Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow


Puddy is Soarin'

Sinise is Mission Space - it's easy to remember because he was in Apollo 13. :thumbsup2

Well then that gives me 2 answers that could be correct. I mean afterall, I AM almost caught up to you. Maybe they have a special pre-show just for this Canadian- like they have special prices.
First, I got It's a Small World right. You have no idea how proud of myself I am for that one. :)

I am going to take a page from your book and put in my earplugs into my phone and :music: while I am on it next month...which I know will happen at least two or three times. :faint:

Love your picture on Splash Mountain...very well done, sir.

I've not yet done Enchanted Tales with Belle...but that is on the list for next month as well. :laughing:

I didn't like LeFou's brew either.

And as for your dole whipe, I'll take a :earseek: any day.

I'm going to guess Epcot, it took you 20 minutes and you go on Finding Nemo and Friends (yes, I'm old and don't remember what you've been on already and am too lazy to go back and look)
:snooty:How could I forget the bonus questions !

Next park: Epcot ...via bus to DHS then boat to Epcot took you a total of 45 minutes
Next ride: Grand Fiesta Tour at the Mexico pavilion. Since it's similar to IASW you wanted to see how the three cabilleiro's rocked out to some ACDC

Followed up with a much needed's 5:00 somewhere!:drinking1
Great last day at MK. I never would have guessed IASW. Tricky, tricky. My daughter sings IASW daily and it's been a year and a half since our last visit and she was three at the time. It never fades once it's in your head. Your Splash picture is great!
My guess is you take the monorail to Epcot and ride Spaceship Earth. It takes 30 minutes from one park to the next.
I think, after (serioulsy, I have WAY too much time on my hands now) about 20 minutes of going back through old chapters, you are going to EPCOT- the park in which you have plenty on your Wish List yet left to do. I think you took the monorail and although the actual ride time is 8 minutes, it took you closer to 20 incuding wait times.


I'm going to guess you rode Soarin'. I admit I scrolled pretty quickly, but I don't think you've hung with Sinise yet.

:laughing: I read Andy's response to this.. and yours to him.

And that's exactly what I thought.
"Either she's mixed up about who's at which ride or she wants to cover her bases by guessing both."

Either way. Noted!

Ahem. I do believe there has been a jistake (just a little mistake) I said NOT BTMRR because someone here CLAIMS to have a bad back.

I do. But coasters don't bother it. Suddenly bending over however (sometimes) and wham!
What I was most concerned about on this trip was my neck. I didn't want any jarring, lurching rides.
So that left out Primevil Whirl and... because people were saying it's really jerky now... Space.

And no fair going on IASW.

:laughing: Gotcha!

good trick with the ear buds!

Oh, it is! It is!

You took the bus to DHS and then a boat to Epcot
it took 24 minutes
your first ride was Test Track

I should have known.

I really thought
1. You were putting it out there and making IASW too easy of a guess.
2. No way in heck you were going to do it.

It was Right. There. Just pick it!

I will never look at this ride the same way again. :rotfl2::rotfl::thumbsup2

You will if you don't put some good head-banging tunes on first.

:headache: Again... should have known!

Geez. It's just my favourite ride in all of Disney. :rolleyes:

That's how you do a ride picture.

And I applaud you for finding out for sure which side the camera is on.

Instead of looking the wrong way like an idiot.

Thanks. And I wanted to make sure I looked like an idiot...
an idiot facing the right way, however.

It really is. Great detail for being such a small AA.

There's no jerkiness to it. I'm impressed with it.

Yeah, as far as meets go, it really isn't much of one. I mean you don't get the chance for autographs and to actually interact with Belle one on one. It is really just a picture and move on.

Never really thought about that, but you're right.
It was just <click> Next! And then she was gone.

But more importantly, I'm glad I finally got one right.

I kept watching you joke about Tony's and was cheering you on.
"You've got it! You've got it! Now just say it!!!"

Oh yeah. You're getting away for a solo trip. There's no way you don't do this for her.


It's spaghetti. How bad can you screw it up? I've never had horrible spaghetti.

I, unfortunately, have.
But this was okay.
Like I said, I'd have it again.

Seems it worked out very well that you moved your lunch up. Gave you a little extra time to move on to other things.

Yeah. I was pretty much done with everything I wanted to get done in MK.
I was ready to move on to the next park.


Sorry, dude. Shoulda picked IASW.

36 minutes
Spaceship Earth



Puddy is Soarin'

Sinise is Mission Space - it's easy to remember because he was in Apollo 13. :thumbsup2

Yup. So disappointed with Liesa. I don't see how she'll ever live this one down.
Whoops! Just got called in to work. Gotta run.
Rest of the shout outs later!
Yup. So disappointed with Liesa. I don't see how she'll ever live this one down.

If I'm gonna make mistakes, which I pretty regularly do, I'm glad they are here and not in someone's enema preparation. Or cardiac med. Although, your hazing has been noted.
And stop giggling because I said "wee".
I swear it was water on the bathroom floor!

