Character Lunch at Confisco's


Mar 16, 2001
Hi all, was wondering if the character lunch at IOA was something not to miss with 2 boys, ages 12 & 14. Will they think it's lame and for little kids? It sounds like fun to me. Also, if we decide to go, does one need reservations? We are staying on site, leaving in 10 days! Thanks for any opinions out there. Patti :)
When we were there we were able to interact with many characters (Spiderman, Dr. Doom, Oliveoil, Popeye, Cat in the Hat, Beetle Bailey). We got wonderful photos and really had a good time. The food was good and reasonably priced. The character we enjoyed most was a gypsy fortune teller who flirted with our adolescent boys. It was hilarious. She spent quite a bit of time at our table, did both of the boys' fortunes. Spiderman was also very accomodating. You should have lunch here if you have time.

I think the boys will enjoy it. Especially if the gypsy fortune teller is there. Also, the characters are differenct from the Disney characters, who are mostly geared towards very young children.

Have fun.
Thanks #11, Just called # for Confisco's. They told me since I would be an on-site guest, I do not need p.s. or ressies. Just show your room key and that'll do it. So, great, I'm really gonna try to do this fun lunch. Thanks again.


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