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Although I have never seen the newer movie...or the 3rd, Josh claims that one doesn't exist when he watches them :rotfl:).

Totally get this. We're big Stallone fans - especially the Rocky series. But we pretend Rocky 5 doesn't exist. :D

I'm not a huge - get there an hour early- parade fan, although I do liketo watch them occasionally. But I'd love a spooky, crazy HHN parade late night themed to all the scare zones and houses, right before the event closed - something like Mardi Gras on steroids. How cool would that be?
Joining in!

Can't wait to see how HHN 27 turns out.

We are considering going for the first time in almost 8 years (dang we got old!)

Hope you had a blast!

(I'm going to have to get one of those milkshakes)
I've never seen the Superstar Parade because it's more geared towards young children so I wouldn't go out of my way to watch, and sitting in the heat to watch a parade isn't something we usually do. (Plus Josh has some weird hatred of parades).

Andrew is the exact same way! Like if we even stop for a minute to watch a parade he huffs and puffs until we leave :laughing: must be a guy thing :confused3

I did record as much as possible including the whole pre show and some of the regular show. I will say I heard recently you aren't allowed to record and they tell you to stop if they see you. I don't know if it's because they're closing, but no one said anything at all to me (or our group in general) so I assumed it was okay.

We were there in May and they definitely yelled at a few people that were recording! It's good that they let you..especially since it's closing! I don't think they had announced it's closure when we were there last
Suddenly I heard music! It was the Superstar Parade! party:

I've never seen the Superstar Parade because it's more geared towards young children so I wouldn't go out of my way to watch, and sitting in the heat to watch a parade isn't something we usually do. (Plus Josh has some weird hatred of parades).


Wooooh parade! Who doesn't like parades!? Silly Josh!

I mean, I'd probably pick other activities over a parade sometimes, but still. Weird.

I love the Pomeranian from Secret Life of Pets :rotfl: I grew up with lots of Pomeranians and I think they nailed the mannerisms in the movie.


Her eyes, though! :)

since lately when rides close it seems to be before we get there.


(You know like the Great Movie Ride).

Preach!! GMR *sigh*

The next post(s) will be about the AP holding area (spoiler alert: It was crazy in there!) and HHN opening night.

Yay! Can't wait to hear!
Wooooh parade! Who doesn't like parades!? Silly Josh!

I mean, I'd probably pick other activities over a parade sometimes, but still. Weird.

Right? So silly.

Me too. But I feel like do you want to do x or watch a parade is a rare choice in most people's lives :rotfl:

Her eyes, though! :)

The float's were adorably interactive, and all the pets moved around and talked.

Preach!! GMR *sigh*


Yay! Can't wait to hear!

:rotfl: It will be interesting it was pretty crazy in there!
That flan was huge!!! I'm sure it would have fed at least 3 people easy. When she brought it out I thought it was a mistake. Surely this couldn't all be mine!! LOL!! Chris and I got a laugh out of the character interaction the whole trip. I forgot to tell him that you posted the vlog. I'll tell him tonight and we will watch it together.
That flan was huge!!! I'm sure it would have fed at least 3 people easy. When she brought it out I thought it was a mistake. Surely this couldn't all be mine!! LOL!! Chris and I got a laugh out of the character interaction the whole trip. I forgot to tell him that you posted the vlog. I'll tell him tonight and we will watch it together.

It was hilarous when she brought it out :rotfl: it was so ridiculously big for one person. I think those are the best character interactions I’ve ever seen it was just so funny especially with Chris’s reaction to them.
After lunch we walked towards Universal Studios, but briefly split up; Josh wanted to grab something at the store in the Hard Rock. I was going to get our HHN tickets and head to Terminator 2 3D. I wasn't sure what time the next show was, but hoped there would be one before we had to head to the holding area for HHN. Since the Terminator attraction is closing next month, I wanted to get in one more ride, so we decided we'd meet in the gift shop.

I didn't know the Terminator show was closing or else we would have tried to see it one last time. I don't keep up much with Universal news though.


I love it! The punpkins in the trees look so cool!

We saw those too! So fun!

(Plus Josh has some weird hatred of parades).

What?! That's funny. I personally don't watch parades except at Disney, there I want to watch them all!

Not sure if this is a popular opinion, but I liked this attraction both times we did it. I like the 3D, I like the Terminator movies, and I liked the blend of live action and 3D. I know it's been open since the 90's, and it's probably time for something new; but it was still sad to say goodbye. I will say I did enjoy that we actually got to ride it one more time, since lately when rides close it seems to be before we get there.

Glad you got to see this one last time!

Also know I can probably never wear that shirt again because the button that holds the back together immediately broke, and we had to MacGuyver it with hair tie.

This sounds like that time my start broke on my dress on my birthday in February. Safety pin from the front desk at the Contemporary saved the day!


Can you say worst selfie attempt ever? I took two and didn't get his head in either!

At least you look cute!!

