Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

Good morning friends.

Well, it's raining again, but it's supposed to get really warm, so that's at least something.

Pamela- amazing you're not too far, and you got rain this weekend. We were partly cloudy, and I must have taken off and put my sweatshirt on about 10 times during the baseball game. When the sun was out it was beautiful, but cold when the clouds went by. No rain all weekend, so i can't complain but it looked like it might many times.

Saturday was sunny and rainy off and on. I did get in a walk/run in the morning in mostly sun, so I was happy. And then it rained in the afternoon, so I didn't feel bad about sitting inside at the movies.

I can't imagine why ds and dh wouldn't ever want to kayak again.:scared1: OMG, how frightening. I am not a water person, and last summer, on sebago lake, I tried my bil's kayak, and once I got over the anxiety of floating above water above my head, I really enjoyed it. Of course I have a life jacket, but really was surprised at how peaceful it was. I had thought I would never want to kayak in the ocean, and your story just confirms that.

It was really frightening and has really put DS off of boats for good, I'm afraid. But it all ended okay, so that is what is most important. They actually lost one of the kayaks that day. It was so rough and people were trying so hard to get to DS and DH (who did NOT have on a life jacket) that they had to let one of the kayaks go. But it was recovered and returned a few days later by some kind folks.

Sorry you had a carbfest, but I have no doubt you have a plan and today is a new day, and you will get back to your healthy routine, and see that disney weight going. I know it's frustrating for you being so near your goal weight how slow it comes off now, but you can do it.:thumbsup2

Yup.... back on track yesterday and today. I'm sure I'll be hungry today, but so be it. Steel cut oats and coffee for breakfast, salmon and broccoli for lunch.

Michael started a vacation fund, 2 of his wdw popcorn buckets for us to save our money, one for coin, one for dollars. He was scouring the house and car last night for spare change, and decided all our lottery winnings will go in there.

How sweet! DD wants to do the same, but I'm afraid that after two years of Mother/Child Disney trips, that we will be a looong time before the next visit to the World.

Well, 3 days tracking, though my friend gave us some chocolate yesterday, so I did have a few too many of those, but wrote them down, and am still within my weekly points. I do find work days easier, but at night I need to stay focused. I'll do some wii fit tonight or step while I watch tv since I hit the snooze alarm this morning.

Have a great monday!!:)

WOOHOO for three days of tracking! That is great progress. It is tough to make it a habit, but honestly, it is such a part of my success and and it is such an easy habit. Even when I make bad foods choices, I still write them down. I just wouldn't consider skipping it (except for vacation time.... but even then, I try to keep up somewhat).

Be back in a minute................P
Its my birthday today!! :cool1:

I should have sent in my weigh in Saturday instead of Friday, I was down another 1.3! I think I already did a little too much celebrating Saturday and Sunday though with 2 off plan meals this weekend and am not feeling as good as I usually do.

DS's kids triathlon was a blast! He did so well and we are very proud of him, especially since we didn't get outside as much as we would have liked with all the rain we've been getting. Some of those kids had some pretty expensive tri equipment and were pretty hard core. It was a great event and very inspiring. Maybe I'll do one one day!

Only 2 more days of school, swimming for both kids, a diving clinic, cub scouts crossover, and a business trip for DH to go! I hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad there is no weigh in this week! I need the extra time to get back on track! Time to have a really good day if I am going to indulge a little at dinner!
Its my birthday today!! :cool1:

I should have sent in my weigh in Saturday instead of Friday, I was down another 1.3! I think I already did a little too much celebrating Saturday and Sunday though with 2 off plan meals this weekend and am not feeling as good as I usually do.

DS's kids triathlon was a blast! He did so well and we are very proud of him, especially since we didn't get outside as much as we would have liked with all the rain we've been getting. Some of those kids had some pretty expensive tri equipment and were pretty hard core. It was a great event and very inspiring. Maybe I'll do one one day!

Only 2 more days of school, swimming for both kids, a diving clinic, cub scouts crossover, and a business trip for DH to go! I hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad there is no weigh in this week! I need the extra time to get back on track! Time to have a really good day if I am going to indulge a little at dinner!

:bday: Hope you have a great day!!!!

Just got the living room vacuumed and the dishwasher is running. Need to put the sheets in the dryer. I think I'll lie on the couch and watch Deathly Hallows until Izzie gets home! I'm feeling exhausted right now.

My weigh in was HORRIBLE!!!! It's so bad I won't even tell you. Hoping all the walking would help me but it didn't. I ate too much bad stuff. I'll actually end up with a gain for the challenge. I'm watching what I eat and drink today. Having some water now and had my shake. Going to eat my big meal at lunch since I'll be out later today. I'll do my shake then. I'm going to have potstickers for lunch.

Hope everyone is safe. Saw that there were some Disers in Joplin killed last night! God Bless Them! Bad weather is heading towards that area again so I'm praying for all to be safe1

TTFN :tigger:
Much better day!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how many points I had though. Well, I should be clearer. I had 2 for breakfast, 3 for snack, 7? for lunch, and 4 for snack. That's 16ish. Dinner was at least 5, but doubtfully 13. I don't know for sure though, as my father made the teriyaki sauce from scratch. I know there's soy sauce and rice vinegar in it and he likely put honey it too. The protein was shrimp, which is pretty low in points. The rest of the meal was veggies and rice. Overall, I feel very good about today!

I ended up with 4+ hours of OT this week. The money will be great for WDW. My sister and BIL each have a b-day before our trip, so I'll probably get them each a small gift certificate. Just some spending money so they can buy a coffee or an ice cream. My parents are paying for everything and I'm guessing they would feel awkward asking them to pay for "the little things."

I've done a lot of thinking about moving out of my parents' house and think that I'll be ready in September or October. It's a big deal financially so I do have to think things over carefully. I've been saving, but KWIM.

Well, I'm ready for bed. Nigh all!

Glad you had a better day CC! It was pretty scary moving out of my parents house financially but so worth it in the end! Best of luck!

Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald
Prayers coming your way!! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself! I've found that I am no use to anyone if I am not in the best of health :hug:

I have a half next week-end. We have 5 hours to finish -- I know I can do that! And that is my only goal. I have another local half in September which I should technically start training for next week-end but I'll give myself a couple of weeks off and jump in a week 3 -- that means no run longer than 6.5 in June. I think my joints will like that! January will be here before we know it!

So this morning I will do my 5 miles. DH and I went to Costco yesterday so I don't have to do a big grocery run and I can just stay home tomorrow and take it easy and do :laundy:. Ahhhh!

As I think ahead to what I want to accomplish for the next challenge I found this little article from sparkpeople about 10 tips for starting a wellness program that you might enjoy. A lot of us are doing many of these things already but it doesn't hurt to reevaluate and fine tune! :goodvibes

1. Write out your goals and desires
2. Ask what, when and how
3. Have a plan
4. Start a journal
5. Begin your journey where you’re standing now
6. Take one step at a time.
7. Learn from your setbacks.
8. Spend some time “cleaning house.”
9. Stop comparing yourself to others
10. Reward yourself.

Here is a link to the whole article if you are interested. ttp://

Have a great week-end all!
Thanks Lisa!! So jealous of your half next weekend!! You can do it!!! I did laundry too...oh fun! Love the Sparks Top 10 - I will be starting the next challenge where I am and go from there :yay:

Just a quick hello and happy weekend!!

Home from a wonderful baseball game where the sun was shining mostly. :thumbsup2 We went to the park at 8 to fix up the field, they they had pictures, and practice before the game at 10. The game was great, they have pretty much all been nailbiters. They're up, they're down, and this time ds's team won. There's only 4 teams in his division, and his is in 2nd, but he heard the Indians who have beat both time, were getting creamed by the red sox this morning, so maybe they'll stand a chance against them on monday. This is the first year they officially keep score, so it's been interesting, and fun, and the boys really all have been great whether they win or lose.

I'll be back to catch up later. I need to get out and enjoy this sunshine while it lasts!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
YAY for sunshine!! Hope the game was fun!

Hi all. Just wanted to say a quick hello.

It turned out to be a beautiful day here today. We got up bright and early at 6am to do a yard sale. The neighborhood was having one so we didnt want to pass up doing it today but it did require nick to miss the first kids run of the season. Ryan was already planned to miss it since he had tball today. I missed ryans game but mike said he did awesome. 3 line drives to the outfield. I think he will be more than ready to move up to coach pitch next year.

It got very warm and sunny out toward the end of the yard sale. I made 21.50 from our stuff and 68.25 for stuff from his nana's house (who passed away this year). We have to split that amount with his mom. Even though I was the one who cleaned out 95% of the apt and boxed everything up and brought it and stored it in my garage. She didnt even want to come down and sit with me at the yard sale. But Im not bitter.:rotfl2: Its really not the money but just the point. his mom has not done much for us or mike since I have met him but yet when she needs something he drops everything to help. I know and honor the respect we need to have for our parents but she is just erks me sometimes. Ok MIL vent over.
My sister has the same issues with her MIL! Honor and respect are one thing , but in-laws that take advantage are another. Glad you made some $$$ though! Hope you buy yourself something fun!

First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!:cool1:

My mom will start radiation on Monday. They can still come visit this summer. She will probably have chemo when they return to NC end of July/early August. The lesions are localized and haven't spread anywhere. They expect her to be in remission with in the year!

I got the news right after arriving at the Relay for Life last night! It made the beginning so special to me to get that promising news. It was a wonderful inspiring night! The 13 other ladies I walked with are now life long friends! They were all so concerned and caring. We all had our personal reasons for being there! I walked over 15 miles total. I walked in groups and by myself listening to music or just listening to the sounds from the highway. The weather turned out almost perfect! About 2am we had fog and mist! But with the hundreds of luminarias lit around the inside and outside of the track it was just breathtaking!

I got home at 5:30 and went to sleep for about 3 hours until Brian woke me up to get ready for the soccer games. The weather was quite warm this morning! Ashleigh scored her first goal of the season! She has improved so much this season and she's really loving the game!

We then went to the British Beer Co for lunch courtesy of Brian's work. Ash got a special drink. I had a mudslide to drink! I don't plan on eating much of anything the rest of the day!

I'm EXHUASTED and my feet and thighs are KILLING me! Going to lie on the couch and watch the Bruins game and chill. Ash just went to a friend's house and Izzie is in the back yard drawing with chalk. Brian had to go to work as they are having some electrical issues but he also did the dump run though he left a box of cardboard at the top of the stairs.

That's it for now!

TTFN :tigger:
GREAT NEWS!!! And you received right before Relay!! AWESOME! Glad Relay went well and I really hope you were able to catch up on sleep and rest!

AHHH!!!! Did I really kill the thread? WOW!!!!

Pray that my car doesn't need major repairs!!!! It's been squeaking like crazy and it's not the breaks! I'll have to stop at the shop on Monday to check it out!
TTFN :tigger:
Car repairs can cost a fortune! Hope it isn't something serious...

Today was an okay day. I ate much less than most of the people at the party, but still way too much. I don't feel so good, so I'm guessing I ate too much with milk in it. I have another party to go to tomorrow, but I may skip it. I'll go to the ceremony, but I may skip the reception part. It all depends on how I am feeling in the morning and-and this is a big and-if I can find something to wear. I've gained so much weight that nothing "nice" enough for tomorrow's event fits. I'll have to run to Kohl's or TJMax tomorrow and see what I can find. I hope one of them is open early enough-and has something. Black pants would be fine if I can find any. AHHH. I'm so frustrated. Between the stress eating, my parents' eating habits, and the different events I have scheduled, my weight is going up and up. Okay vent over.

Off to find out when TJ Max opens.