Sure it wasn't.....I'm sure someone *cough* No one *cough* believes you...

Some of you came reallllll close to figuring it out.
Six of you got the ride right,
despite my blatant attempt to provide you with clues.
I guess there are just some things that can't be believed.


I strode confidently into... It's A Small World.


I think I should get points anyway cause I mentioned it some many times!! Maybe I am psychic...


I boarded my boat and we set out...
just as Brian Johnson started to wail:
Why-Aye Man Howay The Toon!

This is 'frican amazing!!!



I mentioned that it was my favourite ride, right?
So I rode it twice.

Well now ;)

I was close to the doors, with a group of people.
A little girl, oh... about six or eight years old...
saw me looking at Mme. Leota's tombstone.
She looked at it too.

When Mme. Leota opened her eyes, the little girl jumped!
I didn't laugh, (didn't want to embarrass her)
but I did find it funny.

Awww...that's not funny...I wouldn't have her face...:laughing:

I briefly thought about riding it right away

You are just making these too easy...

It had been a long few days.
I figured sitting in the back would be the best spot to chill.
You know, settle back, relax and just enjoy the ride.


Sheesh. Everyone else seems so tense. :confused3
Gotta chill people. Just chill.

I sashayed off in the direction of my next FP+.

But then Elle (DD18) said she wanted only one thing from WDW.
"Dad, the only thing I want is a napkin from Tony's signed by Lady & Tramp."
Well, of course I'm going to do it!

What a good dad ::yes::

Is it the best I've ever had?
But it was fine. I'd have it again.

Of course you would ;).........


Bonus questions:

1. Which park am I heading off to?
No tricks, I'm going and staying at one park.
If you remember the wish list from page one,
(or just go look at it. First post.)
you should have no problems figuring out where I'm going.

Okay.....I'm going to say....Epcot?

2. How long does it take to get to that park?
I timed it from MK exit until I passed the tapstiles at the next park.

26 minutes...going by Monorail...maybe...

3. First ride in that park?
Big hint: I haven't been on it yet this trip.

Spaceship Earth...yeah that sounds plausible...lets go with that!

BibbitybobityLu - Tea Cups - CP - BTMRR - Splash/Space/Dumbo - 0 points

Oh crud! Well at least I don't actually lose any points (yet!)

BibbitybobityLu - 2 points because she's golden, 2 points for asking for points.

I'm not that kind of golden :snooty:

BibbitybobityLu 32 points


Coming up next: My last evening in Disney World. :sad:
Brilliant! Must try this next time

It's the only way to go.

Really. The only way.

Even better than Ear Plugs


:rotfl2: Well that's one way to ride!

It's the only way! I just said that!!
You don't want that horrible ear worm in your head.

You really don't.

:cheer2: I knew it!:thumbsup2


What a smart idea! I'll have to try that some time!

If you do... and it works for you... and you write about it...
I want full credit!

Meh. Maybe I had too much of my attention pulled to other things, but I wasn't blown away really by him.

Oh? I was really impressed with him. Not jerky and machine like at all.

Lady and Tramp sign things? :confused3

::yes:: But only in the kitchen. They don't allow dogs in the restaurant I guess. :rolleyes2

It sure is a nice quite atmosphere.

It was, actually. It was a pretty good spot to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of MK.

:crazy2: Can't say I'm a fan!

So, I'll put you down for a "no" then?

I really do miss the Orange and pineapple swirl though. THat was the best! Straight pineapple isn't quite the same!

Never had one. But I'd love to try one.

I'm going with Epcot. I don't remember you mentioning taking a boat to Epcot yet.

I'm going to say if you are truly headed straight for Epcot around 1 hour. If however you are planning to bus to HS and take the boat to Epcot (Like I think you might be doing even though you said no tricks. ) then I'm going with 2 hours.

Noted. And no tricks. I did not go to one park just to get to another one.

:figment: I'm going to do a shot in the dark and go into left field and say Figment.

Well then that gives me 2 answers that could be correct. I mean afterall, I AM almost caught up to you.

So.... should I deduct points if you're wrong on both of them???

Maybe they have a special pre-show just for this Canadian- like they have special prices.


That's not all I get!

First, I got It's a Small World right. You have no idea how proud of myself I am for that one. :)

You should be! That's why I gave extra points for guessing that one.

I am going to take a page from your book and put in my earplugs into my phone and :music: while I am on it next month...which I know will happen at least two or three times. :faint:

Trust me. It will help... a lot.

Love your picture on Splash Mountain...very well done, sir.

:laughing: Thanks!

I've not yet done Enchanted Tales with Belle...but that is on the list for next month as well. :laughing:

Good. You and any littles with you, will enjoy it.

I didn't like LeFou's brew either.

Uh, oh. That's 0 for 2 now.
Not looking good for the Brew.

And as for your dole whipe, I'll take a :earseek: any day.

