Contemplating First Solo Trip


DVC Member Since 2001
Sep 1, 1999
Has anyone grown tired of trying to convince family and friends to accompany you on Disney trips? I am thinking about just focusing on solo trips. Can I ask how you fight loneliness on your trips surrounded by families and groups? Also for the ladies do you have any concerns for your safety on solo trips? Thanks for any tips.
Ive from Ireland and been going solo to Disneyland California for about 10 years, Ive been solo to Disneyland Paris multiple times and done 2 solo Disney cruises, with my third booked for 2024.

Ive also done alot of solo travel in USA and Europe.

Solo travel is my reset time, my time to clear my head.

Ask any questions :)
I love solo trips. I get to do what I want, when I want. I have never worried about my safety as a single, female traveler. I mean, I take the usual precautions but I never worry about transportation or walking to my hotel room when I am on Disney property. As for loneliness - solo trips are when I make some of the best, temporary friends. I find that many people in line are willing to chat with you while they wait. And the CMs love to chat (as much as they can while busy) when I am dining. I've done more solo trips to Disney than I can count. Let me know if you have specific questions.
I feel like Disney is one of the safer places to travel solo, especially if you stay on-site. I've done it multiple times and felt very comfortable. It's nice to be able to go wherever you want to or see whatever you want to and I've found people along the way to talk to. Personally, I find it more relaxing. When I go with others I'm usually the designated planner and it can be a little stressful trying to make sure everyone is happy during a trip.
I travel to WDW with my sister, but often I'm alone, since she doesn't have the same Disney stamina that I do, and since we live in different cities, all my travel to and from WDW is also alone. So I can somewhat answer your questions, but there are loads of solo travelers here who will answer as well, I'm sure.

As far as safety goes, I've never felt anything but totally safe at WDW. I wouldn't hesitate to take a solo trip if that was the only and/or best way I could go.

Loneliness is another issue. Every once in a while I arrive a day before or leave a day after my sister does, and sometimes it feels quite lonely, but other times I don't even notice. This may sound a bit nuts, but waiting in a longish line can be super helpful here, since it's a great place to have short encounters with other people. I've had wonderful conversations while in line and it's a definitely loneliness killer.

As for another kinda offbeat suggestion, if you don't do this already, logging 10 or 15 miles/day at WDW, unless you're used to doing this at home, will pretty much guarantee that when you get back to your resort at night, you'll fall asleep in about 2 seconds. No time to be lonely there.

The really fun thing about being by yourself is that you can do what you want, when you want, as much or as little as you want, the way you want. That will make you really appreciate a solo trip.

Finally--and I probably should've put this first--stay at an on-site resort. Part of being in the Disney bubble is feeling totally safe==and being totally safe.

Hope this has been of some help.
I have been doing solo trips for 20 years. I really enjoy them more than the friends and family trips.

There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate loneliness. You can talk to other visitors and CMs. It’s easy to find things in common to discuss in the parks. You can also text family and friends with photos of your day as you go around the parks. It’s almost as good as having them with you.

There is a huge difference in being alone and being lonely. If you are the type of person who does things on their own, such as dining, shopping, or going to a movie, you won’t have any trouble with a solo Disney trip. If you are more extroverted and need other people around to enjoy yourself, you can still have an enjoyable solo trip but it may not be your preferred method of travel going forward.

As far as safety, I have never felt unsafe at WDW solo. I have stayed in almost every resort, and all of the experiences have been positive. Just do what you would do in any urban environment, like being aware of your surroundings and walking in well lit areas at night. People tend to let their guard down on vacation. Don’t be that person. One thing I tend to do is put my sister on the hotel reservation even if I am going solo. It doesn’t cost any extra if you’re doing a room only reservation and there’s no need to advertise that I will be traveling alone. Of course, you can’t do that with a package.

