And now for a change of plans-A Dec '18 Solo TR - COMPLETED 9/19

I rarely get to ride PP at Disneyland (it has a long line without FP), so I try to take advantage of it at MK! Peter Pan was my first movie in the theatre, so I have a soft spot for it!

Peter Pan is a sentimental favorite for my Mom and I. It was our first ever ride at Disneyland when I was a kid. So we always try to ride it at either park. And yes, the line at Disneyland is always crazy. We only get to ride most of the time because my Mom gets a wheelchair and we can get a return line instead of waiting in the long line.
We did a DVC tour at BWV last September and even though I only did it for the gift card offer, I soooooo wanted to buy in :earsgirl:. I have decided that some day I'll pull the just wont be yet :rotfl2:. I can't wait to hear what you chose to do!
My only day off this week and I'm frantically playing catch up! Trying to get my own TR finished up as well before going so am having to suffice with reading and enjoying without multi-quoting. But I willl say that the decorations at WL are amazing! So unique and old style! I love it!

The Wave has been on my radar for a while now, but I just can't get past the "cave-like" feel to it. The food always looks amazing, but...

So sorry you were so wiped out, the decorations at FW are over-the-top. :)
Awwww... :)
I really don't remember what my first "in theatre" first movie was... but I do know that (in the church basement) my earliest memories are of Pinocchio and 20,000 Leagues.
:laughing: So now I'm even more confused! How on Earth do you chose from so much variety???
Haha - well, the choice can be made for you if you are going at a busy-enough time! Then everything may get booked up before you can book anywhere besides your home resort! For my NYE trip I ended up needing to add a day due to airfare costs. I had booked a room at AKV just in case, but at the 7-month mark was able to switch it to Boardwalk, where I was going to be for the 8-nights beforehand. No moves = positive for me!
Peter Pan is a sentimental favorite for my Mom and I. It was our first ever ride at Disneyland when I was a kid. So we always try to ride it at either park. And yes, the line at Disneyland is always crazy. We only get to ride most of the time because my Mom gets a wheelchair and we can get a return line instead of waiting in the long line.
Yeah, definitely! Though when I went this summer with my family they all requested we do Peter Pan first, so we just waited in the line!
We did a DVC tour at BWV last September and even though I only did it for the gift card offer, I soooooo wanted to buy in :earsgirl:. I have decided that some day I'll pull the just wont be yet :rotfl2:. I can't wait to hear what you chose to do!
It is a tough decision! Especially with costs keep going up!
The Wave has been on my radar for a while now, but I just can't get past the "cave-like" feel to it. The food always looks amazing, but...
It didn't feel so much like a cave once I was inside! But I get where you'd think that!
Day 9 - Back to Animal Kingdom!
Pre-trip plans
10:30 – Flight of Passage FP
11:15 – Tiffins lunch
1:15 – Wild Africa Trek
4:30 – Dinosaur FP
5:00 – Expedition Everest FP
5:15 – Rivers of Light Dessert Party
9:00 – Geyser Point for dinner

This morning I got up and headed out to Animal Kingdom. Even though I was in the resort furthest away from AK, it’s still my favorite park, and I wanted to spend more time there!

I think it was also a good decision, because the traffic heading into MK was insane! Backed up all the way to DHS!


On my way in I stopped at guest services and got them to cancel the Rivers of Light dessert party. I just knew I wasn’t going to last that long and had missed the cancellation deadline. Thankfully they did it, no problems (you could also hear the raspiness in my voice…)


Also, some photopass pictures!


For breakfast I decided to finally try out a Lumpia, after all I love egg roll types of foods and pineapple. Though I wasn’t a huge fan of this. The wrapper was too thin and stiff. Also I think I was expecting more chunks of pineapple, but it was all mushed up together. So anyways, I was happy to finally try it but it won’t be a repeat.


First fastpass was Flight of Passage, another awesome flight! I think they also called for a single rider almost immediately, so I never really stopped walking until I got into the first pre-show room!

