Better late than never? A hazy 6 week TR Oct/Nov 2016 - Updated 11/5 Wrap Up

Part 23 – Tour time!

After a busy night at MNSSHP most normal people would probably sleep in or plan a resort day. But I’m not most people. Or smart. Or normal…

I did what any normal person would do and booked a behind the scenes tour for the next morning.

That meant I had to be at the park an hour before opening to sign in for my tour. The park was due to open at 9 and my Keys to the Magic Kingdom tour was at 8:30.

But first I had to check out of wilderness lodge and have my bags sent over to my next resort, but we’ll get to that later.

Eventually I was on a boat and on my way to MK.


After signing in and getting our headset and badges we started the tour. Unfortunately, I don’t have many photos as you can’t take any backstage.



But the tour was fabulous, and I’d highly recommend it for any Disney fan. We went backstage behind pirates and saw the stage building which is way bigger than you think. We also went to the parade shed and got to see those up close.

The best part, however, was being able to go into the utilidors. I’d read and heard about them for years but it’s so interesting to actually go through them.

We also got to do a private ride on Jingle Cruise which had been transformed in just a few hours after the last MNSSHP ended.


We finished off with lunch Tomorrowland Terrace and then that was the end of the tour. I’ll say it again – I loved it and it was definitely worth the $99.


After the tour I headed back to my next resort and home for the next three nights – Old Key West.


Next up – Fooding and Wining.
Part 24 – Fooding and Wining

I made my way by bus back to OKW and called bell services to have my bags delivered. After unpacking it was time to head back out to my next park as I had another event planned for that afternoon.

Thankfully my room request for a room near the main building was granted and I was soon on a bus and on my way to Epcot.

I had time for a few PP photos and managed to get a couple of good ones.



I then had my first FP at Spaceship Earth but apparently, I forgot to take a picture of my future on this occasion.

I was also starting to get hungry and headed back to Refreshment Port to grab the newish thing at the time – the croissant donut. It was good but not as great as many people thought it was.


I then headed back to the Festival Center to head on over to the cooking class I’d signed up for. I know two things in one day is a lot but I was a massive fan of the chefs/bakers they had signed up for that day so I couldn’t miss it.

I did a brownie baking class with the boys from Baked. It was a good experience and we got to take home some brownie mix with us.




After the class I headed back to world showcase to kick off my food and wine adventure. My goal was to try something from each booth over the course of my trip.

But first up I had a FP for FEA – I think it is a perfectly fine little ride – not bad but not great either.



The first stop on my list that night was the Germany booth. I ordered the Roast bratwurst. It was good. At least the one tiny bite I had before I dropped it on the ground was good. It’s a great way to waste $5!


Next on the list that day was Morocco – where I got the spicy hummus fries. I thought these were overrated but I know they’re still on the menu this year so clearly people like them.


Moving along the next stop was Brazil where I got the Pao de Queijo (cheese bread) – these are definitely good although not the best version of this dish that you can get.


And finally, the last dish of the night was all the way up at the Canada booth where I got the wild mushroom fillet. This was tasty but it is so expensive when half the time the steak is not cooked how you’d like it.


I had a FP for Mission Space, but I passed after all that food and I was getting tired.

I took the standard shot of spaceship earth on my way out and then waited for a bus to take me back to OKW.


I definitely needed my sleep after that busy day, and I had an even more challenging one planned for the next day

Next up – Four Parks One Day
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Part 25 – Four Parks One Day

It was another super early morning at OKW. Today was the day I was going to attempt my four parks one day challenge, so I had no time to waste.

The rules I’d set for myself were simple – to be successful I needed to achieve the following in each park: one ride, one meet & greet, one photo in front of the park icon and one snack/meal. I was going to do one show but that was almost impossible to achieve in all four parks but I did it where I could.

So, I set off to rope drop my first park – Animal Kingdom. I arrived relatively early but was still a little way back.


When the gates opened, I headed all the way back to the back of the park to ride Kilimanjaro Safari – I wanted to do it as I’d never done an early morning one and I’d heard that was the best time for animal activity.


