Baby names that are nouns or adjectives?

Harmony or Melody would work for a girl.

My FIL's best friend's name is "Loyal." (It's one of the virtue names. It seemed weird when I first met him, but does not seem weird now.) My nephew is Carter, one of the "occupation" names that are common for boys now (similar to Archer or Hunter).

Thank you-I don't know why I didn't think of Harmony or Melody-I have two friends by that name :)


That's a religious figure, right? (Sorry if that sounds dense -- grew up non-religious & continuing that tradition so I'm unfamiliar)

Boys names are a little harder to think of.

I agree-boys are much harder!
Some students I've had over the years with noun names:


I think the list for adjectives could go on and on, but I currently have a student named True in one of my classes this year. He's a boy, and the name fits him to a T. He is very loyal and seems to have a lot of integrity. When I read that name on my class roster I sort of rolled by eyes but now that I know him I just love his name.

Whatever your friend does don't name the baby Precious. I've had 3 or 4 Precious girls in my classes over the years, and their personalities have been anything but Precious!!
When I was having my carpets cleaned I got to talking to the guy who was doing them and he told me his little girls name was "Ever" I dont know if you want to add that to your list or not.

DD's middle name is Hope, if I had had more girls their middle names would have been Grace, Faith, etc.

I've heard of Justice for a boy, sometimes spelled Justus and sometimes Justice.

Viola, Iris, Ivy, Briar, Temperance, Clover, Grace, Hope, Lily, Opal, Olive

Sage, Cedar (there's a gorgeous little boy in our church with this name), Will, Finn, Cooper, Lane, Grey
Reese (although my Reese is spelled Reece)


Another boy name, Chase. not sure if it will count.. but how about Cole?

Viola, Iris, Ivy, Briar, Temperance, Clover, Grace, Hope, Lily, Opal, Olive

Sage, Cedar (there's a gorgeous little boy in our church with this name), Will, Finn, Cooper, Lane, Grey

I love Finn and Cooper! Sage also works as a girls name (I've only ever seen it as a girls name, actually).
My Great Grandpa was Francis Love, so his middle name was Love. :) I always liked that. My DD's middle name is Sky.
Phoenix, Rain, Scout, Rebel, Ruby, Opal, Pearl, Prudence, Love, Faith, Cash, True, Grey, Scarlet, Charity, Justice, Patience


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