~Dani and Bryan's Hopefully Fairy Tale Wedding on a Budget PJ and almost TR 12/5/10

Oh MAN they are so cute together! Wow!

I like those ribbons...I think the polka dots are a good size (notice how I speak like my opinion is all that matters...lol).

GREAT DEAL on the candle/holder! I love getting deals :)
As you know, I am on a mission to find cute dresses (or dress) for the e pics/family pics/rehearsal dinner/etc. So I went to the dreaded mall today. I despise the mall. Hate it. Did I mention I despise it? I went to all sorts of stores which was weird for me as I usually just buy things at Kohls.

One thing I learned about spending more money in a fancier store is I am a smaller size. In a Calvin Klein dress I was a 10 and I have not been a 10 since college many many years ago. I almost bought the dress solely for the fact it was a 10. I vary so much in size. I wound up buying one dress at Macy's and it is bright pink and ridiculously expensive. I have one pink thing in my entire wardrobe so this was a stretch for me. I love pink but I don't own pink things unless you count a bra. I sent a text pic to Bryan which looked awful, and he said he loved it, so I bit the bullet and got it. It was the one thing in the store that was not on sale I think. $130. I have never spent that much money on a dress except my wedding dress. I might regret this. Also, what shoes do I wear with that? I will never wear pink shoes again, so maybe silver? I do not know. I am not sure I will even wear the dress. I worry I will look back at the pictures and think WHAT were you thinking?! Kind of like when I wore lots of neon and had tons of Esprit things, with Jelly shoes. Oh, and I can't forget the tight, tight, tight perms and blue eyeshadow. How did I ever have a boyfriend?

I was on the hunt for a blue dress. Had my heart set on it, and as I am leaving the mall I see a Soma Intimates store. It said Dress Sale and I thought nightgowns, but they had some cute things in there. One of the dresses was a dress that you can wear 7 different ways. The model looks like Teri Hatcher.


It is made of bamboo cotton (which always sounds funny to me because bamboo does not sound comfy) so it shows EVERY bump on this body. The lady kept saying I could put something over my panties. To know me is to know I HATE the word panties. It creeps me out. I also hate the word moist and crotch. All three which can easily be used in a sentence. Sorry if that is TMI but you have to understand how bad I wanted to get out of the store after she said panties many, many times. "Put this over your panties." "We have ones that are not shorts but more like panties." "Do you want to look at our other panties?" I was convinced I needed something to suck me in so I bought something. Nothing says sexy like a pair of shaper bike shorts. Hey, if it makes me look less lumpy I am all for it. Again, what shoes do I wear with it? I am not sure. The pic is not fabu as it does not show you all the ways, but hey, not bad for 51 bucks. I think I might need some in other colors. I tend to do that if I like something.

So I bought two dresses, neither of which I will probably wear. Since an engagement session is included in our photography package and our photographers will not be in town during our planning session, we are going to do a family shoot after the wedding with Bryan, me and the kiddos. Maybe the dresses will work for one of the shoots or the rehearsal dinner. I wonder if it would be weird for me to have two different outfits for the e pics. I would always look at them and think that was the same day but I was wearing two outfits. Is that going to bug me?

That is the latest update. I am still on the hunt for the perfect dress. We will see if I find it, and if I return the ones I bought.

Happy Friday!
I did the same thing for my rehersal dinner dress. I bought one (it's posted in my pj) but now I think it may be too... much, so I am on the lookout for something else.

Hope you find something you like!
I love the thought of those dresses - I almost bought one last month....but I was also concerned about them showing every lump and bump....I mean, obviously they look good on the models! I haven't ever seen one at a store here to try on - just online and in an Avon book. And the one online claims there are something crazy like 251 ways to wear it!! Glad you took the plunge - I guess if I get one I'll just be careful what type of panties I wear...lol
I am fuming right now! So I had my heart set on blue dresses for the bridesmaids and I found THE dress that was at a great price. Unfortunately, they were on clearance and they said they would not be coming back so I went with the one they had in stock-black. Not my first, second or third choice but I liked the dress, all the girls liked it, and it was a fabu price. Now I go to look at dresses (since I keep searching for an e-pics dress even though I have about 50 in my closet now) and what do I see? THE dress fully in stock in blue. So frustrated!

