Boardwalk Bride's PJ Morocco/Canada/Attic/SCP updates 01/09!!

I LOVE your dress! so pretty!

And your cake cutter is the same one i've been looking for! I'm gonna have to get on ebay for that!
YOU LOOK AMAZING IN YOUR DRESS! Even if you dont lose any weight- you still would look amazing!

Thank you so much! I just realized I have my bra straps showing too in that I said, I was barely alive that day.

I love the dress! Who's it from? It really looks great!

Thanks:goodvibes It is by Pronovias!

What are you talking about?! You look awesome in the dress!!! :goodvibes Whether or not you decide to lose weight or not, that dress looks absolutely beautiful on you. I love your creativity. What a cool cake cutter. You are my model for uniqueness and creativity. Ebay you say...what type of key words did you use? I hope you feel better and enjoy the celebration. Your wedding is going to ROCK! :thumbsup2

Oh wow, thank you so much! I think your planning is unique as well though, and you gave the Flying FIsh idea, which I LOVE. I knew what cake cutter I was looking for, someone posted it in Lurkeyloo's planning journal (although I don't think she used it). It is by "Pylones". They have really cute stuff!

OMG you look amazing in your dress!! I agree with everyone don't need to lose weight. BUT I Totally understand how you feel since I want to lose about 15 more lbs before our wedding. I love your dress though :)

Thank you :goodvibes The other part of the weight thing is also that fact that we are staying at the BC (because of the pool) and I want to enjoy the pool and not worry about what I look like!

I LOVE your dress! so pretty!

And your cake cutter is the same one i've been looking for! I'm gonna have to get on ebay for that!

Thanks!! There is actually a lot more choices on amazon, but they one that fit my colour scheme wasn't on there:

and the actual site to order them new:

There is a really nice bright pink/light pink one, which if I remember right I think fits with your colour scheme!!

**I need to make a quick side note, since this has been bugging me. Everytime I spell "colour" or "favour", it shows that I am spelling it wrong. I'm Canadian, so that's the right way for me:rotfl: Just had to get that off my chest**
Phew ...glad I got to see the dress before you take the picture down. You look absolutely beautiful.
Im sorry that your having issues with your fam. i think we all go through it at some point, it stinks, but they either deal or don't go. but i love how you explained it as an 'elopement with invites'. im tell my DF that one. :cutie:

I really like the dress!! it really very beautiful! i don't know what you looked like with brown hair but blond doesn't look that bad.
Phew ...glad I got to see the dress before you take the picture down. You look absolutely beautiful.

Im sorry that your having issues with your fam. i think we all go through it at some point, it stinks, but they either deal or don't go. but i love how you explained it as an 'elopement with invites'. im tell my DF that one. :cutie:

I really like the dress!! it really very beautiful! i don't know what you looked like with brown hair but blond doesn't look that bad.

Thank you both :goodvibes I'm glad people like it!

So it is a long weekend, and since everyone but us seems to be out of town, DF and I are bored. We decided to go out and find some dye to do my crinnie. I have been looking for a light blue forever, so I was hoping today would bring better luck....well it didn't. So DF said why not just dye it red? Our colours are blue and red, and the bridal party is all in blue, so why not add it in. I decided he was right, and red would prob look pretty cool under the white, so we are dying it right now!!! I still haven't replaced my camera though, but I will post on whether or not it turned out!!

Wish me luck!
oh man i am DYING to see this!!! (haha pun intended!)

I think the red is going to look amazing! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Hhahah, nice, thanks!

I just figured out how to take pics with my webcam, so I can take some when it drys! I'm gonna go check on it now!
Ahh You look so beautiful in your dress. :bride: While I agree with the others that you TOTALLY don't need to lose weight, I understand. My doc kept telling me I need to gain a few pounds (I had lost quite a bit after my mom passed away). I've gained it all back and then some. Now I just feel chubby most of the time so I understand wanting to lose a few pounds. :goodvibes

Also, I love the cake cutter. It is so cute! So glad you were able to find it on Ebay.:thumbsup2

Good luck with the crinnie dying. :wizard: Can't wait to see how it turns out.

I didn't even notice you spell color and favor, colour and favour. I guess I'm just used to seeing it spelt that way by so many people. I feel I spell things incorrectly all the time, so no worries!:goodvibes
Ahh You look so beautiful in your dress. :bride: While I agree with the others that you TOTALLY don't need to lose weight, I understand. My doc kept telling me I need to gain a few pounds (I had lost quite a bit after my mom passed away). I've gained it all back and then some. Now I just feel chubby most of the time so I understand wanting to lose a few pounds. :goodvibes

Also, I love the cake cutter. It is so cute! So glad you were able to find it on Ebay.:thumbsup2

Good luck with the crinnie dying. :wizard: Can't wait to see how it turns out.

I didn't even notice you spell color and favor, colour and favour. I guess I'm just used to seeing it spelt that way by so many people. I feel I spell things incorrectly all the time, so no worries!:goodvibes

Thanks so much :goodvibes

Alright, the results are in, and (drum roll): My crinoline is light pink, :rotfl:. We are going to go back to walmart tomorrow, and buy 2 more red packs, and try again. I'll update tomorrow afternoon with the results!
Aww, you look so beautiful and happy in your dress!!! :goodvibes Yeah, you definitely don't NEED to lose the weight! But I too can understand. The thing is, even though we already think you look gorgeous in it, you need to feel as though you do too. ::yes:: So I empathize! But just to reiterate, you do look stunning as is! :hug:

That cake server is adorable btw!
Oh no!!! Your crinny is pink?! hahahaha I hope it gets more red with the extra dye! I can't wait to see how to comes out!
Aww, you look so beautiful and happy in your dress!!! :goodvibes Yeah, you definitely don't NEED to lose the weight! But I too can understand. The thing is, even though we already think you look gorgeous in it, you need to feel as though you do too. ::yes:: So I empathize! But just to reiterate, you do look stunning as is! :hug:

That cake server is adorable btw!

