Blue Lives Matter - The 101st Law enforcement Officer was Killed Yesterday

It is the one thing th

Who, like the thug in Ferguson? The one who's friend said he had his hands up, until the autopsy revealed it was impossible? and the neighborhood rioted and stole televisions out of stores just because they could? That whole case was disgusting and if I lived in that neighborhood I would be ashamed of the actions of those mobs of people.

Did you ever read the DOJ report on the Ferguson PD? It's a good exmple of the bad cops everyone says they don't support.
So a bad cop is considered a brother? I think that's the problem. As for teachers, I don't see any teachers crying they are being painted in a bad light because another teacher was arrested for molesting kids. No teacher's union head is out there whining "stop contributing to the anti-teacher attitude" when an molester is arrested.
There is no-one out there calling for the killings of these teachers, are there? So, these teachers do not go to work each day knowing that a certain "group" is calling for physical attacks on their profession for nothing other than wearing the uniform. Your problem is you have come to this thread attacking the posters, not debating them.
Then why did this thread start? Someone tied it to "little respect for LE" causing this officer's death. That "little respect" is apparently because some people are questioning bad cops who have made awful impacts on innocent people's lives. So if cops wouldnt' defend bad cops, then why do they immediately cry that the media is reporting on these bad cops?

Love the last line. Put your hands over your ears and stomp your feet all you want. I have friends in LE and work with PAL just about every day. I obviously don't hate them. But I have a concern that several officers aren't cut out for the job, need more training or need to be phychologically evaluated more or better (that's not a bad thing).
This thread was started to pay homage to innocent police officers killed in the line of duty this year. How many of these slain officers did you hear about defending bad cops before they were killed themselves?
I teach in an inner city section of Brooklyn. More than 90% of our students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. A little more than half live are living in transitional housing. I'm all for getting rid of bad teachers.

You don't have communities protesting bad teachers, because the good teachers are not running around protecting them. We want them gone just as bad as everyone else.

Once again, we aren't complaining about/protesting GOOD COPS!!! Livie, Why are you willing to stand up for/protect bad cops?
Google "Black Lives Matter" and watch the videos of them calling for death to police officers, then try and get the scoop on the officers that have been killed based on the inspiration of these chants, blogs, etc. How many of the dead officers can you find defending bad police officers? None. Killed for wearing the blue uniform.
It was said earlier that no minds will be changed by this back and forth, but I will never stop trying.
This thread was started to pay homage to innocent police officers killed in the line of duty this year. How many of these slain officers did you hear about defending bad cops before they were killed themselves?

No it wasn't just started to pay homage to innocent police officers killed in the line of duty. Go back and read post one. There was a clear agenda and point of view expressed that wasn't just about the tragedy of officers being killed in the line of duty.
I don't think anyone on this thread has said the death of officers in the line of duty is not a terrible tragedy. When you start lumping in opinions of policing, use of force, etc that's where you run into differing opinions. The problem is some have just lumped it all together and decided anyone who doesn't see police as some super special, on a pedestal, above all others people are police haters.
There is a middle ground. I absolutely have respect for the work police officers do. I think it's dangerous and stressful. They deal with things I never want to have to deal with.
There is a problem in this country with officers abusing their power. As much as people say good cops want bad cops gone, the reality appears different, when officers are afraid of retaliation for speaking up, when police unions defend even obvious abuses of power, it's hard to not see it as the thin blue line protecting their own regardless of the situation.
Did you ever read the DOJ report on the Ferguson PD? It's a good exmple of the bad cops everyone says they don't support.