One ride down, I still had to do a meet & greet, see a show, take a picture and grab something to eat. Well I hadn’t had breakfast, so I was ready for a snack and stopped at Kusafari for a mickey brownie.


I took it with me and ate it as a I waited in line for FOTLK. It was awesome as always and ticked seeing a show off my AK list.

I still had some time allocated in AK, so I jumped into the single rider line for Everest.


After that I headed to do a meet and greet, I hadn’t done before – Pocahontas. She was such a great character and I really enjoyed the location they had set up for it.


And that was it for AKL – other than a pic in front of the park icon, so as I headed back out towards the buses I stopped in front of the Tree of Life and got the shot I needed.


I think I spent less than three hours total – probably closer to 2 and did everything I needed for AK. I then hopped on a bus and was on my way to park #2 – Hollywood Studios.

I had booked my three FP for HS as it was going to be close to lunchtime and I knew the standby lines would be long. I started off with the show element – and used my first FP for Frozen Sing Along.

I then headed over to my ride – Tower of Terror.


I stopped by the animation courtyard and did the only meet and greet that did not have an enormous wait – so here I am with Princess Sofia.


I still had one FP left for Star Tours, so I headed over in that direction and stopped for my food choice – Darth Vader waffles and chicken nuggets from Backlot Express.


And then I headed back towards the front of the park to get my photo in front of a park icon. I know it’s not quite the sorcerer’s mickey hat, but I did think the Chinese Theatre was a good replacement – it was that or TOT.



From there I caught the boat over to Epcot as I thought the International Gateway entrance would be less crowded and I wanted to start at the back of the park and work my way to the front.

In Epcot I started off my challenge with some food (which links back to another challenge to try and eat at every booth for F&W). I got the Le Passion Martini Slush from France, the buttered chicken with naan bread from Africa and the trio of artisan cheeses from the Wine & Dine Studio booth.



I then managed to get a FP for my ride in that park and what else but Spaceship Earth (and I remembered to take note of my future that time).


Next up was the meet and greet and I got another FP for Mickey and the gang.



And finally, the last item to tick off was a photo so here I am in front of Spaceship Earth!


It was still the afternoon by the time I left Epcot and I believe I made it to Magic Kingdom via the monorail by 5pm. I had an ADR for 7:30 so I didn’t have much time to tick of the other components, so I raced off.

I started with my meet & greet and got a FP for Tinkerbell, which was a good one to start with being located so close to the entrance.


I then made my way down main street to get the photo in front of the park icon – hello castle!


And then I managed to get a FP for Space Mountain which would cover the ride component of the checklist.

The only thing left was a show and that’s super hard in MK so I went with Mickey’s Phillharmagic as the closest thing I could do.


And finally, it was time to head on over to my ADR – I was doing the Wishes (as it then was) dessert party.

The buffet was set up at Tomorrowland Terrace and everyone got a sparkling apple cider to start the event. I started with my savory plate which was my dinner – cheese and crackers and fruit.


And then it was dessert time – there were cupcakes and tarts and cookies and ice-cream. Nothing was amazing and I definitely could have spent a lot less on a single treat elsewhere (I think it was like $79 for the dessert party), but I wanted to try it and I wanted the easy view for wishes.



After a while they let everyone head on over to the plaza garden viewing area. It is slightly off to the right-hand side of the castle but still a good view. And there was space which was perhaps the best part of the dessert party.

And now the obligatory castle and firework spam.



And once wishes ended that was it – I could finally end my mega day.


So, did I achieve the challenge? I’m pretty sure I did, and I had set stricter rules than most beforehand. Not only did I visit all four parks but in each of the parks I rode a ride, saw a show (except Epcot but they had nothing suitable), went to a meet & greet, ate some food and had my photo taken in front of the park icon.

Overall, I think I did the challenge well and would highly recommend it if you’ve been to Disney plenty of times before and want to do something different on one of your park days.

And with that the day was done – I hopped on a bus and was on my way back to OKW.

Next up – An Epcot Day
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Part 26 – An Epcot Day

I had to get up early this morning, but it was to rope drop at a park – no I had to head over to ESPN to pick up my race packet for the Mickey’s Holiday 5K the next morning. I made it over there pretty easily and I’m glad I went early because the lines were long. The longest lines were for race gear and souvenirs and of course I had to pick up something. After all I spent so much money entering the race, I needed something to remember it by.

