Brief update from Feb. 24-25


<br><font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=m
Dec 18, 2000
USF: Quite busy on Sat., due to Mardi I guess. Parade started at 8 p.m. (same time park closed).
Started by Twister & was to finish by Jaws. Daily schedule had it listed as such. Don't know if start/finish alternates or not. Very nice parade we thought!
MiB didn't have Express set up, but boy does it need it! BTTF, Earthquake, E.T. do. Didn't catch any others.
The Express machines (kiosks), located near rides' entry, are staffed by attendants who scan/swipe your pass and offer the times available. These are 1 hour windows, not always on the hour. We had some that were 1:35 to 2:35 & 2:35 to 3:35 for example.
At IOA: Duel Dragons, JPRA, Unicorn, Ripsaw Falls, Cat in Hat, Caroseussal, OneFishTwofish, Poseidons' Fury have Express. I think Hulk & Stormforce also (didn't catch those).
Saw the site where Spidermans' will be. To be set-up yesterday(Monday).
Still no Ultrasaur at dino bones in my Burger Digs lunch though!
See ya'll there soon!
Did you see the Village People on Feb. 24?


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
We didn't make the concert. Bummer! Maybe catch 'em on their next tour.
Lookin' forward to the B-52's though! Would it be advisable to stake out a table at Mels' Diner early afternoon for the concert that nite?
I've been busy lately and haven't had much time to spend here on these boards. Has anything been decided re meeting for any meals?
Do you know if they started on that new attraction at the studios for 2002.
Didn't happen to notice any developments taking place, yet. I thought it was something taking the place of an existing one in 2002(?).

Looking forward to meeting everyone next week-end! A meal at Mythos had been mentioned earlier, nothing set though. Only thing with Mythos, only open from 11:30 - 3 PM. It is delicious and very hearty portions, but I couldn't fit a dessert in me afterwards AND try to ride Dragons! Would love to eat there some evening one day.


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