every statement with "In my opinion," though I have argued with people who think you should - well, they think that everyone else should. Anyway, it happens a ton in comic book fan circles as they tend to be pretty precious about the things they like.
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