Oh, thank you so much:goodvibes

Oh no!!! Your crinny is pink?! hahahaha I hope it gets more red with the extra dye! I can't wait to see how to comes out!

OMG, so we did it again with 2 packs of bright red dye, and it is still soft pink!!! DF thinks that is is because we were meant to have pink in our wedding (it is my fav colour) so he said it could be my something pink.:rotfl:
Either way, it needs to be done again since it is splotchy. I think I am going to try using liquid dye next time, and will do it in the bath tub.

So anyway, we have 2 options now...I need opinions!! We can stick with our current theme of red and blue (aqua) or, we can stick with that and add pink into it as well (like cotton candy pink). What do you ladies think? Here is an idea of what I mean:


The light pink would be more of an accent (like on my crinnie and some flowers) with the other 2 being the main colours. Or, I could try AGAIN to dye my crinnie red :rotfl:
Actually i kind of like that idea.... ALOT!!!!

Just sprinkle some light pink in certain places and there you go! Crinny, flowers, what color are your BM dresses going to be? You could do their jewelry in the light pink or something like that!
Actually i kind of like that idea.... ALOT!!!!

Just sprinkle some light pink in certain places and there you go! Crinny, flowers, what color are your BM dresses going to be? You could do their jewelry in the light pink or something like that!

YAY, I'm glad you like it!!! My BM's are wearing blue, so we can add in some light pink for sure! Thanks for the idea :goodvibes
I also wanted to dye my crinnie red. I purchased the crinnie, two bottles of Rit dye - I think the color was crimson but I am not sure. Did the whole washing machine dyeing thing and here is the color it came out.


The only thing that came out red was the trim. I think it has to do with the material the crinnie is made of. I found a red crinnie online and was going to purchase it but then decided I liked the pink so I stuck with that one. It did not show up in many photos and it looked great.

Not sure if your crinnie will ever turn red depending on the material it is made out of.

The whole dyeing thing seems to be like playing Russian Roulette .. you're never quite sure if you are going to get it :lmao:

My daughter and I decided to try dyeing my white veil ivory. Several times through the washing machine and a few hours later it hadn't picked up any colour at all. A bit of research :surfweb: and it seemed the problem was the material (as a previous poster said). The nylon type netting had to be cooked over a hot stove with a splash of vinegar added to the dye.

We tried this and it sure took the colour - but a bit too much. The veil ended up being a champagne ivory colour (for champagne read definite orange tint!). No amount of bleaching later has been able to return it to white. After never being washed in 32 years, the poor thing looks like a limp lettuce now due to being put through the washer at least 10 times :rotfl:

So, maybe you could consider re-trying with an 'acid dye', ie Rit powder + vinegar + boiling to get the red you want? Although I think your accent pink will work beautifully too.
Oh I actually like those colors a lot too!!! If you have your heart settled on blue and pink, you probably could find a red one online


You could also dye it turqouise!!
I also wanted to dye my crinnie red. I purchased the crinnie, two bottles of Rit dye - I think the color was crimson but I am not sure. Did the whole washing machine dyeing thing and here is the color it came out.


The only thing that came out red was the trim. I think it has to do with the material the crinnie is made of. I found a red crinnie online and was going to purchase it but then decided I liked the pink so I stuck with that one. It did not show up in many photos and it looked great.

Not sure if your crinnie will ever turn red depending on the material it is made out of.


The whole dyeing thing seems to be like playing Russian Roulette .. you're never quite sure if you are going to get it :lmao:

My daughter and I decided to try dyeing my white veil ivory. Several times through the washing machine and a few hours later it hadn't picked up any colour at all. A bit of research :surfweb: and it seemed the problem was the material (as a previous poster said). The nylon type netting had to be cooked over a hot stove with a splash of vinegar added to the dye.

We tried this and it sure took the colour - but a bit too much. The veil ended up being a champagne ivory colour (for champagne read definite orange tint!). No amount of bleaching later has been able to return it to white. After never being washed in 32 years, the poor thing looks like a limp lettuce now due to being put through the washer at least 10 times :rotfl:

So, maybe you could consider re-trying with an 'acid dye', ie Rit powder + vinegar + boiling to get the red you want? Although I think your accent pink will work beautifully too.

Oh I actually like those colors a lot too!!! If you have your heart settled on blue and pink, you probably could find a red one online


You could also dye it turqouise!!

Thanks so much for all the advice ladies! Right now, mine is a nice colour pink, however, it is kind of blotchy, so I have to do it again either way. I thought I would just to it pink, but now I am tempted to try the boiling water with vinegar thing (I read that online as well) or just buy one already dyed. I really think the colour pink is my soul mate :rotfl:, but seeing the red crinnie posted above makes me want it!!!! My dress is off white, so I figured maybe red would look better? ahhhh, I don't know.
mmmmm pink. i :lovestruc pink! I really like the idea of adding the pink accents and keeping the aqua and red theme! And if you do cotton candy pink it will go with your theme!!!:thumbsup2 good luck with the crinnie!
I love love love the idea of adding the pink as an accent! :love: I think that would suit your carnival theme perfectly, and could be a super cute addition.


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