Any other DISers trying to concieve? Reread OP for the QOTD!

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GyspySue -

I just had to pop on real quick. Your line is BEAUTIFUL! It is darker than mine was at 13dpo with my now 10 month old son. If I had tested any earlier, it would have been a very blaring negative...

You are SOOOO pregnant!

Congrats!! H&H 9 months to you!!!
That is DEFINTELY a line!! :thumbsup2

YAYY!!! :cheer2: :dance3: :cool1:

OMG!! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you!! :cheer2:

Still nothing here. No sign of AF yet. But I broke down and tested on Saturday, and BFN...AF is due tomorrow, so I will probably wait and test again tomorrow or Wednesday as long as AF hasn't shown up. I'm going to go tonight and get a First Response test. The one I used Saturday wasn't an "early" HPT.

Have a great day everyone! :thumbsup2
Sue: I see it...I see it!!!!! :cool1: :banana:

Mine looked like that so I tried a different brand...EPT...the next morning and it was much darker. Then after the blood test I got the digital.

Congrats!!!! Keep us updated!!!!
I broke down over the weekend for the first time in months. One of DH's friends is pregnant with her second. :( I've noticed that it is the 2nd or 3rd pregnancies that have really been getting to me lately. I guess since I'm TTC #2 and sorta feel like I've done this before, why can't I do it again! :rolleyes: Of course, at my deposition last week, when THREE huge pregnant girls walked in, I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor and concentrate on not crying. :sad2: So maybe I'm not getting a better hold on my emotions after all!

:grouphug: I know how you feel. I don't get quite as upset and "woe-is-me" if I know that it's a first pregnancy. It's when I see friends with their second, third, and fourth pregnancies that I get a little bitter about my situation. It just seems so unfair that others can have 2, 3, 4 kids, and I can't even have one! :headache: What am I doing wrong?!?! :confused3
Vetrik and TrueEeyore, You two sound so excited to TTC! I hope it is a very short journey for both of you and you can conceive with that excitement still there! Speaking for myself, TTC, with the meds, temps, OPK's, etc has become more of a chore than fun after 1.5 years. *sigh* I hope you two girls never get to that point!

Thank you skuttle. I hope we don't get to that point either, and I also wish you or anyone else didn't have to go through it. :sad2:
I read this thread all the time, and I feel so bad for everyone that's having problems. I know it's nothing you've done either, and I'm worried I will have trouble TTC because it can happen to anyone.

Your little boy is so adorable, I gotta tell you! I love that pic of him on the Barnstormer :)

OK, you guys-- I need to know if you see a second line. It is very faint, I know.

I DEFINITELY see a line! Congratulations!!!! :cheer2:
I broke down over the weekend for the first time in months. One of DH's friends is pregnant with her second. :( I've noticed that it is the 2nd or 3rd pregnancies that have really been getting to me lately. I guess since I'm TTC #2 and sorta feel like I've done this before, why can't I do it again! :rolleyes: Of course, at my deposition last week, when THREE huge pregnant girls walked in, I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor and concentrate on not crying. :sad2: So maybe I'm not getting a better hold on my emotions after all!

I can so relate about the 2nd & 3rd pregnancies. :hug: Then you look at your ds/dd and think "They are so beautiful. Why can't we just do it one more time?" Why does it have to take so much effort??
It hurts so hard and you shouldn't feel bad that you break down. Heck, I thought after we adopted and then had a DS (after years of medical help) that I wouldn't break down, but I still do from time to time.
The pain of infertility just never goes away. :sad1:
Hi Guys

I still read this thread -- I just don't post to it often -- but you guys are definately in my thoughts!!

I just had to post after Sue's great post!!

SUE -- I definately see a line -- yeah!! I am so happy for you!! A line is a line is a know what they say -- any line - light or dark - counts! And that is a line!! Take another test tomorrow with first morning urine. Don't forget -- the digitals take 50 mg (or whatever) of HCG to detect a positive but the line tests only take 12 of HCG -- and the HCG is supposed to double every 2 days.

So -- today - Monday - lets assume 12 of HCG - hence the line. Then by Wed am -- assume 24 of HCG -- so by Friday or Saturday there should be enough there for a positive digital test (although a digital may read sooner if the HCG was higher than 12 today - which it most likely was!!) -- SO -- get a digital to confirm but wait a few days to take it -- there is nothing like the word "pregnant" coming up - especially after so long of trying!!

I am really so happy for you!

I am thinking of all you girls.

A big hug to Skuttle/Allison too -- hang in there -- it has to be your turn soon!! You have been so patient. I am thinking of you!! What kind of lawyer are you -- I do civil litigation -- lots of depositions and lots of trials!! That is great for the stress levels huh?

I hope to be joining this thread and your girls again around October -- we are going to unthaw 1 of our 4 frozen embroyos and go through IVF again late fall/end of 2008!


Hugs to all,
OK, you guys-- I need to know if you see a second line. It is very faint, I know.



GypsySue when I was pregnant my first test looked like this one. Two days later I took another and it couldn't have been more obvious. Good luck!!!
Nicole, Thanks! I'm not sure I'd call myself patient, though. LOL! After 17 cycles, there's not much patience. I've just gotten better at hiding the frustration, I guess. ;) I'm pm'ing you re my job...don't want to bore anyone one here with that info! :)

D&D, there are times I have those feelings. And then there are times when I think, why am I putting myself through this? Why can't I just be happy with what I already have and give up on TTC after so much heart ache. :confused3 I don't know. I think a lot of it has to do with me being an only child...I really don't want DS to be an only.