Tracey: :banana: for good news!
CC, I have played that all too often!! I wish you more days where the trip to Kohls/TJX is not necessary :hug:

I had planned to get a ton of house work done, we spent waaaayyy to much time at the new Lowe's, but it's a really nice store!

According to my pedometer I walked 4794 steps. It will probably be at 5000 before I go to bed.
I need to get on the treadmill and see what it is when I work out. I'd like to get the 10,000 - 15,000 a day.
I also need to see what it's like at school too.

Over all it was an ok day, well at least until I got DS14's progress report. :headache:
Pamela, don't be surprised if DS suddenly reduces the amount of texting to DD.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! I'm headed to bed!
I love Lowe's....I just get sucked in and dream about all the cool stuff I can do to my thing I know I have been there for 2 hours :scared1:

Hope you have more steps today for the pedometer!

We had a very fun day yesterday. We ended up taking a nice long bike ride yesterday afternoon, and stopping by my brother's and visiting for a bit, stopped by an ice cream stand too, but had frozen yogurt. We watched a movie last night before bed, and today we have another baseball game. I'm on call today, but the doc on with me is one who will call hours ahead of the need to be there, so I hope I'm fine to get him to and from his game. A friend of ours might come too, otherwise my sister will pick him up for me.

I did well with eating yesterday, and have tracked everythign since friday. I made chicken, broc,ziti this morning to bring for my friend who's coming home from Ireland today. That way she or dh won't have to worry about dinner, and they can just relax. I made a big batch, so we'll have half here, for dinner the next few nights. What's that saying, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I definitely need to make a meal plan to help me stay on track. I should visit the meal planning thread. I've got the exercise plan.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend, and are able to enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine.
The bike ride sounds fun! Way to go on the journaling! You are just the sweetest to bring over food to your friend :thumbsup2

Since Lisa so nicely posted the past few days, I'll post a sunday qotd. Not nearly as inspiring, but I'm trying to get planning more.

Sunday qotd- Do you plan your meals for the week, and what do you have planned for tonight, and or the week ahead?
Well, I usually do not but this week I will be doing a great deal of planning...see below for my crazy week!

Hi All,

A quick post before running back to the dance studio for Ash's Irish Step photos and Hip Hop photos. We just got back from taking Izzie for her photo and her photo with her sister.

Slept about 10 hours last night and then the girls and I went to church for part of the service. Came home and ate and then did hair and make-up. It went smoother this year though they both hate having eye liner put on!

Going to do something with chicken for supper tonight. Not sure what yet but it's almost defrosted.

Going to take my car to the shop to find out what the squeaking is all about so that might take up the whole morning before Izzie gets home tomorrow. Ash has Irish step and soccer tryouts tomorrow night.

Guess I'll call my mother before we head back for photos so I'll pop on again later!

TTFN :tigger:
I remember the photo days at dance all too well!! My sister and I HATED eye liner and the overdone lipstick~I really think that is why neither of us really wears that much make-up now...

***********Afternoon friends!

Well.... let me just say, up front, I'm not feeling very "Biggest Loser-ish" after yesterday. I think we could call it CARB LOADING! I knew I would be eating popcorn at the movies, so I guess I figured I'd just eat any other carbohydrate that got in my way!! I went to bed feeling like GARBAGE and still feel that way right now. Talk about OVEREATING!!!:scared1: What a STUPID thing to do.... and no one to blame but myself. I've been eating SUPER light today and pushing the fluids. Hopefully my system will flush out quickly. I know that the WEIGHT gain is inevitable, but hopefully I can FEEL BETTER soon. Moving on now. :rolleyes:............

New POTC was good, but not superb. But I'm glad we went cause DS really wanted to see it... and it was pouring anyhow and it got us out of the house on a rainy Saturday.

Actually, I must confess,that the reason I am still chatting here is cause I'm avoiding the very long Relay email that I absolutely MUST send out. Too much to do for RELAY.... UGH!

I'm working a lot this week, plus I have a few busy evenings (what's new, right?) and such, so not sure how much I'll be on this week. DD has a swim meet most of Memorial Day weekend too. Don't be too surprised if I'm not on much in the next week or so. I haven't forgotten you all, I promise!!

I'll try to pop on again before bedtime tonight!.....................P
So sorry the carbs kept coming but we all have those days too! I was going to suggest to Brian we see POTC but it really got mixed reviews from all I have spoken with...hmmmm.

I really need to get ahold of myself. The scale is going the wrong way. I don't feel like my eating is out of control but it obviously not what it should be. Heck! I didn't even have any alcohol this week-end to blame. It was that darn trip to Costco. :sad2: Or DH's midlife crisis which is taking a toll on the whole family. :mad: It is a doozy! :confused:

Sigh! Pulling myself back together and getting back on track. Have a great day all! :goodvibes
Sending you :goodvibes Lisa!! Costco is a bad place in my book for eating. I tend to go an hour before they close so all the samples are put away and I only buy what I need instead of what I just!

Monday again and SURPRISE it's raining again :sad2:
Grrr! I am so sick of this! The weekend was good and bad but mostly good. I headed out to PA at noon on Friday in some really bad rain. I got there in one piece and the rain actually headed out for the Friday night festivities! BIL invited his parents to join us on Friday (not my favorite people or my sister's favs either!) but they were somewhat behaved. Since it had rained the entire week the park was very muddy. Although I had my boots on, I ended up falling ....right in a big mud puddle! NICE! My sister and I went home so I could change and get the mud off me....which took a bit longer than it should have :rolleyes1. We finally got back to the festival in time for me to go on some rides with Brady and win him a stuffed dolphin.

Saturday we went to the parade and then another fun day at the festival. The sun was shining and it got up to 82 degrees! More rides and games were played and we rolled into bed at midnight!

Sunday was a late start and I was sad to drive home but I had a private client at 2pm :guilty: Brady was sad to see me go but I told him the next time I see him we will be at the beach!! Managed to get some laundry done after my client as well as food shopping...

