Closing Time!!

Home : Anima Kingdom
Title Company: First American
Offer made: 6/4/2020
Offer accepted: 6/4/2020
Sent to ROFR: 6/5/2020
Passed ROFR: 7/20/2020
Closing docs received: 7/24/2020
Closing docs returned: 7/28/2020
Seller returned closing docs: Canadian sellers trying to find notary (not returned yet?)
Finally received sellers docs: 8/28/2020
Closing: ?
Deed recorded: 9/1/2020
Contract Showing on Membership: 9/24/2020
Points in account: 9/25/2020 (I called MS and they added them (took about 30 minutes on the phone) because I had points expiring and there was an opening at Poly that I wanted to grab).
But it’s done!! 🥳🥳🥳
Total of 113 days from offer made to points in account.
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good call on changing the title company. I wish we would have! We passed ROFR only one day after you and just got closing docs yesterday! I hope my sellers don't take as long as yours did to return their docs!
Definitely would have been nice to be told upfront I had a choice in the matter being the buyer, especially when the title company they use has a reputation for being slow. Thankfully I read it on here!
Good luck with your closing! I’ve given up on trying to speed up the process in order to stay sane. Ordered a Dooney Disney bag instead that should be here this week - figure that’s much cheaper than adding on points while I wait. haha
Home: Grand Californian
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 6/28/20
Offer accepted: 6/28/20
Sent to ROFR: 6/29/20
Passed ROFR: 8/3/20
Closing docs received: 8/17/20
Closing docs returned: 8/17/20
Seller returned closing docs:
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:
Seller returned closing docs: Canadian sellers trying to find notary (not returned yet?)

Still waiting for sellers to return closing documents and it’s been how many weeks?? 🤨
Same thing is happening to me. Was hoping closing would be easier...
Sorry cut and pasted the wrong one
Home: AKL
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 6/30/2020
Offer accepted: 7/1/2020
Sent to ROFR: 7/2/2020
Passed ROFR: 8/4/2020
Closing docs received: 8/12/20
Closing docs returned: 8/12/20
Seller returned closing docs: 8/17/20
Closing: 8/17/20?
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:
Well imagine if they do 10 contracts a day and each one is average 100 points.

Thats 1000 points they need to unwrap and check. So yes, that why it takes so long :)

They get through a lot of bubble wrap I am told
And how can they NOT pop the bubbles?
Think about how long that takes. A big tension release they deserve.
Hurry up and wait some more.

Home: AKL
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 6/30/2020
Offer accepted: 7/1/2020
Sent to ROFR: 7/2/2020
Passed ROFR: 8/4/2020
Closing docs received: 8/12/20
Closing docs returned: 8/12/20
Seller returned closing docs: 8/17/20
Closing: 8/18/20
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:

They are advising 21 days until I have a Disney account. That would be fantastic!! Then I just have to wait for the points to get boxed up and delivered Mickey white glove style.
Hopefully things are moving a bit faster...

Home: PVB
Broker: *************
Title Company: TRCS Inc.
Offer made: 6/15/20
Offer accepted: 6/16/20
Sent to ROFR: 6/17/20
Passed ROFR: 7/28/20
Closing docs received: 8/10/20
Closing docs returned: 8/18/20
Seller returned closing docs: 8/14/20
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:
FINALLY!!! What a long process but we are finally there!!!

Home : SSR
Title Company: First American
Offer made: 04/16/2020
Offer accepted: 04/17/2020
Sent to ROFR: 04/24/2020
Passed ROFR: 05/28/2020
Closing docs received: 06/09/2020
Closing docs returned: 06/10/2020
Seller returned closing docs:
Closing: 06/16/2020
Deed recorded: 06/17/2020
Contract Showing on Membership: 07/31/2020
Points in account: 08/18/20
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FINALLY!!! What a long process but we are finally there!!!

Home : SSR
Title Company: First American
Offer made: 04/16/2020
Offer accepted: 04/17/2020
Sent to ROFR: 04/24/2020
Passed ROFR: 05/28/2020
Closing docs received: 06/09/2020
Closing docs returned: 06/10/2020
Seller returned closing docs:
Closing: 06/16/2020
Deed recorded: 06/17/2020
Contract Showing on Membership: 07/31/2020
Points in account: 08/18/20
Congratulations 🍾

Home: Saratoga Springs Resort (SSR)
Broker: DVC Sales
Title Company: Mason Title and Escrow Company
Offer made: 05/13/2020
Offer accepted: 05/13/2020
Sent to ROFR: 05/13/2020
Passed ROFR: 06/24/2020
Closing docs received: 7/10/2020
Closing docs returned: 7/14/2020
Seller returned closing docs: 7/13/2020
Closing: 7/16/2020 (18 days after the closing date listed on the contract)
Deed recorded: 7/17/2020
Contract Showing on Membership: 8/18/2020
Points in account:

TIME TOTAL: 97 days and counting
offer to ROFR: 42 days
ROFR passing to Closing: 22 days
Closing to Points in Account:
Are you a new member or existing?
Home: VGF
Title Company: Mason
Offer made: 6/17/20
Offer accepted: 6/17/20
Sent to ROFR: 6/22/20 (took an extra day since I changed the title company)
Passed ROFR: 7/29/20 (38 days)
Closing docs received: 8/5/20
Closing docs returned: 8/6/20
Seller returned closing docs: 8/13/20
Closing: 8/17/20
Deed recorded: 8/18/20
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:

:mickeybarOnly 2 more steps to go! :snail:
Frustrated with Fidelity /First Title! the nightmare continues

Home: BLT
Broker: Fidelity
Title Company: First American Tittle
Offer Made: 04/27/2020
Offer Accepted: 04/27/2020
Sent to ROFR: 5/5/2020
Passed ROFR: 6/18/2020
Closing Docs received: Aug 13th (55 days!)
Closing Docs Returned:
Seller Returned Closing docs:
Deed Recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in Account

114 days as of today and I am not even half way !

It is very frustrating their lack of response, emails unanswered, promises not fulfilled, I want to back out just because of the horrible service!
Fidelity is a bit slow. When I hadn't recieved my closing docs and others had alreay closed (that passed the same day as me) I reached out and they "expedited" my paper work. Now I've been bugging First American every couple of days because they don't update (although when I email my agent she responds quickly, just isn't proactive). Finally have a closing date of the 21st. I say be the squecky wheel.

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