Did you see President Obama and then US Attorney General Holder come out against the shooting of Michael Brown before any facts were known. Didn't you see the Baltimore District Attorney come out against the Police in the Freddie Grey case before an investigation was even started. The Ferguson report comes out more against the city and it's revenue generating policy. The report states that even though African Americans make up 67% of the population they represent 93% of all arrests made. Similar numbers are for Vehicle Stops and Citations. Yet if you go to the FBI arrest reports for 2013, You find that African Americans represent 28% of all arrested yet make up 17% of the US Population. So I would gather with a population of 67%, Ferguson would see a higher arrest rate than population rate, something the justice department seems to ignore. Or One can conclude that every police force in the United States is just like Ferguson. The elected officials of Ferguson placed on the police the task of increasing revenue by tickets. Just like almost every city in the US. (Red Light Camera's at the busiest intersections). The Ferguson Police were doing what the City Fathers wanted them to do.
Did you see President Obama and then US Attorney General Holder come out against the shooting of Michael Brown before any facts were known. Didn't you see the Baltimore District Attorney come out against the Police in the Freddie Grey case before an investigation was even started. The Ferguson report comes out more against the city and it's revenue generating policy. The report states that even though African Americans make up 67% of the population they represent 93% of all arrests made. Similar numbers are for Vehicle Stops and Citations. Yet if you go to the FBI arrest reports for 2013, You find that African Americans represent 28% of all arrested yet make up 17% of the US Population. So I would gather with a population of 67%, Ferguson would see a higher arrest rate than population rate, something the justice department seems to ignore. Or One can conclude that every police force in the United States is just like Ferguson. The elected officials of Ferguson placed on the police the task of increasing revenue by tickets. Just like almost every city in the US. (Red Light Camera's at the busiest intersections). The Ferguson Police were doing what the City Fathers wanted them to do.

Sounds an awful lot like you are making excuses for and defending dirty cops.
No it wasn't just started to pay homage to innocent police officers killed in the line of duty. Go back and read post one. There was a clear agenda and point of view expressed that wasn't just about the tragedy of officers being killed in the line of duty.
I don't think anyone on this thread has said the death of officers in the line of duty is not a terrible tragedy. When you start lumping in opinions of policing, use of force, etc that's where you run into differing opinions. The problem is some have just lumped it all together and decided anyone who doesn't see police as some super special, on a pedestal, above all others people are police haters.
There is a middle ground. I absolutely have respect for the work police officers do. I think it's dangerous and stressful. They deal with things I never want to have to deal with.
There is a problem in this country with officers abusing their power. As much as people say good cops want bad cops gone, the reality appears different, when officers are afraid of retaliation for speaking up, when police unions defend even obvious abuses of power, it's hard to not see it as the thin blue line protecting their own regardless of the situation.

Being the OP, This was out of respect for the Police officer killed in the line of duty and how to protect them and innocent civilians. Yes there are bad cops out there, but you know what there are a lot more bad criminal out there. They don't pay attention to gun control laws. In NYC there are four dead cops in less than a year. You have to back to 1989 to see numbers like this. So what has changed. NYPD aggressive campaign to get guns off the streets was targeted and stopped. Now look what's happening. In the mean time you have very high level officials groveling for votes coming out against policing in the United States. In 2013 there were over 9 Million arrests made. And yet there is an uproar against the police for several cases for using unnecessary force and yes there where some shootings where the officer needs to be prosecuted and jailed. But we also have cases where the officers actions were justified. I am sorry that this is happening to the African American community. But you know what in Cities like NY, Baltimore, Chicago guns are taking to many innocent lives. In my neck of the woods of Long Island, There are now many more shootings in Huntington, Brentwood, Hempstead, and other poor areas. In NY State we have some tough gun control laws. The Criminals are not paying attention to the laws. The only thing that is going to stop it is aggressive policing and that means if someone is suspected of having a gun they should be stopped, questioned and searched. I find it somewhat strange that with over 9 million arrests a year in the US, Some just want to go over the small amount of highly publicized incidents and throw them around like they are the norm. These people who say don't trust the police because they are so bad, do themselves and there loved ones such an injustice. Yeah there are bad cops out there, but for everyone of them, there are probably more than 100 good ones.
Sounds an awful lot like you are making excuses for and defending dirty cops.

