Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow


Lol, here I am at the top! Next time I'm gonna bring an old nursing textbook and pretend I'm reading ;)

:lmao: That's awesome! Great minds think alike! :laughing:
hope I can get in on this one, I say epcot, via monorail and that soarin is the ride.
do I get a point??? do I do I do I,
I am sort of being "that guy" you know the one, when you have staked out your spot waited patiently and then some jerk swoops up at the last minute and says can I stnd here? by doing this since I have been a bad bad disser and been off the radar for a few months.
but heck a point for old time's sake :guilty:
You need to quit your day job so you can spend more time here.

I know. I know.
<hangs head in shame.>

And believe me, I thought about that.
I thought, "You know what? I'm sick of cold winters and I'm sick of going to Disney once a decade!"
I resolved to do more trips.
Which means more zebra domes!

I consoled myself with that

ok as you can see I am way way behind, this is from page 17, ya know there I a nice little Dis park on the west coast and we have pretty nice winters too out here. ok so we had 8 inches of a snow on new years eve morning this year. it was a freaky thing and really about an hour away from the house of mouse. just saying... we don't have zebra domes but we do have a great bakery selection....
Oh yeah! That's right! I'm back in first! Yes, Andy! If only I can stay in the lead for a couple more updates!
You know I knew it was Tony's Town Square then my mind convinced me it was CP instead.
You really look like a harley biker in your Splash pic.

You are going to Epcot
Takes you 30 minutes
You first ride Spaceship Earth
It helps that I have found a different version of the song that makes it a more pleasant earworm.

I dunno. I'd be afraid of any version.
And please... don't share your version.

I think my head would explode.

hope I can get in on this one, I say epcot, via monorail and that soarin is the ride.
do I get a point??? do I do I do I,

And you'll just have to wait and see.
Guesses on how long it took?

I am sort of being "that guy" you know the one, when you have staked out your spot waited patiently and then some jerk swoops up at the last minute and says can I stnd here? by doing this since I have been a bad bad disser and been off the radar for a few months.
but heck a point for old time's sake :guilty:

No, no. Not at all. All are welcome to play. Even someone who hasn't played at all.
The likelyhood of that person winning isn't overly high, mind you...

ok as you can see I am way way behind, this is from page 17, ya know there I a nice little Dis park on the west coast and we have pretty nice winters too out here. ok so we had 8 inches of a snow on new years eve morning this year. it was a freaky thing and really about an hour away from the house of mouse. just saying... we don't have zebra domes but we do have a great bakery selection....

I will let you in on a little secret.
I'd love to go to the west coast. But if I did, I doubt very much that I'd go to DL.
There's just so much that I would like to take in.
Oh yeah! That's right! I'm back in first! Yes, Andy!

That's what I like about you Carrie. So modest, reserved and demure.



If only I can stay in the lead for a couple more updates!

It's getting to the end... won't be long now.

You know I knew it was Tony's Town Square then my mind convinced me it was CP instead.

I told you to go with your gut, but nooooooo...

You really look like a harley biker in your Splash pic.

Well, that's good.
Plus I'm actually wearing a Harley T-shirt. :laughing:

You are going to Epcot
Takes you 30 minutes
You first ride Spaceship Earth

Now cut that out!

Great. Now I'm thinking of Lorena Bobbitt... :sad2:

Well I guess that is one way to make sure there isn't any golden showers...

I was so considering doing just that.
I thought "Surely (don't call me Shirley) she'll leave it at the joke."

But then you went ahead and made a legitimate guess!

So close.


I should have known better than to try and be sensible! Never pays off! :sad2:

Sorry, you lost me on that one.
It's Geordie, you don't speak Geordie?! Brian Johnson speaks Geordie ::yes::

I wouldn't have believed it either if you'd told me that was going to happen.
I would've laughed in your face.

Well that would have been rude!

I keep lobbing them up for you and you won't hit them outta the park!


What? What???? It's spaghetti!!

That's what I meant...


I'm so pleased you remembered to add "yet".

Well...yeah. I'm sure it will happen eventually! The threat of IASW holds no power any more!