Food this week will be interesting. My doctor wants me to do a cleanse to see if I have celiac. I did this cleanse a few years ago and the results were inconclusive so here I go again! I am basically taking almost everything out of my diet and slowly reintroducing them. My breakfast is plain oatmeal made with water, snacks are veggie broth, lunch is veggies and quinoa, and dinner is veggies, quinoa and grilled chicken breast or tilapia (strawberries for dessert!). I do this for a week and slowly bring things back next week. Last time I did this I felt so much better - clearer mind, less stressed, no tummy troubles, regular!, and I had more energy. Since my celiac blood test was inconclusive, this is the best way to go! I'm writing it all down and making sure that food journaling becomes a habit this time. So far I am ok today - the lack of caffeine and sugar has given me a bit of a headache but apparently that is just the toxins leaving my system. All I can say is TOXINS BE GONE!!

By the time this week is over I will have lost weight (not real weight since my diet is so restricted), but it was a nice jumping off point for the next challenge. I'm planning to do some work at the gym tonight with a short cardio session. My ankle has been giving me problems all week so I will pass on spin tonight. I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening after my workout!

Wishing everyone a good day with great choices!
Its my birthday today!! :cool1:

I should have sent in my weigh in Saturday instead of Friday, I was down another 1.3! I think I already did a little too much celebrating Saturday and Sunday though with 2 off plan meals this weekend and am not feeling as good as I usually do.

DS's kids triathlon was a blast! He did so well and we are very proud of him, especially since we didn't get outside as much as we would have liked with all the rain we've been getting. Some of those kids had some pretty expensive tri equipment and were pretty hard core. It was a great event and very inspiring. Maybe I'll do one one day!

Only 2 more days of school, swimming for both kids, a diving clinic, cub scouts crossover, and a business trip for DH to go! I hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad there is no weigh in this week! I need the extra time to get back on track! Time to have a really good day if I am going to indulge a little at dinner!

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Karen-I hope they figure out what is causing the tummy troubles. Good luck with the diet and journaling!

Tracey-I was so glad to hear that your mom is doing well. Great job on the relay!

I decided as part of my birthday celebration to make a donation to the Red Cross. I have a blessed and amazing life and my heart goes out to everyone whose lives have been affected by these storms.
hi everyone! we're back from our vacation! um, yeah, i gained SEVEN pounds. holy. moly. time to get back on the healthy wagon!

i have some pictures to get on my computer while the little guy naps but wanted to pop in and say hi! will catch up later :)

missed everyone!
Sorr for the derailment, Pamela. :hug: It happens and it's hard to get all excited when the weather has been so darn dreary. I know you'll be back on track in no time.

Don't worry about me too much. I'm back on track and fine.... but really missing my carbs back on Phase 1 1/2 of my combo SB/WW diet.

I really need to get ahold of myself. The scale is going the wrong way. I don't feel like my eating is out of control but it obviously not what it should be. Heck! I didn't even have any alcohol this week-end to blame. It was that darn trip to Costco. :sad2: Or DH's midlife crisis which is taking a toll on the whole family. :mad: It is a doozy! :confused:

Sigh! Pulling myself back together and getting back on track. Have a great day all! :goodvibes

Costco is so tough.... I overeat the when they have samples, I overeat at the snackbar, and I end up bringing home vast quantities of foods that sometimes I shouldn't even have around! Thankfully my nearest store is about an hour away, so we don't get there very often.

What's up with DH's crisis? Is he trying to buy a fancy new car? Or change careers? Or just making everyone grumpy??

Its my birthday today!! :cool1:

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!! :flower:

DS's kids triathlon was a blast! He did so well and we are very proud of him, especially since we didn't get outside as much as we would have liked with all the rain we've been getting. Some of those kids had some pretty expensive tri equipment and were pretty hard core. It was a great event and very inspiring. Maybe I'll do one one day!

It sounds like a fun day. I attended a youth triathalon last fall and was really impressed with how seriously some of the kids got into it. Sadly for them, the organizers made a mistake with the biking leg of it and some kids got sent on a wrong trail and they ended up not being able to give awards for the event. I presume your event went better than that! O

Only 2 more days of school, swimming for both kids, a diving clinic, cub scouts crossover, and a business trip for DH to go! I hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad there is no weigh in this week! I need the extra time to get back on track! Time to have a really good day if I am going to indulge a little at dinner!

Wow... you're done early! We still have 20+ school days left. We ended up having to add a few for snow, but not as many as in past years. Good luck with your busy, busy week!

My weigh in was HORRIBLE!!!! It's so bad I won't even tell you. Hoping all the walking would help me but it didn't. I ate too much bad stuff. I'll actually end up with a gain for the challenge. I'm watching what I eat and drink today. Having some water now and had my shake. Going to eat my big meal at lunch since I'll be out later today. I'll do my shake then. I'm going to have potstickers for lunch.

Hope everyone is safe. Saw that there were some Disers in Joplin killed last night! God Bless Them! Bad weather is heading towards that area again so I'm praying for all to be safe1

TTFN :tigger:

How very sad! I had heard just a word from DD about there being some more killer tornados, but I hadn't seen any news or anything (yes, I live under a rock sometimes). What a horrible time the mid-west has had this spring. :sad2:

Join me in the "horrible weight" club this week. Sad way to end the challenge.

So sorry the carbs kept coming but we all have those days too! I was going to suggest to Brian we see POTC but it really got mixed reviews from all I have spoken with...hmmmm.

It was okay.... definitely less involved story line than previous POTC movies.... I was actually able to follow it very easily (usually I get a bit lost somewhere :rotfl: ). But I'm not a huge POTC fan, so maybe those who love the entire series would like it more.

