Dis Dining show minor complaint/suggestion

Please review the menus before you arrive and learn how to pronounce the dishes before the camera is pointing at you. Fiasco and Steve especially can be painful to watch when they struggle with pronunciations! Why do they do this to themselves? Google it and listen to someone say it. It takes 10 seconds. If you still have trouble, so be it, but at least you will be in the ballpark.
Thank you for commenting on this! Constructive criticism is always helpful for everyone. My husband and I always cringe when Fiasco and Steve try to pronounce something a little foreign to them. I do feel that as a professional vlogger there should be some preparation and professionalism. Or if they themselves can not pronounce please refer to another member of the dining party to help.

I can understand how a mispronunciation can happen. You can say a word perfectly in every day life but when a camera is pointed in your direction and you are trying to give a detailed reviewed while trying to hit the bullet points in your head, there is a chance for error.
I think the words that they generally try to pronounce are just foreign words to them and not just stumbling on common everyday words. Over all they generally do a very good job and are professional. A little reviewing of the menu prior to dining and googling a pronunciation would be better than totally butchering.
My issue with the dining shows is that I never have time to sit and watch the videos, I listen to the podcasts on my 2 hour commute. They used to do the reviews back in the studio but now they do them at the table and with all the background noise I can’t hear half of what they say and it’s very distracting with all the noise. So I can’t usually tell if they’re mispronouncing things or not! 🤷🏻‍♀️
My one hope is for the team to find a better way to record audio for the dining videos.
This is actually what made me stop listening to the dining show. They used to do a short segment in the restaurant and then record the bulk of the show in the studio. IMO, those were much better. The noise level in the restaurants just isn't conducive to recording a show there. I got tired of struggling to hear what they're saying. It's especially bad because I only listen to the shows in my car so there's background noise on my end from the road on top of the background noise on the show itself.
My issue with the dining shows is that I never have time to sit and watch the videos, I listen to the podcasts on my 2 hour commute. They used to do the reviews back in the studio but now they do them at the table and with all the background noise I can’t hear half of what they say and it’s very distracting with all the noise. So I can’t usually tell if they’re mispronouncing things or not! 🤷🏻‍♀️
LOL. We were posting the same thing at the same time.
They used to do a short segment in the restaurant and then record the bulk of the show in the studio. IMO, those were much better.

I agree.

Also, my suggestion is that they edit it out all of the chewing. Like, someone takes a bite and then chews for a while and then starts talking with their mouth half full because they are in a rush. Instead, they could just edit out the chewing. That would give the person more time to chew and compose themselves before speaking.
At this point they need to realize out of Steve/Fiasco/Sean only one of them should show up on a dining review, since the three pretty much have identical palates.

Steve has seniority of the child palate club.

Fiasco every single time talks about how he is lactose intolerant and then orders a dairy heavy dish. (Yes I know they make pills to counteract it, but it gets annoying after he states it every single food video.)

Sean always states how he has "never had x,y,z" but hates every new thing he tries.
At this point they need to realize out of Steve/Fiasco/Sean only one of them should show up on a dining review, since the three pretty much have identical palates.

Steve has seniority of the child palate club.

Fiasco every single time talks about how he is lactose intolerant and then orders a dairy heavy dish. (Yes I know they make pills to counteract it, but it gets annoying after he states it every single food video.)

Sean always states how he has "never had x,y,z" but hates every new thing he tries.

I agree with this statement about only needing one of them. I really, genuinely like all 3. But when it comes to food, they do share a palate. I’m all for that palate being represented, but I’m really struggling with these shows without Charles. Not to create a 2.0 of the Charles thread- but the guy knew food. I enjoy Deni in the reviews, because I think she has a sophisticated palate. I enjoy Ryno & Craig because I think they have a “general population” palate. I understand that Pete is dividing the shows a bit throughout the team and giving everyone a show to be “their baby” & Fiasco and Steve were put on the Dining show- and that’s cool. I really like Fiasco’s videography & I like Steve’s hosting style. But that team needs a “foodie” on the panel too.
Sill be the "everyman", but in the review of the food, at least know how to pronounce what you ordered. Just my opinion.
First, let me say, I'm a huge fan of the podcast and supporter of the Dis. But, on this issue, I'm in the camp of:
  1. Struggling with the Dining Show format these days - with all of the background noise on site, I'd rather watch those reviews vs listen to them, like I do all of their other shows; and
  2. Cringe when I hear them mispronounce words that are slightly foreign but not uncommon in American culture (which makes me not miss the Dining Shows, as much, if I don't get to them).
I do not think "profiteroles" are such a rare and exotic dessert item that several people on a dining review show would struggle pronouncing (btw, pronounced how it is spelled). (Now those Icelandic words mentioned earlier in this thread...yeah, I don't expect most people to be able to pronounce those without some extra help!) I agree, wholeheartedly, that there is a lack of ethnic diversity on the pod which could help with some of these dining reviews or even on the regular show when "foreign" words/names are in the news stories. Even if you don't think it's disrespectful that there isn't some level of effort to try to pronounce things with care (not perfectly, but with effort), there are others that will think that way. For me, having grown up eating ethnic food in the school cafeteria, causing the kids to make fun of me and my food, it does bother me. (I never would have thought Korean food would someday become trendy!! Who's laughing now? LOL) And YMMV. I don't think they're trying to offend anyone. But we live in such a interconnected world now that it's hard to accept what appears like a lack of effort to pronounce these words and embrace other cultures.
Butchering the pronunciations of some exotic dishes doesn't really bother me. What does, for some reason, is the use of the phrase "price per value". Charles used it all the time and now it seems Fiasco has taken up that mantle.
At this point they need to realize out of Steve/Fiasco/Sean only one of them should show up on a dining review, since the three pretty much have identical palates.

Steve has seniority of the child palate club.

Fiasco every single time talks about how he is lactose intolerant and then orders a dairy heavy dish. (Yes I know they make pills to counteract it, but it gets annoying after he states it every single food video.)

Sean always states how he has "never had x,y,z" but hates every new thing he tries.

This 100%

Sean hates everything he tries so his palate is pretty much the same as Steve’s.

I know they have to divvy out the different shows among the group but I do think more thought could be given to the fact that none of them have adventurous palates.

I so miss John and Kevin reviews!!!
What is so funny? That poster made a legitimate point.

If you are eating another culture's food, and doing a video review of it, it is disrespectful to purposely mispronounce the words and joke about it. Making an effort shows respect for the language and culture.

Please. You’re taking it to a level it doesn’t need to be. Offending the culture..?? Who gets offended by the mispronunciations of food....??? Wow.

Anyway my only criticism is the .05 seconds of food then 10 minutes of Fiasco talking about it.


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