differences over the years with DVC--changes?

Many good thoughtful comments so far.

We still enjoy our DVC membership. Increased it with AKV after we moved to Orlando (formerly from PA). So that says something about our overall perspective. We still consider Disney brand to be top notch with WDW a place where we can relax and have fun.

However, as we age and WDW evolves we experience changes that we think well of (see Tjkraz post for an excellent list), but there are more fundamental changes that we do not think well of (see posts by Deb and Bill, JimMIA, Sammie and Dean).

Maybe this captures my feelings -- someone asked how I could be such a fan of Disney and I said, "I am a huge fan of the man (Walt) and all that he accomplished" and leave it at that.
I know all of us would love to go back in time when gas was 25 cents a gallon, however I would guess that we all made a fraction of the income then that we do now. As with DVC, all is relative to everyone's interests. :)
I didn't own my dvc back in the "good ole' days" so I can't really comment much on how is was 10 years ago. I try not to do that anyway because of the simple fact just about every thing looks better in hindsight (don't even get me started on customer service at department stores or quality at restaurants)

Anyway, whenever I go to Disney or travel for that matter I try to ask myself is the quality there for my dollar. So far at Disney it's been a resounding "Yes" but I may be very lucky. All my rooms have been excellently maintained, clean and fully stocked and I've never had a problem getting the time I wanted at my home resort. Personally, I think the cm's at wdw are great. They have an ridiculously hard job for bad pay and the ones I've encountered have been friendly, professional and knowledgable and if we want to play the "back in the day" game, I'll fan the fires by saying the guest themselves have gone down hill. I have seen more guest exhibiting bad behaviour, and I mean seriously bad behaviour than should be allowed.

In a nutshell I'm a happy camper and I would and do recommend dvc to my friends.
I think there has been an attitude change with DVC management. I think they look at it as a money machine. Before it was a prepaid vacation plan.

You know, I think that is a very good point. It isn't particulars so much as the attitude....kind of has become less "Disney magical" than before.
I think we will rent points this year and see if we have the same magic again. I never thought I would be thinking of buying DVC, as we have other TS and can easily trade into Orlando (but not DVC). But, when we stayed at SSR this summer (cash reservation)--it was perfect.
For those who think DVC has lost some of special feel--I can tell you that it felt much more "special" even as a non-owner than I have felt at other high end timeshares. My kids loved it, and said they would want to go back even if it meant we wouldn't even go into the parks!!
(ps--I am an old Disney gal--lived locally and went 25 times by the time I was 25--gotta say it's bigger, but I think maybe better in a lot of ways (there was no such thing as character meals when I was a kid).
Thanks, everyone for the insight and balanced views.
<<<<I'll fan the fires by saying the guest themselves have gone down hill. I have seen more guest exhibiting bad behaviour, and I mean seriously bad behaviour than should be allowed.>>>>

Wow, that is the case. And I will tell you that people on vacation act differently (sometimes worse) than they would at home for the simple fact that no one knows them and they will never see these people again. You would not believe the hateful people employess at tourist destinations run into. I really would love to see a Tourist Etiquette book come out, but then, those that needed it wouldn't read it.
Generally, service people will respond how they are dealt with. If they are attacked, their guard comes up. If they are treated nice they will respond in kind. I've been on both ends of the equation. So, I can see issues with DVC POLICY but as far as other issues, there are probably two sides. That being said, CMs who treat guests rudely really do need to be reported so that quality doesn't slowly slip away.
<<<<I'll fan the fires by saying the guest themselves have gone down hill. I have seen more guest exhibiting bad behaviour, and I mean seriously bad behaviour than should be allowed.>>>>

Wow, that is the case. And I will tell you that people on vacation act differently (sometimes worse) than they would at home for the simple fact that no one knows them and they will never see these people again. You would not believe the hateful people employess at tourist destinations run into. I really would love to see a Tourist Etiquette book come out, but then, those that needed it wouldn't read it.
Generally, service people will respond how they are dealt with. If they are attacked, their guard comes up. If they are treated nice they will respond in kind. I've been on both ends of the equation. So, I can see issues with DVC POLICY but as far as other issues, there are probably two sides. That being said, CMs who treat guests rudely really do need to be reported so that quality doesn't slowly slip away.