Monday again and SURPRISE it's raining again :sad2:
Grrr! I am so sick of this! The weekend was good and bad but mostly good. I headed out to PA at noon on Friday in some really bad rain. I got there in one piece and the rain actually headed out for the Friday night festivities! BIL invited his parents to join us on Friday (not my favorite people or my sister's favs either!) but they were somewhat behaved. Since it had rained the entire week the park was very muddy. Although I had my boots on, I ended up falling ....right in a big mud puddle! NICE! My sister and I went home so I could change and get the mud off me....which took a bit longer than it should have :rolleyes1. We finally got back to the festival in time for me to go on some rides with Brady and win him a stuffed dolphin.

Saturday we went to the parade and then another fun day at the festival. The sun was shining and it got up to 82 degrees! More rides and games were played and we rolled into bed at midnight!

Sunday was a late start and I was sad to drive home but I had a private client at 2pm :guilty: Brady was sad to see me go but I told him the next time I see him we will be at the beach!! Managed to get some laundry done after my client as well as food shopping...

Glad you saw the :sunny: and had an enjoyable weekend!!

Food this week will be interesting. My doctor wants me to do a cleanse to see if I have celiac. I did this cleanse a few years ago and the results were inconclusive so here I go again! I am basically taking almost everything out of my diet and slowly reintroducing them. My breakfast is plain oatmeal made with water, snacks are veggie broth, lunch is veggies and quinoa, and dinner is veggies, quinoa and grilled chicken breast or tilapia (strawberries for dessert!). I do this for a week and slowly bring things back next week. Last time I did this I felt so much better - clearer mind, less stressed, no tummy troubles, regular!, and I had more energy. Since my celiac blood test was inconclusive, this is the best way to go! I'm writing it all down and making sure that food journaling becomes a habit this time. So far I am ok today - the lack of caffeine and sugar has given me a bit of a headache but apparently that is just the toxins leaving my system. All I can say is TOXINS BE GONE!!

By the time this week is over I will have lost weight (not real weight since my diet is so restricted), but it was a nice jumping off point for the next challenge. I'm planning to do some work at the gym tonight with a short cardio session. My ankle has been giving me problems all week so I will pass on spin tonight. I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening after my workout!

Wishing everyone a good day with great choices!

That is a TOUGH restrictive diet this week, but I suppose if it helps with a diagnosis, that it will be worth it in the long run.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

I decided as part of my birthday celebration to make a donation to the Red Cross. I have a blessed and amazing life and my heart goes out to everyone whose lives have been affected by these storms.

How sweet of you to think of others on your birthday!

hi everyone! we're back from our vacation! um, yeah, i gained SEVEN pounds. holy. moly. time to get back on the healthy wagon!

i have some pictures to get on my computer while the little guy naps but wanted to pop in and say hi! will catch up later :)

missed everyone!

Can't wait to hear all about the trip! Seven pounds is NOTHING! You were gone for a long time AND you're pregnant. DOn't worry about it.

Gotta check on the kids coming in from recess! TTYL...............P
Howdy y'all!

So far, I have two WINners checking in with their final measurements for this challenge. I hope to hear from a few more of you before posting results on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Thanks for all the support! I am up and down, with today being a down day and yesterday being perfectly OP. I actually passed on yesterday's reception. Someone else didn't RSVP so I told her to go in my place. Worked out perfectly!

Work was good. I only stayed for an extra 30 minutes. I'll probably do that tomorrow too. Our intern is here for the next few days and I'm loving the extra help. I got so much more done today thanks to his help.

I had a few encounters with my ex-BF today. I have a feeling those led to my fluctuating appetite today. I had to force down lunch and then ate like 60 points on my way home for work. I'll be drinking lots of water for the rest of the week. I may try chewing gum again as well.

I'm exhausted. I'm still not sleeping as well as I'd like, although it's getting better. I'm goin to try falling asleep earlier tonight.

Lisa - Happy Birthday!!!!!

Nancy - Welcome Home!!! I don't have facebook so I can't see the pics. But I used to live in Hawaii so I'll run those pics through my head.

CC - sorry about the run in with the Ex-BF. Why do people that we've released from our lives still get to us? :hug:

So everyone finally went back to school today!!!!!!
It poured so I opted to pull DS10 from the track meet, running with bronchitis is one thing but running in the rain with it is a whole other level.
So we went to go see DS14 run at the JV championship, where it didn't rain until he was finally up, poured while the 200 meter was going and stopped as soon as they were done. ERGH!! But DS was in the 3rd heat and placed 1st in his heat!!!!! Not sure what the time was but he was at least 50 meters ahead of the other 2 boys. He smoked em!

I've hit 6000 steps so far today, and haven't even worked out yet. Not sure if I will get a work out in or not, I'm beat! I ended up not falling asleep until almost 4am. Thankfully DS14 texted me at 7:55 or I'd probably still be sleeping. We were late for school, but not by much.

Well, that's about it. Time to finish homework and go to bed early, I'm soooo tired!!!
Lisa Happy Birthday. I hope you had an amazing day.

I survived Day 1. The morning was orientation. As part of it I had to have a TB test and blood draw :scared1: Other than that it wasn't bad. I've already learned quite a bit about a specific kind of claim form. My supervisor seems very nice (she is called my sponsor). And do you know that federal agencies don't have cheat sheets, we do however have reference materials :rotfl2: I will be working 6 AM - 4:30 PM Mon-THUR. I may need to wait 2 weeks for that to be effective, some sort of union thing:confused3
Good tuesday morning (at least I think it is Tuesday) I was sick on Friday night, was pretty good on Saturday and okay for the first half of Sunday and by Sunday afternoon I felt lousy. I woke up MOnday morning and couldn't get warm. Kept shaking. I pretty much slept most of MOnday away. I woke up feeling okay today but feeeling a little drained. I didn't go to school yesterday but am going in today. I will probably try to get to bed early tonight.

Just wanted to check in and say hello.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Donac- Feel better!!!!

You have until 7pm to get in your FINAL weigh ins! I will do this week's results and then get working on the final results. I hope to have those done by the end of the week!

I only have about 12 weigh ins so you had better get moving!

I have really enjoyed being weightkeeper but am in need of a break especially with all that is going on with my mom and kids and Brian's work.