Not much else to report on the wedding plans. I have been at a standstill and have not been obsessing about it all that much. Our planning session is next month so I am looking forward to that!
I am fuming right now! So I had my heart set on blue dresses for the bridesmaids and I found THE dress that was at a great price. Unfortunately, they were on clearance and they said they would not be coming back so I went with the one they had in stock-black. Not my first, second or third choice but I liked the dress, all the girls liked it, and it was a fabu price. Now I go to look at dresses (since I keep searching for an e-pics dress even though I have about 50 in my closet now) and what do I see? THE dress fully in stock in blue. So frustrated!

Not much else to report on the wedding plans. I have been at a standstill and have not been obsessing about it all that much. Our planning session is next month so I am looking forward to that!

That really sucks!! Did you try asking if they will exchange the dresses for you? Maybe you'll get lucky and get that associate who is truly motivated to make someone's day and break all the rules for you!!!

Hey - it could happen.
I have the blue one in my closet as I loved it when I saw it and bought one for myself. I looked at the tag and it says Lapis as the color. The one online is Marine Blue. Sneaky. The issue if I switch: It ruins the entire black, white and red theme. The tables would look weird, the black white polka dot ribbon would be odd, and what flowers do you put with blue? I think black is the way I should go as I have planned everything around it. Hope that works. Also, I keep thinking about what shoes does one wear with blue dresses? Or a pink one? I am still on the hunt for the perfect dress for the e pics and for our new family pics after the wedding..

I feel like my posts are lame lately. Seriously lame.
Hi All (whoever reads this)

Yesterday was the 6 month mark. Man how time is flying. Seriously crazy! Before you know it, it will be here. Since yesterday was the 6 months mark, that means the little ticker at the bottom will be in the 5 month, plus weeks...

On our counter I have blocks that are for the date. Yesterday I switched it and said OH, it is 6 months until we are married. Bryan looked at me and said, "It is the 25th?!" Um, no, the 5th, the date we are getting married. I told him we started dating on the 25th. Then he asked me if he proposed on the 16th. I said no, the 22nd. Funny.

I have a tendency to fixate on things I want that I can't have (like the coach which I could have but not worth it to me and I am going to stick to that...I think.) I really want the Dooney and Burke purse-the Disney one. Will I use it? Probably but because I cant have it, I want it. Then I heard about the Lenox castle which I fixated on. I searched, called places and nothing. Thankfully another former bride who I have become friends with alerted me to it being on eBay. I have only bought things on eBay that were "buy it now" so I was a bit nervous about losing my bidding virginity. I realized the end date was June 5th (the 6 month mark) and I had to have it. Then I realized I would be at the dreaded dentist when the auction ended. I put in my highest bid praying it would not go that high, but sure it would and I would lose it (Way to be optimistic eh?) My friend watched it for me, as did I from my phone. The dentist went to develop the Xrays, I whip out my phone. 12 minutes to go, I am still in the lead. I see how people get addicted to this stuff. I get out of the dentist, totally forgetting about it since they told me the dentist I went to for the past 5 years never really cleaned my teeth and they are not fabulous at all, like I thought they were. Crooked, but I thought fabulous. No cavities so that was good but lots of other things wrong. Good times. So I sit in the car, contemplating dentures and how I would look with false teeth, check my email and see I won. I was sure it would have been 200 bucks but nope, I got it for under 60. WAHOO! I was so excited and told Bryan we won. He asked, "What are we going to do with it?" Um, I have no idea. It was the challenge. I have not received anything from the seller so I hope I really do get it. I paid him so we will see. Probably not the best idea. Fingers crossed.

My friend went down to Disney this week (both of my friends on here that I email regularly went to Disney this week AND Bryan is at Disneyland today....something is seriously wrong with this picture!) She saw the new carpet and Boardwalk and well, it is not attractive and I do not think it will work well with the color scheme. I went into a frenzy, emailed Maxine, and she said no one will notice the carpet. I am hoping it will be very dark in there. So then I thought of switching to ADH but that is open during our wedding. Now I am wondering WHY did I not think about the Contemporary for the wedding? I love it there. But I also had two very large conventions there when I worked there so I am not sure it would work, or even be available. I just want to ride the monorail in my dress. Fixated on that now. Maxine probably wants to smack me and I do not blame her. I am also regretting no dessert party but I need to get over that.

