Borrowing after banking


DIS Veteran
Jul 12, 2002
I have now banked all remaining points from my 02/03 year into 03/04 leaving me none to use before June of this year. But it's possible I may now want to make a ressie for a stay before then, so can I borrow some of my 03/04 points to do this?
Originally posted by Bexx
I have now banked all remaining points from my 02/03 year into 03/04 leaving me none to use before June of this year. But it's possible I may now want to make a ressie for a stay before then, so can I borrow some of my 03/04 points to do this?

Yes, you can.

Remember that once borrowed, the points cannot be returned to their original use year. So if you do not actually use the borrowed points, they expire at the end of January, 2004.

By the same token, the points that you banked, will expire on 1/31/2005. If you do not use them in your 2004 use year, they will be forfeited.

FWIW, with a February use year, you have until the end of July to bank 100% of your points. In the future, I would advise you to not bank points so far ahead of the deadline, just in case an opportunity comes up.

I think you may have misinterpreted Bexx's message. She doesn't state when her use year begins.

I would assume she has a June use year, but I could be wrong.
Originally posted by Lew

I think you may have misinterpreted Bexx's message. She doesn't state when her use year begins.

I would assume she has a June use year, but I could be wrong.

I reread her message and you are correct. Thanks for pointing it out.

I thought she had a February use year, but now I see that she must indeed have a June use year. Hope the OP is not offended - it was definitely my mistake for not reading her post correctly.

The answer to her question is still "yes", and both the banked and the borrowed points must be used by the end of the use year into which they were banked or borrowed. The dates I posted were incorrect, though.
Not in the slightest bit offended CarolMN and thanks for your help, and Lew's. I thought that it would be okay but I wanted to check and make sure before I got too excited about making a ressie. :D
Originally posted by Bexx
I have now banked all remaining points from my 02/03 year into 03/04 leaving me none to use before June of this year. But it's possible I may now want to make a ressie for a stay before then, so can I borrow some of my 03/04 points to do this?
Just to clarify, you can borrow the regular June 03 points but not any of the ones you banked. Once borrowed, they must be used before June of this year so if anything happens, you may lose some points.

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