Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

Thanks for the info on the teams! I'm also so hesitant about joining an established group, like I'm an outsider. My own hang up. :)
Hey, there is the new group of INCREDIBLES!!! Of which I am a member, as well as Lisah and 3tinksandaneeyore. Just started up this week, but seem like a good mix of some more seasoned runners with us newbies. Quite a few have mentioned training for the 2011 princess half marathon, and today is one of the days I think I will be doing that too. For me, the more support and inspiration the better.

QOTD: What have you done to get your family on board with your new healthy lifestyle? Are they excited to try new things with you or do they grumble about the changes?
Since it's just my son and I, and I have the power to buy the healthy foods, it should be easy. He loves fruit, and really isn't much into cookies/chocolate, but if we have soda in the house, that's what he would want. I'm trying not to buy the junk anymore, and we are also eating out less, and getting outside after school if it's not raining, either to ride our bikes, or walk to the park and play. He is naturally very active, but would give up any activity to sit in front of the tv. He has gotten a little chunky this winter, and put on too much weight over the past year, so we're trying to curb the weight gain. We have cut to mcdonalds once a month, and he plans when and what he'll eat. The last time we went, we read the nutritional facts, and his dinner was over 1000 calories, so the next time we were at panera, we figured his meal was about 500 calories, so I'm trying to make him more aware too. He is interested, and he has been very supportive of my c25k, and coming to the park with me. He also loves fruit, and will often choose that over any other junk if there's fresh fruit available.

60 here today and snow tomorrow morning! Welcome to New England!
I'm sorry, tracey, but that just can't be so. I am so done with winter.

Can you call them? Maybe they'll listen to you :laughing:
Yes, they are my childcare during the day. Didn't mean to make it sound like I leave her there for weeks at the time. I have talked until I am BLUE in the face, and they'll get better, for a while. Like I've mentioned, my Daddy passed away in Sept., shortly thereafter my husband's grandmother went into the hospital/rehab for 2 months, then my father in law had knee replacement and MIL got shingles. She was a little overweight, but not bad, until this school year. Granted, I have been struggling mentally and physically, also.

I breastfed her for over 2 years, and she did the Baby Super Foods Diet until the middle of last school year. Kelp, oats, tofu,veggies, etc. When they started giving her "real" food as they called it, it, she got hooked on mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets. Out with what I packed, and it became tv dinners as they had their own struggles. You are exactly right. She is ours, and I need to start packing her healthy foods again. I really wish I could just clean out their cabinets, so the other options wouldn't be there for her.

Honestly, paying for childcare isn't an option for us. Not only financially, but b/c I disagree with the 1 childcare center here, and I am a firm believer in family time for small children. I haven't said much this year, b/c of circumstances, but I am getting more and more frustrated and will just have to lay it on the line again. And, I need DH to talk to his parents. I just wish they would look at what they did to him, and turn around.
It's so hard when they are your family, and helping you out. My sister went through it with my mom. She had an inlaw apartment, and always had m&ms, and pops, and her 2 toddlers would go over several times a day, and grammy always tried to give them candy. It's different if it's not a daily occurance, but it's hard to change old habits. I'm sure for you to just keep trying, and like you say, pack the healthy food again. It sounds like it has been such a tough year all around for you and your family. :hug: Hang in there. You're doing great.

Pjlla- congratulations to you and your daughter. What an honor for her to receive the sportsmanship award. You have obviously raised a wonderful young woman. You must be so proud.

Thanks lindsay for coaching this week. You've asked some great thought provoking questions and I've enjoyed reading everyone's answers.

I came on after work when I had about an hour and a half to myself, and the boards went down. I was so aggravated. We had family fun night tonight at michael's afterschool program, and I had a little piece of cake, some cheezits, and a cookie. Could have been worse. I'm going to push the water tonight. And now it's time to get the boy to bed, and almost time for grey's anatomy.

