Beware of Poachers and Look at the Little Gorillas! 3 trips in 1. NEW TR started 8/31/19**

Rainy days are the best kind of Disney days, the rain does wonders clearing the crowds. Actually hot rainy days are the best. I don’t like cold rainy days.
The rain sure does clear crowds, it also was quite cold that day.
Oh man, I got so far behind!
It is easy to do, real life goes on!

Great timing. That SDD FP is key.
I agree, you can get through TSL fairly quickly especially with SDD fast pass. Aliens is really cute, jerky for sure!

I've read that people start lining a good 30 minutes before the greet opens and the lines stay long until the last hour of their schedule. We had to suck it up and wait, but my kids are on a Monsters Inc kick.
I was hoping people didn’t know they were there. We have had luck meeting characters there with little to no waits because some people had no idea characters were in there. This did not work for Mike and Sully! We have met them before but it has been awhile! Next time!

Yeah, we thought we were booking the show for the girls, but my husband and I had a ball, too. The historians were delightful.
I was pleasantly surprised

Wow, she must have had such a great night! All those empty ride photos are worth getting a bit wet.
What a fun time for her despite the rain!
This was all day, every day on my last TWO trips! :sad: I sure hope August treats me (us!) better!
I didn’t know you had so much rain the last few times, that really stinks! Yes, August is going to be much better!!

My quoting quit working!

I was rather enjoying our junk food dinners:rotfl:

Little Andi looks so cute all by herself on those rides, she said it was fun despite the cold rainy weather!

We have been evacuated from Little Mermaid once, it is rather exciting, stay tuned:bounce:
One week from today, I will be heading to Disney World! Yay! I brought my suitcase into my bedroom and that is as far as I am at this time. I plan to start organizing some clothes and items today!

I would like to get this trip report done by the next trip. I think I will keep this TR going and write a quick TR of our trip coming up in here. I will cover the highlights and also write a few posts in here for my May trip. Hopefully, that format will work for everyone reading along!!

Day 6, Part 1. “An evacuation, a diser’s Dream!”

Today, we were up early to head into Epcot for the morning. I finished off my magic bar, yum!
We decided to Lyft over to Epcot, so nice! Security not so nice, ugh! It was a 20 minute process to get through.

Our first stop was Soarin, we planned to do stand by. The line was not to bad at this time. We got into the theater on concourse A, row 3, not the best spot but okay. We were seated and waiting to take off, when all of a sudden an alarm started going off! We sat for a few minutes and the lights came on. We were instructed to follow the CM out of the building! We were evacuated to an area behind Soarin, we passed a cm parking lot and corralled in a back area by Figment.
We stood there for awhile and I wasn’t sure if we would get a FP for later or if we were just waiting for everyone to be removed from the ride.:confused3

We decided to move on, I was sure they would not be able to give all these people a FP, and we had a FEA FP to get to! It was a fire alarm that was going off and I am not sure what happened to initiate that. It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:

Andi and D went on FEA and had a nice ride, Andi didn’t get wet, thank goodness, otherwise, I would have had to listen to her complain the rest of the day!:worried: D got a little wet. I browsed the shop and took a few pictures while they rode. I didn’t ride because I was worried about my back with the jerkiness. Remember the trolls from Maelstrom “disappear, disappear” I loved that part!:P I always say that the whole time we are in Norway, haha!

We stopped for a couple pictures of Andi in Mexico, after all she is a Spanish major!
We stopped at a Joeffrey’s cart for coffee and a big pink donut. We shared this and it was yummy with the coffee. MouseGear was next, my sister needed some new socks and Andi and I wanted to pick up our AP magnets. So cute with Figment on them.
Our FP for Nemo was next and the area was actually quite busy, stand by was at 25 minutes. We enjoyed the Big Blue World. There was a photo op by the entrance and the cm was like a general in the army. He barked out orders, took a couple pictures and told us to move on, yikes!
I had been texting with Alexis, she is @missangelalexis here on the boards. She was also vacationing at this time with her bf Kyle. They were on SE and we had a FP for SE so we decided to meet by the bubblegum wall!

We met the two of them and it was so nice to have another Dis meet. They were enjoying their morning in Epcot, and little did Alexis know, at that time, she would be in for a huge surprise later in her trip! We talked about the nasty rain the day before and the cold temperatures, lol! They were also evacuated from Soarin except they were lucky and got to ride before it happened!

This is were we had an epic fail, we forgot to get a picture of us together by the bubblegum wall, duh!!
You all can choose to believe we met or not, because I do not have photographic evidence! Alexis it was so nice to meet you and Kyle! I love reading your TR’s! Alexis’s TR’s were some of the first I started reading on here!

We wished them well and they were on their way! We headed into SE for our FP. The standby line was 45 minutes. Glad we had a FP! We all enjoyed SE.