And the number one thing that should be included in that Tourist Etiquette book is ** Discipline your children !! **
I agree with those who point out that the world has changed (small "W", not WDW :rotfl2: ). We've owned DVC @ 10 years and during that time, some trips have been better, some have been worse, but that's not necessarily due to DVC.:sad2:
DH and I are enjoying DVC even more now; our vacations are more frequent, we have more of a selection of location and type of villas available :-)cheer2: for AKV with CL and savanna villas!), and we have found the CMs to be friendly enough to suit us.
I do agree that the parks are quite a bit more crowded during "off-season", but that's not only due to DVC; there are more people traveling now (look at any news program that discusses the upcoming holiday travel numbers! :eek:)
Another factor that we noticed on our recent trip (earlier this month), is that with the US dollar falling, WDW has become an absolute bargain vacation to folks from other countries, and since their schedules are different from ours, families from other countries are visiting during their school holidays, which may not coincide with ours. :goodvibes
Yes, there are changes, but IMHO, not due to DVC. :flower3:
I'll fan the fires by saying the guest themselves have gone down hill. I have seen more guest exhibiting bad behaviour, and I mean seriously bad behaviour than should be allowed.
How true, and you can see that attitude reflected here on the boards as well. People are much more into self entitlement. The only thing of importance is THEIR vacation.

Another part of that equation is Disney being less and less interested in enforcing their own rules. Things like no-smoking areas, no running or heelies, and just keeping things like ADRs and special events organized and fun. Heck, even the CMs are less friendly and "Disney helpful" than they used to be.

One of the things that first drew us to WDW was the attention to detail. It is what brought us back time and time again. Things like flower beds always looking perfect....Themes always done to the max...Over the top cleanliness in an industry not known for it...and CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! That last one is lacking big time these days, as is the cleanliness that we used to find.
I think the worst change has been the focus they have taken. For years the focus was on the current membership. Therefore the members did a very good job of selling DVC for Disney.

However recently I see a shift away from the current membership and more focus on sales and expansion.

I don't think the current $95 fee, the banking changes, the problems in housekeeping and maintenance reflect a management that is listening anymore to it's membership, I think they are listening to themselves.

As Jim, I can't at this time recommend DVC to anyone to purchase and we are to the point of considering selling some of ours, which 5 years ago, I would have sworn would never happen.

I could have written this post verbatim. It says exactly as i feel and I can see alot of others feel the same way. Thanks for wording it so perfectly! I would never recommend DVC at this point; I sold 5 contracts over the years via recommendations even tho my state doesn't allow me to receive any compensation. I felt that strongly about it at that time. I can and will not do it anymore. If people in the parks see my dvc bag (i use it cause it's so handy) and ask me about DVC, i always say read the DIS boards..check it out thoroughly, it ain't what it used to be!

There are people out there, even longtime owners, who wear their rose colored glasses that DVC handled out to them back then. Even though DVC continues to kick them where it hurts, they still insist they can see through those cracked glasses. Some of the changes made don't affect everyone now but there are changes coming that will and then i wonder if the glasses will finally come off.
One of the things that first drew us to WDW was the attention to detail. It is what brought us back time and time again. Things like flower beds always looking perfect....Themes always done to the max...Over the top cleanliness in an industry not known for it...and CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! That last one is lacking big time these days, as is the cleanliness that we used to find.

You really think it's lacking?

Gee, I keep hearing these horror stories that make me fear the end of the world, but then I go out and find nothing but nice people. Disney still maintains the best landscaped grounds of anywhere in the world. Maybe the only place that equaled Disney in a pleasant walk was St. James Park in London (one absolutely gorgeous and well manicured English garden.. even better than the Queen's IMHO).

The CMs at SSR have always been super nice to me. Even when I left Magic Kingdom three late nights in October the CMs waving those "See Ya Real Soon" signs chatted me up. (I got to hold the "real" sign twice and they cried when I said I was leaving for the last time.)

The CMs at Haunted Mansion went to all the trouble of getting me a manual chair so I could see the "stretching room".

I've been ushered into the FastPass lane when I forgot my guest assistance card. I was teased and carded by one very cute CM at F&W fest. The Canadians dishing out popcorn were so friendly I ended up spending an extra half hour just talking to them as I munched away.

I've had CMs make space for me in the parade viewing areas. I've had CMs search a resort for a handicapped room I'd prefer.

If I ask for the pool lift for the spa at SSR, the lifeguards ask me how long I'm staying so they can bring it out every day of the week.

I've even been remembered, stopped and complimented by janitors at MK on a busy day.

Now there have been a few grumpy pusses in my Disney history. But not nearly enough for me to say they aren't helpful as a whole.

I guess it just matters what you put into it. I always try to be pleasant to others, even if I'm in the sourest mood possible. The rare occasions when I've encountered an unpleasant CM have been when they were exceptionally busy.
As someone who's been researching DVC and following this forum for the last couple of years and currently waiting on my first contract to pass ROFR... it's a bit discouraging to see some of the posters that I found the most helpful and informative over that time to be on the negative side in here and even selling off some contracts because of it. :sad1:
You really think it's lacking?