I think everyone should try a solo trip once. You won’t know whether or not you like it until you do.
Has anyone grown tired of trying to convince family and friends to accompany you on Disney trips? I am thinking about just focusing on solo trips. Can I ask how you fight loneliness on your trips surrounded by families and groups? Also for the ladies do you have any concerns for your safety on solo trips? Thanks for any tips.
I gave up a long time ago trying to get anyone to go with me. And when DH did go, he just wasn't as enthusiastic as me. That's why most of my trips are now solo. Loneliness is never a problem for me. Maybe it's because I was brought up as an only child that I'm used to being by myself. I had concerns for my safety only once-on my first solo trip, almost 30 years ago. I checked in about 1:30 am, and the front desk offered to have bell services escort me to my room. I declined, but decided I was crazy when I got half way there and heard quiet whispering, stifled laughter, etc. around the next corner. Slowly, I looked around the corner, scared and hesitant. A couple dressed formally, but wearing Mickey Ears! Since then, besides the usual cautiousness, I've never felt unsafe.
I cannot tell you all how sharing your experiences has helped me! I grew up in a large family, then later there were lots of nieces and nephews and a husband and my child so being alone for any amount of time was a luxury I never experienced. I have one child but he stopped going on Disney trips as a teen. My husband as Simba's Mom shared is less than enthusiastic about travel and is about a decade older than me so he does not like travel much anymore. I honestly did not know if solo travel could be a thing for me until I came back to this thread and read all your responses! Thank you. Thank each of you so very much!

We are DVC owners so I would plan to stay on property and use a private towncar service to get to and from the resort. I am even thinking of buying an annual pass so I can go to the parks whenever I want but I will start small and try a short solo visit first.

I love fla4fun's idea of putting someone else's name on the reservation with mine and not advertising that I am solo. And I am even toying around with the idea of a Disney cruise solo but wasn't too sure how I felt until a couple of you mentioned solo cruising so that's another avenue I could try.

Now specific questions:
1) How do you handle dining alone? Do you find sit down or quick service is your preference?
2) Which Disney resort do you like to stay in solo?
3) If you cruise - do you do Disney - even though there is no single supplement?
4) On a cruise do you request a single table for dinner or do you sit with others?
45 Anyone done ABD? I'm thinking of the Southern California trip with Disneyland.

Again you all have been so helpful and so encouraging! I do think I can do this! I will of course still travel with hubby as he is able and will not turn down a nice girls trip but I no longer feel like I have to wait around for others to go to my happy place!!
1) How do you handle dining alone? Do you find sit down or quick service is your preference?
I've done both and it really all depends on how hot it is, how exhausted I am, and what I want to eat. Oh, and where I am. I really wanted to go to 9 Dragons the last time I was alone at Epcot, but I was starving and near Japan, so I ate at the Japan QS, Katsura Grill, where I haven't been in years, and really enjoyed it. I feel comfortable eating by myself at both QS and TS restaurants at WDW.

2) Which Disney resort do you like to stay in solo?
POFQ. I mean, I like to stay there, period, and it's become my go-to, even when traveling with my sister, since the deluxe resorts have become super expensive, even with an AP discount, and I need to save the $ for G+.
BTW, while I'm here, WDW started bounceback offers again and they're actually even better than before because now you can make the bounceback reservation up to 7 days after you check out. Great discounts. We have 3 trips booked for 2024. If the AP discount turns out to be better, we'll rebook. If not, we're quite happy with the rates we got through bounceback.

3) If you cruise - do you do Disney - even though there is no single supplement?
Cannot help you there. I don't cruise. I also have never done ABD. I'm not a tour person. I like to figure everything out myself and then get lost! Seriously, I mean it.

Re the AP: If on your last park day on your solo trip you realize you will want an AP, you can upgrade your ticket. However, after that day, upgrades are no longer available. The AP will start at the date you first used your admission, whatever kind of ticket it was. I'm definitely an AP addict. And a Disneyholic!
I cannot tell you all how sharing your experiences has helped me! I grew up in a large family, then later there were lots of nieces and nephews and a husband and my child so being alone for any amount of time was a luxury I never experienced. I have one child but he stopped going on Disney trips as a teen. My husband as Simba's Mom shared is less than enthusiastic about travel and is about a decade older than me so he does not like travel much anymore. I honestly did not know if solo travel could be a thing for me until I came back to this thread and read all your responses! Thank you. Thank each of you so very much!
aww, big hugs. This is my 2nd solo cruise trip report

This is my most recent visit to Disneyland California

This is my 2022 California trip, where I also did the Amtrak overnight train from Seattle to LA.

I have put so much info into them, its just easier for you to read them then for me to go through specifics :)
1) How do you handle dining alone? Do you find sit down or quick service is your preference?

