Boy I really messed up...


Goofies Rule
Dec 27, 1999
I went to priceline like I have used many times before and put in a bid on 3 hotel rooms on waikiki for 2 nights for when we go in April. I bid $50 a night for a 3 star hotel and as soon as I hit the submit button I noticed I had put february 12 -14th instead of April 12- 14th. I sat there on pins and needles for about 20 minutes praying that they wouldn't accept my offer. Alas it did, and they charged my CC for $300 for rooms next week instead of in 2 months and Priceline has a policy of once you hit the submit button it is yours :( You can get some great deals this way, and I accept this as the cost of getting the great deals.

I knew I was in trouble, but I thought I would try and send member services an email explaining the situation and hopefully the could help me out somehow. About an hour later they sent me an email stating that if I would resubmit my bid for the correct dates and was accepted they would give me a one time exemption on it. Whew!!!!!

So I resubmitted for my correct dates and it was accepted at a 3 -star hotel on Waikiki Beach for $50 a night.

It was my fault and I don't blame them for my own stupidity....I am very greatful that they were able to help me out this one time. I will use them again, because I think it is a great service.....But be Very Careful and read every little thing on the final acceptence page, make sure all the information is correct, and then initial and submit. I have always done that in the past, but for some reason I had a brain lapse, because I was talking with someone on the phone at the same time as doing this.

So Marsha you weren't the only one who had a stress test today :D
I'm glad they were willing to switch it for you, Patrick! That's really scary. Something like that would have left me sick to my stomach. Hawaii, and right on the beach, sounds wonderful! :) :D
I'm glad everything worked out for you, Patrick. :) I've use Priceline quite a bit, but I've had to accept some monetary losses after doing a few stupid things!

Enjoy Hawaii!!!
Glad it worked out for you, Patrick....and don't feel bad. I've been known to do that myself...once or twice. :D
Whew Patrick! That was close! :eek: I'm so happy for you that they were willing to work it out with you. :) It just goes to show that it never hurts to ask, does it. ;)

:sunny: Hey Patrick, I'll :wave: to you in Hawaii from Orlando. :D One more thing, if you get the chance to visit La Pietra (Hawaii School for Girls) on the slopes of Diamond Head, you can see where I went to school. :) Also, if you travel towards Koko Head (Hawaii Kai, Hanauma Bay, Sandy Beach, etc.) and you happen to go down Portlock Road, you can see where I used to live. We lived at 345A Portlock Road, and my grandmother lived at 345 Portlock Road. :) Just something to keep in the back of your mind. :) :sunny:
Wow! What a lucky break that they corrected the situation for you. I have made mistakes like that (not priceline specifically) - and unfortunately... they usually just cost me. MEA CULPA! :rolleyes:
I'm glad it worked out. I've used priceline before and I'm always scared I'm going to mess something up. :eek: So far I've been okay.
Wow, Patrick! I'm glad they were willing to change that bid for you!

I just did the same thing when I bought our tickets for THE PRODUCERS on Broadway! I wanted to go now, but got tickets for April, so we'll be going to the show then. :( I hope Nathan Lane & Matthew Broderick are still doing the show when we go. Their contracts run out in March & I haven't heard yet if they will decide to renew.


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