Covid And The Rest of Us

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Happy new year y'all :flower1:

@Karin1984 thanks for those photos. Glad you got some fireworks! We had a lot more than what normally happens around us nice to see fireworks large enough to see over the trees in our area. I didn't think to take photos though.

We got our first actual snowstorm since this past winter season (Tuesday's system that came through wasn't much). Ice and snow that came through overnight. There were power outages, as they warned, throughout the metro but ours were okay. The ice accumulation was the main concern. My husband says we got 4-5 inches of snow but not sure how much ice underneath. When the snow stopped and he went out there to us our snow thrower he said underneath it was more slushy ice. We had a lot of sleet that went to rain then went to snow. Now I want to find out what the snow report is for the city. The next few days will probably be mostly thaw, refreeze, thaw, refreeze issues.

It was a good day to just stay in for our New Year's Day. We made some homemade pop tarts and had coffee, watched some West Wing (we're re-watching it, it's one of my all time favorite shows), cleaned up a bit in the house from Christmas presents and boxes, watched a Christmas movie, etc

Hope it was a good day for everyone!
Switching gears:

So that UK strain they thought had already been here since November? It's been identified officially in CO (first), then CA and now FL.

My state came out today and said they will use genome sequencing in looking for this particular strain. They've only done to date about 1% of the cases in the state on genome sequencing but they announced they plan to increase lab capacity for this.

Completely unbeknownst to me they've identified multiple strains throughout the state..that part isn't surprising but rather I was unaware there were lesser known strains. Apparently we've had Wisconsin-strain and Utah-strain to name two of them.
Happy New Year everyone! Now that the festivities (such as they were) have officially concluded, it’s back to life as we now know it and I’ve watched the news for the first time in a week. Canad’s foremost issue nation-wide has shifted from lock-downs (everyone, everywhere is under strict restrictions) to vaccinations - when and how they will be available. We are currently distributing both the Pfizer and Moderna and hopes are high but a closer look is a little less elating. It will be a loooong time before the supply trickles down to Gen Pop (those of us not in a priority category); predicted now as far out as the end of 2021. {{sigh}}

This ties in to the depressing reality that at this time, unlike in the spring of 2020, provincial authorities are not even talking about goals or benchmarks for easing restrictions. There is no endgame other than mass vaccination although as time goes on, we shall see if the science of seasonality plays itself out and we see a gradual but drastic decrease in cases like last year. If so, there may be no way to continue the current draconian measures as many people are already teetering on exhaustion.
:thanks:On a not exactly happier but definitely more hilarious note, thanks to whoever it was that mentioned the show Death to 2020. I’m watching it right now and first guffawed coffee out my nose when they described the Davos Summit as “Cochella for Billionaires”. I haven’t stopped laughing since and it feels good to laugh, even if it is at a bit of gallows-humour. :rotfl2:
Happy New Year everyone! Now that the festivities (such as they were) have officially concluded, it’s back to life as we now know it and I’ve watched the news for the first time in a week. Canad’s foremost issue nation-wide has shifted from lock-downs (everyone, everywhere is under strict restrictions) to vaccinations - when and how they will be available. We are currently distributing both the Pfizer and Moderna and hopes are high but a closer look is a little less elating. It will be a loooong time before the supply trickles down to Gen Pop (those of us not in a priority category); predicted now as far out as the end of 2021. {{sigh}}

This ties in to the depressing reality that at this time, unlike in the spring of 2020, provincial authorities are not even talking about goals or benchmarks for easing restrictions. There is no endgame other than mass vaccination although as time goes on, we shall see if the science of seasonality plays itself out and we see a gradual but drastic decrease in cases like last year. If so, there may be no way to continue the current draconian measures as many people are already teetering on exhaustion.
:thanks:On a not exactly happier but definitely more hilarious note, thanks to whoever it was that mentioned the show Death to 2020. I’m watching it right now and first guffawed coffee out my nose when they described the Davos Summit as “Cochella for Billionaires”. I haven’t stopped laughing since and it feels good to laugh, even if it is at a bit of gallows-humour. :rotfl2:
I'm glad you are liking/liked the special :) Laughing was just the thing I needed when I watched it

As far as your exhaustion comment I see that here and we in large part didn't have the types of restriction's y'all had, I can only imagine how y'all are feeling after all the restrictions you've had no matter how diligently all have tried to comply with them :hug:
Happy New Year everyone! Now that the festivities (such as they were) have officially concluded, it’s back to life as we now know it and I’ve watched the news for the first time in a week. Canad’s foremost issue nation-wide has shifted from lock-downs (everyone, everywhere is under strict restrictions) to vaccinations - when and how they will be available. We are currently distributing both the Pfizer and Moderna and hopes are high but a closer look is a little less elating. It will be a loooong time before the supply trickles down to Gen Pop (those of us not in a priority category); predicted now as far out as the end of 2021. {{sigh}}

