Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Jenn Lynn

<font color=blue>Eli and Avery's Mama<br><font col
Nov 13, 1999
IL's are throwing me a shower in June and want me to register. I don't really need anything big. I will mostly be asking for products. I definitely have preferences after DD.

What are your thoughts on this product? I was looking in Target today and saw it. I rememebered it being mentioned here on this DIS. I have used Aveeno and Destin in the past with DD.

Any products I should register for that I might not think of?

Thanks! :)
Flander's Buttocks Ointment is basically the same thing and a GREAT product.

Ask for gift cards for stores like Target and Wal-Mart so you can use them as needed (even for picking up things like paper towels or a new DVD).
Jenn Lynn said:
IL's are throwing me a shower in June and want me to register. I don't really need anything big. I will mostly be asking for products. I definitely have preferences after DD.

What are your thoughts on this product? I was looking in Target today and saw it. I rememebered it being mentioned here on this DIS. I have used Aveeno and Destin in the past with DD.

Any products I should register for that I might not think of?

Thanks! :)

"butt paste" Eeewwwww! :crazy2: I almost didn't open this thread.

Desitin worked fine for my two kiddos. They must be good because they've been around since I was using "butt paste". :sad2:

If you can't think of anything, gift cards are always helpful, that way you can get what you want, when you want.
Boudreaux's is the only thing we use for DS. It works wonders! Of course, it's a local product so maybe I'm biased. ;)
I hated desitin!!! couldn't stand the smell.

All I have ever liked was Balmex.. works great and doesn't ruin thier onesies!!
I love the butt paste! Used it all the time when working in child care, and have used it on myself and it works wonders ;) I had tons of parents swear by it and it made me a believer!
TxDisneyFan said:
"butt paste" Eeewwwww! :crazy2: I almost didn't open this thread.

I agree; I was really hoping it was 'for use on' and not some secret ingredient! :teeth:
Never used it. I did have a son that got terrible rashes! We started buying a product from Walgreen's. It was called Dr. Smith's or something? They even kept it behind the pharmacy counter because they would sell out immediately from people buying 5 tubs of it at a time. It made a HUGE difference with Ryan. Nothing else ever worked for him.

Another Dr. Smith's user! It's the best, IMO.

You can buy it at the pharmacy but have to ask for it since they keep it behind the counter.
I have nothing important to say, but I just couldn't stop myself from opening this.
I actually saw this in our local Target the other day. I had never heard of it myself (my kids are WELL beyond the blotchy bottom stage....if they still have it, that's THEIR problem!! ;) ). I started laughing hysterically in the store and my oldest DD (13) thought it was "just nasty"! :rotfl:
Butt Paste :confused3

Can you use it to shut up.............nevermind
My pharmacist swears Boudreaux's is the best thing out there. I, however, use Triple Paste on the advice of my pediatrician, which is similar. Both are superior to Desitin, but I only save it for the REALLY bad diaper rashes. Otherwise I find regular Desitin works fine. Have fun registering!
I love Boudreaux's. It's creamier and smells better than Desitin. Plus Desitin stains my clothes!! And Boudreaux's works better too.

If you are nursing and don't have a Boppy pillow, register for one of those.
Love, love, love the stuff! It works so well. Clears up a rash in no time. We went to a baby shower the other day & I made sure to throw a tube of it in the gift bag
swilphil said:
I love Boudreaux's. It's creamier and smells better than Desitin. Plus Desitin stains my clothes!! And Boudreaux's works better too.

If you are nursing and don't have a Boppy pillow, register for one of those.

I still have my boppy. Love that thing! :)

Thanks for the recommendations. I am definitely going to register for some butt paste. :teeth:
OMG Butt paste, Crack creme.... :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Way too funny :teeth:
I do childcare and have used just about everything on the market. I think Balmex works better than anything else. :sunny:


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