Did you get the Loews Christmas card w/upgrade? If so...


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2000
...had you actually used your Loews membership before?

We've had a membership since last year, but didn't use it because we got a great rate at the Portofino with the seasonal annual pass. And we didn't get the Christmas card with the upgrade! :(
We got the christmas card but have not used the Loews card yet. We booked with the entertainment rate. I am not sure how they were sending them out.
I also booked HRH with entertainment rate and received the upgrade x-mas card. I will take a chance and try to get the upgrade in March when I check-in. The worst they can say is NO. Regardless, I will still get a great room with wonderful perks I could only dream of ever getting on a vacation.
We received the Christmas Card in the mail, it is my thinking that they mailed it to everyone on the Loews First mailing list. I have reservations in June and tried to upgrade to a suite. I was told that I had two options, one was to change to the rack room rate (which we have the A.P. rate of $129.00)--I don't think so or we could stay with our present reservation -- no suite. It says something on the card about regular room rate. Although someone posted elsewhere on this site that they had gotten the upgrade with their entertainment rate -- so I say give it a try! I plan to play dumb at check-in and give it a shot! You never know.

By the way, we have used our Loews First card during our Thanksgiving trip and I followed the directions on this board and faxed the room controller and pleasantly asked to have a room in the West Wing. Upon check - in our room was upgraded to a deluxe room overlooking the pool and a little bit down from the boat launch -- it was wonderful. I was very impressed with Loews


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