I love food :) I used to work in hospitality and one company I worked for, we had a great staff discount and could come into the restaurant on days off. I just got used to solo dining in a restaurant, as it was my work place and I was surrounded by people I knew, so it wasnt awkward. Since then I dont think twice. Sometimes I take a book, sometimes Im on my phone, sometimes I just people watch. I choose food options based on
1. Budget
2. Food

Thats it and thats all. When I started going to Disneyland California, I found great freedom in trying new things, so I made a promise to myself to "eat around the park" as in each visit I would eat at a different restaurant, so If I repeated a restaurant I wouldnt repeat the food, I would try new things. I still have places on the list, but over the years I done almost all types of food options, from on the go, to counter service, to show and parade dining packages to fine dining.

On Disney Cruise, again I made the same promise to myself, to try new things. I have started eating fish again, after working in the hospitality industry and cooking it at work, I stopped cooking and eating fish. But now on the cruise, where its all inclusive and I dont have to watch my budget, I can try the fish dishes. If I dont like, I know I havent wasted money and I can order something else.
3) If you cruise - do you do Disney - even though there is no single supplement?
I do Disney Cruise, even though its expensive because I like the Disney experience. I like the Disney themed restaurants, the overall ship theming, the Disney entertainment, the Disney atmosphere and customer service. I prefer to save for one Disney cruise then to have multiple cheaper cruises.
4) On a cruise do you request a single table for dinner or do you sit with others?
On both cruises I requested a private table. With Disney you can do this before the cruise through the App. I am thinking about not requesting a private table on my 2024 cruise, just to see what happens. On my previous cruises, I have chatted with the nearby tables, so I do enjoy talking to others during the meal.
I think solo travel is its own unique, meditative experience. Don’t think of it as a family vacation that’s missing the family—think of it as an adventure that can pivot on a dime—a chance to be truly spontaneous and discover what interests you.
Personally, I don’t get lonely when my mind is occupied—and when I’ve planned the whole itinerary around my interests, my mind is occupied! I also agree with other posters that Disney feels like one of the safer places for a woman to travel solo, but of course always use common sense.

To answer your questions:

1) I’ve dined alone in various cities/countries, and it’s truly only as weird as you make it. With that said, I’ve found I prefer quick service when I don’t have a compelling reason to be sitting at a table for 45 minutes.

2) I always stay in the value resorts. I think the room layout is well-suited to solo travel, because you can fold up the extra bed and have a good-sized table and chairs, which are more useful. The food courts are also great for a quick meal at flexible times.
Love this thread - all so helpful! I'm taking my first solo trip in February and have been wondering some of the same things. I was particularly curious/concerned about whether I chose right in staying at Caribbean Beach given that it's a massive resort and something smaller may feel better/ a bit safer at night.

Are there any particularly places you've enjoyed/felt really comfortable grabbing food/drinks alone? I never worry at Epcot with all the booths - I guess thinking more of if I want to have a sit down meal somewhere at one of the parks or resorts at some point.
I have probably done around 20 plus solo trips. I have done 4 this year. Feb Farts@Pop split w Mardi Gras at Cabana Bay , May a week at AKL for Flower and Garden, Aug birthday trip at Aventura/WL and a week at Royal Pacific for HHN.

I have dined multiple places solo both table service and QS. I even did Biergarten solo when it was communal seating pre pandemic.

I am used to doing stuff by myself. I have a Disney fan friend that I text with and send photos too. I am doing my first DCL cruise with her after this Thanksgiving. I have a solo DCL cruise booked for next October.
I am once again blown away by all your responses. I feel like I should rename this post Solo Women Empowering Solo Women to Travel (Disney). You all are awesome!!

I am getting so excited now about traveling solo!!! I will go back and follow the links you all provided. This is just brilliant information!! Happy Disney Travels to everyone!
Love this thread - all so helpful! I'm taking my first solo trip in February and have been wondering some of the same things. I was particularly curious/concerned about whether I chose right in staying at Caribbean Beach given that it's a massive resort and something smaller may feel better/ a bit safer at night.

Are there any particularly places you've enjoyed/felt really comfortable grabbing food/drinks alone? I never worry at Epcot with all the booths - I guess thinking more of if I want to have a sit down meal somewhere at one of the parks or resorts at some point.
I hope someone responds to your question. I’m DVC so plan to stay in a studio at places like Riviera, Bay Lake or Beach Club.
I have only stayed at CBR once. It was before the Skyliner was open. I thought it was a bit spread out. I didn’t feel unsafe. I just didn’t like the hike to main building for food access.

