AP Renewal (Age) Question


S/D Cheerleader & SSB Tormentor
Feb 16, 2000
I bought APs for my DSs last December. My older DS will turn 10 this December, but AFTER the renewal date of the AP. If I renew his AP before his birthday, will I still pay for a child AP, or since his DOB is in the computer, will I have to buy him an adult AP?



<img width="200" SRC="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/awilliams/dalcooks.jpg"[/img]

Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."

My understanding is that on an activated AP you go with how old they are at renewal time. Anyone heard anything different? I had a question similar to this a few months ago and because it was so important I e-mailed WDW on there official site and then printed out there response to take with me in case of any question from a CM. (We all know that not all CM's tell you the same thing about these situations!)I suggest you e-mail them directly( and let us all know what their response is)that way you're not just taking our word for it


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