This ties in to the depressing reality that at this time, unlike in the spring of 2020, provincial authorities are not even talking about goals or benchmarks for easing restrictions. There is no endgame other than mass vaccination although as time goes on, we shall see if the science of seasonality plays itself out and we see a gradual but drastic decrease in cases like last year. If so, there may be no way to continue the current draconian measures as many people are already teetering on exhaustion.
:thanks:On a not exactly happier but definitely more hilarious note, thanks to whoever it was that mentioned the show Death to 2020. I’m watching it right now and first guffawed coffee out my nose when they described the Davos Summit as “Cochella for Billionaires”. I haven’t stopped laughing since and it feels good to laugh, even if it is at a bit of gallows-humour. :rotfl2:
I know it's depressing to hear things aren't going to change much this next year. For me personally I kind have expected to be that way. I know it's been tough for everyone. My hope is by spring if numbers go down things will be more like last summer and at least we can do some things.
I'm glad you are liking/liked the special :) Laughing was just the thing I needed when I watched it

As far as your exhaustion comment I see that here and we in large part didn't have the types of restriction's y'all had, I can only imagine how y'all are feeling after all the restrictions you've had no matter how diligently all have tried to comply with them :hug:
Was it you? It's a few pages up-thread now and I couldn't remember. Thanks again. :goodvibes
I know it's depressing to hear things aren't going to change much this next year. For me personally I kind have expected to be that way. I know it's been tough for everyone. My hope is by spring if numbers go down things will be more like last summer and at least we can do some things.
::yes:: Yes - just so. I've seen several very credible science/medical professionals discourse on the issue of seasonality and I suppose only time will tell.
It's interesting how different the perspective is across Canada. Here in BC everything is open except for places where people can gather (so no casinos, movie theaters etc). But restaurants, bars, stores are all open (with capacity limits and Covid protocols in place). Things are looking a bit more optimistic here as well in terms of the vaccine. Already the time line has changed, just two weeks ago they said about 380,000 would be vaccinated by the end of March and now that number has increased to nearly 500,000. We are being told that summer 2021 will be "much closer to normal" for BC residents.
By way of update on the situation in Victoria, things seem to be fairly well under control. Since New Year’s Eve, our locally acquired case numbers have been 3, 5, 10, 3 and 3 and all have been linked to another case. Some health experts even hope that we will be back at 0 cases by this weekend, but we will see.

There is an extensive list of exposure sites that is constantly updated, with each site categorised into risk levels with directions on whether to test and isolate for 14 days, test and isolate until you receive results or monitor for symptoms:

This is so much more detailed and up to date than the contact tracing previously. Scarily though, several of the locations are places that I frequently go, although fortunately none of the dates match up so far.

As of yesterday at least, the only public site that has had transmission was the Thai restaurant where it is believed the initial transmission occurred, with 13 of the then 21 cases having attended the restaurant and the rest being close contacts of those people. Genomic testing has confirmed that this outbreak definitely did come from Sydney, although the person they suspect brought it in has tested negative (but may have just cleared the virus already).

We have now closed our borders to NSW entirely (with a few exceptions); they have now discovered that they have 2 separate outbreaks. Their numbers aren’t terrible (they actually had no cases today), but our government has decided it isn’t worth the risk and better for our testing capacity at the moment.

Our government is still standing firm that there is no need for any emergency approval of any vaccine, so there won’t be any administered until the full approval is granted, likely in March. Here is a Twitter thread by Victoria’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer explaining why we appear to be “behind” other countries in our vaccination process:
And in the next episode of the Dutch vaccin saga... Some people thought it took to long, so they went to the location where the vaccins are stored to put them into the mobile freezers and bring them to the hospitals and start vaccinating right away. :P

I have skipped a few episode in this saga, I think, we might still start vaccinating on the 8th, and then massive vaccinating from the 12th instead of the 15th. So that's 3 days saved.
Some groups of medical personnel protested that they needed to be among the very first, and some got it... As of today all the medical personnel can make their appointments.

It's very Dutch to talk for so long about starting earlier that then... it's of no use anymore.
Some other news just released:

After 3 weeks of measures it finally looks like our figures are going down, we are at 6.6K today, not brilliant, but better than above 10.

We will start vaccinating 2 days earlier!

