BillPa please help me!!


A DIS Veteran who just won't grow up!
Aug 6, 2000
Hi Bill,
You posted a website last week for me that had the restaurants at Universal on it.

I was asking you another question on THAT post and decided that I didn't need to ask the question; and well, instead of deleting the "reply" I deleted the "message" and now I don't have the website anymore!!!!!! I didn't bookmark when I wanted to!!!

Please could you post it again ?????

I'm sooooo embarrased :(

Poly -'76,'78,'82,'85,'89
DVC/BWV - 8/00, 07/01

"I won't grow up, I won't grow up"
Bill -
Oh thank you, thank you!! :) I felt like such a fool. Bill...I see you on the DVC board. I'm a DVC Member too. Well thanks again....C U on the Boards! ;)

And lindai - thank you too for helping!!

Poly -'76,'78,'82,'85,'89
DVC/BWV - 8/00, 07/01

"I won't grow up, I won't grow up"
Hi Bill and Linda -

I want to thank you two again for your help. Unfortunately the site may be going through some changes. Linda's site takes me directly to Bills and I can't access anything. Problems with the server they say. This is what I started to post to Bill yesterday when I wipped out the entire post. I was able to access the Menues the very first day Bill posted the site for me. After than...nothing. I've bookmarked the site and hopefully at a later date I'll be able to take a look at the menues. :)

Poly -'76,'78,'82,'85,'89
DVC/BWV - 8/00, 07/01

"I won't grow up, I won't grow up"


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