Well, no. (Gross)
But you're all shiny and everything aren't you?

Well, maybe with the temporary exception of your finger.... how is it BTW?

Yes I'm wonderfully shiny! Apart from my finger which is just not...all the stitches are out but it looks pretty awful:sad:
I got rid of all my glassware just in case, it was either that or get rid of tequila! Like that was going to happen! :rotfl:
It helps that I have found a different version of the song that makes it a more pleasant earworm.

I dunno. I'd be afraid of any version.
And please... don't share your version.

I think my head would explode.
Don't listen to him. If you've got an alternate version, you've got to share it. I'm curious now.

Oh yeah! That's right! I'm back in first! Yes, Andy! If only I can stay in the lead for a couple more updates!
Now it is time to fight dirty.
Now that's a spicy meatball!

Should’a flipped a coin. :sad2:
I knew it was either CP or Tony’s… I went for the least obvious and it cost me that time.

On the up side…
I remember the commercial you’re referencing there. Good one…
Way better than that retched 50’s jingle they rehashed latter on.

Okay, I've been up since 5:00am and as I write this, it's after midnight.
I might be a wee bit tired, so this should be interesting.


Hallucinations as a result of exhaustion and sensory deprivation make for some great story tellin’.
I’ve got an idea; wait just a sec, while I brew up a bit of peyote tea…

OK, I’m back.
<<sip>>, Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeah, that’s gonn’a “plus” the reading experience.

Wow… look at all the crazy colors, maaaaan…..

And stop giggling because I said "wee".
I swear it was water on the bathroom floor!

And I believe you…
So far as you know.

Now. Where were we again?

Standing in front of IASW, I do believe.

No, not wee-ing.

I don’t know…
IASW can cause some pretty adverse reaction when encountered by the unprepared.

Ah. Here they are. My headphones/ear buds.

Ear buds… ear plugs…
Similar beasts

I plugged the ear phones into the iPod, cranked up the volume to "full"

But buds do come with that distinct advantage.

and as ACDC's "Hells Bells" guitar solo started to crash into my brain...

I strode confidently into... It's A Small World.

I can think of several other tunes and/or artist that will be equally as entertaining as a soundtrack for those animatronics, and I guarantee… I’ll be testing them out during future outings to the Kingdom.

Those points will help make up a bit for not agreeing with my nemesis

and as Angus and Malcolm Young began
the distinct guitar riffs of Back In Black,
the dolls seemed to respond by groovin' and movin' even more!

I can see this so vividly in my mind (though that might be the result of the tea I’m sipping)…
The only thing that might have gotten me not only rockin’ a bit more but probably even laughing hysterically would have been it the second tune had turned out to be Highway to H… (err… family board, family board)… well, you know.

As I was nearing the end of the ride, the unthinkable happened.
Suddenly, a momentary jostle of the arm and...
The music quit!!!

Ahooga! Ahooga!
Battle stations, battle stations, this is now drill!!!
Ahooga! Ahooga!

In just a couple of seconds, Steven Tyler was belting out Sweet Emotion.
Phew! Close one!

Close indeed…
That tune would have been good with the penguins and hula dancers as well.

(Note to self. NO JOSTLING THE iPod!!!)

The new Rule#1 for surviving IASW
(an acronym which now stands for: “It’s a Shred World”).


I had a date with a coaster.
No rush. I've got a Fastpass for BTMRR.
Didn't know if I'd need it, but good to have, right?

Oh fudge!


You feigned that the mine train was high on the plan and I foolishly bit on that as the opening objective. Discounted it as an FP for the same reason. Silly me…
I deserve the Lifeboy for that miscalculation.


So I turned right and headed straight for Haunted Mansion.

The closest thing to where you were and a personal favorite…
Makes perfect sense now.

A little girl, oh... about six or eight years old...
saw me looking at Mme. Leota's tombstone.
She looked at it too.

When Mme. Leota opened her eyes, the little girl jumped!
I didn't laugh, (didn't want to embarrass her)
but I did find it funny.

Have done that to the unsuspecting a few times myself.
I love it whenever anyone can get people to react like that.