Stayed up watching the Bruins game last night (YEAH, they won!!!) so I slept in the morning. I had planned to get up at 5:20 to work out but I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I may try and get in a quick workout this afternoon before the school art show and hip hop class.

Looking forward to the BL Finale tonight! I don't really care who wins as they have all been amazing! My least favorite is Jay, though. He's just whined too much for me. I guess if I had to choose it would be Hannah!

Had to wake up Ash early to finish some homework. I just made her some chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. It's supposed to be quite warm here today! YEAH, I can wear my capris!

Well, best get moving!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
Good morning friends,

I only have a minute, because i thought of you all here, and the talk of making better choices, and chose to get my butt out for a run/walk this morning, instead of enjoying my coffee and dis time.

Only had time for 2 miles, but that is better than nothing, and the day is started off on the right foot. Since yesterday ended on the wrong foot eating-wise, I need to do better today. I did write it all down, but am over my flex points now.

Summer is right around the corner, and all the good choices we make now will make for healthier summer days. So let's make good, better and best choices every day!!

Have a great tuesday everyone!!:)
i posted pics from hawaii on my facebook page. check 'em out:

oh, and friend me :)

the young gal in the pic is my cousin tracey. she lives across the street from us and just finished her sophomore year at michigan :)
Nancy! The pictures are great!! The water looked so inviting...sigh...Glad you are back safe and that you had a good time!


Thanks for all the support! I am up and down, with today being a down day and yesterday being perfectly OP. I actually passed on yesterday's reception. Someone else didn't RSVP so I told her to go in my place. Worked out perfectly!

Work was good. I only stayed for an extra 30 minutes. I'll probably do that tomorrow too. Our intern is here for the next few days and I'm loving the extra help. I got so much more done today thanks to his help.

I had a few encounters with my ex-BF today. I have a feeling those led to my fluctuating appetite today. I had to force down lunch and then ate like 60 points on my way home for work. I'll be drinking lots of water for the rest of the week. I may try chewing gum again as well.

I'm exhausted. I'm still not sleeping as well as I'd like, although it's getting better. I'm goin to try falling asleep earlier tonight.

Hang in there CC! I would love ex-BFs to just move away to make life easier! I hope you have a better day today! :hug:

So everyone finally went back to school today!!!!!!
It poured so I opted to pull DS10 from the track meet, running with bronchitis is one thing but running in the rain with it is a whole other level.
So we went to go see DS14 run at the JV championship, where it didn't rain until he was finally up, poured while the 200 meter was going and stopped as soon as they were done. ERGH!! But DS was in the 3rd heat and placed 1st in his heat!!!!! Not sure what the time was but he was at least 50 meters ahead of the other 2 boys. He smoked em!

I've hit 6000 steps so far today, and haven't even worked out yet. Not sure if I will get a work out in or not, I'm beat! I ended up not falling asleep until almost 4am. Thankfully DS14 texted me at 7:55 or I'd probably still be sleeping. We were late for school, but not by much.

Well, that's about it. Time to finish homework and go to bed early, I'm soooo tired!!!
Way to go for your DS!! Hope you get some sleep and get your steps in! 6000 is great BTW!!

I survived Day 1. The morning was orientation. As part of it I had to have a TB test and blood draw :scared1: Other than that it wasn't bad. I've already learned quite a bit about a specific kind of claim form. My supervisor seems very nice (she is called my sponsor). And do you know that federal agencies don't have cheat sheets, we do however have reference materials :rotfl2: I will be working 6 AM - 4:30 PM Mon-THUR. I may need to wait 2 weeks for that to be effective, some sort of union thing:confused3
Congrats Deb! It's always tough starting a new job but it sounds like it was such a good move for you! Enjoy!

Good tuesday morning (at least I think it is Tuesday) I was sick on Friday night, was pretty good on Saturday and okay for the first half of Sunday and by Sunday afternoon I felt lousy. I woke up MOnday morning and couldn't get warm. Kept shaking. I pretty much slept most of MOnday away. I woke up feeling okay today but feeeling a little drained. I didn't go to school yesterday but am going in today. I will probably try to get to bed early tonight.

Just wanted to check in and say hello.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Dona I hope you are feeling better :hug: I hate being sick :sick:

Good morning friends,

I only have a minute, because i thought of you all here, and the talk of making better choices, and chose to get my butt out for a run/walk this morning, instead of enjoying my coffee and dis time.

Only had time for 2 miles, but that is better than nothing, and the day is started off on the right foot. Since yesterday ended on the wrong foot eating-wise, I need to do better today. I did write it all down, but am over my flex points now.

Summer is right around the corner, and all the good choices we make now will make for healthier summer days. So let's make good, better and best choices every day!!

Have a great tuesday everyone!!:)
Go KATHY! Summer around the corner scares me!! I have yet to get in a bathingsuit....just the word makes me cringe! Great choice to run this morning!

Happy Tuesday...yes, I really feel that since I plan on seeing the SUN today!! Really rough night last night. We had major rain/storm/thunder last night and I was up with a major headache from 1-3am. I tried some tylenol and a cold compress (which eventually worked) but OUCH! I think the combination of barometric pressure from the storm and my lack of caffeine gave me the double whammy! I feel so much better this morning.

My cleanse is going well. I stayed OP the entire day yesterday but I am a little behind today (need to get my hotwater with lemon in before 10). I am a little light headed which probably means I need more water. I stepped on the scale this morning and didn't lose a pound...didn't gain either. Unfortunately I was so exhausted yesterday that I didn't get out for a walk or to the gym :sad2: The first few days of the eating program I know I will be tired but by Thursday I should be back to normal.