We decided to take a Lyft to DS. I was able to get an ADR for Fontera Cocina and we were all in the mood for some guacamole and chips!

Stay tuned for our afternoon in DS and yummy food, coming up soon, like today!!
One week from today, I will be heading to Disney World! Yay!

Woohoo!! :dogdance::dogdance::dogdance:

“An evacuation, a diser’s Dream!”

It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:

I've been evacuated from Splash Mountain. My next goals are HM and Pirates, LOL


25 minute standby?? Wow!

the cm was like a general in the army. He barked out orders, took a couple pictures and told us to move on, yikes!

Ugh, I wonder if it's the guy I call the grumpy photopass guy (very official sounding nickname, right?? :rotfl2: ) There's one older man who is so grouchy and brusque and has no sense of humor, and I never understand how he even works there :confused3:confused3

I'm glad you got to meet Alexis!!
Security not so nice, ugh! It was a 20 minute process to get through.

Why is security so terrible at Epcot?! I think (hope) it will get better when they re-do the entrance.

We were seated and waiting to take off, when all of a sudden an alarm started going off! We sat for a few minutes and the lights came on. We were instructed to follow the CM out of the building! We were evacuated to an area behind Soarin, we passed a cm parking lot and corralled in a back area by Figment.

That’s so cool! We were almost evacuated off of Soarin once. They had the lights up and some guys were working on the screen but after about 15 minutes they had it working. Only other thing I have been evacuated off of was Men in a black at Universal.

MouseGear was next, my sister needed some new socks and Andi and I wanted to pick up our AP magnets. So cute with Figment on them.

I love the Figment magnet! I’m sad we will miss the Flower and Garden ones.
Here we go, on our way to DS, all our Lyft rides were great and super cheap!
We arrived at DS, and we spent some time browsing a few stores. The Disney Style store has some really cute and different items in there. I use to love Mr. Toad’s wild ride!
It was time for some delicious Mexican food! We were seated quickly in the bar area. This restaurant is so beautiful when you look up and around!
D and I decided on a Frontera traditional margarita on the rocks. This was very good, it is made with fresh limes and you could tell.
The fresh guacamole here is so yummy, we ordered this as an appetizer. This is described as fresh guacamole with roasted poblanos, tomatillos, toasted pepitas, cilantro, and onions. This was very fresh and hit the spot with the margarita.
D and I shared the Carnitas. This had delicious slow cooked pork shoulder with garlic and lime. It was served with black beans, guacamole, Cotija cheese, pickled red onions, salsa verde, and warm tortillas. This was so full of flavor and everything went so well together. The black beans here are the best I have had.
Andi went with the vegetarian version of the soft tacos, she really liked this. The black beans were her favorite as well.
This was a great choice for lunch and we really enjoyed it. We headed out and spent some money in Uniqlo (of course). I bought a cute pair of linen shorts and a purple T-shirt. I bought Andi a few items which escape me right now. We checked out The World of Disney, I have mixed feelings about it. The store is very open, however a bit sterile! The cm outfits are not cute. They are western like and not flattering. Think wrangler jeans and a tacky western top!

We checked out Sprinkles and ordered 3 cupcakes. I got the black and white, D got the vanilla, and Andi picked out a strawberry one. We took these to go and headed to the bus stop.
I love the back of Andi’s sweatshirt, this is the one she bought the day before at AK.
It was time to rest up for our very chilly DAH! This will be coming up soon! Spoiler alert**it was cold and we were a tad bit boring:)

:shamrock:Happy St. Patrick’s Day to Everyone :shamrock: I like to wear green to honor my beloved grandmother, she was 100% Irish!!

We headed out and spent some money in Uniqlo (of course).

Caroline, I LOVE Uniqlo and have ordered a couple of items for our May trip and I'm POSITIVE a will buy some things in the store when we arrive at DS our first night...:D

It was time for some delicious Mexican food!

Frontera Cocina is definitely on my radar and I may book it for our August trip...Glad you all like it.:D
It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin

That's certainly a nice perspective to have about it. I'm surprised, since you were already in a theater, that they didn't give you the option for a FP, at least. You were so close!

We stopped at a Joeffrey’s cart for coffee and a big pink donut.

My kids demolished one of those donuts- I didn't even get a taste!

You all can choose to believe we met or not, because I do not have photographic evidence!

Pics or it didn't happen :-)
We decided to move on, I was sure they would not be able to give all these people a FP, and we had a FEA FP to get to! It was a fire alarm that was going off and I am not sure what happened to initiate that. It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:
We're a funny bunch. Most people I'm sure would be disappointed about being evacuated. Like you, I would think it was cool and a great story :laughing:

There was a photo op by the entrance and the cm was like a general in the army. He barked out orders, took a couple pictures and told us to move on, yikes!
Those photographers are so hit or miss. My family tries to go to a lot of them over our trips just so we get a decent experience from some of them.
I always buy the Memory Maker but I wonder if Disney put a bit more effort into their staff, would more people buy into it.

