Did Universal's New Years Party Get Rained Out?



I was looking at Rocketman23's pictures at IOA Central and he didn't get any pictures of the Fireworks or Shows.

12am here I was being rained out I shot off a few Mortars Shells and in that 2 minutes was soaked. I then heard the news say Universal Cancelled it's Fireworks. So I was curious as to know if that did actually happen.
Originally posted by USO2003
I was looking at Rocketman23's pictures at IOA Central and he didn't get any pictures of the Fireworks or Shows.

12am here I was being rained out I shot off a few Mortars Shells and in that 2 minutes was soaked. I then heard the news say Universal Cancelled it's Fireworks. So I was curious as to know if that did actually happen.

Yup, that's what happened. From about 7pm when the first raindrops began to fall, it poured and poured and poured, until sometime well after 1am.
There was hardly anyone in IOA when we walked in about 9:15 or so, except for the crowd inside Mythos (and I'm sure inside a few other dry spots as well)
MIB999999 and I enjoyed a wonderful meal, but we were like drowned rats when we arrived, but then again, nobody anywhere that night at IOA was dry. :rolleyes:
They gave out rainchecks to people and invited people back tonight (the 1st) for the fireworks display that they had intended.

Karen :smooth:
Did anyone go to Universal on 1/1/03 to see the fireworks? Were they around 7:00? I live about 7 miles due east of Universal and I heard fireworks for a very LONG time. It must have been a great show! At first I thought it was residual thunder from the night before!
Maybe it was my Firework show :D I shot off 48 Mortars, 24 Mortar Loaded Bottle Rockets, I shot off 40 Triple Scream Bottle Rockets, 2 5-Minute long Cannon Crackers, 2 World Class Show of Shows 64-Shot Repeaters, and as my Grand Finale 5 Black Cat Triple Break Finale 7 Breaks 21 Effects, that was the best since I lined them all up and lite them at once.

I shot mine off at that time, but unless you got some good ears I doubt you heard them from 45 miles away. :D

I couldn't shoot them off at 12am on the 1st so I shot them off as soon as it got dark.
MsDinsey we had ressies' for mythos at 10:30 but like you said the rains came and did'nt let up. We were going over to the park around 8 but decided to stay dry and begged a ressie from del toria at PBH and stayed in. We left to come home on the 1st so i missed the display too. Wished it had of stayed dry i bet it was awesome.
Yes they did have the fireworks at 7 pm. I live almost across the street from the park and from what I saw of it was a pretty good show.
I dropped by in the latter part of the day and watched the show. It was pretty good. They had some interesting fire ball effects as well as some very cool spinning saucers that shot up into the air.
Because I work at River Adventure, we had to close the ride and go 11-1 because of the fire works. I had the best seat in the house sitting on top of lift 1.
Originally posted by the Dark Marauder
You dont go 11-1 for fireworks, you go 11-2.

aw come on Dark Marauder, you know the new help has toruble getting it right the first time:eek: :eek: :eek: :smooth:


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