Good luck with weighin's tomorrow!! Hope we see some big losses!!
Hey Tracey - That is so nice that you were able to give the woman a great massage. I wish you lived in dearest friend's mom has cancer - she went to a spa for a massage the other day and the refused to give her one because they did not want to spread her cancer! She already feels bad enough and then to be told she could not go to the spa was horrible!

Anyway...I think it is great that you have sent a 2 week goal! You can do it!

I was at the spa when her friend both the gift card and the first thing I asked was if she had a doctor's permission to receive a massage and she said yes. She had a massage about 3 weeks ago. She said the problem she has is they are afraid to use pressure as she is rather thin from chemo. I checked in with her throughout and there was only once when it was too much for her. Have your friend's Mom get a doctor's note before she tries to make another appointment. She could also look around to see if there is a therapist nearby who has experience with cancer patients. Her doctor may also be able to help her find someone. Best wishes to your friend and her mom!:hug:
Mikamah- It's still 54 degrees here! I can't believe they say it will be snowing before 7 in the morning! Doesn't seem possible! Couldn't believe it was 60 degrees at 8 tonight! :confused3
Home from work! Client with cancer who loves massages! Said it was the best massage she ever had! A dear friend of hers had given her a gift certificate! Very sweet lady. Praying for her! It made me feel good to help her feel good! Nights like this are when I am so glad I became a massage therapist! It's very rewarding sometimes.

DH is still feeling lousy.:sick: My tummy is not the greatest and I'm actually thinking of heading to bed shortly. I think it's from the enchiladas! Just hope it feels better and DH is feeling better so we can enjoy Cheesecake Factory tomorrow night. Don't want to miss out on my free night out!

I'm going to give myself 2 weeks to get back down to 155. If I have not lost what I gained in the last week by then I will take down my 45 pound clippie and go back to my 40 pounder. It will be motivation to get back down again!

Enjoy the rest of the night, friends!

Tracey - was just reading posts but had to answer wonderful that you are able to give a massage that feels good to a cancer patient! When my mom was in the hospice house a volunteer came in and gave chair massages to family members...they talked me into getting one, talked me out of my guilt for getting one, and it was fabulous. 10 minutes of peace and calm. Don't underestimate the good that you are doing.:flower3:

Next, I am so sorry that you are seeing this problem in in DD who is just 3. I can tell that you are worried and want to make changes. I don't have an easy answer for you but I just want to let you know we are here for you. :grouphug:

Thanks. I did talk with my mom tonight. I felt bad, b/c she's feeling really down, and I think I just piled it on. But I did share my concerns, and she agreed wholeheartedly.
It's so hard when they are your family, and helping you out. My sister went through it with my mom. She had an inlaw apartment, and always had m&ms, and pops, and her 2 toddlers would go over several times a day, and grammy always tried to give them candy. It's different if it's not a daily occurance, but it's hard to change old habits. I'm sure for you to just keep trying, and like you say, pack the healthy food again. It sounds like it has been such a tough year all around for you and your family. :hug: Hang in there. You're doing great.

Thanks. It is hard. In fact, I've cried all evening feeling like a failure as a mom, daughter, wife, housekeeper, teacher, student. Lost it with the girls, Dh.... I can really tell I haven't been able to run this week. It truly is a stress reliever. Just having a down kind of week. You guys are so sweet. Thanks so much everyone.:hug:
Thanks. I did talk with my mom tonight. I felt bad, b/c she's feeling really down, and I think I just piled it on. But I did share my concerns, and she agreed wholeheartedly.

