DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

I need a drink. Phone rings a couple of hours ago and all I hear is sobbing and what sounds like my son. After getting him to take a couple of deep breaths I manage to get hit a moose and he isn't far from home. Off we go to help him not knowing what to expect.

Luckily he's OK but the car is obviously seriously damaged. He had calmed down by the time we got there but was still pretty shaken up. Looks like the moose landed on the right side of the windshield and then down the side. Thank God he didn't hit it square on. Hug your kids tonight guys.
Sucky phone call, but glad he's okay. Would love to hug my kids, but they're all over the place and social distancing.

Miss being able to give my kids and mom a hug.
Yikes!!!!! He's lucky to have not gotten hurt or worse! Holy smokes, man! Are you okay???
Jesus, that must have been a shake up for all of you. All the best to Declan mate. Good to hear he's come out of it OK physically. Sorry about the motor.
Sucky phone call, but glad he's okay. Would love to hug my kids, but they're all over the place and social distancing.

Miss being able to give my kids and mom a hug.

Thanks Guys.

It's amazing the amount of things that run through your head in a 60 second phone call while you are trying to get someone to calm down enough to give you some information about what happened. In the end, all I got was hit...moose....I'm OK...near the Claudie Rd.

He was about 5 minutes away from our house and I had to work hard not to drive way too fast to get there.

Now I'm just waiting for the call from the insurance company.
My phone (or the dis is acting stupid). Had quoted part about man cave and PS and Wii, but not here.

Anyway...at least you have a man cave...DW's baking and decorating and crafts take up so much room, I'm glad to have part of the garage, a shed and my office.

As to why....I think Dan already answered, but along the same lines....because we're told the American dream is get married, get a house, have kids, be in debt. Okay, maybe not the last part, but the other 3 tend to lead in that direction.

I don't know if failure always work. Heard about the phenomenon "learned helplessness". Have a fun and safe trip.
Interesting. Would like to read up.on.this, but I don't think I know how.

Paddlefish back to Fulton's Crab House
Soarin bendy CGI back to original Soarin
7DMT back to Snow White's Scary Adventures
HOA back to Wishes
DVC point charts back to a less stupid # of seasons
I'm sensing a theme here.
Sadly, I think I agree with all except 7dmt.
I'm being dragged into a horrendous p!ssing contest between a few directors. I need
Ruh roh George.
Just remember and repeat the mantra...
I can understand your position. Say it to each one as often as you can.

Seconded. Unless Disney want a Curly Haired Ninja on the warpath in the Imagineering building
I would kinda like to see that. It would be more entertaining than some of the "shows" at Disney. Heck, I think I'd even use a FP to see that.
Is this the 15,000th of June? It seems like this is the longest lasting year ever.

I need a drink. Phone rings a couple of hours ago and all I hear is sobbing and what sounds like my son. After getting him to take a couple of deep breaths I manage to get hit a moose and he isn't far from home. Off we go to help him not knowing what to expect.

Luckily he's OK but the car is obviously seriously damaged. He had calmed down by the time we got there but was still pretty shaken up. Looks like the moose landed on the right side of the windshield and then down the side. Thank God he didn't hit it square on. Hug your kids tonight guys.

Glad to hear he's ok. Insurance will cover the vehicle.

Morning guys from a Wet n Wild London. No, not in that way. The weather.
I'm being dragged into a horrendous p!ssing contest between a few directors. I need to tread carefully over the next few days.

Jesus, that must have been a shake up for all of you. All the best to Declan mate. Good to hear he's come out of it OK physically. Sorry about the motor.

Because you enjoy Chicka Bow wow time, and you assumed it would be on tap for the rest of your life if you gave up the Ps2/3/4. That's why we all give up living as bachelors. And then we end up back at it.

Good luck with the bosses. I kinda figured the whole perpetual hump day sounded like a good plan. Inconceivable that I used the word perpetual, not sure I knew the meaning of that word.

My phone (or the dis is acting stupid). Had quoted part about man cave and PS and Wii, but not here.

Anyway...at least you have a man cave...DW's baking and decorating and crafts take up so much room, I'm glad to have part of the garage, a shed and my office.

As to why....I think Dan already answered, but along the same lines....because we're told the American dream is get married, get a house, have kids, be in debt. Okay, maybe not the last part, but the other 3 tend to lead in that direction.