Once that mission was complete, I headed back to hotel to drop of my things and then head on over to Epcot. I made it there by around 10:30 and was soon in WS to keep going on my F&W challenge.

I started in Ireland with Irish Cheese Selection Plate.


And then moved across to Scotland where I got the Tipsy Laird Cake and the Citrus Thistle Cocktail.



Next up was Greece where I had the Chicken Gyro.


I headed into the Odyssey Center for some Pimento Cheese. This was my first tine trying pimento cheese and this was not a good version. My DH is from Georgia so I've have my fair share of pimento cheese over the last three years.


Moving along my next stop was Poland where I got the Frozen Szarlotka which was basically alcoholic apple pie in a glass.


Before leaving I stopped for a M&G with Anna and Elsa



And then used my last two FPs for Spaceship Earth & Test Track (although I appear to have changed shirts so maybe I did this after my swim break?).


I decided I needed a midday break because it was hot, so I headed back to OKW to relax by the pool for a bit (with a refreshing cocktail of course from the Gurgling Suitcase).


Next up – More countries, more food.
Part 27 – More countries, More food.

After the nice two hour break I headed back into Epcot to keep on going with my F&W adventure.

I started off at the Farm Fresh booth with the Chicken and Dumplings and a Hard Cider.


I hit up the Chew Collective for the peanut butter and white chocolate mousse with caramel drizzle.


Next off was the most disappointing booth and that was Australia – trust me when I say nothing from that booth is authentic and I’m sad it’s what is representing my home. I had the lamington FYI.


I needed a break from the heat, so I headed in to visit my favorite duck friends.


Next up was the China booth where I ordered the Sichuan spicy chicken – this was also a disappointment. Not great flavors and also super tiny!


I still wasn’t done (which is probably why I gained 10lbs on the trip!) and stopped in Belgium for the waffle with warm chocolate ganache.


The next booth was Islands of the Caribbean where I had the Quesito – which was cream cheese and guava in puff pastry.


I stopped for a drink at the Refreshment Post Cool Post and got the Mango Starr slushy.


And last but not least for the evening was the carrot cake from Hops & Barley.


And with that my evening was done. I wanted to be back to my room early because I had a ridiculous wake up time the next morning.

Next up – Running, running, running
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I didn't take it as criticism. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist so I'm just embarrassed when I let things like that happen!
Okay. :)
I am too and hate when I post an update with a typo. But... it happens.

We need an editor.
Isn't that how you get magical powers though? Eating fairies?
This is a family board so I shall restrain myself from commenting...