TrueEeyore, Thanks! I think DS is pretty adorable, too! We're hoping he's tall enough for Big Thunder in a few weeks. It'll be super close!

Christal, good luck!! Last month AF arrived super early, CD25. Not sure if that was due to the Metformin or what. Today is CD25, normally AF arrives around CD28-30 for me, so I'm just playing the waiting game. *sigh* I don't have any dollar tree tests left so no testing going on here. I don't want to put myself through it!
:grouphug: I know how you feel. I don't get quite as upset and "woe-is-me" if I know that it's a first pregnancy. It's when I see friends with their second, third, and fourth pregnancies that I get a little bitter about my situation. It just seems so unfair that others can have 2, 3, 4 kids, and I can't even have one! :headache: What am I doing wrong?!?! :confused3

Don't give up. :flower3: Even though not getting pregnant is terribly frustrating, you don't always know how long your friends who are preggo with #2 or 3 have been trying.

My DH and I have been trying for a year and just found out we are finally expecting. I called my OB's office 3 weeks ago ready for all the testing and surprise. Guess it took the threat of medical procedures for my body to get in gear.
Don't give up. :flower3: Even though not getting pregnant is terribly frustrating, you don't always know how long your friends who are preggo with #2 or 3 have been trying.

My DH and I have been trying for a year and just found out we are finally expecting. I called my OB's office 3 weeks ago ready for all the testing and surprise. Guess it took the threat of medical procedures for my body to get in gear.

Congrats on your pregnancy. I know for a fact that my pregnant BFF and close family members who have recently had their 2nd and 3rd babies all got pregnant on the first try. So that's really hard. :(
GypsySue - congrats! That looks like a BFP to me!

Skuttle :grouphug: it does get discouraging trying for another baby when you already have one. Half of me says "no more", and be happy with having one son. The other half says keep trying.

Nicole - Hi! Hope you'll be back here (and on the moms to be...) soon!
GypsySue - did you test again today?

Nicole, it is so great to see you pop in here. Hope all is well with you and that you have good luck with your next embryo. Will you implant only one?

:hug: Allison.

Nicole, it is so great to see you pop in here. Hope all is well with you and that you have good luck with your next embryo. Will you implant only one?


Hi Denae

Yup -- just one. We transferred 2 the last time around and both took but one stopped growing at about 6 weeks -- we are thrilled though to have had the other one grow and develop and now my perfect precious litte Izzy (Isabella) is 3 months old!!! Three months already -- time goes by so fast. But - yes - just one because the "risk" or chance of twins is just too high and I don't think I could manage 3 kids -- 2 would be perfect however. If I do the IVF late fall then the kids would be about 21 months apart in age - which I think would be good.

How are you doing?

Hi Jen in NH --- hope things are going well for you -- your son is adorable!! Hoping for a sibling for him soon.

Hugs to all
Hi Denae

Yup -- just one. We transferred 2 the last time around and both took but one stopped growing at about 6 weeks -- we are thrilled though to have had the other one grow and develop and now my perfect precious litte Izzy (Isabella) is 3 months old!!! Three months already -- time goes by so fast. But - yes - just one because the "risk" or chance of twins is just too high and I don't think I could manage 3 kids -- 2 would be perfect however. If I do the IVF late fall then the kids would be about 21 months apart in age - which I think would be good.

How are you doing?

Hi Jen in NH --- hope things are going well for you -- your son is adorable!! Hoping for a sibling for him soon.

Hugs to all

We are doing well here. I am so happy for you and your sweet little Izzy. Who is taking care of her while you work? When did you go back? I can't believe it has already been three months. Yes, I agree 21 months is a good age difference. Did you see that Carla is pregnant again? Her kids will be even closer than mine I think! :scared1:

Anyway - I think we are seeing our string of BFP's around here we were hoping for. Hopefully I won't be seeing many of you around here much longer.

Rebecca - don't even talk to me about stretch marks. :eek:

Rebecca - don't even talk to me about stretch marks. :eek:



Actually I have quite a few from when I grew as a kid (it's so great being pale) but over the years they have faded out. About a month ago I noticed some of those old ones were starting to get red and purple again so I knew the new ones would be along shortly :rotfl:
Well, I got another BFN this morning...:sad1:
And AS SOON as I finished with the HPT, I wiped, and wouldn't you know it? Brown spotting! :headache: How cruel is fate?!?!? :confused3 No spotting, no signs of AF AT ALL until this morning RIGHT AFTER I tested...The spotting could have at least started BEFORE I wasted a HPT!!! :sad2:

So I had a good long cry, and went on about my morning. I called my RE to do the whole "Today is day 1" song and dance, and to talk about maybe switching things up with the Clomid for the next cycle. Then while I'm on the phone with her, it dawns on me that I haven't been to the bathroom to see if AF is here full force yet. She said to keep taking the Progesterone until AF gets here full force, and to test again in a couple of days if AF doesn't show up. She said it's entirely possible, given the timing, that it's still just a bit too early for a BFP. So she gave me a tiny glimpse of hope...and I'm hanging on to it with everything I have...So far today every time I go to the bathroom, I get nothing until I wipe...then just a little pink or brown. So I'm sitting here hoping AF isn't just playing a cruel game with me. :guilty:
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