I was a bit confused. Is heading to the front frowned upon? It seemed like what everyone who was not seeking shade was moving towards the front, and I assumed if people chose to sit in the shade instead they knew they wouldn't be right in front. But maybe I was supposed to defer to people who had been there earlier and not stand near them? :confused: When we got closer to the front and were about to stop moving a lady was sitting on the ground with her entire family (I assume they were trying to spread out as much as possible so no one would get near them). When we walked by she screamed: "There's no room up here go back! We've been here since 4 pm and now this person is going to come in and get in front of us! Coming in here and walking right in front of us when we've been waiting! It's so rude!" Obviously I'm guessing this was directed at us...but I still don't think we were doing anything wrong. We didn't get in at exactly 4 pm (we were still in the Terminator attraction then), but plenty of people were still coming in so I don't think it mattered when you got there. But yikes that lady was rude!

How annoying. It's like those people at the HEA dessert party who were sitting down and wouldn't let anyone stand in front of them. Dumb. Some people think they are so entitled but it's a first-come first-serve sort of situation at all these things, so if they want a good spot on line, they need to line up exactly where they want to be.

I ended up sitting for a bit (but in the sun so we could stay in place since it was already 5 pm ish and things got started at 5:30). Josh stood up and played a game on his Kindle. I got super sweaty and watched an entire family shred a cup to pieces for entertainment. o_O My mini fan was the only thing saving me from becoming a giant sweat puddle while I sat there.


Haha those fans were great! Every little bit helped.

I have to admit Sinister and The Purge had disappointingly short sections. (Well maybe disappointing isn't the right word to use for The Purge section, because I didn't think it needed to be included at all). We were actually hoping for there to be more Sinister because there was already a really good Insidious house at HHN 25 (the first year we went), and we thought Sinister had the potential to be really good since it's a pretty scary movie, but since there's a new Insidious movie coming out that wasn't the case and the house was mostly Insidious. There was a lot of strobe lights in this house so it was hard to see, but I have since seen a vlog where someone did the Unmasking the Horror tour, and there is actually a lot of really cool details in the Sinister section. The end of the house was the scariest part with crazy strobe lights and Bagul from Sinister and the lipstick face demon from Insidious. (I didn't know that was actually it's name till the HHN press releases and I think it's a weird name) from every corner. It was really fun, I'm not easily startled in haunted houses but they got me good in a few houses this year!

Sounds cool although I have not seen any of those movies. Guess I'm not a horror person. Sounds like a great time to be had if you were a fan though!
That's weird about the lady screaming at you to get back. People can have such strange reactions! There is really no way to respond to rudeness.
That holding area sounds so stressful! That's like people who sit before fireworks and then get mad when you stand in front of them. I don't do scary stuff so I don't think I'll be going to HHN anytime soon.
I was not dressed as Wednesday Addams just because the collar looks similar to hers.

Oh yeah, your collar is kind of like hers...but that's literally the only similarity!

When we walked by she screamed: "There's no room up here go back! We've been here since 4 pm and now this person is going to come in and get in front of us! Coming in here and walking right in front of us when we've been waiting! It's so rude!" Obviously I'm guessing this was directed at us...but I still don't think we were doing anything wrong.

Wow! Holy attitude! Heat and fatigue can really do a number on people I guess...

For the first (but not the last time that weekend) I ended up accidentally in the same corner as a scare actor instead of going in the proper direction. :rotfl:

Haha oh my gosh!
Sadly I think it turned on in the bag and wasted the batteries because I didn’t really get to use it again.

That keeps happening to me! I have a handheld fan that I keep in my park bag but everytime I go to use it the battery is dead! I need to remember to take out the battery when I'm done for the day!
Are you ever walking through a crowd when someone steps on your dress and it just rips right off? :rotfl:
No, but it's been a close call a few times :rotfl2:

(On the way there you get to hear my first Donkey from Shrek impression in the vlog, but it's not my last. But as I say my impression typically is terrible amazing of course).
Yay! Looking forward to that :thumbsup2

Can you say worst selfie attempt ever?
Your worst selfie attempt ever is most of our's "excellent" category :laughing: I'm just lucky when I can get my fingers out of it :rotfl:

Maybe it was the heat, but if that's how the AP holding area always is then count us out for next year.
Yikes, that whole experience sounded kinda crappy. What was with the rude yelling woman?! Take it down a notch lady, you're on vacation!

I expected more people to be running from the way they were acting! But mostly people just briskly walked there :rotfl:
Oh you expected to see people running from the way they were acting? I expected elbows would be thrown!

I did hear a lady commenting on how "everyone was acting soooo crazy over this, it's just haunted houses"...while she was running to the houses.
OMG :confused: What's with people sometimes?!

Yikes, those haunted houses sound terrifying to me! Sooo not my speed - I can't even watch scary movies :laughing:
I’m trying to catch up and I’m reading too quickly.......will go back and read it properly when it’s not the middle of the night here!

But enjoyed what I have read.........I’m interested to read your overall opinion of the event this year.......we thought the Purge part of the house was unnecessary too........but we are so bored with Purge anyway.

We did enjoy the Insidious a few scares there......but you are doing good so far, apart from rude people of course.......they’re always around somewhere!

Will look out for more updates.


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