Just presenting the facts presented by the same Department that produced the report you said was about bad cops. When you see a report dealing mainly with percentages you have look at the numbers and what they represent. I think the report focused more on the Revenue generation tactics of the Ferguson Elected officials than the Police.
Being the OP, This was out of respect for the Police officer killed in the line of duty and how to protect them and innocent civilians. Yes there are bad cops out there, but you know what there are a lot more bad criminal out there. They don't pay attention to gun control laws. In NYC there are four dead cops in less than a year. You have to back to 1989 to see numbers like this. So what has changed. NYPD aggressive campaign to get guns off the streets was targeted and stopped. Now look what's happening. In the mean time you have very high level officials groveling for votes coming out against policing in the United States. In 2013 there were over 9 Million arrests made. And yet there is an uproar against the police for several cases for using unnecessary force and yes there where some shootings where the officer needs to be prosecuted and jailed. But we also have cases where the officers actions were justified. I am sorry that this is happening to the African American community. But you know what in Cities like NY, Baltimore, Chicago guns are taking to many innocent lives. In my neck of the woods of Long Island, There are now many more shootings in Huntington, Brentwood, Hempstead, and other poor areas. In NY State we have some tough gun control laws. The Criminals are not paying attention to the laws. The only thing that is going to stop it is aggressive policing and that means if someone is suspected of having a gun they should be stopped, questioned and searched. I find it somewhat strange that with over 9 million arrests a year in the US, Some just want to go over the small amount of highly publicized incidents and throw them around like they are the norm. These people who say don't trust the police because they are so bad, do themselves and there loved ones such an injustice. Yeah there are bad cops out there, but for everyone of them, there are probably more than 100 good ones.

Your opinions on stop and frisk and aggressive policing are just that though, your opinion. Everyone isn't going to agree with you on that. That doesn't mean those people are police haters. That's where a big part of the disconnect comes in.
While you feel one thing is an important topic which needs to be addressed someone else feels that way about something you don't see as a big deal. You may not see police abuse of power as a huge problem or an important topic but someone else might see it as very important. It doesn't mean they are cop haters, stupid, criminals, or hit their head ( as another poster stated).
Just presenting the facts presented by the same Department that produced the report you said was about bad cops. When you see a report dealing mainly with percentages you have look at the numbers and what they represent. I think the report focused more on the Revenue generation tactics of the Ferguson Elected officials than the Police.

The report included countless examples of police officers abusing their power.
This thread was about another cop shot by a low life thug. From everything I read he was a good cop. From a family of good cops. He was killed by a thug who was arrested 28 times and should have never been allowed on the streets. It's about a good cop.
Your opinions on stop and frisk and aggressive policing are just that though, your opinion. Everyone isn't going to agree with you on that. That doesn't mean those people are police haters. That's where a big part of the disconnect comes in.
While you feel one thing is an important topic which needs to be addressed someone else feels that way about something you don't see as a big deal. You may not see police abuse of power as a huge problem or an important topic but someone else might see it as very important. It doesn't mean they are cop haters, stupid, criminals, or hit their head ( as another poster stated).

Some of the Postings in this thread

I donot believe all cops are bad but I do feel they feel they are omnipotent. I think they know they have a lot of power and the can wield it for the most part without repercussion

I live in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. . I grew up here and raised my son here. I'm don't worry about being the victim of a crime. I do worry about a crazy cop harming my son.
Very easy. the people who are supposed to protect him are also the very same people who will harm him. I don't fear cops but I sure as heck don't trust them. I know for a FACT that a philly cop could pull me over, shoot me dead for no reason whatsoever and the best I can hope for is someone has gotten it on their cell phone.

I definitely know what it's like to be afraid, I have to worry every time my oldest says he wants to go to Harlem to see his grandparents. I know that at any time a cop can stop him and if he so much as ask "is there a problem" there is a high probability that he will be dead and not a darn thing I can do.

Doesn't show a love of the Police, to me shows a lot of hate to all Police.
Some of the Postings in this thread

I donot believe all cops are bad but I do feel they feel they are omnipotent. I think they know they have a lot of power and the can wield it for the most part without repercussion

I live in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. . I grew up here and raised my son here. I'm don't worry about being the victim of a crime. I do worry about a crazy cop harming my son.
Very easy. the people who are supposed to protect him are also the very same people who will harm him. I don't fear cops but I sure as heck don't trust them. I know for a FACT that a philly cop could pull me over, shoot me dead for no reason whatsoever and the best I can hope for is someone has gotten it on their cell phone.

