And the obnoxious jerk of the day award goes to....


<font color=660099>Not your average kindergarten t
Jul 27, 2000
.... the parent at my school who flipped me off after I told him he couldn't drive past buses while they had their stop signs out and their lights flashing to discharge students:rolleyes:
Oh I hope you know his name, that makes me soooooo MAD :mad:
Sounds like a charming and wonderful role model for his child. :rolleyes:
And he will be the first one screaming and suing when it's his "perfect" child that gets hit by some idiot doing the same thing.

Sorry that happened to you kteacher, I hope he thinks about iut and appologizes for his rude behavior.
Don't think an apology is forthcoming- I guess this isn't the first time he's driven by a bus discharging students or flipped off a staff member.
Originally posted by JohnTBap
Just opening to see if my prediction was true. too.. license plate #?:(
It seems there's never a police officer around to see these things when they happen.
Originally posted by JohnTBap
Just opening to see if my prediction was true.


Kteacher, I feel bad for his kids. Life must be tough for them if the Dad thinks nothing of flipping off school staff and driving without any reguard for childrens safety:(
You'd be amazed at some of the things parents say and do. I'm part of the PTA at our school and we occasionally help out in front of the school making sure parents don't double park (on our busy street), etc, etc...

They always are ready with an excuse and a reason why the rules should be broken for them. I mean, it's for your kid's safety for crying out loud!

You need to keep his licence plate #, and a couple of witnesses to back you up and call the police. This is a serious offense he seems to be repeatedly committing and there is a hefty fine for it. Since he seems to be so flip regarding the safety and welfare of the school children, I would have no qualms turning him in.

It takes all kinds, doesn't it:rolleyes:
There are always some parents like that... the rules don't apply to them and their children.:mad:

Our school has a policy that if anybody (even the parents) picks up a child at school early, they must show i.d. and the person's name has to be on the child's contact list. One time, I was in the office waiting to be called in for a conference, when a father showed up to pick up his child. The assistant principal happened to be at the front desk and told the father that she needed to see his i.d. The father's response, "F.U." and walked out!!:eek: :eek:

My jaw just dropped when I heard this, she told me that she had been told worse things! How much worse can it get? :confused: :(


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