The Tower at Coronado Springs is nice with interior access. I also like Pop. My favorite deluxes are AKL and WL.
Now specific questions:
1) How do you handle dining alone? Do you find sit down or quick service is your preference?
2) Which Disney resort do you like to stay in solo?
3) If you cruise - do you do Disney - even though there is no single supplement?
4) On a cruise do you request a single table for dinner or do you sit with others?
45 Anyone done ABD? I'm thinking of the Southern California trip with Disneyland.
1. I mostly eat QS, due to cost and because I don’t like being tied to a schedule when I am solo. I do have one or two favorite TS restaurants that I sometimes look for last minute openings, and I have never felt uncomfortable dining alone.

2. I don’t have a specific resort that I stay in solo vs staying with friends/family. For me, it is all about budget and what I want to get out of the trip. I have done solo resort only trips in deluxe resorts and quick value resort solo trips for specific festivals or parties. The nice thing about solo is that even the value resorts feel spacious for one, especially after their recent renovations. However, I have also stayed in one bedroom DVC resorts as a solo when I wanted to have the full kitchen. Stay wherever you like.

3. I have not done a cruise yet, but it’s on my bucket list. I hate the single supplement though.

4. I think if I could get a table on my own I would prefer it that way.

5. I have not considered ABD due to the cost. I was in the middle of planning a solo trip to DL when the pandemic hit, as that is another travel goal. However, I don’t like to fly, so the idea of driving from Florida to California is a little daunting. I will get there one day though.
aww, big hugs. This is my 2nd solo cruise trip report

This is my most recent visit to Disneyland California

This is my 2022 California trip, where I also did the Amtrak overnight train from Seattle to LA.

I have put so much info into them, its just easier for you to read them then for me to go through specifics :)

I love food :) I used to work in hospitality and one company I worked for, we had a great staff discount and could come into the restaurant on days off. I just got used to solo dining in a restaurant, as it was my work place and I was surrounded by people I knew, so it wasnt awkward. Since then I dont think twice. Sometimes I take a book, sometimes Im on my phone, sometimes I just people watch. I choose food options based on
1. Budget
2. Food

Thats it and thats all. When I started going to Disneyland California, I found great freedom in trying new things, so I made a promise to myself to "eat around the park" as in each visit I would eat at a different restaurant, so If I repeated a restaurant I wouldnt repeat the food, I would try new things. I still have places on the list, but over the years I done almost all types of food options, from on the go, to counter service, to show and parade dining packages to fine dining.

On Disney Cruise, again I made the same promise to myself, to try new things. I have started eating fish again, after working in the hospitality industry and cooking it at work, I stopped cooking and eating fish. But now on the cruise, where its all inclusive and I dont have to watch my budget, I can try the fish dishes. If I dont like, I know I havent wasted money and I can order something else.

I do Disney Cruise, even though its expensive because I like the Disney experience. I like the Disney themed restaurants, the overall ship theming, the Disney entertainment, the Disney atmosphere and customer service. I prefer to save for one Disney cruise then to have multiple cheaper cruises.

On both cruises I requested a private table. With Disney you can do this before the cruise through the App. I am thinking about not requesting a private table on my 2024 cruise, just to see what happens. On my previous cruises, I have chatted with the nearby tables, so I do enjoy talking to others during the meal.
just read this thread, thinking that I may soon need to start doing solo trips if I want to go to Disney World...husband and I have been separated for 3 years. I never thought about taking a train down to California, what a great idea. I am north of Seattle, have a station in my town and that would be a great adventure in it self. Thanks for the wonderful reports and idea!
just read this thread, thinking that I may soon need to start doing solo trips if I want to go to Disney World...husband and I have been separated for 3 years. I never thought about taking a train down to California, what a great idea. I am north of Seattle, have a station in my town and that would be a great adventure in it self. Thanks for the wonderful reports and idea!
You are welcome, I have to various places in America and Europe solo and also been on 2 solo Disney cruises with a 3rd booked for this year.

I loved the overnight Amtrak train, its something I would do again
I'm a classic introvert, so I don't really have anyone I hang out with regularly. I eat alone at sit-down restaurants all the time and never have issues-- I just pop in my earbuds and relax.

I'm planning my first solo trip in August 2026 and honestly, I anticipate being far too busy having fun and keeping track of time for Lightning Lanes, VQs, and ADRs to be lonely.


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