Man that ride is fun!

Yes it is. ::yes::

I asked a CM if I could be seated at the back of the log.

Good choice for a loan traveler with a master plan.

It had been a long few days.
I figured sitting in the back would be the best spot to chill.
You know, settle back, relax and just enjoy the ride.

Ain’t buyin’ it…
I’ve seen some of you other ride pics.

That’s what I expected, and a very fine rendition on the theme.
I’ll add that one to the gallery of classic DisDad “Splash Bombs”.
One of the better ones in our archive right now is this one…


And we thank you Mr Pratt…

But you’re running a close second at this point.
Lookin’ forward to seeing what you have planned the next time you get the chance.

I sashayed off in the direction of my next FP+.
I really wasn't surprised that no one guessed this one.
Heck, I was surprised I picked this one.

Did you go for another character meet?
There’s a point I won’t be getting’.

Better safe than stupid.

A good maxim when it’s possible…

Well.... I got the safe part down at least.

But as you’re aware (I see), it’s not always possible.

You may have heard of the transforming mirror, you may not have.

Well, I’ve heard of it now, and the whole thing does sound like an excellent bit of Imagineering.

Eventually, she has a dance with the lucky child who plays the Beast.


Love the skull and bones shirt the young’en is sporting.
Very “Beastly”.

Would I do it again?
Hmmm... Solo? Possibly not. But I might.
With any of my family? Absolutely!

May have to wait on grandkids to experience that one.

I looked too, for something for Kate, but her tastes are a little more...


"See if you can find me a hoodie. It has to be black.
And not a zip up hoodie, but a pull over.
And I don't want a big gaudy picture on it.
If you find one with a little logo on it, that's okay."

I know folks just like that :rolleyes1:

I headed over to the restaurant and told the CM that I had an ADR,
but would like to dine sooner if possible.
He told me that wouldn't be a problem and changed my ADR to 11:30.
Less than a minute later, I was being led to my table.

He shoots… He scores!

But then Elle (DD18) said she wanted only one thing from WDW.
"Dad, the only thing I want is a napkin from Tony's signed by Lady & Tramp."
Well, of course I'm going to do it!

Well of course… goes without sayin’.
Wish that sentence had shown up elsewhere in this TR.

He scurried off to the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts.




Rumf… Wha!… OK, I’m awake, I’m awake.
Now what were you sayin’?

Place is pretty dead for coming up on lunch time.
Maybe the place's reputation has preceded it?

I suspect that is true.
I also suspect that it’s probably a bit unfair.
We’ll see what you think

But it was fine. I'd have it again.

So a solid “meh” then…
So long as the sauce is good; pasta itself is fairly indestructible.

I could (and just about did for one year) live on that alone.

That and ramen…
The standard fair for twenty somethings once moving out of mom-n-dad’s house.
I learned many, many ways to hot rod pasta and ramen just to get at least a little bit of variety.

Soon, I was back at Gaston's.
While I couldn't possibly manage a pork shank,


Once again, being honest here, I'm not sure how much I liked LeFou's Brew.

If you've had it, tell me what your thoughts are on it.

I seem to be in the minority on this concoction.
Our family loved it. Then again, we were also right worn out, a bit overheated and rather peckish at the time, but still… I rate the stuff as fairly tasty.

I had one more FP+ but it was a little ways off still.
It was for Peter Pan.
But now it was time to head out to the next park.
I'd already ridden PP several times,
so I wasn't too worried about skipping this FP+.

Missed that one too

One for the road, ya know.

Good decision on your feet’s part there.

Bonus questions:

1. Which park am I heading off to?


2. How long does it take to get to that park?
I timed it from MK exit until I passed the tapstiles at the next park.

29 min (via the monorails… at least that’s how I’d ‘ve done it)

3. First ride in that park?
Big hint: I haven't been on it yet this trip.

Hummm… and without an FP as well.
Let’s go with Spaceship Earth.

(now just watch… you’ll jump into the single rider line at Space instead)

And now...

The Contest

GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - IASW - CP - BTMRR - 7DMT/HM/DUMBO - 6 points for IASW

Six is good… eleven would have been better, but what'cha gonna’ do.