Completely off topic again: I went and spray tanned today. Before my Disney trip back in 2004, I went and spray tanned. It was bad. It just sprayed the lotion on you. I could have done that at home. AND they did not tell me it was SO cold so I got lots of lotion on my arms and shins. Nowhere else since I crouched up due to coldness. I went today to try it out before the shore next week. I scare people with how white I am and I NEVER tan. I think of it as a trial run for the wedding. The kid at the counter (I know I am getting old when I call teens "kids") said awesome and dude more times than I can count. They also lure you in with packages and creams and everything. They said they would lock me in for a year at unlimited for 50 bucks a month. Um, I dont need to be dreamy golden brown (not possible with my skin tone) in the winter. I opted for 6 months since that is up until the wedding. I do not need to tan in the fall but maybe I will with the hopes that we will go on some tropical vacation in October. Not likely. At all. So the kid tells me how to do it. I watch a really cheesy video where the guy lowers his swimsuit a bit and does the thumbs up sign like Yeah, check out my fake tan. It made me laugh. Then the kid tells me we can go back into the room and he will show me "all the positions." I had to giggle since it sounded inappropriate. Let's see if this works.

That is about it for now. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

I am feeling severely disconnected right now from all things wedding. I have not thought much about it and I am not all that excited anymore. Was it the rush of planning and now that every thing is in the works, I don't feel much for it? We go to our planning session in a little under three weeks. The other night Bryan and I sat down and talked about what items we were going to taste while we were there. He asked about the cake, I had no idea so I asked Maxine and she sent me the list. I am sure Bryan will be happy!

I sat there today thinking wow, I should probably get moving on making the invites, but I have no motivation. I am hoping going to Disney will spark a little something in me again. I just feel like I have not really had time to be engaged and enjoy the process. Maybe I am preparing myself for the inevitable post wedding funk. I don't know. With a house up for sale, two kids to suddenly take care of and an array of other things, there has not been time for the wedding thoughts.

Last night I had a dream and in this dream I woke up and it was December 4th. Everyone was in the middle of nowhere (think Wizard of Oz where Dorothy wakes up) outside waiting for me. My late Grandfather was even there, looking quite good for someone who passed away a few years ago. People were wearing their flowers, and then I asked what was going on. They said, "It is your wedding day!" No, it is not. I looked at my watch and was shocked to see it was December 4th. I wondered how did 5 months go by SO fast and why were people thinking it was our wedding day, and where the heck were we?! Someone told me that since I hate odd numbers (except 5) they were sure we were getting married on the 4th. I said no. I then looked over and saw my sister and sister in law wearing nightgowns I have. I asked where their dresses were and she said she had no idea. I was in a mad panic and I have yet to see my dress since it came in this week, and I was in the middle of nowhere and had to find a JCPenney to get them a dress. I told everyone to go play in the parks and they all yelled at how pricey it was. I also had no idea where we were. It certainly was not Disney so maybe they went to a local playground. Everyone left and then my brother showed up in a motor home (random) and took me to a mall. JCPenney did not have the dress, so they showed my sister and sister in law really ugly dresses with bows. We had to get them and it looked weird. Then suddenly it is the wedding day. I don't have the headpiece, shoes, nothing. We are married at MK which makes me think I secretly want to get married there even though I am so not a morning person. I wake up in a panic. Why do I share these things?

I am just not feeling it lately and that worries me. I want to be excited but like I said, I barely talk to any of my bridesmaids. I have not even booked a room for the night before the wedding. I am all over the place. I have not talked to Jack Day since we got engaged back in January. Should I see if he is available while we are in Florida?

I saw that a photo booth was available for the wedding, which is something I always wanted to do, but then I found out it starts at $3,000. Uh, not possible.

Does anyone (if anyone still reads!) have any advice on what I can do to get excited about this wedding? To avoid the funk I am in?

I hope all is well with everyone!
I'm still reading, and have no good advice unfortunately....this funk is NO GOOD! What about making a list of all the things you have decided on and all the things you still need to do, and seeing how you feel about the list?

I didn't meet Rev. Jack while I was in Disney. I've spoken to him twice and he seems fine with everything - even after I told him i really don't want a rehearsal. Amy told me Rev. Jack has done so many Disney Weddings he is kind of like an extra planner - he can tell you where to stand, casually move people around with no disruption, and gives great direction in that way. I wouldn't worry too much about that - but if you really want to meet him I bet he'd be up for it!

