Car seat on airplane question.


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2001
I want to bring our DD's carseat on the plane, but, I think it may be too wide. I read that it should not be more than 16" wide. Not sure where to take this measurement, but, at the widest point, our seat is about 17" or 17 1/2" wide. (Britax Roundabout).
If I bring the seat, and try unsuccesfully to install it in the plane, what happens to it? I'm worried if they take it and just check it, it might get damaged (having no covering on it).
Most importantly, I really want my DS (age 2 1/2) to be in a carseat on the plane for safety.
I'd appreciate any advice!

Hi Valerie!

You might want to check out the thread below started by jmommy, titled "???Carseat for Plane Ride???" There is a ton of great info, and I think some links to FAA stuff too.

Hope this helps...

I bet that will fit. we took ours which is 18" and didnt have any trouble. but ill tell you what. i called the airline and asked. they looked up my flight to figure out what the plane was and looked up the seat measurement.

if by some chance you are on the smallest plane ever made and it doesnt fit (and i would make it fit its so important) then i supposed you could gate check it.

instilation tip: recline the back first so you can get good leverage in tighten the strap. then straighten it up again after youve got it set.
We've taken our Britax Roundabout on the plane and installed it with no problem. You will have to work hard to get a tight fit, but it does fit in the seat. My biggest beef on our last flight was that because the seat pitch is so narrow these days, our daughter's (in the Britax) feet touched the seat back in front of her. There was almost no room at all. She was 19 months at the time and loves to kick which presented a challenge.
Thanks for the info on flying with a carseat! We too will be flying w/our 9 mos. old and will be using the Britax Roundabout. I was wondering the same thing. I know that it is FAA approved but will also contact the airline to be sure that it will fit in the seat. Leslie
You can usually get them anchored if they are a little wide, but the armrests often have to be lifted on one or both sides to make it possible. The bulkhead armrests do not lift.
Our ds is 15 months and still in infant seat, wee little fella! We booked the bulkhead seats and requested the bassinet that attaches to the wall in front of the seats (we didn't buy them a seat ~ debate another time please) WE ALSO HAVE THE MOVIE SCREEN! Yippy! It's a 2.25 flight and has a Disney movie! ANYWAY! We are bringing the infant car seat and the stroller in attaches to right up to the plane, we hope they will let us on the plane with it (do you think they will let us bring it on, because we didn't buy a seat for ds). If we have to check the seat and stroller, it should be the first think off the plane. I'll bring the snuggli on the plane in case I have to carry the boy to the luggage.

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I think it depends on the type of aircraft, but on ours (737, 757) it fit just fine in the forward facing position. The worst part was getting the seat belt through the back of the seat - I got scratches on my hands from having to reach through there.

You may also want to try this link:

It is a carseat compatibility database where you can look up your carseat and aircraft, and see how others have done with your situation.

Have fun!!!


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I've done the seat thing BUNCHES of times, on all types of aircraft, even commuter planes. A few tips:

1. Preboard. Beg if you have to, but try to get one of your adults onto the plane early to install the seat; doing it properly requires room to maneuver.

2. If possible, sit on the starboard side of the plane. (Left as you walk down the aisle from the front.) Most airline seatbelts are installed to adjust by pulling the slack to the left, which will normally be away from the wall on this side. Pulling toward the wall to tighten it is more difficult, as the safety seat must be in the window position.

3. Raise the armrests, extend the seatbelt to full length, then thread the belt in the carseat. Now, position the seat, kneel in it to press it down, and pull the loose seatbelt end to tighten it up all the way. I have always gotten a really good fit this way on every aircraft I've tried, with 3 different models of carseat. (FYI, an UltaraV, a Touriva, and an EB high-back booster, w/ harness.)

Happy travelling!
You guys are great! Wish I'd known about all this when we were flying with little ones. This time around, my youngest will be old enough/heavy enough not to need even the booster.

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oh and i forgot to mention. go buy yourself a carseat duffle bag. this is priceless for toting the seat through the airport! spend whatever it takes to get one! the rightstart sells them
Hi! I just flew with my 5 month old in an infant carrier (century) and had no problem. I have to admit though, that I was not overly concerned about tightening it. I got a fairly snug fit but didn't think it needed to be as tight as in a car. The type of protection you need is totally different, right?

Anyone else feel the same way?

It was very easy - flew US Air, preboarded, dropped the stoller at the plane door. It was waiting in the same place when we got off. I was travelling alone and went as light as possible with the carry ons.
We flew Delta Express a few weeks ago and on the trip down, a Delta Express dude came over and asked us if we wanted him to install the seat for us! It was great. BUt on the way home, my hubby got on the plane when the people in wheel chairs were boarding. It was a lot easier that way.


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