Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

And yet... that jingle is as entrenched in your mind as....

Well, I won't say it.


Proof that negative reinforcement can be a more powerful motivator then the positive verity.
What a depressing though that is. I think I need to go listen to the Epcot Entrance loop for a while to lift my senses of adventure and wonder. Or maybe a couple of Rush and Pink Floyd albums. Those would do the trick as well. Oh, I know… Some SRV, yeah a bit of Stevie will lift my spirits.

This also reminds me that many of the advertisements that I consider the most entertaining are also complete failures as I’ve got no idea what they were selling.

:laughing: Well, that should definitely help!

Liberal use of “Subcompact Recreational Vehicles” has been known to soften the blow of many things.

Many things.

Wetting oneself at the mere thought of it would be completely understandable.

I’m pretty sure they keep a street cleaning crew on standby in that area for precisely this reason.

But completely different.

Not if you’ve been sipping some of that there tea I was talkin’ about.. :coffee:

Ohhhh! Dang! I should have thought about that!

Next time then…
But I must say, you done good. I’ll never be able to see that ride in any other light.

I thought of another tune for “Shred World”…

REM: It’s the End of the World as We Know It

I have only one thing to say about that...


I see…

That's great! :lmao:

But what's even funnier is the kid in the second last row. :laughing:

Yep… that’s a good face.
Actually there are several most excellent terror faces in that one.
They just add to the overall effect.

:laughing: I didn't even notice that!

It’s the Disney way.

Oh, sure. Just give away those points.

Can’t blame me for tryin’.
Besides, I’ve seen far more blatant attempts at cajoling a few points ‘round here. :lmao:

No, no, no. Not a solid "meh".
If it was meh, I wouldn't go back.
I would go back.
Better than meh, better than just okay,
more like Not bad... Not bad at all.

Great? Nope. Good?... almost.

That constitutes an endorsement that makes it worth trying in the future then.
We’ll add it to the list.

Well, that's part of it right there.
I remember the first Dole Whip float... we were in the same boat.
Overheated and dehydrated. Anything would've tasted good.
But that pineapple concoction was like pure heaven.

If we'd tried it on a cool day and full stomachs?
I'm betting we would've said "What's all the fuss about?"

We may be on to something here.
I’m also very partial to the frozen strawberry bars that they sell in the parks, but no matter where else I try them, they’re never as good as they are at Disney…
In the high summer…
In the late afternoon…
To tide us over before dinner…

Does make for an unlevel playing field, don’t it?

Noted. (And I assume you mean TT for the single rider or Mission Space?)

I was thinking about Mission Space in this instance.
Question: Does TT even have a single rider line?

Well, probably not.
But you're still not mathematically eliminated.



Hell No!
Good thing you don't live in a house where it's played at least once a day. :rotfl: (usually in the minimum of 5-6 times category)

That would be grounds for divorce... separation at the least.
"Take the house! I'm gone!"

Though to be fair, I said it makes it a more pleasant Earworm, not that it avoids earworm status altogether.

Ah. Okay, I'll buy that.

Still won't listen to it though... :rolleyes1


Why, yes. Yes I would. :snooty:

Well clearly you didn't grow up in Newcastle!
This is a very helpful lead in to Geordie, and in one of your favourite songs!

Nope. I understood... oh, a fraction of that? :lmao:



My favourite comedy!

Really trying to get me kicked off are you?

Who, moi? Never.

Maybe this will help....

Haha. Joke's on you. I refuse to click the "play" button.
25 minutes


I was kind of distracted with trying to figure out where she's from though. I thought maybe she was Australian from the way she was pronouncing some of the words.

Then I googled it and she's from California.

That's almost the same place, right? South West of us.

Oh well, she did a nice job and I always enjoy a video showing different scenes around the Disney parks.

Hmmmm..... Maybe I should just mute it and watch for the scenery.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I wonder who actually plays that for the full hour? (Excluding those doing it just to torture someone else. :rotfl:)

Not this cowboy!!

The longest I think I have ever listened to if for on a loop is like 45 minutes in an IASW boat jam!


I don't mind it but yeah...they could actually use this version as a form of torture! :rotfl:


I'll tell you anything JUST MAKE IT STOP!! :lmao:
I never realised it had bagpipes in it...

It does? I'll (God willing) never know.


Why, yes. Yes I would. :snooty:

Well tough! :snooty:

Nope. I understood... oh, a fraction of that? :lmao:

That's basically what it sounded like where I grew up! :rotfl:

My favourite comedy!