I headed up to Asia and stopped to check out Maharajah Jungle Trek.

One of the bats was moving about.


Love those tigers! At this point they were about 1 yr old and had recently been separated from their mom (as they would have been in the wild). I talked to a CM and she said they would probably move onto another zoo once they start up breeding the mom and dad again.


For lunch, I headed to Nomad Lounge.


I was hoping to get one of the outdoor spots, but they were all taken, so I was indoors. (And the A/C was cranked up so it was FREEZING in there!) I liked the atmosphere but wasn’t as big a fan of the food.


Obligatory menu photo


I ordered Smoked Pork Ribs (sweet soy-glaze, toasted sesame). Not a huge fan of this sauce, I think it tasted too much of Soy for my liking.


And Beef and Truffle Poutine (truffle tremor cheese, French fries, crispy onions, black truffle salt). The cheese was really bleh here and the gravy was way too gray to be appetizing.


I really wish I had just kept my Tiffins reservation… so good to know for the future! (And I don’t blame Nomad Lounge – I think it was just my own personal tastes.)
Now it was time for a tour-Wild Africa Trek.


I had so much fun on this tour in March, I decided to add it again for December. Unfortunately, while I did have enjoyable parts, it wasn’t as good as March. I think it didn’t start out the best due to one of the guests getting a bit sick (maybe food poisoning), which distracted and delayed the tour guides as we had climbed up above the Gorilla Falls Trail. They can’t hook you up to a lot of the harnesses with just one person (I guess safety issues), so the remaining guide had to stall for time. And they just seemed thrown off for the rest of the tour. I guess I don’t blame anyone, just the overall situation wasn’t the best.

Various photos from the tour


The hippos are always cool, but unfortunately we didn’t see baby Augustus (or the new baby giraffe).



I think the timing for this tour was also unfortunate because some of the animals were ready to go in for a break (I did the 1:15 tour; in March I did the 11:30 tour, so I’d recommend that one or earlier – the 11:30 one may also be the first with lunch food and the AP discount).


The food still was yummy though – I love that curry chicken salad, which is so surprising because I usually don’t like curry!


Some photos out on the savanna. I think Stella decided to hang out in the area of the elephant enclosure closest to the Boma, so we were able to get some extended elephant watching done! Can you tell the difference between the guide’s awesome DSLR and my iphone photos?



And Rhinos. I think one of these was Jao, who I had pet a week earlier.


Actually – this one definitely was her! There’s a hole punch in her ear which sets her apart


They did get some good cat photos though


Overall, I probably won’t bother spending the money to do this again. Maybe if I was visiting with someone who had never done it and wanted to, I’d consider it again. But it’s a lot of money! I still do recommend people who haven’t done it, give it a shot though, because it is pretty cool! (And actually if I hadn't had such a good time in March, I probably would have been totally satisfied with this one too.)
After the tour I headed over for a wild ride on Everest! I love this coaster! Not nondescript at all…(I wrote this right after that infamous Bob Iger quote)



And then I was done – just hadn’t full recovered from being sick yet.


Rather than heading back to the Wilderness Lodge, I caught the bus to the Polynesian. This was actually my first visit to the Poly!


I checked out the decorations a bit, nothing too crazy, but I do appreciate the tropical touches.


For dinner I headed to Kona Café. I think I was expecting something a bit more low-key, not right above the main lobby. So it was a bit louder than I preferred.


To start, the rolls – yum! I only ate 1-2 at the restaurant, but I wrapped up the others and snacked on them back in my room.


And the Asian Stir Fry. Though I got it without peanuts, so I don’t know if that meant they threw in more veggies, because mine seemed more colorful than some of the others I had seen on people’s tables (or maybe just the peanuts covered up the colorful veggies?). But it was a good thing I got this now, because they changed the menu after I left and it’s now gone! I liked it, but not as much as I would eventually like the Ohana noodles!


For dessert I got the Lava Cake, which was pretty good. I think it didn’t gush chocolate as much as I would have liked, but overall it was yummy.