And we got a news paper article, telling us that: yes, the NL may be slow, but other countries are not doing so great either :P According to the article:
- The US has distribution problems. And have vaccinated about 10% of their objective.
- In the UK doctors and the government are arguing about when the second shot should be given.
- France is very bureaucratic where you have to have a consult before you can get vaccinated. Only doctors are allowed to vaccinate, not capable students, vets, lab works, pharmacy workers. And 56% of the French doesn't want to be vaccinated.
- Germany also has a distribution problem, but that's the EU's fault according to Angela Merkel. And Pfizer is at its max. of production.
- Hungary didn't want the EU vaccin, but wanted the Russian vaccin, which they only got 6.000 doses of, instead of the promised millions. So now they are at the back of the line for the EU & Chinese vaccins.
- India has a lot of vaccins as they are prodcuced there and has approved a variation on AstraZeneca, which hasn't published yet all the data on the research... Which only have protects 60%
And India has 1.3 billion people.

The message of the article: Yes, we suck, but we all suck together :D
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There have been 6,110 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed by the Department of Health this evening while a further six people have died with the virus.

This comes as the European Medicines Agency is set to authorise the use of the Moderna vaccine against the virus this evening, two days ahead of schedule, meaning the vaccination programme in Ireland may be accelerated in the coming weeks.

Earlier today Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said that up to 40,000 people per week would be vaccinated going forward, confirming a shipment of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had arrived earlier than expected.

The Covid-19 cabinet committee are to meet tomorrow to discuss the deteriorating profile of the virus, with over 7,000 daily cases expected to be reached this week.

It is expected an extension of the school holidays will be one of the major talking points on the agenda for the three government party leaders and senior ministers likely to be in attendance tomorrow.
:eek: Good gravy - we have got a BIG mess on our hands here in Canada resulting from politicians taking vacations abroad over the holidays. The news has reported many of them from all over the country at every level and of every political stripe. There is outrage from the public and they are either resigning or being removed from their posts in droves. :furious:

Unlike many others who are pretty straight-forward in their opinions, I'm torn on this. On the one hand, there's the point that elected officials should hold themselves to a higher standard than the restrictions they mandate for the populous. I certainly don't disagree with that. On the other hand, it is not legally prohibited to travel outside Canada, as long as quarantine requirements are observed upon re-entry. Although I can't really go anywhere myself, many Canadians have travelled or plan to, including many DIS'ers as has been discussed on this and other boards. They/I would certainly not want to be sanctioned when they are not doing anything wrong.

Personally, I would be far more incensed if an official was caught in non-compliance such as gathering in a home for Christmas or not wearing a mask or distancing properly. If they were doing things the rest of us are not permitted to do, it would be way more clear-cut for me. I know the issue has been encountered in other countries - what are your opinions?
:eek: Good gravy - we have got a BIG mess on our hands here in Canada resulting from politicians taking vacations abroad over the holidays. The news has reported many of them from all over the country at every level and of every political stripe. There is outrage from the public and they are either resigning or being removed from their posts in droves. :furious:

Unlike many others who are pretty straight-forward in their opinions, I'm torn on this. On the one hand, there's the point that elected officials should hold themselves to a higher standard than the restrictions they mandate for the populous. I certainly don't disagree with that. On the other hand, it is not legally prohibited to travel outside Canada, as long as quarantine requirements are observed upon re-entry. Although I can't really go anywhere myself, many Canadians have travelled or plan to, including many DIS'ers as has been discussed on this and other boards. They/I would certainly not want to be sanctioned when they are not doing anything wrong.

Personally, I would be far more incensed if an official was caught in non-compliance such as gathering in a home for Christmas or not wearing a mask or distancing properly. If they were doing things the rest of us are not permitted to do, it would be way more clear-cut for me. I know the issue has been encountered in other countries - what are your opinions?

Some of the stories have me sympathizing with the person caught traveling. Like the ones traveling to visit sick loved ones, or attending memorial services. The ones who took actual vacations have no sympathy from me. They should set the example and keep travel to essential travel as recommended.
:eek: Good gravy - we have got a BIG mess on our hands here in Canada resulting from politicians taking vacations abroad over the holidays. The news has reported many of them from all over the country at every level and of every political stripe. There is outrage from the public and they are either resigning or being removed from their posts in droves. :furious:

Unlike many others who are pretty straight-forward in their opinions, I'm torn on this. On the one hand, there's the point that elected officials should hold themselves to a higher standard than the restrictions they mandate for the populous. I certainly don't disagree with that. On the other hand, it is not legally prohibited to travel outside Canada, as long as quarantine requirements are observed upon re-entry. Although I can't really go anywhere myself, many Canadians have travelled or plan to, including many DIS'ers as has been discussed on this and other boards. They/I would certainly not want to be sanctioned when they are not doing anything wrong.

Personally, I would be far more incensed if an official was caught in non-compliance such as gathering in a home for Christmas or not wearing a mask or distancing properly. If they were doing things the rest of us are not permitted to do, it would be way more clear-cut for me. I know the issue has been encountered in other countries - what are your opinions?
It's the same as we had with our King here, when he went to Greece with his family in the autumn break in October. It wasn't illegal. But yeah... pretty dumb.
According to the newspapers his reputation took a big hit. I think most people have already forgotten about it.