It is pretty darn funny

Who, moi? Never.


Haha. Joke's on you. I refuse to click the "play" button.

Doesn't matter its still there! FOREVER!!


It does? I'll (God willing) never know.

::yes:: And yodelling!
I plugged the ear phones into the iPod, cranked up the volume to "full"
and as ACDC's "Hells Bells" guitar solo started to crash into my brain...

I strode confidently into... It's A Small World.

OMG!!!! I was actually right?! WOOOO!!! It was about time I answered something right... sheesh! On a side note, Brian Johnson once came into the restaurant my family owned for 30+ years (this was probably about 8 years ago). He was AMAZING! He quickly learned most of the staff were huge fans and ventured back to the kitchen to hang out! He stayed for over 1/2 hour. Awesome, awesome guy.

As I was nearing the end of the ride, the unthinkable happened.
Suddenly, a momentary jostle of the arm and...
The music quit!!!
Uh, ohh...

In just a couple of seconds, Steven Tyler was belting out Sweet Emotion.
Phew! Close one!
Oh, thank goodness. Though I think you're braver than Rob for even considering a ride :rotfl:

After deciding once again, reluctantly,
not to accept the ghosts' kind offer to join them;
Thanks, Ponzi. I'd hate to miss out on your TRs. I mean friendship. ;)

Awesome. :thumbsup2

Spaghetti is one of my favourite meals.
I could (and just about did for one year) live on that alone.
Oh, so that's like me with cereal... presently. :rolleyes1

Bonus questions:

1. Which park am I heading off to?

2. How long does it take to get to that park?
22 minutes

3. First ride in that park?
Oh, gosh... you expect my memory to help me here?! Well, that's not gonna happen. I can barely remember what I did on my trip... a month ago! (thank goodness for my detailed notes!)
I'm gonna say Nemo

Tracy161 - 2 points for inexplicable lol-ing, 2 points for letting me win. (I did remember!)
You remembered! :hug::hug::hug:

Lu started it!

I think I need to go listen to the Epcot Entrance loop for a while to lift my senses of adventure and wonder.

Hmmm... Yeah, that's not a bad idea, but...

Or maybe a couple of Rush and Pink Floyd albums.

Now you're talking.

Those would do the trick as well. Oh, I know… Some SRV, yeah a bit of Stevie will lift my spirits.


Question. SRV, Hendrix or Jeff Healey? Best out of those?

All gone. :sad2:
That vid sends a chill down my spine.
And I just found it now.

This also reminds me that many of the advertisements that I consider the most entertaining are also complete failures as I’ve got no idea what they were selling.

Yup. A friend of mine told me about a great ad he watched... for what he had no idea.
It was about a company that had an "O" in the name... like "Xerox" or something.
A man came on and told how they were going to catapult a hamster through the hole in the "O".
They launch it and it misses the hole... <Splat!> The man looks at the camera nervously.

And that was it!
No clue what the company was.

I’m pretty sure they keep a street cleaning crew on standby in that area for precisely this reason.

It would only make sense.
Probably for "protein spills" too.
At least it would have that affect on me without the headphones.

Not if you’ve been sipping some of that there tea I was talkin’ about.. :coffee:

Pass the cup.

But I must say, you done good. I’ll never be able to see that ride in any other light.

Then my work here is done.

REM: It’s the End of the World as We Know It


I see…

"Probably from his father!"

It’s the Disney way.

And I failed. Miserably.

Can’t blame me for tryin’.
Besides, I’ve seen far more blatant attempts at cajoling a few points ‘round here. :lmao:

Well, of course. They know how dumb I am.
If they're not blatant, I just don't get it.

That constitutes an endorsement that makes it worth trying in the future then.
We’ll add it to the list.

As long as you don't order anything other than the spaghetti.
I can't vouch for anything else!

We may be on to something here.
I’m also very partial to the frozen strawberry bars that they sell in the parks, but no matter where else I try them, they’re never as good as they are at Disney…
In the high summer…
In the late afternoon…
To tide us over before dinner…

Does make for an unlevel playing field, don’t it?

Yep. My thoughts exactly.

I was thinking about Mission Space in this instance.
Question: Does TT even have a single rider line?

Um. TT has a single rider line. Mission Space does not.

:laughing: Bluto!
Well tough! :snooty:

Wow. That hurt.


That's basically what it sounded like where I grew up! :rotfl:

I would've thought the English would be more... English.