I did like the meal. I’m not opposed to going back, but I have other places I want to go to more!

After finishing up, I headed out for a brief walk around the resort. I didn’t go too far, just out to the beach and around the dock and back. But it was nice and peaceful.


In theory I could have taken the boat to the MK and then boat to WL, or monorail to MK or Contemporary and boat to WL, but I was tired, so I decided to just call an Uber, who took me right back to the WL. The traffic was backed up like crazy heading into the TTC and Poly! It was a Saturday night, so one of the only days where MK was available to the General Public at night (Thurs, Fri, and Sunday were party nights).


I headed back to the resort and knew I needed to pack up everything. Of course I did have a surprise when I checked the one package I had delivered to the resort, where the MVMCP ornament had shattered living a glitter explosion inside! Guess I would need to take it back to MK the next day to get a replacement.


And I tried to take some of the EWP photos from my balcony, but a tree was in the way/my phone can’t take good night photos!


Anyways, I packed up everything I needed to and headed to sleep for the final time at WDW in 2018! I think I watched some trash reality tv shows too…because what else are you going to do on vacation!
A check of pre-trip plans
10:30 – Flight of Passage - check
11:15 – Tiffins lunch – Changed to Nomad Lounge
1:15 – Wild Africa Trek – Check
4:30 – Dinosaur FP – Nope
5:00 – Expedition Everest FP - check
5:15 – Rivers of Light Dessert Party - cancelled
9:00 – Geyser Point – Switched to Kona Cafe

Coming up - Time to go home, but how successful would my last day be?
For breakfast I decided to finally try out a Lumpia, after all I love egg roll types of foods and pineapple. Though I wasn’t a huge fan of this. The wrapper was too thin and stiff. Also I think I was expecting more chunks of pineapple, but it was all mushed up together. So anyways, I was happy to finally try it but it won’t be a repeat.


I finally got to try this last week. It reminded me a lot like the pineapple wonton skewers at Y&Y! I liked it, but I won't be running back to Pandora for it.

Sorry WAT didn't measure up to the one you took in March! It's always disappointing when you look forward to revisiting a great experience and it just isn't the same.

I did like the meal. I’m not opposed to going back, but I have other places I want to go to more!

Agreed! Especially with the new menu.
Kona Cafe had always been a favorite for my Mom and I. I went in March not realizing the menu had changed and was so disappointed. I usually always got the Asian noddles that you got. I have it booked for my trip in September in the hopes that Kona would come to their senses and change the menu back, but that has not happened, so looks like I will be cancelling that soon. I am giving it another week or so before I actually cancel it.
Sounds like a nice day in AK! I'm sorry the Trek wasn't as good as your previous one!

Ahh glitter explosion! That's a shame the ornament broke, hopefully they were able to replace it for you!
I think it was also a good decision, because the traffic heading into MK was insane! Backed up all the way to DHS!
On my way in I stopped at guest services and got them to cancel the Rivers of Light dessert party. I just knew I wasn’t going to last that long and had missed the cancellation deadline. Thankfully they did it, no problems
I firmly believe that the no-show penalty is just that. It's not meant to be punitive if you cancel last minute. People have to cancel for valid reasons all the time.
They just don't want people making ADRs, potentially blocking others, and then not even bothering to show. As long as they know even a few minutes ahead of time, they can fill that empty seat with a walk-up.
For breakfast I decided to finally try out a Lumpia, after all I love egg roll types of foods and pineapple. Though I wasn’t a huge fan of this. The wrapper was too thin and stiff. Also I think I was expecting more chunks of pineapple, but it was all mushed up together. So anyways, I was happy to finally try it but it won’t be a repeat.
This really doesn't sound appealing.
I think they also called for a single rider almost immediately, so I never really stopped walking until I got into the first pre-show room!
One of the bats was moving about.
Looks spider-like
I had so much fun on this tour in March, I decided to add it again for December. Unfortunately, while I did have enjoyable parts, it wasn’t as good as March.
Sorry it wasn't as good. But your explanation of why makes that understandable I guess.
In theory I could have taken the boat to the MK and then boat to WL, or monorail to MK or Contemporary and boat to WL, but I was tired, so I decided to just call an Uber, who took me right back to the WL.
Do you remember roughly how much it was?
And I tried to take some of the EWP photos from my balcony, but a tree was in the way
Don't you hate when you forget to pack your chainsaw for a trip?
I think I watched some trash reality tv shows too…because what else are you going to do on vacation!
I finally got to try this last week. It reminded me a lot like the pineapple wonton skewers at Y&Y! I liked it, but I won't be running back to Pandora for it.

