AP questions


Jan 13, 2000
I've seen reference to AP rates for rooms and things mentioned often. Where do you find these rates. Is disney supposed to send something to me or is there a website with this info?

June 1988 offsite
Nov. 1994 DxL
Nov. 1995 DxL
Nov. 1996 DxL
Nov. 1997 DxL
Dec. 1999 DxL
Dec. 2000 BWV DVC
May 2001 WLV DVC
I've never seen anything official, but if you call CRO and specifically ask for AP rates for a certain time period, they will give you the info. There are certain periods where AP rates are not available (July of course since that's when I'm going) but the discount is usually worth it.

Offsite 9/81
Offsite 5/92
Offsite 6/94
Y&BC 9/95
CS 12/97
CBR 12/98
DxL 12/99
DxL 12/00
BC & 4-nite Cruise 7/01 - Can't WAIT!!

Thanks for the info

June 1988 offsite
Nov. 1994 DxL
Nov. 1995 DxL
Nov. 1996 DxL
Nov. 1997 DxL
Dec. 1999 DxL
Dec. 2000 BWV DVC
May 2001 WLV DVC


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