It is pretty darn funny

::yes:: So many great lines in that show.
And... Phil... getting punched by the kangaroo? :lmao:

Somehow I can so see you doing just that.
Well, of course in a prettier yet snarkier way.

Doesn't matter its still there! FOREVER!!

And that is why, boys and girls, I will never open this TR again... once I'm finished it.

::yes:: And yodelling!

Good Lord! Are you serious???
I'm pleased to say, I'll never know.
OMG!!!! I was actually right?! WOOOO!!! It was about time I answered something right... sheesh!

Yes! Yes you were! One of the six!

On a side note, Brian Johnson once came into the restaurant my family owned for 30+ years (this was probably about 8 years ago). He was AMAZING! He quickly learned most of the staff were huge fans and ventured back to the kitchen to hang out! He stayed for over 1/2 hour. Awesome, awesome guy.

That's an amazing story! So cool. Thanks for sharing! :)

Uh, ohh...

Yes, I do believe I had that same thought. Well, perhaps it was slightly different...
let me think.

Ah, yes. I do believe it was less "Uh, ohh" and more...

OHMAGOD OHMAGOD OHMAGOD OHMAGOD aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So almost the same.

Oh, thank goodness. Though I think you're braver than Rob for even considering a ride :rotfl:

Not without those headphones I wouldn't!

Thanks, Ponzi. I'd hate to miss out on your TRs. I mean friendship. ;)

Thanks!... Hey!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Oh, so that's like me with cereal... presently. :rolleyes1

Sorry to hear that. Come to Winnipeg and I'll cook you a nice meal, okay?
We can always fit one more around the table. (Skootch over kids.)

1. Which park am I heading off to?

2. How long does it take to get to that park?
22 minutes

3. First ride in that park?
Oh, gosh... you expect my memory to help me here?! Well, that's not gonna happen. I can barely remember what I did on my trip... a month ago! (thank goodness for my detailed notes!)
I'm gonna say Nemo


You remembered! :hug::hug::hug:

I guess I missed out on the initial "Magic" by never going as a child. (*blames camping parents*) I've always known that the characters aren't real.

I get that. I didn't go until I was older too.
I went because my soccer team was supposed to have a tournament in Florida.
The tournament fell through, but the discounted airfair and hotel were still being offered, so we went.

That in no way means though that I did not absolutely LOVE when my children got to meet some characters on our DL trip, and I also love a casual interaction if a character happens to be strolling by.


My most cherished (that sounds corny... but it's the way I feel) memory is of our first trip with the kids.
Kay was only four and she was a very reserved child.
Shyed away from people, never spoke much to us either.
I didn't think the girls were all that interested in characters.
We were in DHS and we came across some lines for Pooh, Tigger and probably others.
Suddenly Kay tugged on my hand and pointed. I asked her if she wanted to see Pooh?
It really surprised me since she didn't like meeting new people.
Didn't like new things, generally.
She started to pull me towards the line. So we got in line.
When it was our turn, she just grabbed onto Pooh in a hug.
This from a child who never hugged, or wanted to be hugged.
After a few seconds, maybe half a minute,
I started to tell her that we had to go so other kids would get a chance to meet Pooh.
Pooh just waved me away and Kay kept hugging. It went on for a long time.

God, just talking about it gets me choked up.


(OK, I really did love Cinderella and Prince Charming, especially when Cinderella asked my girls "Are either of you married? No? Well, that's alright, you still have plenty of time to find your Prince Charmings!")


That being said, I'd prefer to leave the character meets and fast passes to the children and adults who really want to participate.

Yup. That's how I feel. I think I said that in the first post of this TR.
I had a FP+ for A&E... because it's hard to get.
But I let it go because I knew that someone else would want it far more than I would.
Lu started it!

And what if Lu jumped off a bridge…

My mother just jumper out of my mouth! :eek:

Question. SRV, Hendrix or Jeff Healey? Best out of those?

That’s a tough one; like choosing between your kids (but I only have one so…)
If you put a gun to my head and demanded an answer, I’d take Stevie, but only by the narrowest of margins (and that’s discounting all the other “pickers” that have influenced me over the years who I’d want to consider as well).

Sometime when you’ve got nothing better to do, play Vaughan’s and Hendrix’s versions of “Little Wing” back to back. My, but it would be hard to even attempt to pick one over the other. I’d just click on the repeat option and keep playing them over and over…

As for the video there, I’ll have to wait until I get home to watch that one…
but I will be doing so. Thanks.