Good luck - cheer up....and have a drink or 2 before starting your lists :)
I just read your PJ. Everything sounds great so far. Your planning session is the day after my wedding! I know what you mean about wanting things that are just to much money. I could really use the Cinderella's carriage, the mad hatter at my tea party etc ect.... But o well our weddings will be wonderful with out these things :laughing:

I got a tiny bit of the wedding bug back today because I went to see my dress. It arrived in the store last week and I was nervous about seeing it, worried I would not like it or hate it in ivory. I get to the store which is pretty far north and the sign says CLOSED on the door. What? Thankfully they just did not change the sign. Phew! The got my dress and then put it in the room. She unzipped it and it was fabulous! I think I loved it even more in ivory. I forgot how beautiful it was. Yay! I tried it on it and it fit great (I was hoping it would fall off me making me feel thin, but it only needs to be altered in the chest area, even with cups. I would like to think it is because my torso is very skinny instead of flat chested. :) I was completely against getting a veil in a store since I will only be wearing it 3 times but my mom said just get it. I had in mind what shoes I wanted and tried on a bunch, none of which fit and they also made the dress shorter and I dont want people seeing my shoes. Bryan really wanted me to get flats. I saw a few ballet slipper like shoes and thought no way. They gave me some fugly ones that were not me at all, and not comfortable. They told me I need to put another shoe in them to stretch them out. Huh? Then I tried on the basic, boring, overly priced ballet shoe and they were so comfy. I bought them and they dyed them on the spot. There is a circle of ivory dye on them that I am trying not to stress about them as no one will see it, but I know it is there.

I tried on so many veils, and I think I had a harder time finding a veil than I did finding a dress. I was not crazy about any of them. I finally just bought the first one I tried on. It killed me that it cost $160. I had brought it my Hobby Lobby headpieces and they were oohing and aahing over them. Yes people, I got them for $10 bucks. The one I first bought overpowered the dress. The second one I bought are two simple rows of fake diamonds and it looked nice. They loved both of them but we went with the second one. There were so many more I wanted to try on but they were $200+. No thanks.

The store is kind of far so I am so thankful they have a seamstress in my town. Wahoo! I am not sure when to get the alterations and I am hoping to lose more weight, but seeing as how the gym wonders where I have been the past two weeks, I do not foresee that happening. I do know I will not be growing a chest so I guess I could have it altered now. Not sure what to do.

I went shopping yesterday and found two dresses that I bought for the engagement pictures. I think I will be wearing those. Originally I was going to wear one dress for one location and then casual for the Boardwalk. Bryan thinks two dresses. I got a royal blue one that I was sure Bryan would think was maternal looking but with some Spanx I think it is cute. I bought shoes that I will probably never wear again but they have all sorts of blue in them. I got a pink dress since I found fun pink and beige shoes on clearance at Target and Bryan loved it until I turned around and it was ripped the entire back side. I had to return it. The weird thing is both dresses were single digit sizes. I have not been a single digit since high school. Odd.

Only two more weeks to go until the planning session. A tiny bit of excitement is coming back.

Have a great evening!
OMG!!! I found your PJ today and you are hilarious!!!! I love the dreams. I myself have had wedding dreams(why I have like 602 years before my wedding but who knows). I am having a Cinderella themed wedding and in my dream it was my wedding day and nothing was done so my aunt decided we would have a safari themed wedding with the safari hats and the whole nine yards. It was terrible.

I love all of your plans keep them coming!!!
I'm glad you got some of the wedding spark back, I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the wedding planning trip that is coming up :wizard:
I love everything you've done so far, hope it all goes according to plan :) I can't wait to see more pics. I also did the College Program in 1999 so I wanted to say hi and that I am enjoying your PJ. :)
Grrrr----I spent an hour writing an update on here and it did not post. I thought it was pretty funny too. I guess I have to try again later. SO frustrating! I finally did it, and then nothing showed up. Angry I tell you. Angry!
Darnit!! That's happened to me a few times too...I always use notepad now for my long posts....Sorry! Sucky...
Trying this again....

I spent a long time writing my post yesterday, in between potty training, tantrums, water gun fights, and so on and so forth. I thought it was quite witty, and was bummed no one responded. Then today I come back to it, and it is gone. So angry! Not really angry but annoyed. Angry just sounds more emotional.

So let me see what I wrote. At the time I thought it was a good update with important things in it, but as I sit here in silence (the kids are with their mom today. Silence is rare around here!) nothing is coming to me, so let me babble.