Sorry WAT didn't measure up to the one you took in March! It's always disappointing when you look forward to revisiting a great experience and it just isn't the same.
Yeah - I'm a fan of pineapple and wontons and ice cream, but I actually wasn't a fan of the skewers either! But I think that's just me being weird!
Great hippo pics.
Thanks! Love me some cutie hippos!
Kona Cafe had always been a favorite for my Mom and I. I went in March not realizing the menu had changed and was so disappointed. I usually always got the Asian noddles that you got. I have it booked for my trip in September in the hopes that Kona would come to their senses and change the menu back, but that has not happened, so looks like I will be cancelling that soon. I am giving it another week or so before I actually cancel it.
Yeah, and it's so expensive now! Signature prices without the signature experience!
Have you done Savor the Savanna? Dan and I really enjoyed it in June!!
I haven't! I'd consider it but I do like the whole hippo part! Maybe if I get my family to come out one year, that would be a good option!
Sounds like a nice day in AK! I'm sorry the Trek wasn't as good as your previous one!

Ahh glitter explosion! That's a shame the ornament broke, hopefully they were able to replace it for you!
Yeah, they were pretty cool about it! But I think I got a bunch of glitter on the couch in the room!
I firmly believe that the no-show penalty is just that. It's not meant to be punitive if you cancel last minute. People have to cancel for valid reasons all the time.
They just don't want people making ADRs, potentially blocking others, and then not even bothering to show. As long as they know even a few minutes ahead of time, they can fill that empty seat with a walk-up.
Very true!
Do you remember roughly how much it was?
I just looked it up and it says $6.33. But I don't know if that included tip or not...
Don't you hate when you forget to pack your chainsaw for a trip?
Yeah - my brother stole mine for his own vacation!
Day 10 - Wet, but not quite wild, at Disney!
Pre-trip plans
9:30 – 1900 Park Fare breakfast
11:00 – BTMR
12:00 – Jingle Cruise
1:00 – 7DMT
2:00 – Kona Café lunch
8:15 – Fly home

Today I woke up and knew it was my last day. So very sad, but at the same time I knew I’d be back in less than 2 months, so I wasn’t too upset!

Though I checked outside and it was pretty grey and rainy.

I collected all my bags, packed up all the last things. And had bell services pick up my owners locker and rolling carry-on. Meanwhile I took my large checked bag down to resort airport check-in.


Afterwards I headed out to the boat dock. I had been hoping the rain would remain a sprinkle, but as we got towards the MK, it just started to pour! Oof!


But I knew I needed to head in to exchange that ornament which had caused the glitter explosion. Of course, the rain meant it was sooo empty there! Maybe a 20 minute wait posted for 7DMT and 5 minutes to meet Mickey. There were plenty of photopass photographers, though they would remain under cover and just take photos of people in the rain!


I made my way to the emporium (annoyingly had to push through lots of people gathered in the entrance ways just trying to avoid rain – like, dude, move in and get out of the way of people who are actually entering the Emporium!). And was easily able to exchange the ornament. The CM also properly wrapped up the ornament, including putting it in a proper box to make sure it wouldn’t get jostled. And thankfully it survived intact back home (here's a photo of some ornaments before decorating the tree).