Bonus points!
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 1 point for the trip down memory lane (Shazbot!), 2 points for Medusa.

And I thank you, I’ll gladly take ‘em.
Don’t think I’ll be catchin’ the leaders at this point, but I am gaining a bit of ground after a late start.

Last edited:
Well I guess that is one way to make sure there isn't any golden showers...

I heard he got it glued or stapled or something... back on. So....

I should have known better than to try and be sensible! Never pays off! :sad2:

I keep telling people. Go with your gut!

You'll still be wrong, but you'll feel better about it.

It's Geordie, you don't speak Geordie?! Brian Johnson speaks Geordie ::yes::

Never even heard of it until just now.

Well that would have been rude!

Yeah! And the look on your face just would've made me laugh even louder! :lmao:


That's what I meant...


Oh, okay... Hey! Wait a sec... What was the wink for????

Well...yeah. I'm sure it will happen eventually! The threat of IASW holds no power any more!


Yeah... right... see below.

all the stitches are out but it looks pretty awful:sad:

I'm sure it'll be fine. Just have to wait for it to get all better. ::yes::

I got rid of all my glassware just in case, it was either that or get rid of tequila! Like that was going to happen! :rotfl:

Good plan. You can always drink it out of a plastic cup.

Don't listen to him. If you've got an alternate version, you've got to share it. I'm curious now.

No. No! Nooooooooooooo!!!!!

Now it is time to fight dirty.

I think you just did.

I'm quite proud of myself.
I actually made it to about the 45 second mark.
You know... when she actually starts singing the song.

Nope. Couldn't do it. Not even close.
Should’a flipped a coin. :sad2:
I knew it was either CP or Tony’s… I went for the least obvious and it cost me that time.

Go with your gut people!!!

Then again... I wonder how many people got it right because they didn't go with their gut?


On the up side…
I remember the commercial you’re referencing there. Good one…
Way better than that retched 50’s jingle they rehashed latter on.

And yet... that jingle is as entrenched in your mind as....

Well, I won't say it.

Hallucinations as a result of exhaustion and sensory deprivation make for some great story tellin’.
I’ve got an idea; wait just a sec, while I brew up a bit of peyote tea…

OK, I’m back.
<<sip>>, Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeah, that’s gonn’a “plus” the reading experience.

Wow… look at all the crazy colors, maaaaan…..

:laughing: Well, that should definitely help!

And I believe you…
So far as you know.

Absolutely.... Maybe.... I think....

Standing in front of IASW, I do believe.

Oh, right! Good thing you were here!

I don’t know…
IASW can cause some pretty adverse reaction when encountered by the unprepared.

Wetting oneself at the mere thought of it would be completely understandable.

Ear buds… ear plugs…
Similar beasts

But completely different.

I can think of several other tunes and/or artist that will be equally as entertaining as a soundtrack for those animatronics, and I guarantee… I’ll be testing them out during future outings to the Kingdom.

Yep. As long as it's loud enough to drown out the horrors.

I can see this so vividly in my mind (though that might be the result of the tea I’m sipping)…

:rolleyes1 Possibly.

The only thing that might have gotten me not only rockin’ a bit more but probably even laughing hysterically would have been it the second tune had turned out to be Highway to H… (err… family board, family board)… well, you know.

Ohhhh! Dang! I should have thought about that!

Ahooga! Ahooga!
Battle stations, battle stations, this is now drill!!!
Ahooga! Ahooga!


The new Rule#1 for surviving IASW
(an acronym which now stands for: “It’s a Shred World”).


:laughing: Perfect!

You feigned that the mine train was high on the plan and I foolishly bit on that as the opening objective. Discounted it as an FP for the same reason. Silly me…
I deserve the Lifeboy for that miscalculation.


I have only one thing to say about that...


The closest thing to where you were and a personal favorite…
Makes perfect sense now.

What. I was just going to ignore it???
Not likely!

Have done that to the unsuspecting a few times myself.
I love it whenever anyone can get people to react like that.


Ain’t buyin’ it…
I’ve seen some of you other ride pics.