Pass the cup.

Cup? Ummmm… well…
Sorry dude, I drank it all.

Then my work here is done.

And done well might I add.

"Probably from his father!"

Ah, no! What did I do, Ma? What, I didn't do nothing! AAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!

Well, of course. They know how dumb I am.
If they're not blatant, I just don't get it.

I’m supposed to buy that one, huh?

Um. TT has a single rider line. Mission Space does not.

Really? When did they remove the single rider line from Space?
I’m pretty sure we made use of it in 2013… or was that just the Tea talking again?

Now this changes some things rather dramatically.
With a Single rider line available at TT (which I also did not realize was true).
My gut is now telling me to change my guess and say that your first ride at Epcot that day was:

Test Tron… errrr… I mean Test Track.

Forget it, he's rolling...

Oh, and that that should be: Senator Bluto


I would've thought the English would be more... English.

Two nations separated by a common language.


My most cherished (that sounds corny... but it's the way I feel) memory is of our first trip with the kids.
Kay was only four and she was a very reserved child.
Shyed away from people, never spoke much to us either.
I didn't think the girls were all that interested in characters.
We were in DHS and we came across some lines for Pooh, Tigger and probably others.
Suddenly Kay tugged on my hand and pointed. I asked her if she wanted to see Pooh?
It really surprised me since she didn't like meeting new people.
Didn't like new things, generally.
She started to pull me towards the line. So we got in line.
When it was our turn, she just grabbed onto Pooh in a hug.
This from a child who never hugged, or wanted to be hugged.
After a few seconds, maybe half a minute,
I started to tell her that we had to go so other kids would get a chance to meet Pooh.
Pooh just waved me away and Kay kept hugging. It went on for a long time.

God, just talking about it gets me choked up.


Ya’ know…

You really should consider cleaning up in here once in a while.
All this blasted dust is just wreaking havoc on my allergies (and I don’t even have any allergies).

And for the love of Gideon, will you stop pumping those onion fumes in here.

Where did I leave off...

Right. Rummaging around in my camera bag, looking for something.
Something I needed for the next ride.

Ah. Here they are. My headphones/ear buds.
Where I'm going, ear plugs just wouldn't cut it.
Those things aren't 100% sound proof ya know.
Even the "noise cancelling" headphones aren't.
I plugged the ear phones into the iPod, cranked up the volume to "full"
and as ACDC's "Hells Bells" guitar solo started to crash into my brain...

I strode confidently into... It's A Small World.

Aww, I just knew you were looking for earplugs. In the back of my mind was the thought that you could give in and ride IASW, but, given how much you hate it, I really thought you would hesitate, then walk on until you found something that you liked much better. Did you do it just to throw us off?

This is 'frican amazing!!!

Are you sure it was AMAZING? I think maybe that word is overused, these days. Couldn’t it have been “wonderful” or “fantastic” or even just “great” without the ever-popular and ever-sigh-inducing AMAZING? (‘frican goes just as well in front of any of my suggested AMAZING substitutes)
Well, all right, AMAZING it is. Sigh.

As I was nearing the end of the ride, the unthinkable happened.
Suddenly, a momentary jostle of the arm and...
The music quit!!!
In a panic I grabbed for my iPod and started to hum tunelessly...
and loudly.
I didn't care if anyone else heard me...

The FUMBLE. Of course. You really are just a cartoon character, aren’t you?

I've got a Fastpass for BTMRR.

Woohoo! Points!

the siren call of BTMRR was calling my name.

While I did have a Fastpass for this, I didn't really need it.
When I got there, a tour group was just preparing to enter the line.
I didn't see them again, but I suppose I got in ahead of them.
It was still early and the crowds hadn't really started to form yet.
Still, I suppose I shaved a couple of minutes off the wait time.

Man that ride is fun!

My favorite ride. My older granddaughter won’t ride with me because I laugh all the way through.

It had been a long few days.
I figured sitting in the back would be the best spot to chill.
You know, settle back, relax and just enjoy the ride.


Sheesh. Everyone else seems so tense. :confused3
Gotta chill people. Just chill.

Nice Pose!

Usually I'm at least a little nervous about the drop.
Well, I was so busy getting ready for the photo that I forgot all about it!

But the drop is the best part!

When I got to Enchanted Tales with Belle,
a CM asked me if I wanted to use my FP+ since there wouldn't be a wait.
I figured I'd just go ahead and use it anyway.