Thanks. It is hard. In fact, I've cried all evening feeling like a failure as a mom, daughter, wife, housekeeper, teacher, student. Lost it with the girls, Dh.... I can really tell I haven't been able to run this week. It truly is a stress reliever. Just having a down kind of week. You guys are so sweet. Thanks so much everyone.:hug:

Okay again not meaning to answer... ;) You are so NOT a failure! You just had bad teeth this week that's all. By losing it with your girls they will appreciate you even more when you feel better! :rotfl: And might just add...happy un-birthday to you!!party: Through an un-birthday party for yourself and family tomorrow night and enjoy each other. :grouphug:
Thanks. I did talk with my mom tonight. I felt bad, b/c she's feeling really down, and I think I just piled it on. But I did share my concerns, and she agreed wholeheartedly.

Thanks. It is hard. In fact, I've cried all evening feeling like a failure as a mom, daughter, wife, housekeeper, teacher, student. Lost it with the girls, Dh.... I can really tell I haven't been able to run this week. It truly is a stress reliever. Just having a down kind of week. You guys are so sweet. Thanks so much everyone.:hug:

:grouphug: I'm sorry it's all so hard right now. As for the failure--I'm sure if someone else was in the same boat you would not consider them a failure--you'd tell them to hang in there. We all feel this way sometimes. I know it can be so hard. Try to get out and get a walk tomorrow even if you can't run. Even a little bit of exercise and fresh air (if the weather cooperates) can help.:grouphug:

Dd and I just had another talk about eating healthy, and what junk food can do to you. She remembers her Poppie giving himself insulin shots, and doesn't want that. We got out her Tinkerbell lunchbox, put an apple in it, bagged some broccoli & carrots, got out a gogurt and a string cheese, put them in the front of the fridge with a water bottle to put in before she heads to DH's parents tomorrow morning. She has her healthy lunch and snacks all ready! Dh talked to his parents, told them to lay off the junk. Steps in the right direction. :thumbsup

Sorry to hog the boards tonight, thanks for the support!
Dd and I just had another talk about eating healthy, and what junk food can do to you. She remembers her Poppie giving himself insulin shots, and doesn't want that. We got out her Tinkerbell lunchbox, put an apple in it, bagged some broccoli & carrots, got out a gogurt and a string cheese, put them in the front of the fridge with a water bottle to put in before she heads to DH's parents tomorrow morning. She has her healthy lunch and snacks all ready! Dh talked to his parents, told them to lay off the junk. Steps in the right direction. :thumbsup2

WAY TO GO! This is a great step and I bet you feel so much better about things. I know it is difficult to do the right thing sometimes but you definitely are doing great things by packing a lunch! I am so proud of you!!!
Thanks for all of the encrouagement. You guys are awesome. Today was a lot better. Our biggest drama was one of my second grade students writing "I love sex" on a couple of birthday cards other students were coloring for our speech therapist. At least that's one we can laugh about! The student from yesterday was suspended (nobody told me til today) so we had a much quieter day.

Mr. Para (the one who has caused me all the problems) was elected our Classified Today was the district breakfast for all of those who had been elected, and I didn't realize how stressed out I was about it until this morning. It soudns petty, but I don't know what I would have done if he had won. He had a hand in chasing off two of my paras and I don't think somebody who has had 5 no call/no shows this school year should get building employee of the year, much less district. Thankfully, he didn't get it for the district. I wished him luck, but there' just no way he deserved it and it really irks me that he got it for our building. But then, I have not told anybody but the principal and my process coordinator about the issues with him, while I know that he goes around the building and trash talks me. At least we seem to be getting along better this semester. Thank God for small favors.

I did have one really neat thing happen today: A colleague asked me if I had lost a lot of weight! :banana: It happens so slowly I don't think I noticed it on myself, so it was nice being complimented. Tomorow I have an appointment to look at wedding dresses, that will definitely give me some motivation.
Can you call them? Maybe they'll listen to you :laughing:
Yes, they are my childcare during the day. Didn't mean to make it sound like I leave her there for weeks at the time. I have talked until I am BLUE in the face, and they'll get better, for a while. Like I've mentioned, my Daddy passed away in Sept., shortly thereafter my husband's grandmother went into the hospital/rehab for 2 months, then my father in law had knee replacement and MIL got shingles. She was a little overweight, but not bad, until this school year. Granted, I have been struggling mentally and physically, also.