Some castle photos – I took photos of a family and they returned the favor


At that point I didn’t really want to have to go all the way to Frontierland to use my FPs, as I was a bit worried about how wet my feet/legs were getting (the rest was safe under my poncho). I realized I hadn’t done Monsters Inc Laugh Floor yet this trip, so I headed there. It was a fun show, but nothing too memorable.


I had considered doing the Peoplemover but that would have gotten me even wetter. So I decided to call it, and head back to the resort.


I had texted with my mom to let her know how wet I was (literally my feet and the bottom 2 ft of my legs were just saturated) and she gave the suggestion to get new socks. So, lightbulb! Why not get socks, shoes, pants. Because I would have been miserable on the plane if I was in pants which were soaked from the knees down!


I had hoped they would have slippers or something, but I couldn’t find any, so ended up having to get some sandals (hey, better than my soaking wet shoes). And I got 2 pairs of socks, just in case (actually I had my eyes on both of those sock designs at Disneyland but I never had an excuse to buy them). And they had some sweatpants, so I got those too (which thankfully were actually super comfy, though not the most fashionable). (The CM double bagged all my things so they wouldn't get wet while I was walking outside, which was very thoughtful!)


Some photos before leaving (this was also the week President Bush Sr had died so the flags were all at half mast for a while).


Anyways, I headed back to WL. I had hoped to grab lunch at Geyser Point (well, really it was my first meal of the day since I hadn’t had breakfast). But I knew it was partly outdoors and I was cold and wet… so instead I headed to Roaring Fork. I got a pulled pork sandwich, which tasted pretty good. Though I wish there was more meat, because it looks a bit sad.


All the fireplace spots were taken in the main building, so I ended up heading to the Boulder Ridge lobby. I had seen some comfy chairs and was hoping they would be available. Unfortunately, all those chairs were taken by people waiting for their rooms to be ready. They did have 2 rocking chairs and some seats by the hearth on the main side of the fireplace, so I ended up getting those (well, I grabbed them once other people left). So I pulled off my soaking wet clothes, and laid them out to dry out slightly. I also changed into my sweatpants and it was sooo much more comfortable! I ended up chilling there for a couple hours.


Eventually I decided to head back up to the main lodge. I went back to Roaring Fork and grabbed a couple treats – a Magic Cookie bar (I think Ariane would disown me if I didn’t try these at least once), a campfire cupcake, and a pumpkin muffin. The cookie bar was decent, but I don’t like nuts, so had to pick through those. And the campfire cupcake was good, but hard to eat without a proper table (my fault, not the cupcakes fault). I planned to save the muffin for the plane, but ended up forgetting about it for a couple days… so I never tried that one!


I was able to get a spot on the 4th floor fireplace nook, so chilled out there for a while.


And before leaving I stopped to get a photopass picture to show off my amazing fashion sense…


But before long, it was time to hop on the Tragical Express and head to MCO.

Sad to be leaving…


But – I’m coming back in 2 months (I had actually booked my FPs for my February trip while I was in WDW) - Oh, I will be starting up this TR very soon!


We ended up having to make one stop at Old Key West and it took about an hour to get to MCO. There was an older lady who boarded at OKW who had such a tough time boarding the stairs of the bus, she really should have taken an Uber or taxi and I felt so bad for her!

Of course long lines at TSA, but my precheck helped things out! I did get a testy TSA agent though. When I got into the precheck line there wasn’t anyone, so I was able to walk right up to the agent checking ID/tickets. I still had to pull out my ID, so wasn’t totally prepared like I usually am. He checks the ID, ticket, everything turns green. Then he decides to lecture me about how I needed to wait until I get called over by the agent because he could have been doing something else and then I interrupted him. Like what? First, I swear he had motioned me over. Second, isn’t this your job? It just was weird….


Anyways, I made it thru security and on the fake-o-rail.

For dinner I stopped at the Chinese food counter in the terminal. Big mistake. First, long line and then the food was bleh. The noodles literally tasted like something was rotten. Ugh.