Yes, you should try this attraction. It’s a very nice experience.
So, you didn’t miss any of the experience in the cottage by utilizing the fastpass entrance? I had heard that you skipped a room and went in at the just before the mirror opened up
. (That's why we've never fastpassed it)

On the mantel, of course, is Lumiere.

This is more of some amazing Disney magic!
Lumiere is absolutely fluid in his motions. I have absolutely no idea how they do that.

My all-time favorite character, and he really is very well done.

Eventually, all the kids get to meet Belle and pose for a picture.

We have never gotten a Belle in here who was less than beautiful.

Would I do it again?
Hmmm... Solo? Possibly not. But I might.
With any of my family? Absolutely!

Oh, yes, take the family. Everyone should do this at least once.

He told me that wouldn't be a problem and changed my ADR to 11:30.
Less than a minute later, I was being led to my table.

They managed to squa-weeeze you in?

One of the first threads I started, back in 2007,
was one asking people what the worst Disney restaurant was.
The majority picked either ABC Commissary or Tony's.

That’s the general opinion of Tony’s, and the pasta/spaghetti is supposed to be the worst. My daughter and I went, had the steak and liked it. Maybe the kitchen staff was having an off day.

So, you can get a napkin autographed by Lady and the Tramp? This changes everything!

He scurried off to the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts.

You had thoughts? Way to go. After all, you’re doing a TR.

Soon, I was back at Gaston's.
While I couldn't possibly manage a pork shank,
(so much for that item on the wish list)
I could and would have one of these:


Once again, being honest here, I'm not sure how much I liked LeFou's Brew.

Meh. Way too sweet for my taste.

I started to think if there was anything I still needed to accomplish in MK.

Meet Gaston and get a picture. For your readers. But don’t giggle like a school-girl like some of us would. Ok, you can giggle, but we want video of it.

Yeah. I suppose it wouldn't hurt.
One for the road, ya know.


I sipped as I sashayed.
Those things are ridiculously good.

There it is – my favorite thing in the world! Oh. My. Gosh. I can just taste its tangy goodness.
My most cherished (that sounds corny... but it's the way I feel) memory is of our first trip with the kids.
Kay was only four and she was a very reserved child.
Shyed away from people, never spoke much to us either.
I didn't think the girls were all that interested in characters.
We were in DHS and we came across some lines for Pooh, Tigger and probably others.
Suddenly Kay tugged on my hand and pointed. I asked her if she wanted to see Pooh?
It really surprised me since she didn't like meeting new people.
Didn't like new things, generally.
She started to pull me towards the line. So we got in line.
When it was our turn, she just grabbed onto Pooh in a hug.
This from a child who never hugged, or wanted to be hugged.
After a few seconds, maybe half a minute,
I started to tell her that we had to go so other kids would get a chance to meet Pooh.
Pooh just waved me away and Kay kept hugging. It went on for a long time.

Awwww.... :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
As most of your readers has gone for EPCOT Via Down Town then on to a boat to get to the destination as described on your first chapter & the first ride was Test Track, I’m going to go with Disney studios and the Rock & roller coaster as my choice so as not to give the impression that I followed everyone else who are all probably right.
Lu started it!

Hey! What am I being blamed for now?!

Wow. That hurt.


Yeah, well....


I would've thought the English would be more... English.

Nah, and not one of us makes any sense what so ever anyway. We passed the language on to you and your neighbours and you didn't do much better with it! :rotfl:

::yes:: So many great lines in that show.
And... Phil... getting punched by the kangaroo? :lmao:


And that is why, boys and girls, I will never open this TR again... once I'm finished it.

Well then there is always your next one...

Good Lord! Are you serious???
I'm pleased to say, I'll never know.

Its true, its in there...maybe you should listen to it...its going to happen eventually...


My most cherished (that sounds corny... but it's the way I feel) memory is of our first trip with the kids.
Kay was only four and she was a very reserved child.
Shyed away from people, never spoke much to us either.
I didn't think the girls were all that interested in characters.
We were in DHS and we came across some lines for Pooh, Tigger and probably others.
Suddenly Kay tugged on my hand and pointed. I asked her if she wanted to see Pooh?
It really surprised me since she didn't like meeting new people.
Didn't like new things, generally.
She started to pull me towards the line. So we got in line.
When it was our turn, she just grabbed onto Pooh in a hug.
This from a child who never hugged, or wanted to be hugged.
After a few seconds, maybe half a minute,
I started to tell her that we had to go so other kids would get a chance to meet Pooh.
Pooh just waved me away and Kay kept hugging. It went on for a long time.