I think over 6 weeks I gained over 5lbs so about a lb a week....
Disney will do that. Every. Time.
That's a shame. But I can understand the expense not being worth it if you don't have multiple trips booked per year.
Yeah, I don't know when I'll get back after it expires... No plans for now, anyways.
After a busy night at MNSSHP most normal people would probably sleep in or plan a resort day. But I’m not most people. Or smart. Or normal…
But you're cute as a button, so you get a pass.
The park was due to open at 9 and my Keys to the Magic Kingdom tour was at 8:30.
Oh! Nice!
So many of my DIS friends have done this tour now... and I've heard nothing but good things.
Cute outfit. :) Nice bounding.
The best part, however, was being able to go into the utilidors.
::yes:: That seems to be the consensus as well.
We also got to do a private ride on Jingle Cruise which had been transformed in just a few hours after the last MNSSHP ended.
Wow! That fast!
After the tour I headed back to my next resort and home for the next three nights – Old Key West.
Oh! We stayed there! :)
Thankfully my room request for a room near the main building was granted and I was soon on a bus and on my way to Epcot.
::yes:: You don't want to be far. Because... Boy it's far!
I then had my first FP at Spaceship Earth but apparently, I forgot to take a picture of my future on this occasion.
That's what happens when you have marriage in your future but you don't know it yet?
I was also starting to get hungry and headed back to Refreshment Port to grab the newish thing at the time – the croissant donut. It was good but not as great as many people thought it was.
Too bad. I remember really enjoying it. That was years ago too.
I then headed back to the Festival Center to head on over to the cooking class I’d signed up for. I know two things in one day is a lot
Nah. Time is money at Disney. Cram as much in as you want.
I did a brownie baking class with the boys from Baked. It was a good experience and we got to take home some brownie mix with us.
Huh! How was the brownie?
But first up I had a FP for FEA – I think it is a perfectly fine little ride – not bad but not great either.
That's about how I feel about it too.
Cute ride photo, though. :)
The first stop on my list that night was the Germany booth. I ordered the Roast bratwurst. It was good.
Dang. I wanted that, but by the time I got there... I was too full.
At least the one tiny bite I had before I dropped it on the ground was good. It’s a great way to waste $5!
Oh, no!!!!
I got the spicy hummus fries.
I finally got to try that and liked them. :)
And finally, the last dish of the night was all the way up at the Canada booth where I got the wild mushroom fillet. This was tasty but it is so expensive when half the time the steak is not cooked how you’d like it.
Oh! I never even thought of that aspect. How was it cooked? Probably Medium.
I definitely needed my sleep after that busy day
I bet!
Today was the day I was going to attempt my four parks one day challenge, so I had no time to waste.
Holy cow! GOOOO!
The rules I’d set for myself were simple – to be successful I needed to achieve the following in each park: one ride, one meet & greet, one photo in front of the park icon and one snack/meal. I was going to do one show but that was almost impossible to achieve in all four parks but I did it where I could.
Impressive! And unique. I don't think I've seen that before.
When the gates opened, I headed all the way back to the back of the park to ride Kilimanjaro Safari – I wanted to do it as I’d never done an early morning one and I’d heard that was the best time for animal activity.
And, did you enjoy it compared to other times?
stopped at Kusafari for a mickey brownie.
You didn't get the giant cinnamon bun??? YOU WERE RIGHT THERE!!!!!!
After that I headed to do a meet and greet, I hadn’t done before – Pocahontas. She was such a great character and I really enjoyed the location they had set up for it.
Where does she meet now? We met her when the kids were little up by the Conservation Station.
Hey! Your hair's down! I think this is the first post I've seen you with your hair down.
Still too kewl for skool
I stopped by the animation courtyard and did the only meet and greet that did not have an enormous wait – so here I am with Princess Sofia.
Darth Vader waffles and chicken nuggets from Backlot Express.
Interesting choice! I've never eaten there, but... I might've tried that. :)
I know it’s not quite the sorcerer’s mickey hat, but I did think the Chinese Theatre was a good replacement – it was that or TOT.
The Chinese Theatre is the icon. The hat was an abomination that wasn't removed nearly soon enough.
(which links back to another challenge to try and eat at every booth for F&W).
the trio of artisan cheeses from the Wine & Dine Studio booth.
How was that? It was on my list but I never did get it.
I've never seen that!
Probably also for imminent marriages.
Still too kewl!
(Kinda liking the theme, here. :))
The only thing left was a show and that’s super hard in MK so I went with Mickey’s Phillharmagic as the closest thing I could do.
Works. I'd say Monsters also would've worked.
Nothing was amazing and I definitely could have spent a lot less on a single treat elsewhere (I think it was like $79 for the dessert party), but I wanted to try it and I wanted the easy view for wishes.
Agreed that the desserts aren't the greatest. But I really liked being able to sit and enjoy the fireworks without fighting for a spot and guarding it for an hour... only to have the tallest person in the planet (with a child on his shoulders) stand in front of you at the last minute.
Overall, I think I did the challenge well and would highly recommend it if you’ve been to Disney plenty of times before and want to do something different on one of your park days.
I might do that... or... maybe I'll pick a different challenge... how long can I lay by the pool without moving.
The longest lines were for race gear and souvenirs and of course I had to pick up something. After all I spent so much money entering the race, I needed something to remember it by.
And then moved across to Scotland where I got the Tipsy Laird Cake
I remember having that and liking it.
Next up was Greece where I had the Chicken Gyro.
Well, crap! How did I miss this?!?!?
I headed into the Odyssey Center for some Pimento Cheese. This was my first tine trying pimento cheese and this was not a good version. My DH is from Georgia so I've have my fair share of pimento cheese over the last three years.
I've never had... and it doesn't appeal to me either.
the Frozen Szarlotka which was basically alcoholic apple pie in a glass.
I see nothing but goodness in that statement.
the Chicken and Dumplings
Thoughts on that? (If you recall)
I still wasn’t done (which is probably why I gained 10lbs on the trip!)
the Mango Starr slushy.
mmm... sounds yummy
Next up – Running, running, running
Which is what I'm doing trying to keep up with you!!!
Okay. :)
I am too and hate when I post an update with a typo. But... it happens.