This is were we had an epic fail, we forgot to get a picture of us together by the bubblegum wall, duh!!
You all can choose to believe we met or not, because I do not have photographic evidence! Alexis it was so nice to meet you and Kyle! I love reading your TR’s! Alexis’s TR’s were some of the first I started reading on here!
Oops! Great that you got to meet her. I have only just been a reader on her latest TR but it looks like it will be a good one!

I use to love Mr. Toad’s wild ride!
I loved it too. I only rode it as a kid, when I was 9 years old. It was our only family vacation to WDW, back when it was just MK and Epcot. We only had 1 day for each park, so I remember my Dad trying to hurry us through. I liked Mr. Toad so much that I convinced him to let me go on a second time :laughing:
It was a fire alarm that was going off and I am not sure what happened to initiate that. It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:

We met the two of them and it was so nice to have another Dis meet. They were enjoying their morning in Epcot, and little did Alexis know, at that time, she would be in for a huge surprise later in her trip! We talked about the nasty rain the day before and the cold temperatures, lol! They were also evacuated from Soarin except they were lucky and got to ride before it happened!

Rob always looks at me like I'm nuts when I say I want to be evacuated from a ride LOL He just doesn't get it!!

As I was reading that you were evacuated, I was thinking....didn't I just read that somewhere??! It was in @missangelalexis 's TR! So nice that you got to meet up with her, and I believe you even though there isn't a pic! I failed that on my very first DIS meet! LOL
It's funny that you all were just behind us for Soarin. I'm sorry you didn't get as lucky and make it on the ride :(

It was SO nice to meet you all! I love your TRs so it was great to actually meet in person! We had the perfect opportunity for a photo by a classic Disney spot and we still failed! That is ok, hopefully there will be a next time :)

Sounds like a very yummy meal at Disney Springs!
I would like to get this trip report done by the next trip. I think I will keep this TR going and write a quick TR of our trip coming up in here. I will cover the highlights and also write a few posts in here for my May trip. Hopefully, that format will work for everyone reading along!!
Sounds good to me!

We decided to move on, I was sure they would not be able to give all these people a FP, and we had a FEA FP to get to! It was a fire alarm that was going off and I am not sure what happened to initiate that. It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:
It's always fun to get evacuated from a ride. I was on Buzz Lightyear when it broke down once. And it was Dapper Day (we guessed someones hat or accessory could have fallen off and gotten caught on the tracks). Everyone kept stopping to take selfies with Zurg along the walkway, and the CMs were sooo frustrated and kept trying to corral us along!

We checked out The World of Disney, I have mixed feelings about it. The store is very open, however a bit sterile! The cm outfits are not cute. They are western like and not flattering. Think wrangler jeans and a tacky western top!
I agree - whenever I'm in there I have to do a double take to see if someone is actually a CM or just someone else shopping!
Loving your report so far, looks like a great family trip.

The photos are great, I especially love the one of Andi and the pizza in Via Napoli!

Can't wait to see the rest, have fun on your March trip!
My verdict, I really liked it. The two historians, were a hoot! They really made the show. They ad lib really well! Someone’s phone rang and man, did they get a lot of mileage out of that!

I've got to make time to see this show! Someone needs to force me in May haha

Joey, was a nice waiter except he forgot to add my AP discount and I reminded him twice. It just wasn’t worth the effort after the second time so I didn’t get the discount this meal.

That's so frustrating

This giraffe is my faaavorite, love how light it is.

So cute, love it

I spent the morning exploring the beautiful lobby, checking out the Mara for coffee and a cream cheese Danish, and lounging at the beautiful fire pit. I made some calls to my mom and hubby as I sat cozily by the fire!

That sounds like a perfect day, honestly

We went with the butter chicken and the cilantro-coconut vegetables, which is served with the basmati rice. This was delicious, the flavors were so good and complimented each other. The chicken was like butter, just like it’s name! This was my favorite dish so far at Sana’a.

The butter chicken is heaven on earth. And the bread service. Sanaa is just exceptional all around!

Andi was having a ball, she said, It was deserted. She was able to walk on Splash, Space, PoTC, HM, and Big Thunder.

What a dream!

She also was able to watch HEA right in front of the castle with very few people! She FaceTimed a few friends back at college and they loved watching HEA with her! She had a great night despite the rain and chilly air!

Wow, what a great night. Pretty jealous of it!

It was cool to be evacuated from Soarin:rotfl:

That is cool! I'm down for any evacs

This was a great choice for lunch and we really enjoyed it.

Even though you didn't get pictures it makes me wanna try 50s! Looks like you had a really nice table too

We checked out The World of Disney, I have mixed feelings about it. The store is very open, however a bit sterile!

I agree! I miss the Disney touches.


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