Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Hi, Joanne!! How are you!??!?! We'll do this!! We've both been successful before and with all the WISH support here we'll do great!!! :hug:

We can hope!! I read your wedding trip report. How great was that!!! I can't see you pictures though, did the link expire? What a great memory!!
I would like to join the challenge please.

:welcome: Hockychic! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower3:

Hello everyone. I would like to join this challenge, I lost quite a bit of weight for my dd's wedding and I have put 25 back on, I refuse to put any more on and I would like to lose that 25 this summer.

:welcome: sherry! That clippie looks good on you! :thumbsup2

I'd like to join the loser's group. Lost 23 pds last year, gained 21 back.:eek:

:welcome: Lucky'sMom! Here's to a losing summer! :cool2:

I'll join as a Maintainer. :thumbsup2

:welcome: princessbride6205! Another maintainer! :yay: I think the maintainer group will have a few more members this time around.
Good to see this party growing!

I've managed to stock some healthy supplies, pack some lunches, cook some dinners. By the time we officially start I hope to have a routine down so I can hit the ground running! Still having trouble with the mornings, as I can't stay away from the computer. :sad2: So, last night, while cooking dinner, I realized that I should pack my lunch THEN. :headache:

AND, I've gone three days without french fries...hope I don't have withdrawal! :rotfl:

I just signed up for a 5 k on 5/31. It's called a gate to gate on the air force base. It will be a good start for this summer diet/exercise.

I'm In !! :yay:

Hoping to be more active on the thread this time.
Staying close to the support is the only way to go! :goodvibes
Count me in!!!! We have a disney cruise in the forcast next spring and I would like to enjoy and have some photos I don't feel ashamed to be in!!!

My (shorttime) summer goal is 20 lbs.....

I have all my weight watcher info back from hiding.... have sort of started this week so next week I will be ready to jump in all the way!

I love the extra motivation!
Good to see this party growing!

I've managed to stock some healthy supplies, pack some lunches, cook some dinners. By the time we officially start I hope to have a routine down so I can hit the ground running! Still having trouble with the mornings, as I can't stay away from the computer. :sad2: So, last night, while cooking dinner, I realized that I should pack my lunch THEN. :headache:

AND, I've gone three days without french fries...hope I don't have withdrawal! :rotfl:

::yes:: I know exactly what you mean, Jackie. I had no internet at home for a week -- my house was so clean and pretty! :rotfl:

[COUNT ME IN! :cool1:

:welcome: pinkle! Thanks for joining our summer challenge! :beach:

I just signed up for a 5 k on 5/31. It's called a gate to gate on the air force base. It will be a good start for this summer diet/exercise.

Good luck on your run! :goodvibes


I'm In !! :yay:

Hoping to be more active on the thread this time.
Staying close to the support is the only way to go! :goodvibes

:welcome: tea pot! Nice to see you again! :flower3:

Count me in! I'm planning on losing about 20 lbs this summer and I know I'm gonna need support!

:welcome: uptown girl44! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower1:
:wave:Just stopping in to say hi everyone! I am excited for the summer challenge, and so good to see some familiar faces along with new ones.

If this is your first challenge, what Lisa said is true. You will get soooo much support, encouragement, and motivation. The spring challenge was my first, and I couldn't have been as successful without it. You will get out of it what you put into it, I promise!

Well, truth be told....I'd just open a book! :lmao:.

Yes, I did some of that, too. ;)

BTW how is your sister doing? I was thinking about the two of you in the challenge last year.

Thanks, but I will be walking!!!

A race is a race, no matter how you do it! mikamah and I are doing our first half marathons at the Princess in 2011 and plan to do a lot of walking! :thumbsup2

:wave:Just stopping in to say hi everyone! I am excited for the summer challenge, and so good to see some familiar faces along with new ones.

If this is your first challenge, what Lisa said is true. You will get soooo much support, encouragement, and motivation. The spring challenge was my first, and I couldn't have been as successful without it. You will get out of it what you put into it, I promise!

:welcome: Taryn! You are right, this is a great place for encouragement and support but ultimiately the one who does the work is you! :goodvibes

Today is the last day of the spring challenge. It will take a few days for the results to be posted so you may see some increased chatter on this thread. Feel free to pop over and say "Hi" on the other thread and see how this challenge turns out. Last week participants lost over 40 pounds! :yay:
Good morning, everyone! Thank you so much for the inspiration I am already feeling from having signed on to this challenge! :thumbsup2 Yesterday was my first legitimate "good" food day in longer than I can remember, and it really is because I, like ibouncetoo, hope to start good habits now so that I can hit the ground "running" when the challenge starts. :woohoo:

Joanne -- Have a great time at your Gate to Gate race!!! :cheer2:
this is so exciting :thumbsup2 rather than look at 'food porn' i am on the weight loss challenge.....WE CAN DO THIS!!!! I have 8lbs to go......i keep reminding myself so I don't slip.
Keep up the good work everyone!!!:yay:
Its great to see (read) all the support here....this is my first time dooing something like this. I have been working on eating and exercising since 1/1/10 but my weight lss has stagnated at about 15 pounds, even though I am losing inches. I hope this is the kcik I need to lose some more pounds.

Question: How do I get the BL picture in my signature?
Its great to see (read) all the support here....this is my first time dooing something like this. I have been working on eating and exercising since 1/1/10 but my weight lss has stagnated at about 15 pounds, even though I am losing inches. I hope this is the kcik I need to lose some more pounds.

Question: How do I get the BL picture in my signature?

I put some instructions on how to add the clippie in the first post of this thread. Let me know if you have any problems -- you can be our test case! :flower3:
Please count me in for this challenge! The summer challenge is the one I started on last year and it has really helped me along my journey...I still have a ways to go and would love to get to my goal weight by the end of the challenge...we will see.

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