We need an editor.

Or we just embrace our foibles and acknowledge it's normal not to be perfect 🙂

But you're cute as a button, so you get a pass.

I'll take it!

Oh! Nice!
So many of my DIS friends have done this tour now... and I've heard nothing but good things.

After doing a few tours and special events this is one that I really do think is worth the money if you are at all a Disney fan.

Cute outfit. :) Nice bounding.

Thank you. I tried bounding on a few days but this one is probably the most obvious.

Oh! We stayed there! :)

I think it's a one and done for me. It was nice but for the price I'd rather pay a little more for a deluxe that is closer to the parks or just save the money and stay value

That's what happens when you have marriage in your future but you don't know it yet?

Must be.

Huh! How was the brownie?

It was good. But it was very fudgy - like getting the center bit from a tray. I prefer a little crispyness around the edges to balance it all out.

Oh! I never even thought of that aspect. How was it cooked? Probably Medium.

It was medium well leaning towards well done. A little overcooked for my liking.

And, did you enjoy it compared to other times?

Honestly they weren't much more active so not sure I'd rush there first thing.

You didn't get the giant cinnamon bun??? YOU WERE RIGHT THERE!!!!!!

I'm sorry!!!!

Where does she meet now? We met her when the kids were little up by the Conservation Station.

It was somewhere near the front of the park and tree of life down a little pathway.

Interesting choice! I've never eaten there, but... I might've tried that. :)

Not worth seeking it out for the food but it is not terrible.

The Chinese Theatre is the icon. The hat was an abomination that wasn't removed nearly soon enough.

I have the park icon magic band bits and they went with the hat so that's why I considered it the icon for this challenge (even though it was gone by then).

How was that? It was on my list but I never did get it.

I love good cheeses. This was not good cheeses.

Works. I'd say Monsters also would've worked.

It probably would have. The only real show is the friendship faire thing but it was way too late for that by the time I got to MK

Agreed that the desserts aren't the greatest. But I really liked being able to sit and enjoy the fireworks without fighting for a spot and guarding it for an hour... only to have the tallest person in the planet (with a child on his shoulders) stand in front of you at the last minute.

Ugh that sucks. I almost booked it for this trip so DH wouldn't have to wait in such a crowded area to see the fireworks but now that they do both pre and post show dessert parties and they all share the same space I'm not sure it's worth it.

I might do that... or... maybe I'll pick a different challenge... how long can I lay by the pool without moving.

I get too bored to do that. An hour or two is my pool relaxing limit.

Well, crap! How did I miss this?!?!?

You didn't miss much. The town I'm from has the largest Greek population outside of Greece so I'm spoiled (or was) when it comes to good Greek food.

Thoughts on that? (If you recall)

Ok but not worth the $

Which is what I'm doing trying to keep up with you!!!