I definitely know what it's like to be afraid, I have to worry every time my oldest says he wants to go to Harlem to see his grandparents. I know that at any time a cop can stop him and if he so much as ask "is there a problem" there is a high probability that he will be dead and not a darn thing I can do.

Doesn't show a love of the Police, to me shows a lot of hate to all Police.

Instead of just dismissing that as another cop hater, why not really look at it and ask why that poster feels that way. Are those feelings just coming from a place of irrationality or is there any validity in there? Why not try to understand someone else's experiences and how those expierences shape their view point?
To me it doesnt show a hatred of police. It doesn't show a love of police either. It shows fear and a lack of faith in a system which is supposed to protect.
Some of the Postings in this thread

I donot believe all cops are bad but I do feel they feel they are omnipotent. I think they know they have a lot of power and the can wield it for the most part without repercussion

I live in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. . I grew up here and raised my son here. I'm don't worry about being the victim of a crime. I do worry about a crazy cop harming my son.
Very easy. the people who are supposed to protect him are also the very same people who will harm him. I don't fear cops but I sure as heck don't trust them. I know for a FACT that a philly cop could pull me over, shoot me dead for no reason whatsoever and the best I can hope for is someone has gotten it on their cell phone.

I definitely know what it's like to be afraid, I have to worry every time my oldest says he wants to go to Harlem to see his grandparents. I know that at any time a cop can stop him and if he so much as ask "is there a problem" there is a high probability that he will be dead and not a darn thing I can do.

Doesn't show a love of the Police, to me shows a lot of hate to all Police.
I really think that is a exaggeration.
Thousand of black people are stopped everyday by the police without being killed.
Some of the Postings in this thread

I donot believe all cops are bad but I do feel they feel they are omnipotent. I think they know they have a lot of power and the can wield it for the most part without repercussion

I live in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. . I grew up here and raised my son here. I'm don't worry about being the victim of a crime. I do worry about a crazy cop harming my son.
Very easy. the people who are supposed to protect him are also the very same people who will harm him. I don't fear cops but I sure as heck don't trust them. I know for a FACT that a philly cop could pull me over, shoot me dead for no reason whatsoever and the best I can hope for is someone has gotten it on their cell phone.

I definitely know what it's like to be afraid, I have to worry every time my oldest says he wants to go to Harlem to see his grandparents. I know that at any time a cop can stop him and if he so much as ask "is there a problem" there is a high probability that he will be dead and not a darn thing I can do.

Doesn't show a love of the Police, to me shows a lot of hate to all Police.
Some of the Postings in this thread

I donot believe all cops are bad but I do feel they feel they are omnipotent. I think they know they have a lot of power and the can wield it for the most part without repercussion

I live in the Bed-Stuy section of Brooklyn. . I grew up here and raised my son here. I'm don't worry about being the victim of a crime. I do worry about a crazy cop harming my son.
Very easy. the people who are supposed to protect him are also the very same people who will harm him. I don't fear cops but I sure as heck don't trust them. I know for a FACT that a philly cop could pull me over, shoot me dead for no reason whatsoever and the best I can hope for is someone has gotten it on their cell phone.

I definitely know what it's like to be afraid, I have to worry every time my oldest says he wants to go to Harlem to see his grandparents. I know that at any time a cop can stop him and if he so much as ask "is there a problem" there is a high probability that he will be dead and not a darn thing I can do.

Doesn't show a love of the Police, to me shows a lot of hate to all Police.
Nothing I posted here shows hate for police officers as a whole. I do hate bad cops. If you want to twist that to mean I hate all cops, knock yourself out.

I stated here that I respect police officers. My issue is with the ones who do not deserve to wear the badge.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The DOJ report showed wide spread corruption and abuse of power.

I just word checked the DOJ report titled Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department Dated March4, 2015. The word Corruption never appeared in the report.


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