I breastfed her for over 2 years, and she did the Baby Super Foods Diet until the middle of last school year. Kelp, oats, tofu,veggies, etc. When they started giving her "real" food as they called it, it, she got hooked on mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets. Out with what I packed, and it became tv dinners as they had their own struggles. You are exactly right. She is ours, and I need to start packing her healthy foods again. I really wish I could just clean out their cabinets, so the other options wouldn't be there for her.

Honestly, paying for childcare isn't an option for us. Not only financially, but b/c I disagree with the 1 childcare center here, and I am a firm believer in family time for small children. I haven't said much this year, b/c of circumstances, but I am getting more and more frustrated and will just have to lay it on the line again. And, I need DH to talk to his parents. I just wish they would look at what they did to him, and turn around.
I am having my own struggle with child care tonight. I've been having the same concerns about food, and each time we address it, our provider promises to serve healthier meals and snacks. Then the following week, when we pick her up at 5:15, she's eating Chex Mix! DD is not chunky but is a little above average in weight, considering she's below avg height. Mainly I'm just concerned about the crap she's eating. We have no family in the area and when we had DD our only option was to find home daycares since we couldn't afford full time daycare centers. We went thru an insane amount of interviews at horrible and mediocre places. We've been with our current person for 2 years now, and tonight I found out that she's recently been on Facebook all day long (on daycare days). We've had inklings that things weren't ideal the past few months, but this is the first concrete thing.
I could just cry at starting this whole search again and plunking my very shy DD into a brand new place. I'm not even sure if a center would be better. If we tighten our belt, we can technically afford a center now, even though it'd be $400 a month more than we pay now. Ouch.

And now back to our health and fitness thread... :upsidedow
UGH! Can't sleep again! Not sure why! DH was coughing a bit. Catching up on some tv. Not even all that tired! And to top it off it's raining again!
It5 was a quiet week in my in box this week. Only 3 people participated in COW 10 Congrats to all those who are using this as a tool.

With 25 out of 29 points

With 27 out of 29 points

AND with 28 out of 29 points

Welcome to COW 12

You do not have to participate but it is there to help you build good habits. Each week we will have two to four habit suggestions for you to do. At the end of the week you report your points to me.

It has been said that if you do something for 30 days it will become a habit. We will start off easy with two habits that have been known to help weight loss. As the weeks go by we will add to these habits. We will never have more than 4 habits to work on each week since that seems to be the number that most people could do without a problem.

COW 12

Drink 8 glasses of water each day. (1 point for each day)
Do 30 minutes of exercise every day (1 point for each day)
2 servings of calcium each day (It can be a supplement if you can't drink milk)(1 point for each day)
Do something for someone else (1 point for each day)

When you send me your points please post your total in your RE and then in the main part of the pm list your points as follows:

XX days of drinking water
XX days of exercising for 30 minutes per day
XX days of calcium
XX days doing something for someone else

This challlenge runs from Friday March 26, 2010 to Thursday April 1, 2010. On Friday April 2, 2010 pm me your points for the week. The COW results will be posted the same day the weekly totals are posted.

HAve fun with the COW.

Don't forget to send me COW 11 points.
Sorry the COW is late. I forgot about it when I got home from yoga last night.

My girlfriend was an oncology nurse but also a trained massage therapist. She gives massages to a many cancer patients even though she is not an oncology nurse any more.
OK, somehow I was able to get rid of most of what I gained last weekend! Only up 1.8. A lot better than the 5-6 I was up on Monday! No exercise (except for the 4 massages I gave) but I really tried to watch what I ate except for Wednesday! So only 1 more pound to get back to 45.