I don't know if it's a man cave or just the room DW stores everything she doesn't want anymore, which means it could be my permanent room. :lmao:

As for 7DMT, if the car was a bit longer so my knees didn't hurt, then I would enjoy it more.
Refurbs I'd like to see:

1. Tell ya what. You can keep IASW's dolls. You can even keep the song. Just give me the Buzz Lightyear guns mounted on the boats and targets on the dolls. That's all. Maybe a few depth-charge splashes in the water for effect. I don't ask for much.
2. Bring back the old Soarin'! No Scoliosis Towers.
3. Would like to see Mission: Space restored too, so the green mission actually, you know, goes to space.
4. Tomorrowland Speedway. It's just a colossal waste of space. I've probably lost a few years of my life standing in the sun in line and breathing the diesel fumes.
5. I'm sad to see the old Epcot, the one that was all about looking toward the future and technology, going away forever. I get that it's very hard to keep current with technology, but that was so inspiring to me.

I need a drink. Phone rings a couple of hours ago and all I hear is sobbing and what sounds like my son. After getting him to take a couple of deep breaths I manage to get hit a moose and he isn't far from home. Off we go to help him not knowing what to expect.

Luckily he's OK but the car is obviously seriously damaged. He had calmed down by the time we got there but was still pretty shaken up. Looks like the moose landed on the right side of the windshield and then down the side. Thank God he didn't hit it square on. Hug your kids tonight guys.

I'm so glad Declan is ok. I hope you're ok, too! Hard not to get anxious when the phone rings that late at night.

I'm being dragged into a horrendous p!ssing contest between a few directors. I need to tread carefully over the next few days.

Well...that sounds like fun. Try not to get any on you.
Nothing new to report. Just working, but that's OK.

Split work week with Canada Day falling on Wednesday with all its virtual celebrations.
It will be different this year for sure. I haven't even looked to see what or if anything is being done this year. I'm working anyway. But it's the first money I've had come in for 6 weeks, so I'll suffer through OK.

List the Top 5 attractions you want to see receive an update
OK, put on my thinking cap.

1. Speedway - electric cars, the fumes are terrible in Florida heat. But keep it, for the nostalgia. Maybe even re-theme to Sugar Crush (Wreck It Ralph)?

2. CoP - yeah do something with the last scene. Either jump to the actual future, or have a sensibly time spaced jump to the 80's as Dan says

3. Indiana Jones stunt show - sorry, but it's out of place now and the "we're making a movie thing" is getting tired. DHS is not the place it used to be, for better or worse. I would love to see Indiana Jones stay in one of the parks. Bulldoze the stunt show and make a motor bike/side car ride (inspired by Indiana & his dad escaping in the Last Crusade) - to rival Hagrids over on the dark side.

4. Jungle Cruise - yeah, those animatronics haven't changed in 30, 40? years.

5. Buzz Lightyear - take the darn guns off the vehicle! Give a better way to aim besides a teeny laser dot next to 9,742 others.

I need a drink. Phone rings a couple of hours ago and all I hear is sobbing and what sounds like my son. After getting him to take a couple of deep breaths I manage to get hit a moose and he isn't far from home. Off we go to help him not knowing what to expect.
As I mentioned on FB, I'm very glad he is OK, night driving always worries me. You just never know when one of those suckers will come out of nowhere. I avoid driving at night when possible, at least on the highway.

Fun fact. Did you know every moose on the island of Newfoundland (~150,000 of them) descended from just 4 New Brunswick moose introduced in 1904?

http://www.canadacool.com/location/...at were introduced from New Brunswick in 1904.
All that yellow nonsense better be corn......
Cheddar? Yellow peppers?
It certainly couldn't be pineapple. No one in their right mind would do that.

Canada has many great inventions.
Peanut butter, heart pacemaker (coincidence?), Insulin, and the most important of all, Wonderbra, just to name a few.
But "Hawaiian" pizza ain't one of them.
I had to work hard not to drive way too fast to get there.
I bet!
Now I'm just waiting for the call from the insurance company.
Presume he won't be at fault. At least if you hit a wild animal here, you're not.
1. Tell ya what. You can keep IASW's dolls. You can even keep the song. Just give me the Buzz Lightyear guns mounted on the boats and targets on the dolls. That's all. Maybe a few depth-charge splashes in the water for effect. I don't ask for much.
I can get behind this. :thumbsup2
As for 7DMT, if the car was a bit longer so my knees didn't hurt, then I would enjoy it more.
True and also wider so you don't have to squish mr happy and his brothers in the process. As I said, not designed for adult males.

1. Tell ya what. You can keep IASW's dolls. You can even keep the song. Just give me the Buzz Lightyear guns mounted on the boats and targets on the dolls. That's all. Maybe a few depth-charge splashes in the water for effect. I don't ask for much.
This gets my vote. Still would need AC/DC in headphones, but ya, this would be great!