I'm sorry! But I leave in 15 days so it's a sprint to the finish line!
Or we just embrace our foibles and acknowledge it's normal not to be perfect 🙂
Ha! Speak for yourself!
Wait... you just did... oh, no! I'm flawed!
After doing a few tours and special events this is one that I really do think is worth the money if you are at all a Disney fan.
Thanks for the tip. :)
Thank you. I tried bounding on a few days but this one is probably the most obvious.
For me it has to be obvious, or I just don't get it.
It's like I'm bounding blind.
I think it's a one and done for me. It was nice but for the price I'd rather pay a little more for a deluxe that is closer to the parks or just save the money and stay value
Ah. I got my points from a friend, so it was much more affordable.
It was good. But it was very fudgy - like getting the center bit from a tray. I prefer a little crispyness around the edges to balance it all out.
Interesting. I'd probably like it more, since I like the soft fudges.
It was medium well leaning towards well done. A little overcooked for my liking.
Way overcooked for my liking.
I'm sorry!!!!
Bad girl!
It was somewhere near the front of the park and tree of life down a little pathway.
Ah. Probably won't look anyways. I'm not much into characters... except one.
I have the park icon magic band bits and they went with the hat so that's why I considered it the icon for this challenge (even though it was gone by then).
Isn't it nice when Disney occasionally does the right thing????
I love good cheeses. This was not good cheeses.
Holy mother of cheeses. That's too bad.
Ugh that sucks. I almost booked it for this trip so DH wouldn't have to wait in such a crowded area to see the fireworks but now that they do both pre and post show dessert parties and they all share the same space I'm not sure it's worth it.
I thought it was. I did the pre party and really enjoyed it. But go early so you can get the best table.
I get too bored to do that. An hour or two is my pool relaxing limit.
Actually... so do I. But I am slowing down somewhat... as you'll see in my next Tr...

Which you said you'd visit. Right?

You didn't miss much. The town I'm from has the largest Greek population outside of Greece so I'm spoiled (or was) when it comes to good Greek food.
Really! Huh! I believe you when you say you'd know good Greek food, then!
I'm sorry! But I leave in 15 days so it's a sprint to the finish line!
I'll try my best to keep up!
For me it has to be obvious, or I just don't get it.
It's like I'm bounding blind.

You did miss the Rapunzel one from earlier in the trip....

Ah. I got my points from a friend, so it was much more affordable.

I rented points but I'd still rather pay the extra for Beach Club or Wilderness Lodge just for the locations

Interesting. I'd probably like it more, since I like the soft fudges.

I might be biased but I think I make some pretty darn good brownies. If you're ever in Denver I'll make them for you!

Way overcooked for my liking.


Ah. Probably won't look anyways. I'm not much into characters... except one.

I can't believe that in the last three years she hasn't taken out a restraining order against you ;)

Holy mother of cheeses. That's too bad.

There is a great cheese board coming up in the report so stay tuned

I thought it was. I did the pre party and really enjoyed it. But go early so you can get the best table.

I may change my mind in the next few weeks but that's also $150 I could be spending elsewhere at Disney

Actually... so do I. But I am slowing down somewhat... as you'll see in my next Tr...

Which you said you'd visit. Right?


I will be there with bells on.

Figurative bells not literal bells. Literal bells sound really uncomfortable.

I'll try my best to keep up!

And I'll try my best to keep it interesting!
You did miss the Rapunzel one from earlier in the trip....
You're lucky I caught this one!
I rented points but I'd still rather pay the extra for Beach Club or Wilderness Lodge just for the locations
Well... sure, but... beggars can't be... etc... He had points, the spots I wanted weren't available (too short notice).
I'm glad I could get anything at all!
And I liked OKW. :)
I might be biased but I think I make some pretty darn good brownies. If you're ever in Denver I'll make them for you!
You know who you're talking to, right?
Denver is only a 17 hour drive away.
I can't believe that in the last three years she hasn't taken out a restraining order against you ;)
she's madly in love with me.
There is a great cheese board coming up in the report so stay tuned
I may change my mind in the next few weeks but that's also $150 I could be spending elsewhere at Disney
Yeah, I get that.
$150 to basically... sit down.
I will be there with bells on.
Photos or it never...
Figurative bells not literal bells. Literal bells sound really uncomfortable.
… oh. Darn.
And I'll try my best to keep it interesting!
So far so good!
Part 28 – Running, Running, Running.

So it was race morning plus I was boarding a cruise that afternoon so of course I had no sleep and was up at the crack of dawn – 4:30am to be exact.

I had to be on a bus just before 5:30am to be at AK by 6:00. The race was due to start at 6:30 but you had to be there in plenty of time to warm up and take your place!

The race started in the parking lots of AK and being Disney of course it kicked off with ‘snow’.