Going to clean and bake some cookies for the family as I haven't made any in a long time. DD2 was asking for chocolate chip cookies last night while I was at work! I'll watch some movies or listen to the audiobook of Fellowship of the Ring. Love the movie but never read the book. Thought this would be a good way for me to do it. I started listening to it in the car yesterday and at work before my client.

Gonna eat light throughout the day so I can enjoy the Cheesecake Factory tonight! Hopefully DH is feeling ok to go out! His cough sounds terrible. I don't think he slept very well last night. And DD2 has been talking and yelling in her sleep since 4am. It's funny when she was crying, "But I'm not tired!"
Mikamah- It's still 54 degrees here! I can't believe they say it will be snowing before 7 in the morning! Doesn't seem possible! Couldn't believe it was 60 degrees at 8 tonight! :confused3
And now it's 28 here and snowing!!! Oh well, could be worse. Hope it's all short-lived. You did great getting back on track, and decreasing that gain. You'll be back to 45 gone before you know it.

Dd and I just had another talk about eating healthy, and what junk food can do to you. She remembers her Poppie giving himself insulin shots, and doesn't want that. We got out her Tinkerbell lunchbox, put an apple in it, bagged some broccoli & carrots, got out a gogurt and a string cheese, put them in the front of the fridge with a water bottle to put in before she heads to DH's parents tomorrow morning. She has her healthy lunch and snacks all ready! Dh talked to his parents, told them to lay off the junk. Steps in the right direction. :thumbsup

Sorry to hog the boards tonight, thanks for the support!
That is so great. I'm glad you were able to make some progress. I think arming your daughter with the healthy foods, and the power to say she wants to eat healthy will help your inlaws too. You are an awesome mom. All those little steps will bring you all in the right, healthy direction.:hug:

I did have one really neat thing happen today: A colleague asked me if I had lost a lot of weight! :banana: It happens so slowly I don't think I noticed it on myself, so it was nice being complimented. Tomorow I have an appointment to look at wedding dresses, that will definitely give me some motivation.
How exciting to look for wedding dresses. Congratulations Jessi. That is wonderful.

I am having my own struggle with child care tonight. I've been having the same concerns about food, and each time we address it, our provider promises to serve healthier meals and snacks. Then the following week, when we pick her up at 5:15, she's eating Chex Mix! DD is not chunky but is a little above average in weight, considering she's below avg height. Mainly I'm just concerned about the crap she's eating. We have no family in the area and when we had DD our only option was to find home daycares since we couldn't afford full time daycare centers. We went thru an insane amount of interviews at horrible and mediocre places. We've been with our current person for 2 years now, and tonight I found out that she's recently been on Facebook all day long (on daycare days). We've had inklings that things weren't ideal the past few months, but this is the first concrete thing.
I could just cry at starting this whole search again and plunking my very shy DD into a brand new place. I'm not even sure if a center would be better. If we tighten our belt, we can technically afford a center now, even though it'd be $400 a month more than we pay now. Ouch.

And now back to our health and fitness thread... :upsidedow
:hug: That is awful, to think your precious daughter isn't getting the attention she deserves and you pay for. When my son was little, I only used a center, figuring they would be more dependable, if a home provider was sick, etc, but I didn't realize there was that much of a price difference. Listen to your heart and your gut and do what you and dh feel is right for you all. It's a tough situation, but maybe if you talk it out with the provider, things will get better. Sending pixie dust your way that things work out.

Well, I'm the same this week. Better than a gain, but I think I need to get journalling my food again, and get some weight off. Seven more weighins! We can all see some losses in 7 weeks.

