Can you help with Nickelodeon shows?


<font color=green>Walking is not an option<br><fon
Oct 21, 2000
I'm wondering if it is worth it to try to get tickets for Slime Time Live. Has anyone done this? My kids are Nickelodeon freaks, so is it a must do for them? TIA


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
they did a slime show thing. We don't have access to this where we live so it was interesting. They said they are always looking for kids to be on the show! They use mostly local kids. Contact Nickelodeon and I'm sure they would be delighted to give your kids a spot on the show!

They did a show with our kids but it won't air as it was just a practice show for they staff! Noone even got slimed! I took a panaramic photo inside the studio. THey said they don't often take the tour group in for this but our group was keen and small.
Dawn, when are you going again? Our kids were able to get on the show in Oct. They were also able to sit in the crowd in the bleachers outside, during the live taping. Their friends all saw them, it was a lot of fun.
Hi PeterD. We will be there next week. Feb. 8 - 17. I had heard that you wait in line for tickets for 2 hours and only get to stay in the show for a few minutes and it really wasn't worth it. But it sounds like it was worth it for your kids. Mine would love that.
Dawn, email me at, and I'll tell you how they got on. It's a little long to post.
Please help. We are gonna be at the HRH 2-25 & 2-26. My daughter would love to see the slimetime live show, or even be in it. Any help on how i can get us tickets?? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Nick Studios is a fun thing to do; be aware, however, that it is time consuming if you are on a limited schedule.

Here's the basic procedure as of November, 2000. Tickets are distributed on a first come, first serve basis the day of the show. Most people line up about 2 hours prior to this - for us we got on line at 12:00 for a 2pm ticket distribution. Everyone in your party MUST be present to receive a ticket - you can just let one person stand in line UNTIL they begin distributing tickets but everyone who wants a ticket must be there when the distribution begins. For Slime Time in November, there were 3 callback times starting about 3pm. If the show is outside, there are a pretty good amount of tickets available. If the show is inside, however, there is limited seating. Inside shooting does not only occur because of bad weather - and no one seems to know if the shooting is inside or outside - so your wait may be in vain. Once you receive your tickets, line up for the show about 45 minutes before your ticket time. This will give you a chance to see the previous segment and maybe be on a live commercial for Slime Time.

My understanding is that contestants to appear on the show are chosen in advance in the park at random. If your child is lucky (and mine was), they do spur of the moment pies in the face. This child will be chosen from the children on the show. It was an experience he will never forget.

Also, don't wear anything with logos or advertisements on it. You will be asked to turn clothing inside out, take it off or wear it backwards. The only ads allowed are for Nick.

This process pretty much took up half a day at US. It worked for us because we were burnt out from amusement parks in general. It was fun, exciting but also involved alot of waiting around.
Hope this info helps you.



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