Can anyone recommend a nice fanny pack?


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
Can anyone recommend a nice fanny pack (waist pack, hip pack, etc)? I'm trying to find one roomy enough to hold a Passporter guidebook (6 3/8" x 9" x 1 1/4"), a camera, 8 oz. water bottle, and a few other miscellaneous small items like film, small tube of sunscreen, lip balm, money, passes, etc. However, I don't want it so big that I have problems fitting into the rides, since I am somewhat overweight. Can anyone recommend one to me? If possible, tell me the brand name and the style name, as well as where you bought it at. I've already looked at WalMart with no luck, except I found a nice smaller fanny pack for DS. Thanks in advance. :)
I use a fanny pack from EMS all the time. It's a larger [not meant huge] fanny pack with a large pocket & zippered sections inside & outside. They also sell accessories for it - I use the water bottle holder all the time too. I think they have one for a camera too. Not inexpensive but worth every penny in my book.
The main store is in New Hampshire. You can reach them online at, I think.
I am very far from a lightweight & only on a couple of rides did I need to adjust the bag.
At the recommendation of a post on this forum I bought the LL Bean fannypack for kids. The post even included the ordering number. At the LL Bean site there was no picture. I need 5 fanny packs, but only bought 1 because I wanted to see it first before I spent that much money (it was over $20). It's way to large for my children. It's more like the size of a medium sized purse. It's even too large for the "fanny" wearing approach. I'm keeping it for myself because it will accommodate my video camera, camera, etc. But everyone else will be toting something much smaller. This is just an FYI in case you run across that advice and follow it as I did. I would suggest Target, Walmart, Sports Authority, etc. But definitely see it before you buy it!
Hi I found a great set of fanny packs at Target. My hubbys was about 10x12 and had at least 4 different compartments. It was large enough to accomodate the video camera, autograph book, rain poncho, and various other items. mine was standard size and had the same amount of compartments. The are very heavy duty and if I remember correctly the big one was 13.00 and the small 8.00....we bought them in the sporting goods department. This time down I am using the big one as the hubby isnt going and I need to carry all the big stuff, I am 5'2 and this one is not too big for me, check them out. Target had the best selection, good luck.
I bought one for my wife at REI. It contains a good size compartment that will hold all the items you mention though the book may be a tight fit. It contains two "holsters" for sports bottles.. I bought it for vacations to have a place for all the little items, a camera, and have water handy as well. It cost around $40 dollars.
I purchased mine & my mom's at REI, but they were $25 each. If you are "pooh sized" :-) they have expansion waist straps to 50 inches, with extra pockets that can accommodate camera, map, monies & admission ticket(s). Go to and type "fanny pack" in the search engine, and the pic as well as the description to the various fanny packs they have should show. You can order them online, or go to the store nearest you.

Happy hunting! :D :D :D :D :D
If you register your Passporter at they give you a 20% off coupon for a fannypack they sell. Unfortunately it's $32, or $25 after the discount.

It *is* guaranteed to fit the Passporter, though. You may want to check the dimensions out for comparison purposes, though.


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