Boardwalk for youngsters


Nov 9, 2000
We are struggling for laid back ideas for our 1st night at Disney. We have 2 DS's (2 and 5) and want to be up early the next morning for ee at MK. Have never been to Boardwalk...would you suggest this as entertaining for the young kids? Any suggestions you have for a restaurant would be appreciated. Thanks for the help!
The Boardwalk is so fun!! They have face painting and the hair thingy that the resorts do, sorry, can't remember the name of that. They also have the bikes for rent that the whole family can ride on, and there is great pizza and a candy/ice cream shop there that is awesome, too!


The ESPN Club is great for kids or Beaches and Cream at the Beach Club. After eating, you can walk around the Boardwalk and play the games, rent a surrey bike and try the bakery or candy shop for dessert. It is a perfect choice for a first night at WDW.


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