

Earning My Ears
Mar 13, 2001
What is BabySwap? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> null
"Babyswap" at WDW is a way for folks traveling with a child who is unable to ride a particular attraction to avoid standing in line twice while all of the other members of the party are able to enjoy the attraction. Most of your party rides while someone stays with the baby/child and then when their ride is completed, you hand over your child and then get to ride without a wait or a minimal one at the worst. Another good thing is if you have more than 3 in your party, usually someone else in your party can ride again with you so you don't have to ride alone. Trust me it is simpler than I make it out to be. Deb Will's board WDWIG has a really good explanation on the process. Also, do a search on this board and you should get a bunch of responses. It is a very simple process (the babyswap) and works really well.


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