Oh well.

Oh and didn’t I look classy on that plane (I had actually worn my damp shoes thru security and switched to my 2nd pair of socks and dry sandals for the flight.


I had another exit row with unlimited legroom.

I ended up paying for internet for the flight because, of course, the Rams were playing (I had packed my Rams ears in my carry-on so if they won I was going to wear them in the airport)! I was able to watch it on my phone, so had a bit of a weird setup. I watched the game on my phone with my earbuds. But during commercials I was bored, so I pulled up Antman and the Wasp on the plane screens, which I listened via over the ear headphones. So I had 2 headphones in and I just paused the movie/muted the commercials!

Unfortunately the Rams lost… ugh! Oh well, as I mentioned earlier, we ended up still going to the Superbowl!


After the game/movie I don’t remember what I watched. Maybe tv shows – I don’t think there was enough time for a full movie?

As we flew into LA I got to see the construction progress on the new Rams stadium – I can’t wait for it to open!


And no real issues with bags or getting home. But I was happy to cuddle my kitties!

Of course, wake up and time for work in the morning!
A review of pre-trip plans
9:30 – 1900 Park Fare breakfast – cancelled in advance
11:00 – BTMR – skipped
12:00 – Jingle Cruise – changed during the trip but skipped whatever I replaced it with
1:00 – 7DMT – skipped

2:00 – Kona Café lunch – cancelled and did dinner the night before

8:15 – Fly home

Coming up - final thoughts and a little epilogue!
Today I woke up and knew it was my last day. So very sad, but at the same time I knew I’d be back in less than 2 months, so I wasn’t too upset!

The most bittersweet feeling: knowing that you're leaving today, but you'll be back for another trip of fun later!

Poncho pics are so fun!

I'm so glad you were able to get that ornament exchanged because it's so cute!

I got a pulled pork sandwich, which tasted pretty good. Though I wish there was more meat, because it looks a bit sad.


That does look sad... glad it tasted good, though!

I went back to Roaring Fork and grabbed a couple treats – a Magic Cookie bar (I think Ariane would disown me if I didn’t try these at least once), a campfire cupcake, and a pumpkin muffin. The cookie bar was decent, but I don’t like nuts, so had to pick through those. And the campfire cupcake was good, but hard to eat without a proper table (my fault, not the cupcakes fault).

Just wanna say that I, too, tried to eat a campfire cupcake without a proper table this past trip and it was quite a struggle.

This looks like such a cozy afternoon!

And before leaving I stopped to get a photopass picture to show off my amazing fashion sense…


Okay, I love these sweatpants a lot!!!

So glad you got home safe despite testy TSA agents, bad airport food, and the Rams losing! Sorry for those rough few hours.

This was an AMAZING TR! I love the way you write and can't wait for the wrap up and more importantly, THE FEBRUARY TR! :cheer2:
Today I woke up and knew it was my last day.
"Said the prisoner before ordering his last meal and being given the last rites."
I knew I’d be back in less than 2 months, so I wasn’t too upset!
That helps ease the pain. :)
as we got towards the MK, it just started to pour! Oof!
Not cool Disney! It's her last day! Give her a break!
I needed to head in to exchange that ornament which had caused the glitter explosion.
That sounds like such a good thing!

But I guess it's more like:
I made my way to the emporium (annoyingly had to push through lots of people gathered in the entrance ways just trying to avoid rain – like, dude, move in and get out of the way of people who are actually entering the Emporium!).
Or... man up! go outside and get wet!
I had considered doing the Peoplemover but that would have gotten me even wetter. So I decided to call it, and head back to the resort.
This is so tragic.
So, lightbulb! Why not get socks, shoes, pants. Because I would have been miserable on the plane if I was in pants which were soaked from the knees down!
Great idea! :)
All the fireplace spots were taken in the main building
Probably by other guests who were cold and wet.
And before leaving I stopped to get a photopass picture to show off my amazing fashion sense…
Perfect. :)
Then he decides to lecture me about how I needed to wait until I get called over by the agent because he could have been doing something else and then I interrupted him. Like what? First, I swear he had motioned me over. Second, isn’t this your job? It just was weird….
That really annoys me. They know they're in a position of power and any little thing that bothers them they can take out on you because they know you are completely helpless to do anything.
For dinner I stopped at the Chinese food counter in the terminal. Big mistake. First, long line and then the food was bleh. The noodles literally tasted like something was rotten. Ugh.
I had another exit row with unlimited legroom.
So I had 2 headphones in and I just paused the movie/muted the commercials!
Again, all of your WDW Christmas pics are making me want to plan a December trip! The WL is just gorgeous at Christmas :lovestruc