Gee, I keep hearing these horror stories that make me fear the end of the world, but then I go out and find nothing but nice people. Disney still maintains the best landscaped grounds of anywhere in the world. Maybe the only place that equaled Disney in a pleasant walk was St. James Park in London (one absolutely gorgeous and well manicured English garden.. even better than the Queen's IMHO).
I didn't say the landscaping was lacking... I said it was one of the details that drew us to WDW in the first place. I said,
and CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! That last one is lacking big time these days, as is the cleanliness that we used to find.
As someone who's been researching DVC and following this forum for the last couple of years and currently waiting on my first contract to pass ROFR... it's a bit discouraging to see some of the posters that I found the most helpful and informative over that time to be on the negative side in here and even selling off some contracts because of it. :sad1:

I know what you mean. We just bought at AKV earlier this month, and it is a bit discouraging. But here are my thoughts--I did the math for our vacation habits, and DVC is a good deal for us. Also, we weren't members way back in the day, so we don't lament the loss of perks we never knew about. As far as dirty rooms or complaints like that go, that is just sometimes going to happen. I have stayed at many of the WDW resorts, and we've had little issues with some of our rooms from time to time. It's bound to happen at DVC resorts too no matter how hard Disney tries to keep them up. In some cases I think people are just looking for little nit picky things and letting them bother them, but of course some complaints are very legitimate. If I encounter a problem myself, then I'll let Disney know about it. Otherwise, I'll just take what I read with a grain of salt.
I think DVC is a great timeshare, and if I didn't already have other timeshares (at the beach), and my kids were a bit younger, I would be on the phone buying DVC---no issues here.

I stayed at SSR this summer, found it to be clean, every CM, including maintenance, to be very nice and thought is was one of the best vacations we had ever had---DD (11) said it was only 2nd to our family reunion in Hawaii.

I had the DVC "magic" bug so bad after that SSR stay that I was trying to talk DH into DVC this weekend---so just doing my due diligence, I ran across some of the "DVC has changed" posts and after our trip was wondering what they were talking about. I see nothing in these posts that would concern me about buying. I think it's still a great value (if you can do a weekday stay).
As someone who's been researching DVC and following this forum for the last couple of years and currently waiting on my first contract to pass ROFR... it's a bit discouraging to see some of the posters that I found the most helpful and informative over that time to be on the negative side in here and even selling off some contracts because of it. :sad1:

Please don't let others comments get you down. I own at four properties, but I am not from the "good ole days" so I really don't know what (they) are referring to. Each and every vacation that we have taken has been wonderful. We have had very clean rooms, I have not done the first thing to make it any cleaner. I am a person that will call the front desk, if this does not meet my standards. I read and read the dis before we bought, I know what you are saying. If a thread like this was on, I would have become worried too.
For us, it was a matter of being tired of paying high hotel prices. We really wanted to stay on Disney property and in deluxe accomodations. The rest has been icing on the cake. The CM's I have encountered have been wonderful. I had one at MS the other day, that I told her she was such a joy to deal with. I told her every time I get her, I know it is going to be a smooth transaction. She beamed with appreciation. She thanked me over and over.

I hope you stay happy with your purchase. We are taking a large family trip next month, everyone is so excited, especially since I became a DVC member. Now, they don't have a hotel bill.:laughing:
I think it all is a matter of personal perspective and I suspect "early owners" are dissapointed because they can see changes happening while newer and new owner's just see what is.

For me.... I'm sort of a "mid" owner (1998). I have seen some changes including some I don't like, but I still see the DVC I bought into as being the best choice. We've stayed at Wyndham resorts many times in the last 5 to 10 years and they are experiencing problems way beyond the ones discussed here.

And don't let them know you are guest... they will hunt you down and promise you the moon to go see one of their 1 hour presentations that turns into 4 hours of torture. Getting away without buying is very painful. Thank goodness Disney doesn't market like this.

DVC is still a notch or two above the others. :)
I still love my DVC...I bought simply to be able to affort better room over a long time period...for that it works
There are people out there, even longtime owners, who wear their rose colored glasses that DVC handled out to them back then. Even though DVC continues to kick them where it hurts, they still insist they can see through those cracked glasses. Some of the changes made don't affect everyone now but there are changes coming that will and then i wonder if the glasses will finally come off.

I don't think we were wearing rose colored glasses. I would totally agree that Disney as a whole has some problems, customer service being one of them. I continue to write and complain where I see issue. I simply believe that for the way I vacation, DVC has been a good deal and so far WDW is still delivering the quality for my dollar.
I don't think we were wearing rose colored glasses. I would totally agree that Disney as a whole has some problems, customer service being one of them. I continue to write and complain where I see issue. I simply believe that for the way I vacation, DVC has been a good deal and so far WDW is still delivering the quality for my dollar.

All in all, I agree with you completely. While I see the customer service and cleanliness of the parks waning from what it was 25 years ago, I also see it as still being much better than lots of other choices out there.

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