School should be quiet today...but tonight I have a nail appointment and our awards night for the high school (back to school for 7pm start). It should be a quick night :)

Hope everyone has a great day!
Kathy -- I am right there with you. I finally got up and ran this morning -- 3M and it felt wonderful. I'm already planning 4M for tomorrow, I need to get myself moving back in the right direction and I don't want to wait until the next Challenge to start! I am going to make use of my summer this year and not lose track of my goals! :thumbsup2

Tracey -- I'm so glad you had a bit of good news. It is hard when your parents are far away and you want to be there for them. My dad is in Missouri, which is a long way from Massachusetts! But, it does make it more special when you get to see them, you know how precious the time is. :hug:

Dona -- So sorry you haven't felt well. I've had the chills off and on for the last week. I think this weather is really doing a number on our immune systems. Our bodies don't know how to regulate rainy and grey for over a week :rain:

CC -- Seeing an old BF, repeatedly, of course it threw you for a loop -- but now you know what that feels like, so you can come up with a strategy that doesn't involve food to deal with it. Even if you need to write it down, "When I see Mr. Wrong, I will be Strong". I know you can do it! ::yes::

Deb -- Congrats on your first day on the job! It sounds like it will be a nice fit for you. I'd love that Mon-Thurs. work week :goodvibes I have to have a tb test once a year. It's annoying, but it's better than twice a year like our direct service folks :eek:

Buffy -- Totally psyched to see you on the DisMom's thread! I just found it, and it seemed like a good group. I think I accidentally got them excited about the Princess, and then I suggested they do a team WISH thread, to see if more Moms want to join them. We are going to have a blast at the 2012 Princess -- I hope we have some more BL folks who can do it! :cool1:

Connie --I promise I am in for HH for the summer. I really need another way to measure my progress, so here I come! Thank You for keeping it going! :flower3:

Nancy -- I'm not on FB, but I'm sure your pictures are awesome. Dare I mention that although I suspect 7 lbs is more than you wanted to gain, you are pregnant, so weight gain is kind of a goal? ;)

Lisa -- Happy Belated :bday:

Lisah -- I think I'm just gonna call you Sparky! :rotfl: You are making me smile and think, and that is always good! POTC4 was good. Not excellent, but good. I think I just missed Orlando Bloom too much...the other romantic lead, yeah, not so much. :sad2:

Karen -- I love that phrase, "Toxins Be Gone!" That is awesome :lmao:

Pamela -- You are counting down the days of school -- not sure how many ds has left, he gets out the 28th. We thought he'd have to go until the 30th, so it's a small blessing. I'm putting him on a plane for Missouri the 29th, he can unwind in the Ozarks. :goodvibes

I brought 13 pts to work today -- as well as an orange, banana, and snack size bags of carrots, peppers, cherries and blueberries. I had a small portion of raspberries and hot tea before I left the house this morning. Breakfast will be coming up soon.

Okay, better get this work day going...everyone have a great day, and make a plan for Memorial Day weekend -- that's on my agenda! :idea:

Maria :upsidedow
i posted pics from hawaii on my facebook page. check 'em out:

oh, and friend me :)

the young gal in the pic is my cousin tracey. she lives across the street from us and just finished her sophomore year at michigan :)

Thanks for the link. If I have some time tonight I will check it out!

Howdy y'all!

So far, I have two WINners checking in with their final measurements for this challenge. I hope to hear from a few more of you before posting results on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Thanks for diong this for all of us. I know I don't participate, but I still really appreciate the time it takes!


Thanks for all the support! I am up and down, with today being a down day and yesterday being perfectly OP. I actually passed on yesterday's reception. Someone else didn't RSVP so I told her to go in my place. Worked out perfectly!

Work was good. I only stayed for an extra 30 minutes. I'll probably do that tomorrow too. Our intern is here for the next few days and I'm loving the extra help. I got so much more done today thanks to his help.

I had a few encounters with my ex-BF today. I have a feeling those led to my fluctuating appetite today. I had to force down lunch and then ate like 60 points on my way home for work. I'll be drinking lots of water for the rest of the week. I may try chewing gum again as well.

I'm exhausted. I'm still not sleeping as well as I'd like, although it's getting better. I'm goin to try falling asleep earlier tonight.


Sounds like overall things are going better for you this week. Try not to let the EX wind you up. Easier said than done, I know.

Do you have any sort of bedtime routine? They say that even adults (not just kiddos) need routines at bedtime. Obviously avoid caffeine for a few hours before bed is the first step. Try turning down the lights about an hour before bedtime. Your body "clock" is triggered by darkness and light. Don't read or watch anything stimulating or exciting right before bed. When it is time for lights out, be sure you are sleeping in a pitch dark room. That is best for your sleeping patterns and your health. (I have actually finally convinced my kids of this in the last year or so and we are finally ALL sleeping in pitch darkness). How about a warm drink with some melatonin (lowfat milk comes to mind first) or some chamomile tea?

Just trying to help.

So everyone finally went back to school today!!!!!!
It poured so I opted to pull DS10 from the track meet, running with bronchitis is one thing but running in the rain with it is a whole other level.
So we went to go see DS14 run at the JV championship, where it didn't rain until he was finally up, poured while the 200 meter was going and stopped as soon as they were done. ERGH!! But DS was in the 3rd heat and placed 1st in his heat!!!!! Not sure what the time was but he was at least 50 meters ahead of the other 2 boys. He smoked em!

Glad to hear that everyone is mended!! How many school days do you have left??

WOOHOO to DS on finishing first in his heat! Sounds like he should have been in a faster heat! Tell him his NH friends are proud! (BTW, his new nickname around here is "Disney Dude"!:rotfl:)

I've hit 6000 steps so far today, and haven't even worked out yet. Not sure if I will get a work out in or not, I'm beat! I ended up not falling asleep until almost 4am. Thankfully DS14 texted me at 7:55 or I'd probably still be sleeping. We were late for school, but not by much.

Well, that's about it. Time to finish homework and go to bed early, I'm soooo tired!!!

Why no sleeping? See above advise to CC if you need it! You probably got in about 5000 more steps than me today! Work was okay, but not particularly active and I ended up having to skip the gym to attend Rainbow Girls with DD. Oh well.

