Disboutiquers part 3 (Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes)

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Remember the Tag Fairy?
Jan 22, 2001
I started a new thread, since we were at page 249, here's the link: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=24082364#post24082364

Welcome to the Disboutique thread part three!
We are a bunch of ladies (and men) that share a love of Disney, boutique clothes and sewing! Even if you don't sew, please join in, you might just find a new passion!
Be warned, this thread is addictive, and we don't stay on topic!
Here is where we keep the photos of all the outfits that have been posted:

And here is the link to "the bookmarks" with TONS AND TONS of FREE patterns and sewing hints and tips. Most all of the hints and links posted here will go into the bookmarks as well as things I've found on the internet.

We have a few "rules"
1.You MUST share pictures of everything (and unfortunately, we do mean EVERYTHING! Check out the photobucket account under "Just for Fun" if you don't believe me!
2.NO APOLOGIZING for how your kids look. That includes wet hair, messy hair, dirty faces, wrinkled clothes etc....We have come to the conclusion that ALL of our children are beautiful, no matter what!
3.No apologizing for messy houses. We like a good game of eye spy around here!
4. No apologizing for being "off topic". We like to have fun here, and are often off topic.
5. If you have a question, ask us, we'll do our best to help! Really, you can post questions here, we like that!
6. If you ask a question and no one answers, don't be upset. Either, no one knows the answer, or your post got missed. Go ahead and ask again!

The Photobucket account contains pictures of all the creations that have been posted.
The Bookmarks have links to sewing tutorials and patterns. Check them both out!
Abbreviations used:
YCMT- http://www.youcanmakethis.com Boutique style patterns you can buy
CASE- Copy and Steal Everything
If it's posted here, feel free to copy it!
CAB- Copy and Butcher everything
Voldermort- Code word for Ebay
(We started out calling Ebay "The site that must not be named", and then it was suggested that we call it Voldermort or :wizard: for short.
Targemort- Code word for Target
Waldemort- Code word for Walmart
Frankenpattern- To take several different patterns and put them together into one outfit

More stuff to make your head spin :

How to post pictures by revrob:
1. Upload the pic of your choice to photobucket
2. Resize the pic in photobucket (above the pic > edit > resize > website - it will make you verify that you would like to resize the pic
3. After the pic has resized, go to your album, below the pic that you would like to post, there are 4 different codes (email & IM, direct link, html code & IMG code) Click in the box that has the has the IMG code. It will look something like this http: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
When you click on that box, it will light up in yellow, and say "Copied"
4. In the thread on the Dis (in another open window), click on "post reply". When you are ready to post the pic, right click - a box will open, click on paste. This will paste the link that you copied from your photobucket account.
5. Post reply. The pic should show up!

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][U]How to multi-quote by HeatherSue:[/U][/COLOR]
At the bottom of each post, you will see a little blue box with a + sign it it. If you want to multi-quote that post, you click the + box and then move onto the next post you want to multi-quote and click the + box. After you've clicked all the posts you want to multi-quote, click on "reply" or "quote". All of the items you want to respond to should be in the reply box. Just put your reply to each post after the [/quote] for each post.

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][U]How to make thumbnail pictures in your reply by HeatherSue:[/U][/COLOR]
When you click reply, the name of the picture will look something like this, but in [ _] brackets
To make it a thumbnail, put th_ before the name of the picture, such as this:
This only works for pictures that were uploaded to photobucket.

[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Disboutiquers part 2 can be found here: [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1698584[/url]
AND if you are feeling REALLY ambitious, and want to see the thread from the very beginning, here you go!
To read chronologically, do NOT follow the link at the end of Part 1, for some reason, that will jump you to part 6 :confused3
(Thanks LisaZoe for tracking down all the parts for us!)
Part 1 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1342831[/url] (01/30/07 - 06/24/07 & 01/07/08 - 01/23/08)
Part 2 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1732716[/url] (06/24/07 - 08/01/07)
Part 3 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1732718[/url] (08/01/07 - 09/06/07)
Part 4 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1732719[/url] (09/06/07 - 10/29/07)
Part 5 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1732720[/url] (10/29/07 - 01/07/08)
Part 6 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1733993[/url] (01/23/08 - 01/24/08)
Disboutiquers 2 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1698584[/url] (01/24/08 - 02/18/08)
Disboutiquers 3 - [url]http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1726267[/url] (02/18/08 - now) [/COLOR]
I just wanted to be the first one to reply on the new thread! :thumbsup2
Glad I am paying enough attention today (and that you picked today to make it) that I won't get lost when I go looking for you guys lmao. :)
I need to get to sewing. I have a million projects piled up next to my sewing machine. And I just added another project to the pile today. DD started a new school today and the shirts for the school are red. Well I couldn't find any red ones in the store so I decided to make her some.:rolleyes1 We'll see how that turns out.
I'm jumping over here!! Still working on the Ariel skirt, then the Ltd 2 shirt, then the Buzz Lightyear skirt and then the.......:lmao:
Gotta get this in my subsciption list.
I am working on applique pants for the boys today.... Well until it's time to get ready for work.........
Subscribing to this thread...do you know if the old thread will disappear, or will it just be locked so we can't post anymore? I must be at least 20-30 pages behind on the old thread, and would love to be able to go back and catch up...hopefully tonight.

Subscribing to this thread...do you know if the old thread will disappear, or will it just be locked so we can't post anymore? I must be at least 20-30 pages behind on the old thread, and would love to be able to go back and catch up...hopefully tonight.


It's just supposed to be locked
I don't know if I am allowed to post this, please remove it if I can't. We are going in April and I am looking for customs for my Daughter. Do you girls sell your stuff?
Hopping over here! I just been looking at pictures since we went to disney last month, but still around.
I just wanted to say the Sebastian shirt came out really cute. I almost tried to reply on the other thread and then realized I wouldn't be able to. OOps:lmao:
I think I get to be the first person to post a new custom on the thread:cool1:

Here is the Evil Queen. My DD really has a thing for her. LOL




I think I get to be the first person to post a new custom on the thread:cool1:

Here is the Evil Queen. My DD really has a thing for her. LOL





That is extremely cool. I love the evil queen. I have her costume. But I'm confused. I'm still posting on the other thread. I can't keep up with 2!
I think I get to be the first person to post a new custom on the thread:cool1:

Here is the Evil Queen. My DD really has a thing for her. LOL





Aimee, that is cute!!! I don't think I've ever seen an Evil Queen outfit before! I love the petal skirt with that!
I think I get to be the first person to post a new custom on the thread:cool1:

Here is the Evil Queen. My DD really has a thing for her. LOL





WOW!!!! That's gorgeous. I love this outfit.

Everyday you all post such amazing creations. I'm in AWE of it all. Now if I can perfect the PJ pants I'll be on the right track. :rotfl:

This is amazing. :worship:
Okay....I just posted on the other board???? :confused3 Is that one disappearing???

Once again I have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Villian custom!!!!! That is awesome!!! I want it!!!! (well for my DD that is...hahahahahaha)
That evil queen outfit is cool! I love that skirt! I don't sew, but I just love seeing all of your creations. I can't believe we're on thread #3 now. I think I was still on the first one????
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