Any experience with Combi SUBV or Graco Citilite strollers?


DIS Veteran
Sep 23, 1999
I think I have my search narrowed down to these two strollers and the Jeep Wrangler (but I can't find that anywhere even online.) Do you have any experience with any of these strollers? The Combi folds very small but it seems like it might be hard to fold. Someone else commented that it didn't seem that durable. The Citilite is great but only folds in half. It is very light and can be folded with one hand. The Jeep Wrangler looks great. It is a reclining umbrella stroller with a canopy and big basket but I don't know where to get it. I saw it online at babysupermall, but it isn't available yet and I am leaving in 3 weeks. Any suggestions for under $100 would be appreciated.
I dont know about the subv. But i have sold strollers by combi and own a travel savvy and my friend has thier convienence stroller. I have never heard a bad thing about them. small and lightweight does not equal flimsy though. so i would say go for the combi.
I'm wondering if the Citilite is like the MetroLite... I just bought the Graco MetroLite stroller.... I happen to love it -- lightweight and easy to open and close.... I believe mine only folds in half too... that is the one that I am taking to Florida next month....

I didn't like the combi for my daughter -- they look too slim and narrow....

Good Luck


DVC Member !
that jeep stroller looks liek the century capri i took to wdw last summer. the capri weighed less and was only $40!
I've had a Combi Savvy Z for almost 5 years. It has some wear now, but lasted 4 good years. It is very lightweight and folds easily. My 5 year old can still ride in it size wise. Its brakes are broken off in the last year, and it doesn't have the cush in the wheels that it once did. I've used it a lot, though. I regret not having bought the old double Combi stroller. I have a 22mo old now. I've thought about buying a 2nd Combi, but they are costly. I might look at one of the cheaper ones in the line. We have a large double stroller that I think we'll take on the trip. My husband thinks we should take the Combi,too.


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