I had another dream. It was the wedding day but once again, I woke up not realizing how much time had passed and freaked out that it was the wedding day. I tend to dream this a lot. I went to get ready, I opened the dress bag
and it was this silky, shiny, very, very low cut dress. There are two problems with this, ok, maybe more than 2: Main problem: not my dress. Problem 2: I don't wear silky things. They cling to the saddle bags and even Spanx would not work wonders on me in that dress. Problem 3: It was super low cut in the front (I am talking belly button) and I do not have bodacious ta tas. In the dream I did not want to wear that dress but that is all I had and I said I needed to wear a tank top to cover up my muffin top and small ta tas. People informed me tank tops were not appropriate under wedding dresses. That is all I remember about that dream.

Speaking of my dress, I would really like to wear it around the house, to the BBQ we are going to this weekend, to the store, everywhere. I love it and I am so happy I do. I did not realize there is no bustle so the seamstress has to make me one. She also has to take it in a lot in the side ta ta area but also put in some foam ta tas for me. I wonder when I should get the alterations done? I am hoping I will lose a ton of weight before the wedding but lately ice cream, brownies, bread and pizza and I have become BFFs so I don't see that happening. I went to the gym two weeks ago (I was going every day), then it got crazy with the kids, then on Sunday Bryan and I went for a 6 mile hike in the canyon which may not sound like a lot to people, but when you have not worked out and it is hotter than heck, it is not a good time. Today I was on the way to the gym when the realtor called saying there was a showing in 2 hours. I wondered if it was a sign not to work out. I went home instead of the gym but I cleaned, mopped the floor, vacuumed, etc. The house was super clean this weekend but when the boys got home, it all went downhill. When I finished cleaning I went to the gym. I almost forgot how to get there it had been so long. I only worked out for 30 minutes but hey, better than nothing. Is it bad when you see 200 calories burned and think, "I might just have two brownies tonight!"

Now onto the shoes. I believe I mentioned that the shoes I bought are basic flats. They look like ballet shoes and are comfortable. I had the dress shop dye them and they have some stains of dye on them where the dye formed circles. I am not happy about it, people tell me no one will see them, but I know they are there. I never can bring myself to complain to companies (I complain to friends and family all the time) but it was eating at me. I called them, they told me what happened, they said this was normal, but they will look at them. I ordered my veil from them and have to go get it when it comes in, so I will bring the shoes with me then. I have a feeling what looks like huge stains to me, will not be visible to the eye to the employees. Fingers crossed. Oh, and I am having issues because I went for plain, basic flats. I will never wear the shoes again, Bryan would be shorter than me with heels on (me wearing the heels, not him) and my dress would show my feet. Some of my bridesmaids have told me I need fun shoes-red or blue. Something jazzy with a heel. Am I lame for going plain? I do feel kind of lame since the dress is so beautiful and my shoes will be boring. I have thought about making something and putting it on a shoe clip to jazz them up. I don't know what to do. I see so many people with cool shoes, but I will never wear them again. Does it matter?

Speaking of veils, I had no feelings towards them. I did not have one in mind, I just knew I needed one. My mom was shocked I was not walking down the aisle with one over my face for my Dad to lift up and kiss. She said EVERYONE does that. Thankfully the employee at the store backed me up on that one saying no one really does that anymore. I tried on so many veils, I got zero emotion from each and every one of them. I finally let the employee pick it out. It killed me to pay $160 for a piece of tulle. I wanted to buy it online but I was afraid it would not match. Then my mom told me to get everything there. I got the slip and then went home and saw there are so many more cheaper ones online. It kills me knowing I could have saved lots of money. To add salt to the wound, my mom sent me pictures of her best friend's step daughter's wedding. Did you follow that? She went on and on about the place, and said if we were not getting married at Disney, we could have got married there. Um, Bryan got married there the first time. Was that what added salt to the wound? Nope...the bride was wearing the SAME veil I got ( I think) and I could have just borrowed it (and knocked out the something borrowed since I have NO idea what to borrow)

