differences over the years with DVC--changes?


DIS Veteran
Apr 13, 2007
I love Disney and love staying at DVC. I am now considering buying a small DVC contract resale, but I have read posts here where DVCers say "DVC has changed..."
So, before I jump into DVC---what are some of these changes and how has it affected your experience with DVC. And, for those who feel that these "changes" haven't altered your view, please chime in for some balance.
I am fine with DVC personally. I am in it for the lower cost in accommodations, I love Disney and Walt Disney World. People get upset with this or that, but the fundamental benefit is still there, for me anyway.
Disney changes over time. Buy for what you are contracted for.

Our last trip we got the cleanest and best maintained room we've ever gotten in six years of ownership.

I think that booking small resorts that aren't your home will continue to get more and more difficult. Buy where you want to stay (or where youy won't be disappointed to end up).

What has changed? Most of what has changed is on the Disney end. I'm one who believes the food has gotten worse. I think its gotten a lot busier in what used to be the "off season." Disney isn't kept up as "perfectly" as it formerly was (light bulbs burned out on the Boardwalk sign). Cruising costs more (points) every year.

Other changes - a $95 booking fee for Disney resorts, the change to banking windows - those don't - to ME - change the fundamentals of the program. But they do illustrate that DVC has the power to change some stuff.
Crisi is right. Your contract protects you. Only count on that. I was a Disney Cast Member in the 80's. Just like any company, policy ebbs and flows. When customers start really complaining, it gets better. Then they can get a little lazy again. Overall, I DVC is still better than 90% of the rest of the timeshare industry.
I remember (as a kid of course) when gas was 25 cents a gallon and that meant someone put the gas in the car for you, and someone else cleaned your windows, checked and filled the oil if needed, checked and adjusted tire pressure, checked the exaust.

Things do change, but I think DVC has done a pretty good job of maintaing most of what makes DVC special. JMHO.
I think there has been an attitude change with DVC management. I think they look at it as a money machine. Before it was a prepaid vacation plan.
I think there has been an attitude change with DVC management. I think they look at it as a money machine. Before it was a prepaid vacation plan.

I agree. Customer service is not what is used to be. Member Services is not what it used to be, and the waits on hold have gotten longer as well. Upkeep at OKW sure isn't what it used to be. As long as people still keep making excuses for DVC, it won't get any better.
I remember (as a kid of course) when gas was 25 cents a gallon and that meant someone put the gas in the car for you, and someone else cleaned your windows, checked and filled the oil if needed, checked and adjusted tire pressure, checked the exaust.

Things do change, but I think DVC has done a pretty good job of maintaing most of what makes DVC special. JMHO.

What a great way to put it! And isnt that the way most things are, unfortunately.

DVC has been wonderful for us. I dont own any other timeshares, but what experience I have had with the ones I have rented or been fortunate enough to have been given trips, DVC far outweighs them. Im sure there are others that are comparable to DVC, but there cant be many.
I think there has been an attitude change with DVC management. I think they look at it as a money machine. Before it was a prepaid vacation plan.
I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with Deb on this. It's not just DVC, I think the money-money-money focus is across the board throughout Disney.

As far as DVC is concerned, the recent limitations on owner's transferring points (instead of upgrading their computers to manage isolated problems without punishing all owners needing to make legitimate transfers), the "streamlining" of banking and booking requirements to many owners' detriment (which really is simply a cost-cutting initiative), the new automatic waitlist system which sometimes cancels the base ressie when fulfilling the waitlist (another cost-cutting brainstorm), bouncing points guests out of confirmed ressies so they can rent to cash customers...there are lots of examples. I find myself increasingly waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Oh...and, you won't find any recent posts from me encouraging people to buy DVC.