At this moment our government is arguing about that we are the last to start vaccinating. The French have by now vaccinated less than 600 people, the assumption is that we can do about 300 a day for the first days, so hopefully by the end of the week we have at least beaten the French ;-)

We did get published the schedule for all the groups.
By Q3 (3e kwartaal, in Dutch) we should have vaccinated the entire country
613.000 = staff in nursing homes etc.
30.000 = ICU staff
232.000 = people living in nursing homes etc.
85.000 = staff mental health institutions
1.8 million = 18-60 year olds with medical indication
3 million = 60-75 year old living at home, no medical need
1.3 million = 75 living at home and not-mobile people 60-75 year old
Blue line without number = medical staff who hasn't been vaccinated.
7.1 million = Everyone else between 18 and 60 year old.
well the UK strain is having a good time here as well...
we have 30 people who are known to have brought it from the UK and a bunch who caught it here (they hadn't traveled anywhere, so they caught it here)..
so clearly the UK strain is here in a major way, which would explain the sudden sharp rise in the number of cases.....
our hospitals, which had been in pretty good shape, with lots of empty beds, suddenly have gone back to 80% full...
and since there really isn't anything else going on because of masks (the health ministry says there's basically no flu at all this year), it's pretty certain that most people in hospital are corona related..
so while the past 2 weeks we've supposedly been in lockdown, but it wasn't serious and the schools remained open, starting sunday, we're going into a 'real' lockdown, including closing all schools...
although, things change all the time, so we shall see if the schools are in fact closed..
the truth is, if you look at the numbers, elementary and high schools don't have any spread here..
the big culprits in the rapid spread are the middle schools (ages 12 - 15)...

as for vaccines....80% of the vulnerable population has received the first dose..
second doses begin next week (21 days from first dose)..
so by the end of January, 80% of vulnerable people will have been fully vaccinated.
it will be interesting to see if that has any impact on hospital and death numbers...

vulnerable is defined here as everyone ages 60 and up, as well as medically high risk in all other age groups...

but after they receive the second dose, we will be out of vaccine until the next delivery, whenever that is...
so everyone else will have to wait...
It's the same as we had with our King here, when he went to Greece with his family in the autumn break in October. It wasn't illegal. But yeah... pretty dumb.
According to the newspapers his reputation took a big hit. I think most people have already forgotten about it.

At this moment our government is arguing about that we are the last to start vaccinating. The French have by now vaccinated less than 600 people, the assumption is that we can do about 300 a day for the first days, so hopefully by the end of the week we have at least beaten the French ;-)

We did get published the schedule for all the groups.
By Q3 (3e kwartaal, in Dutch) we should have vaccinated the entire country
613.000 = staff in nursing homes etc.
30.000 = ICU staff
232.000 = people living in nursing homes etc.
85.000 = staff mental health institutions
1.8 million = 18-60 year olds with medical indication
3 million = 60-75 year old living at home, no medical need
1.3 million = 75 living at home and not-mobile people 60-75 year old
Blue line without number = medical staff who hasn't been vaccinated.
7.1 million = Everyone else between 18 and 60 year old.
I find it interesting that the Pfizer vaccine, even though it was the first one ready to go, will end up with a smaller piece of the action than the others, due to the transport/storage issues. Here in Canada most of ours will end up being Moderna. I wonder why, if the others solved the extreme temperature issue, Pfizer couldn't do the same? :confused:
well the UK strain is having a good time here as well...
we have 30 people who are known to have brought it from the UK and a bunch who caught it here (they hadn't traveled anywhere, so they caught it here)..
so clearly the UK strain is here in a major way, which would explain the sudden sharp rise in the number of cases.....
our hospitals, which had been in pretty good shape, with lots of empty beds, suddenly have gone back to 80% full...
and since there really isn't anything else going on because of masks (the health ministry says there's basically no flu at all this year), it's pretty certain that most people in hospital are corona related..
so while the past 2 weeks we've supposedly been in lockdown, but it wasn't serious and the schools remained open, starting sunday, we're going into a 'real' lockdown, including closing all schools...
although, things change all the time, so we shall see if the schools are in fact closed..
the truth is, if you look at the numbers, elementary and high schools don't have any spread here..
the big culprits in the rapid spread are the middle schools (ages 12 - 15)...

as for vaccines....80% of the vulnerable population has received the first dose..
second doses begin next week (21 days from first dose)..
so by the end of January, 80% of vulnerable people will have been fully vaccinated.
it will be interesting to see if that has any impact on hospital and death numbers...

vulnerable is defined here as everyone ages 60 and up, as well as medically high risk in all other age groups...

but after they receive the second dose, we will be out of vaccine until the next delivery, whenever that is...
so everyone else will have to wait...
Sorry - I'm not sure I ever caught where you're from?
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