Happy friday.:)
It started snowing pretty hard here at 7:15 when it was time to head to the bus stop. DD1 insisted on walking so we got cold and wet! I think it's about done now! Remember what they say, "If you don't like the weather in NE, just wait a minute!"
It started snowing pretty hard here at 7:15 when it was time to head to the bus stop. DD1 insisted on walking so we got cold and wet! I think it's about done now! Remember what they say, "If you don't like the weather in NE, just wait a minute!"

or a second! Still snowing here. That is great you got rid of most of what we drank/ate last weekend. OK, full speed ahead. I have 3lbs to get rid of still from late weekend. Last night I went on a "workout date". I met up with some friends from high school. I was a guest at their gym. I did the treadmill for 2.5miles, then something like a elliptical for a mile. I had walked 3 miles earlier in the day. So, topping off the day for a 6.5 mile finish. I have a lot of work to do before the end of this challenge. Who knew loosing the last 8lbs would be so darn hard! Have a good day all!
Rain, snow, sleet -- I've seen it all this morning...Spring in New England...

I don't think I'm going to be able to do my yoga today -- big work project so I won't be able to leave early, so I'm going to plan right now to do a walk on the TM when I get home. There! I'm committed, and I will get some exercise today! I don't want to do anything too strenuous because my long run is tomorrow (6M), but I can't do nothing, either!

I have my eating plan for the day -- 2 pt breakfast of a vitamuffin and an apple: 98% FF Clam Chowder, Cape Cod Reduce Fat Chips, red peppers, grape tomatoes, Hostess 100 cal cupcakes for lunch (7.5 pts); and Wendy's chicken sandwich, Veggie Chips and dark chocolate treat (12.5 pts.) for dinner. That's in my range, and plenty of food! A bit high on the treat factor, but it's Friday -- I usually eat lunch at home, and I forgot my yogurt and afternoon snack. I expect to be so busy, I won't notice. Huge project due today, I'd better get busy!

I haven't had the toddler/preschool day care issue for awhile, but I remember it was stressful. DS was in a home daycare until he entered preschool, and we were very fortunate to find a good one. They are out there, and can be found! It's so hard when you are trying to do your best for your child...Being a mom is the toughest, most guilt-ridden job out there, but I don't know anyone who would trade it! Just do your best, and keep trying to do better -- it's a good philosophy for me for mothering and life in general!

Maria :upsidedow
Can you call them? Maybe they'll listen to you :laughing:
Yes, they are my childcare during the day. Didn't mean to make it sound like I leave her there for weeks at the time. I have talked until I am BLUE in the face, and they'll get better, for a while. Like I've mentioned, my Daddy passed away in Sept., shortly thereafter my husband's grandmother went into the hospital/rehab for 2 months, then my father in law had knee replacement and MIL got shingles. She was a little overweight, but not bad, until this school year. Granted, I have been struggling mentally and physically, also.

I breastfed her for over 2 years, and she did the Baby Super Foods Diet until the middle of last school year. Kelp, oats, tofu,veggies, etc. When they started giving her "real" food as they called it, it, she got hooked on mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets. Out with what I packed, and it became tv dinners as they had their own struggles. You are exactly right. She is ours, and I need to start packing her healthy foods again. I really wish I could just clean out their cabinets, so the other options wouldn't be there for her.

Honestly, paying for childcare isn't an option for us. Not only financially, but b/c I disagree with the 1 childcare center here, and I am a firm believer in family time for small children. I haven't said much this year, b/c of circumstances, but I am getting more and more frustrated and will just have to lay it on the line again. And, I need DH to talk to his parents. I just wish they would look at what they did to him, and turn around.

I am SO sorry if I came down hard on you yesterday. I re-read my post and it is too harsh. I guess I was just feeling very passionate about the subject.

I'm sure that you are doing everything you can to provide the best for your children. And when people you count on, like full-time babysitters, aren't backing you up and they are having difficulties in their own lives, it makes things really tough.

Try starting out by packing up a full day's food and snacks for DD and telling the grandparents that that is what she is to eat for the day.... just that and nothing more. Mention that you are concerned about her health and you would like to try this "for just a few weeks".... hopefully by then it might be a good habit?

Again... sorry if I sounded really judgemental. I was just concerned. :flower3:


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