I took my spot near the front, the national anthem was sung, and then we were off and racing.


I decided not to go any of the character stops on this race because I wanted to actually get a good time and stay fit for the half marathon which was just a few weeks away.

So here is the race map – the first third of the race was basically running through the parking lot until you made it into AK.


Then we ran to the left of the tree of life, through Africa, then Asia before making our way through Dinoland. We then took a detour to run about behind the waterway where they were storing the floats for Rivers of Light which was brand new at the time.



And finally, back to the finish line in the same parking lot where we started.

After crossing the finish line I got my medal (this was the first time Disney gave out a metal medal for the 5K).


And then I got do the most important character meet with Christmas Mickey and Minnie.


And with that it was back on a bus to OKW to shower and change – and all before 8am. For those of you that are interested they did give us a snack pack with our medal, so I ate that for breakfast while packing up and getting ready for the cruise.


I wasn’t being picked up until later in the day (I think around 1pm) so after checking out at the last possible moment I filled in the next hour or so grabbing some lunch from the Gurgling Suitcase (a sandwich and the best homemade chips).


And before long the DCL bus was there to pick me up for my next adventure.

Next up – Dream a little dream of me
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Come if you want some more snow - we're meant to get 8 inches between Wed night - Thurs morning!
I'll wait 'til summer, thanks.
I mean how could she not be? Although if I were Ruby I might have something to say about it.
Shhhh! She doesn't know... about Ruby.

So it was race morning plus I was boarding a cruise that afternoon so of course I had no sleep and was up at the crack of dawn – 4:30am to be exact.
Now I understand.

You were so exhausted after this trip that the first guy who came up to you and asked to marry you... you were just too tired to say no.
The race started in the parking lots of AK and being Disney of course it kicked off with ‘snow’.
Okay... phew. I saw the photo before I read the caption and I thought it was raining.
the national anthem was sung
How do you feel when that happens? I know how I feel about it, as a foreigner...
the first third of the race was basically running through the parking lot until you made it into AK.
Um... kinda dull?
Look out behind you! Run!
After crossing the finish line I got my medal (this was the first time Disney gave out a metal medal for the 5K).
And with that it was back on a bus to OKW to shower and change – and all before 8am.
the best homemade chips
Oh, poop. Now you tell me. I could've broken my "chip fast" there instead!
Shhhh! She doesn't know... about Ruby.

But Ruby knows about her? Man one marriage is hard enough I don't know how you're going to keep up with two!

Now I understand.

You were so exhausted after this trip that the first guy who came up to you and asked to marry you... you were just too tired to say no.

That could very well have been it.

Okay... phew. I saw the photo before I read the caption and I thought it was raining.

I have run in rain and snow before - I won't lie and say it's fun but it's not terrible.

How do you feel when that happens? I know how I feel about it, as a foreigner...

I felt awkward then and still do now. I stand obviously and am respectful but no hand on heart or anything like that. And I don't know all the words so I definitely can't sing along yet!

Um... kinda dull?

Most races are all dull locations so at least this one had some fun bits.

Oh, poop. Now you tell me. I could've broken my "chip fast" there instead!

I think they're the same as any Disney resort chip so if you didn't like the ones you had these probably wouldn't have been any better.
But Ruby knows about her? Man one marriage is hard enough I don't know how you're going to keep up with two!
:laughing: Fair point.
I have run in rain and snow before - I won't lie and say it's fun but it's not terrible.
Running is not fun. I reserve that when something/one is running after me.
I felt awkward then and still do now. I stand obviously and am respectful but no hand on heart or anything like that. And I don't know all the words so I definitely can't sing along yet!
Interesting. I too feel a bit awkward.
Most races are all dull locations so at least this one had some fun bits.
Ah! Yes!
I think they're the same as any Disney resort chip so if you didn't like the ones you had these probably wouldn't have been any better.
I didn't have any chips at Disney!
Interesting. I too feel a bit awkward.

I don't know if it is the same for Canadians, but I just don't think Australians have that same level of unbreakable patriotism that Americans seem to have.

I didn't have any chips at Disney!

My apologies. See not commenting on your TR made me forget they were from your Key West detour :blush:


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