Who, me?


One of the better ones in our archive right now is this one…


That's great! :lmao:

But what's even funnier is the kid in the second last row. :rotfl:

But as you’re aware (I see), it’s not always possible.

Yup. Afraid so.

Well, I’ve heard of it now, and the whole thing does sound like an excellent bit of Imagineering.

It really is. If you look carefully, you can see how some of it's done... not all.

Love the skull and bones shirt the young’en is sporting.
Very “Beastly”.

:laughing: I didn't even notice that!

May have to wait on grandkids to experience that one.

Don't! See it for yourself. It's really well done.

Well of course… goes without sayin’.
Wish that sentence had shown up elsewhere in this TR.

Oh, sure. Just give away those points.

Rumf… Wha!… OK, I’m awake, I’m awake.
Now what were you sayin’?


So a solid “meh” then…
So long as the sauce is good; pasta itself is fairly indestructible.

No, no, no. Not a solid "meh".
If it was meh, I wouldn't go back.
I would go back.
Better than meh, better than just okay,
more like Not bad... Not bad at all.

Great? Nope. Good?... almost.

I seem to be in the minority on this concoction.
Our family loved it. Then again, we were also right worn out, a bit overheated and rather peckish at the time, but still… I rate the stuff as fairly tasty.

Well, that's part of it right there.
I remember the first Dole Whip float... we were in the same boat.
Overheated and dehydrated. Anything would've tasted good.
But that pineapple concoction was like pure heaven.

If we'd tried it on a cool day and full stomachs?
I'm betting we would've said "What's all the fuss about?"

29 min (via the monorails… at least that’s how I’d ‘ve done it)
Hummm… and without an FP as well.
Let’s go with Spaceship Earth.

(now just watch… you’ll jump into the single rider line at Space instead)

Noted. (And I assume you mean TT for the single rider or Mission Space?)

Don’t think I’ll be catchin’ the leaders at this point, but I am gaining a bit of ground after a late start.

Well, probably not.
But you're still not mathematically eliminated.
I'm quite proud of myself.
I actually made it to about the 45 second mark.
You know... when she actually starts singing the song.

Nope. Couldn't do it. Not even close.
Good thing you don't live in a house where it's played at least once a day. :rotfl: (usually in the minimum of 5-6 times category)

Though to be fair, I said it makes it a more pleasant Earworm, not that it avoids earworm status altogether.
I heard he got it glued or stapled or something... back on. So....

I'm sure that would be really easy to do...


I keep telling people. Go with your gut!

You'll still be wrong, but you'll feel better about it.


Never even heard of it until just now.

Well clearly you didn't grow up in Newcastle!
This is a very helpful lead in to Geordie, and in one of your favourite songs!

Yeah! And the look on your face just would've made me laugh even louder! :lmao:




Oh, okay... Hey! Wait a sec... What was the wink for????.


Really trying to get me kicked off are you?

I'm quite proud of myself.
I actually made it to about the 45 second mark.
You know... when she actually starts singing the song.

Nope. Couldn't do it. Not even close.

Maybe this will help....

Bonus questions:

1. Which park am I heading off to?
No tricks, I'm going and staying at one park.
If you remember the wish list from page one,
(or just go look at it. First post.)

you should have no problems figuring out where I'm going.


2. How long does it take to get to that park?
I timed it from MK exit until I passed the tapstiles at the next park.

25 minutes

3. First ride in that park?
Big hint: I haven't been on it yet this trip.

Not too bad.

I was kind of distracted with trying to figure out where she's from though. I thought maybe she was Australian from the way she was pronouncing some of the words.

Then I googled it and she's from California.

Oh well, she did a nice job and I always enjoy a video showing different scenes around the Disney parks.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I wonder who actually plays that for the full hour? (Excluding those doing it just to torture someone else. :rotfl:)
The longest I think I have ever listened to if for on a loop is like 45 minutes in an IASW boat jam! I don't mind it but yeah...they could actually use this version as a form of torture! :rotfl: I'll tell you anything JUST MAKE IT STOP!! :lmao:
I never realised it had bagpipes in it...

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