Can you combine points from two different contracts for the cruise ..........


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
or do you need enough from one account to make enough points for what you need? Example: I have two different contracts and the *total* of the two would give me enough for a cruise. Or perhaps all of one and only a portion of points from the other. Can you combine that way, would I need to use points from just one contract and have to borrow from that same contract from the next year? Hope this makes sense.
We did it last year and there was absolutely no problem. Good luck!
You can book the cruise 11 months in advance, and can combine contracts from as many contracts as you have. Same when you book a room at a resort - you have to comply with the 11 month or 7 month window, but you can combine points from multiple contracts. I've got 12 contracts, and a friend has more...we'd go nuts making reservations if they couldn't combine them, lol!
I'm not sure the answers given are completely correct. At least for some options (Alaska Cruise for certain) MS can only use one account to do this. They will transfer points if needed, even if banked or borrowed, but all must end up in one resort with all of the rules associated with this type of account including taking into account the end of the use year when necessary.
Originally posted by Dean
I'm not sure the answers given are completely correct. At least for some options (Alaska Cruise for certain) MS can only use one account to do this. They will transfer points if needed, even if banked or borrowed, but all must end up in one resort with all of the rules associated with this type of account including taking into account the end of the use year when necessary.

I think the confusion is 1 account vs contracts. The poster has multiple contracts, but just 1 dvc account. It is perfectly correct to say that the points are combined from different contracts in that account to make any reservation.
Originally posted by wdw1972

I think the confusion is 1 account vs contracts. The poster has multiple contracts, but just 1 dvc account. It is perfectly correct to say that the points are combined from different contracts in that account to make any reservation.
I guess it boils down to whether one has one or more than one member number. I have 2 contracts with 2 member numbers and have discussed this issue with MS. They can only use one contract to make the reservations for most points options but are pretty liberal with the transfer rules in this type of situation if it's needed.

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