God, just talking about it gets me choked up.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That is just so adorable :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

And what if Lu jumped off a bridge…

Wait, I'm jumping off a bridge now??? :scared1:

And what if Lu jumped off a bridge…

My mother just jumper out of my mouth! :eek:

Simple. I'd jump in right after her and rescue her.
She's just that awesome.

Sometime when you’ve got nothing better to do, play Vaughan’s and Hendrix’s versions of “Little Wing” back to back. My, but it would be hard to even attempt to pick one over the other. I’d just click on the repeat option and keep playing them over and over…

Doing it right now as I type this.
I think I like SRV's version better.
But it's a tough call.
Interesting how both Hendrix and Healey both played their guitars "wrong".

As for the video there, I’ll have to wait until I get home to watch that one…
but I will be doing so. Thanks.

No problemo.
According to the blurb, that was Jeff's first on air performance.

Cup? Ummmm… well…
Sorry dude, I drank it all.


Ah, no! What did I do, Ma? What, I didn't do nothing! AAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!

Three blocks away, Schwartz was getting his.

I’m supposed to buy that one, huh?

I'm sorry, you're being to vague there. Can you spell it out for me?


My gut is now telling me to change my guess and say that your first ride at Epcot that day was:

Test Tron… errrr… I mean Test Track.


Oh, and that that should be: Senator Bluto

Aww, I just knew you were looking for earplugs. In the back of my mind was the thought that you could give in and ride IASW, but, given how much you hate it, I really thought you would hesitate, then walk on until you found something that you liked much better. Did you do it just to throw us off?

Nope. I really do despise that ride.
I had heard (I think in the UOG?) about listening to other music
and while I was standing there, that little bit of trivia popped into my head and...

Are you sure it was AMAZING? I think maybe that word is overused, these days. Couldn’t it have been “wonderful” or “fantastic” or even just “great” without the ever-popular and ever-sigh-inducing AMAZING? (‘frican goes just as well in front of any of my suggested AMAZING substitutes)
Well, all right, AMAZING it is. Sigh.

Could've been worse. I could've said "awesome" which,
I believe, is the most overused word in the history of words.

But amazing is close.
I was listening to ACDC and I looked up and...
OMG. The dolls are rockin'!

The FUMBLE. Of course. You really are just a cartoon character, aren’t you?

I've been called worse... much worse...
by some of the people who read this TR, too.

Woohoo! Points!


My favorite ride. My older granddaughter won’t ride with me because I laugh all the way through.

You do? I wanna ride it with you.

Nice Pose!


Oh! Pose!

Thanks! :rolleyes:

But the drop is the best part!

::yes:: But I certainly wasn't even thinking of it.
I like it, but I do get a little nervous as you approach it.

Yes, you should try this attraction. It’s a very nice experience.
So, you didn’t miss any of the experience in the cottage by utilizing the fastpass entrance? I had heard that you skipped a room and went in at the just before the mirror opened up
. (That's why we've never fastpassed it)

I had no idea that I skipped anything.
But yes, you enter right at the mirror room.

My all-time favorite character, and he really is very well done.


We have never gotten a Belle in here who was less than beautiful.

I don't understand. There's only one Belle.


Oh, yes, take the family. Everyone should do this at least once.

I thought so too.

They managed to squa-weeeze you in?

Just barely. Those CMs are amazing!

That’s the general opinion of Tony’s, and the pasta/spaghetti is supposed to be the worst. My daughter and I went, had the steak and liked it. Maybe the kitchen staff was having an off day.

Really? I didn't mind it at all. Huh.

So, you can get a napkin autographed by Lady and the Tramp? This changes everything!

::yes:: Just ask. Comes with.... I don't remember if it was one or two...
but at least one paw print.

You had thoughts? Way to go. After all, you’re doing a TR.

Nah. I just wrote that.
Really it was just a monotone humming.

Meh. Way too sweet for my taste.

This drink is not scoring too well in the court of public opinion.

Meet Gaston and get a picture. For your readers. But don’t giggle like a school-girl like some of us would. Ok, you can giggle, but we want video of it.

I should have. I didn't even think of it since
I figured his best interactions would be with the females.
But there's that great video of him and a male guest doing push-ups.

There it is – my favorite thing in the world! Oh. My. Gosh. I can just taste its tangy goodness.



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