Hmmm... do you mean one of these? :mickeybar

I'm going to guess Epcot, it took you 20 minutes and you go on Finding Nemo and Friends (yes, I'm old and don't remember what you've been on already and am too lazy to go back and look)

You don't want that horrible ear worm in your head.

You really don't.
Meh, its one of Little Miss's favorite songs so I hear it almost daily and have built up an immunity to the ear worm.

If you do... and it works for you... and you write about it...
I want full credit!
Indeed! :thumbsup2

::yes:: But only in the kitchen. They don't allow dogs in the restaurant I guess. :rolleyes2
Good to know.
You crack me up. I just made that EXACT same pose when I rode splash mountain a few days ago. Rock on!

First off.... :welcome: to the TR! Thanks for joining in.
Word of warning, enter at your own risk.

I am perfectly normal, of course, but some of my readers....

That's funny that you just did the same pose.
Got a picture along with it?
That you could... you know... post here?
How could I forget the bonus questions !

I don't know!

Next park: Epcot ...via bus to DHS then boat to Epcot took you a total of 45 minutes
Next ride: Grand Fiesta Tour at the Mexico pavilion. Since it's similar to IASW you wanted to see how the three cabilleiro's rocked out to some ACDC


Followed up with a much needed's 5:00 somewhere!:drinking1

:laughing: Could be... could be...

Great last day at MK.

Thanks! I thought so too. Hectic to start, but after that it was nice and relaxing.

I never would have guessed IASW. Tricky, tricky.

That's okay. I wouldn't have guessed it either.

My daughter sings IASW daily and it's been a year and a half since our last visit and she was three at the time. It never fades once it's in your head.

Good Lord! A year and a half??? :faint:

Your Splash picture is great!

Thanks! :) I'm kinda proud of it.

My guess is you take the monorail to Epcot and ride Spaceship Earth. It takes 30 minutes from one park to the next.


Wow - personal growth by going on a dreaded ride, and making it your own attraction. Well done!

Personal growth.... I like that.
It's so much nicer than extreme fear and loathing.

:eek: I'm still a total scaredy-cat about this ride. Maybe one day, when I have a travelling companion that I don't want to let down, like a 4 year old grandchild....

Yep. Sooner or later, you'll get dragged on there.
Then you'll be thanking me.

Thanks for the information. I will put this on my to do list for the Disney quality, and a chance to see Belle but not have to do an awkward (for me) character meet.

So I'm not the only one who feels akward about character meets?
As far as they go, this one was completely painless.
For me, it was more of a show than a meet & greet.

See - I'm too new here, I didn't even know that Tony's was a restaurant! And I may also have bad taste - I love the salads from ABC Commissary!

Well, actually that post was eight years ago. Since then I've been hearing better news from the Commisary.
So maybe they got the news and improved their menu.

Hmmm, never had a Dole Whip before. It looks suspiciously like it has no chocolate...

Nope. No chocolate. But soooooo good.
Especially on a hot day.

2 point deduction. I respect this - gotta be tough but fair in a crowd this size!

Sorry. But everyone was warned!
But you made up for it in other areas.

1. Epcot
2. 35 minutes
3. Mission Space - Orange


Did you see the Voices of Liberty yet? That's on my to do list for next trip too.

It's on the wish list. As of this moment in the TR, no I haven't.
Did I go to Epcot and see them?

You'll have to wait and see.
Sure it wasn't.....I'm sure someone *cough* No one *cough* believes you...

Now cut that out!

Great. Now I'm thinking of Lorena Bobbitt... :sad2:

I think I should get points anyway cause I mentioned it some many times!! Maybe I am psychic...

I was so considering doing just that.
I thought "Surely (don't call me Shirley) she'll leave it at the joke."

But then you went ahead and made a legitimate guess!

So close.

:laughing: Love that.

Why-Aye Man Howay The Toon!

Sorry, you lost me on that one.

I wouldn't have believed it either if you'd told me that was going to happen.
I would've laughed in your face.

Awww...that's not funny...I wouldn't have her face...:laughing:

You forgot the coughs.

You are just making these too easy...

I keep lobbing them up for you and you won't hit them outta the park!


I want that hair.

Of course you would ;).........


What? What???? It's spaghetti!!

Okay.....I'm going to say....Epcot?
26 minutes...going by Monorail...maybe...
Spaceship Earth...yeah that sounds plausible...lets go with that!


Oh crud! Well at least I don't actually lose any points (yet!)

I'm so pleased you remembered to add "yet".

I'm not that kind of golden :snooty:

Well, no. (Gross)
But you're all shiny and everything aren't you?

Well, maybe with the temporary exception of your finger.... how is it BTW?

'Fraid so.
First off.... :welcome: to the TR! Thanks for joining in.
Word of warning, enter at your own risk.

I am perfectly normal, of course, but some of my readers....

That's funny that you just did the same pose.
Got a picture along with it?
That you could... you know... post here?

Lol, here I am at the top! Next time I'm gonna bring an old nursing textbook and pretend I'm reading ;)


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