Of course, luck wasn’t with me, as I arrived behind a group of people, and then most of the people already on the boat didn’t bother getting off. So the line got cut off just in front of me and I was stuck waiting for ANOTHER boat! Ugh! I really wished I had just taken an Uber from WL to GF.

The boats are always kind of pokey and can take forever if you miss one. I will only take them when I'm not in a rush to get anywhere.

A CM at Wilderness Lodge showed me how to take a vertical panorama to get the full tree in a photo!

Awesome! I didn't know you could do that, I'm going to have to try it.

After the tour, I stopped into the Mercantile store to pick up the MK merch I had sent over, as well as buy some other stuff!

So cute!


Super cute! As were the adorable Mickey and Minnie you picked up for me :love:

Also, some photopass pictures!


Cute! I love your shirt ::yes::

I had so much fun on this tour in March, I decided to add it again for December. Unfortunately, while I did have enjoyable parts, it wasn’t as good as March. I think it didn’t start out the best due to one of the guests getting a bit sick (maybe food poisoning), which distracted and delayed the tour guides as we had climbed up above the Gorilla Falls Trail. They can’t hook you up to a lot of the harnesses with just one person (I guess safety issues), so the remaining guide had to stall for time. And they just seemed thrown off for the rest of the tour. I guess I don’t blame anyone, just the overall situation wasn’t the best.

That's too bad that it wasn't as good. I still think I'd like to try this one sometime.

I think the timing for this tour was also unfortunate because some of the animals were ready to go in for a break (I did the 1:15 tour; in March I did the 11:30 tour, so I’d recommend that one or earlier – the 11:30 one may also be the first with lunch food and the AP discount).

Good to know :thumbsup2

This was actually my first visit to the Poly!

What?? I don't believe it!

After finishing up, I headed out for a brief walk around the resort. I didn’t go too far, just out to the beach and around the dock and back. But it was nice and peaceful.

I love walking around The Poly :love:

Of course I did have a surprise when I checked the one package I had delivered to the resort, where the MVMCP ornament had shattered living a glitter explosion inside! Guess I would need to take it back to MK the next day to get a replacement.



But I knew I needed to head in to exchange that ornament which had caused the glitter explosion. Of course, the rain meant it was sooo empty there! Maybe a 20 minute wait posted for 7DMT and 5 minutes to meet Mickey.

That's kind of awesome…although, I don't know that I'd want to go on 7DMT in the rain.

And thankfully it survived intact back home (here's a photo of some ornaments before decorating the tree).


Cute :-)

Some castle photos – I took photos of a family and they returned the favor


It's so empty!

I had texted with my mom to let her know how wet I was (literally my feet and the bottom 2 ft of my legs were just saturated) and she gave the suggestion to get new socks. So, lightbulb! Why not get socks, shoes, pants. Because I would have been miserable on the plane if I was in pants which were soaked from the knees down!

Good thinking!

(The CM double bagged all my things so they wouldn't get wet while I was walking outside, which was very thoughtful!)


I have those same shoes! I bought them during a monsoon in AK. Honestly, they are soooooo comfortable that I've been wearing them every day all summer. If they ever break I'd get another pair ::yes::

And before leaving I stopped to get a photopass picture to show off my amazing fashion sense…


Cute, and I love the pants.


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