Nothing new to report. Just working, but that's OK
I think that's fantastic Jeff.

Fun fact. Did you know every moose on the island of Newfoundland (~150,000 of them) descended from just 4 New Brunswick moose introduced in 1904?
Talk about inbreeding. Are you sure they didn't come.from Alabama? :lmao:
Insurance company was great, no fault, got my rental and the car is being towed to the body shop. They did say it would likely be a right off so to prepare for that.

Glad to hear he's ok. Insurance will cover the vehicle.

Thanks Norm.

I'm so glad Declan is ok. I hope you're ok, too! Hard not to get anxious when the phone rings that late at night.

I get anxious anytime our landline rings, especially at night.

Canada has many great inventions.
Peanut butter, heart pacemaker (coincidence?), Insulin, and the most important of all, Wonderbra, just to name a few.
But "Hawaiian" pizza ain't one of them.

Actually, Hawaiian pizza was created in Chatham, Ontario. Just another reason to not like Ontario. ;)
Refurbs I'd like to see:

1. Tell ya what. You can keep IASW's dolls. You can even keep the song. Just give me the Buzz Lightyear guns mounted on the boats and targets on the dolls. That's all. Maybe a few depth-charge splashes in the water for effect. I don't ask for much.

List the Top 5 attractions you want to see receive an update

I just have pone change I'd like to see. Roll back ticket prices. Jodi and I have only been going to WDW since late 2007. In that time we have bought AP a few times. The other day I found a receipt for a pair we bought and the total was just over $600 for the both of us. Today's APs are a little under double that for one person now.
Top O the Mornin Dads! Made ADRs this morning but getting a bit nervous about trip down. Kinda like Dan with some contest going on at work and just want to get through the next couple of days. Stay safe out there guys.

WDW Pick'Ems for today.............
  1. Smell of Rome burning on Spaceship Earth or smell of "Pirate water"?
  2. Seas with Nemo and Friends or Under the Sea Journey of the Little Mermaid (attractions)?
  3. Monster Inc Laugh Floor or Turtle Talk with Crush?
  4. Add a 5th Gate or keep developing the 4 parks?
  5. R2D2 or BB8?
For the record, top 5 Attraction Updates
  1. Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular - Monster's inc Coaster based on the door scene
  2. IASW - Add the IP like DL did
  3. Tomorrowland Speedway - update to solar (fits Tomorrowland) and theme like Cars the movie
  4. COP - Just make the last scene a big jump to the future
  5. Jungle Cruise - Update the animatronics please
I found a bit of silver lining for me today. As I re-configured the house, our bonus room upstairs is my man cave, but really, where all old furniture goes to die. So, there's the 20 year faux leather couch, 18 year old faux leather different color recliner that doesn't recline, 2 bookshelves of different sizes, a computer desk, a tv stand, a desk (mine as teenager), matching dresser, 4 drawer file cabinet, toy box, a cedar chest, 2 light stands, and my tennis stuff. It's a combination of everything DW and I owned separately before we got married, and outdated, broken, or mismatched furniture I pushed upstairs.

In the process of figuring out how to get all that in the room, I now have my old stereo with CD player hooked up, Sony Playstation with Mortal Kombat, and the Wii. What a time travel today - lots of memories. Can anyone help me remember why I stopped living this way?
Sounds like a nice new set-up for ya there Norm. Why you stopped living that way? Dan pretty much covered it and speaking of boats, we are all in the same one :rotfl:
I need a drink. Phone rings a couple of hours ago and all I hear is sobbing and what sounds like my son. After getting him to take a couple of deep breaths I manage to get hit a moose and he isn't far from home. Off we go to help him not knowing what to expect.

Luckily he's OK but the car is obviously seriously damaged. He had calmed down by the time we got there but was still pretty shaken up. Looks like the moose landed on the right side of the windshield and then down the side. Thank God he didn't hit it square on. Hug your kids tonight guys.
How's everyone doing this morning, Declan doing o.k.? You need some extra hair coloring? Again, glad he is o.k. and glad to hear insurance is acting human.
Morning guys from a Wet n Wild London. No, not in that way. The weather.
I'm being dragged into a horrendous p!ssing contest between a few directors. I need to tread carefully over the next few days.
Stay low
Seconded. Unless Disney want a Curly Haired Ninja on the warpath in the Imagineering building.
Third, vote passes. Need a little corny traditions in our lives especially when you think about how special IASW was to our kids when they were younger. Want to add some Disney IP to it like DL did that would be a plus up


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