I think anyone considering DVC today should take a really long, hard look at it. As fluid as things are, you really have to rely ONLY on those things guaranteed by the POS.
and booking requirements to many owners' detriment (which really is simply a cost-cutting initiative), the new automatic waitlist system which sometimes cancels the base ressie when fulfilling the waitlist (another cost-cutting brainstorm), bouncing points guests out of confirmed ressies so they can rent to cash customers...there are lots of examples. I find myself increasingly waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Hey Jim. My Brother in law had the computer generated waitlist. He did not loose his ressies but he called everyday to make sure his actuals were in place. He was not comfortable at all about the computer waitlist!!!! So yes, another cutting cost mechanism. We hate it!!! We would rather call everyday and get a live person......
DVC is still a very good timeshare option for the right family. However, IMO, it has changed over the years and mostly for the worse though usually in small ways. Same could be said for WDW in general, IMO. One should only buy in if they intend to use DVC resorts consistently and not do long weekends. Even then, it doesn't make sense for all. You own other timeshares, if any trade with II, you only need a 1 BR and don't normally go Xmas, Easter or mid summer; you may be better off trying to trade in at times or even use bonus weeks to do so.
before we bought DVC. They are still in the Disney area, and I am sure they have some fans-the idea of going a specific week every year did not turn me on.

I always felt DVC dealt with us honestly.

I have never lost a reservation and usually get a room that is pleasent even if it is not my choice of location. Our family finds it hard to enjoy regular hotels now. Growing up with DVC, our kids are spoiled-they prefer apts. to hotel rooms.

Being a member since 1996 our family has been through a few cycles.

Our May 2007 trip was a disappointment on so many levels and communicating that and hearing nothing back from DVC was sad. That would have never happened in the earlier years.

I am vocal. I am professional with my petitions, yet as an Stockholder and DVC member I expect more.

The year we went to King's Island (Mason, OH) and stayed at the resort across the street it was like a carnival level theme park. Even on the 4th of July the park was nearly empty and their food and gift shops had mostly things we could buy at a K mart, not a theme park. The hotel was cramped, the pool just a wet hole in the ground. It was not a Disney experience!

I would hope DVC is smart enough to send people to read boards like this, however since I don't know if they are reading their direct email....I doubt they are reading these boards. Their exit polls at the resorts give limited answer options that are bound to skew our response in the direction they want to hear.

With a major investment, and now DVC is a considerable investment, there are pros and cons. It may not be for everyone.

With all the low and high spots, we are DVC members always seeking the dream.
It's not just DVC, I think the money-money-money focus is across the board throughout Disney.

I think anyone considering DVC today should take a really long, hard look at it.

I agree with you about the money-money-money focus across the line, Jim. Although last year DH was on board with buying into DVC, this year his tune has changed big time, and even I'm a bit leary in the idea of investing into DVC now, and it all has to do with Disney's in-your-face-focus on their bottom line. If you're a consumer of their products/services/industry, it doesn't make you feel good knowing Disney is raking you for every bit they can.

Sometimes I feel like they're trying to find that glass ceiling.....how much can we get them to pay before they won't pay anymore. I feel like it's the mortgage industry wearing Disney ears as a disguise.
I think the worst change has been the focus they have taken. For years the focus was on the current membership. Therefore the members did a very good job of selling DVC for Disney.

However recently I see a shift away from the current membership and more focus on sales and expansion.

I don't think the current $95 fee, the banking changes, the problems in housekeeping and maintenance reflect a management that is listening anymore to it's membership, I think they are listening to themselves.

As Jim, I can't at this time recommend DVC to anyone to purchase and we are to the point of considering selling some of ours, which 5 years ago, I would have sworn would never happen.
...As Jim, I can't at this time recommend DVC to anyone to purchase and we are to the point of considering selling some of ours, which 5 years ago, I would have sworn would never happen.

Ditto and we have already sold two of our contracts. I've got at least one more, maybe two to sell.
We've been members since 2001, and we've yet to be negatively impacted by a DVC change (altho don't get me started on the dining plan....)
I can echo what others have said in that the most noticable change to me is the full-out marketing push. You can't go to a member meeting, special event, DVC Cruise, open your DVC mail or even turn on your resort TV without getting the sales pitch.