I survived Day 1. The morning was orientation. As part of it I had to have a TB test and blood draw :scared1: Other than that it wasn't bad. I've already learned quite a bit about a specific kind of claim form. My supervisor seems very nice (she is called my sponsor). And do you know that federal agencies don't have cheat sheets, we do however have reference materials :rotfl2: I will be working 6 AM - 4:30 PM Mon-THUR. I may need to wait 2 weeks for that to be effective, some sort of union thing:confused3

Well.... you survived YET ANOTHER Day One!! Glad it was okay. That schedule sounds great to me (but I'm a morning person). How long is the commute? What time will you need to rise inthe morning to make it infor 6 am??

Good tuesday morning (at least I think it is Tuesday) I was sick on Friday night, was pretty good on Saturday and okay for the first half of Sunday and by Sunday afternoon I felt lousy. I woke up MOnday morning and couldn't get warm. Kept shaking. I pretty much slept most of MOnday away. I woke up feeling okay today but feeeling a little drained. I didn't go to school yesterday but am going in today. I will probably try to get to bed early tonight.

Just wanted to check in and say hello.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Sounds like a nasty bug. :sick: You probably had a fever. Suppose you didn't get to enjoy your sewing weekend too much if you felt that icky. Hope the school day isn't too taxing today. Feel better soon!

You have until 7pm to get in your FINAL weigh ins! I will do this week's results and then get working on the final results. I hope to have those done by the end of the week!

Okay, okay.... I will....I promise!! :thumbsup2

I only have about 12 weigh ins so you had better get moving!

I have really enjoyed being weightkeeper but am in need of a break especially with all that is going on with my mom and kids and Brian's work.

And we SO appreciate all you have done for us during this challenge!!

Looking forward to the BL Finale tonight! I don't really care who wins as they have all been amazing! My least favorite is Jay, though. He's just whined too much for me. I guess if I had to choose it would be Hannah!

TTFN :tigger:

I would like one of the sisters to win....don't care particularly which one. I agree with you about Jay. He has had just ONE TOO MANY chances in this game. But since it is down to overall percentages, my guess is that unless he has blown it BIG TIME at home, he will be the winner. The girls just don't have enough left to lose.

Good morning friends,

I only have a minute, because i thought of you all here, and the talk of making better choices, and chose to get my butt out for a run/walk this morning, instead of enjoying my coffee and dis time.

Only had time for 2 miles, but that is better than nothing, and the day is started off on the right foot. Since yesterday ended on the wrong foot eating-wise, I need to do better today. I did write it all down, but am over my flex points now.

Summer is right around the corner, and all the good choices we make now will make for healthier summer days. So let's make good, better and best choices every day!!

Have a great tuesday everyone!!:)

Glad you took that minute and spent it with us! Two miles is GREAT! Honestly, was there ever a time in your life that you would have imagined that saying that you did a TWO MILE walk/run was NOTHING??!!:confused3
Be proud of that two!

Happy Tuesday...yes, I really feel that since I plan on seeing the SUN today!! Really rough night last night. We had major rain/storm/thunder last night and I was up with a major headache from 1-3am. I tried some tylenol and a cold compress (which eventually worked) but OUCH! I think the combination of barometric pressure from the storm and my lack of caffeine gave me the double whammy! I feel so much better this morning.

My cleanse is going well. I stayed OP the entire day yesterday but I am a little behind today (need to get my hotwater with lemon in before 10). I am a little light headed which probably means I need more water. I stepped on the scale this morning and didn't lose a pound...didn't gain either. Unfortunately I was so exhausted yesterday that I didn't get out for a walk or to the gym :sad2: The first few days of the eating program I know I will be tired but by Thursday I should be back to normal.

School should be quiet today...but tonight I have a nail appointment and our awards night for the high school (back to school for 7pm start). It should be a quick night :)

Hope everyone has a great day!

Sorry about the headache. As a frequent sufferer, I have special sympathy.

What does the hot water and lemon do? Clean out the intestines?? Or just fill the belly or what?

Have you had any trouble finding the quinoa? I have found a couple of different kinds around if you need any suggestions.

**************Morning friends! I'm not working today, but I am ON FIRE getting stuff done! Third load of laundry is in the washer already. I've folded one load (with another three waiting in baskets from the past few days).

I've sorted the recycling, emptied every trash basket in the house, and been to the transfer station after dropping DD at school. I have had my healthy breakfast and am dressed in my workout clothes. My grocery list is printed and I just need to go through my new coupons before I head to the store.

And guess what............THE SUN JUST APPEARED!! :sunny: Not sure if it is supposed to stick around, but I'm SO HAPPY to see it, even for a few minutes!! Hello old friend!!

DH is home on vacation this week and I had suggested that we do something together, but we couldn't really come up with anything. Do you think he would consider cleaning the garage together romantic???:laughing:

I have got another BIG email to send out for Relay and AGAIN I am procrastinating because I just DON"T know what to say! But I've gotta bite the bullet and just DO IT! Relay is only about 10 days away!! I'm really feeling the pressure. I tend to be an "over-planner" (like you didn't already know that :rotfl2:) but I'm trying to relax and just kind of make this really low key. But it is really hard for me to NOT get crazy!

At DD's Rainbow Girls meeting last night they went over the upcoming schedule of events and fundraisers and OF COURSE, I'm sitting there the whole time thinking about what I can buy/make/donate to all of these things! But I KNOW I just can't do it all. I will make some baked goods for this weekend's bake sale, remind DH to attend the car wash on Saturday (DD and I will be away all weekend for swim), and buy a few extra groceries for one girl's Project, plus diapers for yet ANOTHER Project. And that is IT!

I'm also trying to organize a fundraiser (or two) for Robotics. That is near and dear to my heart because every dollar that we DON'T raise as a team, comes (in part) directly from my pocket!

AAAAAHHHH :eek: TOO much at one! Gotta make a LIST!!!

Okay ladies (and Dave)...... I'm off to the store! TTYL................P


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