Changing the topic again: Back to the engagement dresses. I spent a ton of time this weekend on the search for the same dress I had to return. As I mentioned before, I found one I loved, was shocked it was a single digit size, and then I noticed it was ripped. I had to return it, and when I did the lady said "Someone must have put it on that should not be wearing this size." Bryan said he thought the same thing, and then I wondered WAS IT ME?! Did I rip it and not know? The lady in the store offered to order me another one as there was only a size 2 left. My right arm is not even a size 2. She showed it to me online, I said I had a free shipping coupon at home and would order it online. When I got home, it was nowhere to be found. I thought no problem, I will just go to other stores and look for it. I have, and no one has it. One store up north had it in a 2 so I took it to the counter and I asked her if she could order it for me like the other lady at the other store offered to do. She scanned it in and something else silky came up when the dress is not silky. So frustrating. I even went to another store today and they did not have any in stock. Did I love the dress? I liked it, but the fact that I can't have it makes me want it more. I did find another dress I liked, of course they only had small and XXL so I called a ton of stores trying to find it, no luck. The dress was not online, and the lady in one of the store told me there was one up north in my size. It was on my way to where we were going for the 4th, so I stopped by and there was one left. Wahoo! I am not in love with it, I just feel accomplished! I went to Kohls today and bought me some faux Spanx. I tried them all on in the dressing room and they really do not do that much to suck me in. I got a beige/pinkish color and I need to try them on with the dresses to see if it will work. Fingers crossed! I bought a pair of shoes for the blue dress that cost more than the dress, and I will probably never wear again. But they are cute. I am not a shoe person. I own black and brown shoes, that is it. Usually if I like I shoe I will buy one pair in black, and one in brown. So for me to buy white, blue, tan, etc shoes for one dress is weird. They better look cute in the pictures. Bryan is going to be so short next to me so I wonder if the photographer can bring him some lifts, or do shots where maybe I am just far behind him so he looks taller?

I can't believe I leave next week for our planning session. Time is flying by. I wonder how people on here have planning sessions when they are not getting married for over a year. I thought you could only do it 6 months prior. Or is that just when the prices are guaranteed? It makes me wonder! I really hope I do not die from heat there. I do not do well in heat, let alone heat with humidity. I can just see my makeup running down my face in our pictures. I am looking forward to our planning session. I am bummed that Franck will still be in rehab until 3 days after our planning session. It probably does not matter but it would be nice to see it. They say to have things prepared like pictures of cake, flowers, etc. I have nothing. I know I want the mad hatter cake, we already picked out the table linens, we have a tentative menu, tentative flowers, etc. Not sure what else we really need to think about. I keep having Maxine add things like I have the money for it. Round trip transportation? Sure! Throw it in there? Classic car? Why not! Add it on. Another park on the bridal shoot day? Why not? I am shocked I have not told her to add the coach in. I have not really thought about it. I am hoping it will just be sitting there waiting for me to have a picture with it. Doubtful, but I can dream. I thought I was going to come in way under budget since the budget they gave me was for 80 and I thought 65 max would come. Well, over 80 are coming now. Trying to breathe. I am grateful they are coming but worried about costs. We will see what happens.

The other day Bryan said, "6 months until we get married!" It was cute, but it was supposed to be 5 months. The ticker to the wedding is exciting but it also causes me to want to breathe into a paper bag. Once we hit the 5 month mark, the next day it goes to something like 4 months and 4 weeks. I will never understand that. How did we get into the single digits? Didn't he just propose? We have not even been dating a year yet (I know, it happened fast) so it is odd that we are getting married in 5ish months when we have not been together a year. I just want to enjoy being engaged, dating, etc. but with kids, we don't get to do that that often. Hopefully the Disney trip will be a nice break.

I know I had a lot more to share but for now, I need to make dinner. I will let you know how the dresses look with the muffin sucked in. I am sure you are all on the edge of your seat waiting to find out.

Enjoy your night!
I feel your pain with the height thing. I am 6'1 3/4"(yes I know I should say 6'2" but I don't want to be any taller) and DF is 5'6". It was weird at first but now we are used to it. The photographer should be able to do something to make it look like you are shorter. I have already discussed this with my photographer and she said she will work it out. Good Luck!!!
I can hardly believe we are leaving for our planning session tomorrow. I mean, where did the time go? I feel like I am packing for 15 weeks with all the crap I am bringing. We planned to carry on but we are checking bags with the e pics pictures, the change of shoes, etc. So nervous. I pray I don't die of heat. Seriously :(

I am trying to enjoy every moment but all it is doing is stressing me out. I have nothing prepared, and I am going in kind of clueless. We will see what happens.

Wish me luck!

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