As for other changes, I think the changes perceived as negative will leave the most lasting impact in folks' minds. However there have been quite a few positive developments as well, thngs like:

* AP Discount
* Other member perks (special event tickets, attraction previews, etc.)
* Ability to book dining plan at cost
* More member events / cruises
* Improving website (yes, it still needs a LOT of work buy you newbies should have seen it 4 years ago)
* Banking window (an improvement for some)
* Reduced point requirements for DL
* Addition of foreign parks to the Disney Collection
* More diverse DVCs coming (DL, Hawaii)

Some changes have been good...others have been bad. Personally I think the scale is tipped toward the good side, even though the marketing stuff is a real hot-button with me.
I think there has been an attitude change with DVC management. I think they look at it as a money machine. Before it was a prepaid vacation plan.

I agree. Customer service is not what is used to be. Member Services is not what it used to be, and the waits on hold have gotten longer as well. Upkeep at OKW sure isn't what it used to be. As long as people still keep making excuses for DVC, it won't get any better.

I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with Deb on this. It's not just DVC, I think the money-money-money focus is across the board throughout Disney.


I am going to pose somewhat of an opposing view here. While I agree that there is a huge monetary focus...I don't think that has to do with DVC, per se, but rather as Jim said, this is Disney across the board.

The main issue for DVC, I think, is quite simple...size. It has grown exponentially over the past couple of years. And whenever there is unrestrained growth (which is what I consider this to be), other areas start to suffer. And we have seen this all over WDW--they now employ close to 60,000 people. When you have that many employees, they aren't all going to be good and filled with magic and ready to spread pixie dust...it just isn't possible. And I can accept that and thus don't get bent out of shape when I encounter a CM who is less than magical.

Moreover, those who have been with DVC prior to the "population explosion" truly had the feeling of being in a "special, sort of secret, club." With member numbers now in the hundreds of thousands, some state that there is no longer that "special feeling."

However, this is a business transaction. I don't know of anywhere else other than Disney where people expect a special, magical feeling to come from a business transaction. So when folks say that DVC isn't what is used to be, I think that can be said of all of WDW and I think it all relates to size...everything is bigger, there are more people, the CMs are stretched way to thin as there isn't enough staff and so on.

For me and my family, we dearly love DVC and seem not to be affected by the recent changes (granted, we've only been staying in DVC accommodations since 2004).

One of the big complaints here is that membership has gotten so big that you can't get in to any resort if you want to do a quick last-minute trip (or you can't get into the smaller resorts). We have booked several trips under the 3-month mark and always have had a choice of resort.

Another big complaint here is that room cleanliness has gone downhill. Ours have always been spotless. Some folks mention that CMs are nasty and negative...again, not to us. So we don't have a single complaint.

We haven't ever used our points at other Disney resorts, so the new $95 fee has yet to affect us (though I agree with others that this is absurd and plain ol' nickel and diming members to death...).

Rob put it well....would I love it if gas were still .25/gallon? Heck yeah. But I understand why it can't be.

All this being said....of course there is room for improvement with DVC. But I think it still offers a very attractive option to those who visit WDW regularly.

Good luck as you make your decision. :goodvibes
I remember (as a kid of course) when gas was 25 cents a gallon and that meant someone put the gas in the car for you, and someone else cleaned your windows, checked and filled the oil if needed, checked and adjusted tire pressure, checked the exaust.

Things do change, but I think DVC has done a pretty good job of maintaing most of what makes DVC special. JMHO.

I was one of those guys who pumped the gas back when it was 45 cents a gallon. By then the differences were that I also washed the windows, checked the oil, put air in the tires, asked about wipers and had to pump other cars at the same time. More work load on one person just like businesses have been doing for years. It is hard to keep certain levels up with fewer employees per customer.

Just made a reservation for Feb. and had the nicest MS person in the 10 years we have been members.

Still recommend---yes:thumbsup2, just not as enthusiastically.

Overall feeling seems a little less personal compared to the smaller DVC back 10 years ago. I wonder if some of the pre '97 owners might agree.
I'm still "good with it" (DVC). I think familiarity breeds a little nit picking by some and thus discontent; I however do not feel I'm getting any less than I signed up for. JMO

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